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Corruption Tournament Rudociel Nest


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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These hidden ruins dissipate as the dust before appear in a different land. Rudociel childrens bring choiced mortals among the different lands, so these entertain the owner of this temple and feed her with their dispair.

When a Hero is caught and the demon minions bring her to this place, the temple get randomly the attributes and bonnus of a land owned by the demons.
- A hero must find the exit or face three minor demons in order to escape
-Defeat a minor demon will bring an half point or a treasure
-Defeat the real demon will make the temple dissapear and the hero will have a +5 in her rolls at the demon land choiced to give stats to this dungeon, one round per each minor or demon defeated
- The ruins will appear again after some time if the real demon is defeated



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Halfling Dark Inn
Tag: Tessa

The cum covered pregnant halfling was not sure when she will give birth the beings inside her womb. The door and only way to escape of this room was locked, but she have the key between her equipment. She could wait maybe a day until give birth or risk herself and take teh long path instead the down stairs.
The sperm continues to make her disgusted. She had a strange hunger for it. She did not know what to do. As she was about to leave prison, it rumbled inside her. Whatever that entity was in her. That would probably soon be over. That made her angry. She wanted her belly cut open. But she knew she would not survive. So she waited.
Still locked in the filthy room, the halfling decide to wait there, she look for a confortable corner and wait for the birth yet this take a while. All this time she dont have any water or food, the only edible thing for her to taste was her own fluids and the cum over and inside her. Just the feeling of it all over her mantain her distracted and confused as her belly growl to have it but her mind was not sure than could resist to drink that again.

Tessa has giving birth many times, she was not sure but each birth has been easier, the last few times she even cum and giggle with her mind almost lost in lust, but she suppsoe than that happened thanks the properties of that tentacle nest. It would take a whole day for her to give birth and her hunger and weakness increase, the demand of her belly was biggger and just then she notice some seeds, most likely a small sack of nuts at another corner in this room
~ I hate to wait and then even with growling stomach ~ Halflinge true known for it and fell to eat. But she did not really have anything out of this disgusting thing. Which she doubted would be nutritious in any way. So she waited for the event with stomach growls. She had not gotten over it. Every time she got pregnant or gave birth. Everything refused in her. Even if her body said something else. The more it happened today. But then she saw a bag. She would open them and see what is true in them. Maybe it would be something tasty or at least interesting.
Halfling Dark Inn
Tag: Tessa

With her affected mind weak by this hunger, she open with difficulty the bag using her brute strenght as just the most simple knot was impossible untie for her. Some of the seeds escape from the bag thanks her brute attempt than tear the bag making it unable of be used again. There were nuts, pistachios and others edible seeds. She start to eat them but in the instant she feels so sick than she split and cough for minutes.

All these seeds werent rotten or affected by the enviroment, the bag looks to be new. Maybe someone place it just some hours ago. [ That was awful yet fun, i let a cake at the next room for you a feast than my servants stole from the citadel, why dont you go there to try it?] The Slime woman said talking directly to her mind
What a terrible magic this damnable demon had done to the nuts. They looked good from the file with butter roasted they fought even better but this nausea. Something the Halblin did not actually stomach. She cursed this demon. ~ yes, yes sure, there is a hook Dan is back to the cake. Probably a monster is waiting in the next room ~ but that does not matter. She had to eat something. So she got up shakily and. Would use the key to get to the next room.
Halfling Dark Inn
Tag: Tessa

[That would be so simple for my taste, eat all what you can and dont fear, your next opponent is waiting after that long passage] The slime add at the halfling mind, Tessa went witout care of be naked and soaked in cum, her need for eat something was her only need right now.

As she get out her room, she notice at the next room a huge wedding cake over a table, this was not the only thing there as there was some dry meat, some bread, beer, spicy food, dry fish, even some sweets, all served just an hour ago, so some of the food was still slighty warm. At a side of the table was a huge vassel with demon cum -spread me in your food- was what a paper mention attacked to this still hot vessel with most likely fresh cum from many creatures.
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Strangely, as Tesser with disgust to the vessel with sperm looked. she overcame a strange hunger. She would, however, shake her head. It seemed almost like the land of plenty and her hungry stomach wanted something. So she would start shoveling in the first bites. But as she shook it out, it came out again. It almost looked like she could not hold anything. She tried again and again every time she ate something she vomited again. Föllig exhausted and trembling, she mumbles. "That's not coloring. What did you do to me?" Dan looked at her until now completely oblivious with the sperm and her stomach growled. She doubted that she would bring the irgentwas. Carefully she would put a finger in the disgusting hand and touch the tongue tip. Her facial expression was as if she were tearing her tongue near an open lemon.
Halfling Dark Inn
Tag: Tessa

With every puke not only Tessa was making a mess in the room, but she was tasking back the leftovers as her life as breeder, mostly a mix of monster jizz and slime, her emptyness just increase and her needs too, thankfully she stop before her lack of nutrients cause her to faint.

