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Corruption Tournament OOC discussion and planning

can i play? I can promise to read what i type before post it


I'm not stopping you from playing. I'm simply not engaging in scenes with you because english below a certain level ruins my immersion. I dun care about a few typos or grammas hickups here and there but.. *chuckles*
Posted a new signup thread to gauge/attract interest, let's see how it goes: Here
Hello all... Leanne has decided to become a superhero and get many adoring fans... Obviously therefore she's on the lookout for anything she can use to prove herself to the world.
Well then she is pretty accurate here. :)
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Hello all... Leanne has decided to become a superhero and get many adoring fans... Obviously therefore she's on the lookout for anything she can use to prove herself to the world.

If you want, she can face off against my demon
To all the players, im focused in the discord duels, i may have all ready in some hours for the others characters to join
Oh this all looks familiar. Though it also seems a bit....*Watches tumbleweed go by* barren right now. Id join up but it seems a bit slow now for my taste.
True, that is why is faster use discord. Maybe in three days i will have some time to place some of the discord sessions
So its being moved over to a discord room? If so that grab my attention far more.
Most of the fights are there. We start around this hour, of course you can post when you have time. Do you want to get an invitation?
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