Between giggles the demon answer [Oh my... all that food than my minions collected from your people.] The slime woman needed a moment to stop her laught, giving time to Tessa to taste the vile jizz, it was repugnant but she couldt stop to suck her even when she dont like the taste with all her soul. [All is fine, is normal than lower beings like you completely break at our breeding chamber, that is why i improved your organs, of course than your new organs adapt for the rest of your life to your first food and that was this nutritive fluid, arent you a lucky harlot? Thanks to this you got to survive that endless rape, you are welcome] Said this she let Tessa start sattling her needs with the nasty warm fluid, as she havent eaten in almost a whole day she would need to drink most

Just then in middle of her task the demon said mostly frowning [And who do you expect will eat all that mortal food? I may give you a little tip, if you damp completely any food in that fluid you will be able to eat it without return such thing, with the time maybe you get to train yourself, any mortal do that. Hmhm, Most likely your slutty brain shrunk for skip all these meals, poor Tessa... For your own good if you dare to leave anything i will go there to force you to eat it all]
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~ Bitch I hate it. Never again to eat something wonderful. To experience real flavors. NO ... This disgusting stuff. Upgraded, pah you have changed me. In your bombastic way. Tessa despaired inside. It was well-known. It even stayed in her even though she always had a toilet in her throat. "Ok Dan, it has to be that way"
Halfling Dark Inn
Tag: Tessa

[Heh, flavors you said? Let me solve that the same time than we see again] The demon dont invade her mind again between her intersting meal, letting the halfling focus in her terrible ordeal, from the delicious cake to the spicy food, all was moistened with the vile corrupted cream, at least in this way she could enjoy the flavors of her food than slowly start to mantain inside her until she end all what was served for her, even when it was for at least 30 persons [You can stop now, there is not need to polish that empty vessel] The demon mention softly teasing the halfling as this was still licking the crock which was completely clean of jizz, leaving some confusion on Tessa as she was struggling until the end to clean all. The feast at the table were just crumbs and she could feel than she could eat more. At least now she dont have problems in think correctly, as the hunger has leave, for now.

It was then when she start to feel how her body start to preapre for the birth. [ Uhm, there is a mess between your legs and your nipples are erected, the time to give birth to your last non demon children is close to come to this world. Let me know if you need some help] Said this the demon wait for Tessa to decide, the halfling has lost count of the many creatures comming out her womb, but this could be teh first time doing this without Rudociel help
The help of the demon was disturbing. But at least that was the way she could put something. She started to eat and eat. It was almost unstoppable hunger. Dan had devoured everything and even more than round Tessa sat down. ~ DAMN seriously ~ she thought as it rumbled in her womb. She took one of her knives from her pruning. She would get through it.
She prepared herself. She did not see it as asking for help from the dame.
Halfling Dark Inn
Tag: Tessa

Placed in position the labors start, the halfling hold her knife close in case of be needed, yet this ended to help her in hold herself between this growing strange pleasure, she was able to see how her hips move by tehmselves, the petals opening as her depraved fluids start to leak out, as the minutes go on her voice meek and her flesh get a pink blush. Shivering in delight her children slowly come out touching her erogenous spots inside her walls created by teh many demons some weeks ago.

Some red hair start to come out united at a small head, she push to end this but her body return the children inside her a few times, her pervert side trained to pleasure herself with her babies until her master pull them out at her to make her cum aloud. However, this time she was alone, she wanted to hold the kid and take it out, but her whole lack of strengh thanks her lustful state, until suddenly almost exhausted somehow the baby come out and start to cry between the long moan than Tessa give in her orgasm.

She was not sure how, but she got to lay this baby who looks to be an halfling, just like her, there was nothing rare in this being, her hand still have the knife and she was recovering her breath
The orgasm shook her several times. Her body liked the birth mitlaweile so much that she came to orgasm. What completely irritated her.
She had done it now and held the knife in her hand. She saw the little helpless and cute creature. What drew her to her. Strangely enough, she had not really sustained any injuries. She had probably been so fond of the long torture that this was no longer the case. She now had the little thing in her arm and cut off the umbilical cord. Tears shot in, her eyes. She remembered the words the demon said a long time ago. That they would look like them but in reality. Simple beings keep control of the Demon. They would later turn Dan into monsters. So she raised the knife. She lied to the child and reassured that everything was alright. The tears burned Irish eyes. But she was sure that she had to do it. That's how she started to do it.
As any other baby halfling, it cry after get out her mother. All on her looks to be normal and no one was there to stop Tessa of her choice, this was a moment where only herself could stop this event.


It was so shocking the next moment than Tessa almost couldnt remember more after do her task, she was there walking with her equipment, she was not sure if she clean herself, she just wanted to continue. berween her trhoughts she stop. She needed to decided between that long passage in front of her or the stone downstairs at her left. Down after the stairs she could still hear muffed mewls and some fluids drops falling at the dark end of these stairs.
Still tears in my eyes. She had to go on. She would never forgive the demon for what she had done to her. She was sure she was right. But slowly she doubted. But when she began to doubt and despair. She was at the turnoff. This time she chose the other one. She knew what was waiting for her down there.
Not ready to visit Rudociel again, Tessa used the large path in front of her, this ended at a dead end but there were four doors for her to choice. The first was an iron door, at its sides she could see two statues one made of ivory with an angelic figure and the other made of onyx was certainly a demon, the door was adorned with many humanoid figures in lewd positions.

The second door have some webs and opened eggs, the door made of wood and have many holes yet all was deep dark there.

The third looks to have a royalty status thanks the quality of the door and

Finally the fourth looks to be quite artistic made of a strange material
Tessa had no idea what she should choose now. So she decided on the last door. The spinning door and the Lustgruben door was not so sympathetic to her now that the third door was strange. So she would choose the last door and see if she can stoke it and step inside.
Halfling Dark Inn
Tag: Tessa

All the doors look to be all unlocked. Opening the artistic one, the halfling see most likely pervert art in the walls, , one of the paintings is called "Invasion" in it Tessa could see some explicit rape at a huge city where the first portal appear. Other was called "The start of the great war" Once again she see how weak and helpless her world was against the invasion, males and females and even tehirs horses were taken by the corruption.

At the other wall she read "The demon world" she can see mostly how humans were taken at teh firsts years to that cursed place as trophies, more than a royal family and heroic hero was taken there to never return. Finally the last picture "Paradise" was whole dark where just a workplace with puppets and others humanoid sex toys were in there. Between teh four pictures in the front wall was a door. a common one made of beautiful wood