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Corruption Tournament Rudociel Nest

The silver haired woman start to use a strange power to lift the rocks all over her, but Tessa was far away of her reach. She tehn place her arrow than she dont notice than her hand got to cover the arrow in the aphrodisiac thanks to Tesy command. In an instant she aim and shoot. The arrow fly without troubles until it land At Silvia's head. There was a moment where both froze, but Silvia only moan in pleasure before teh arrow fall at the floor, there was not a single mark of blood on it or Silvia who thanks to this detect her opponent, she could feel some lust growing at her after the hit.

24-13= 11/2 6damage and 5PP damage to Silvia

*THUNK* was the sound that sounded out when Silvia got caught by surprise and took an arrow to the head, even more so when she isn't harmed but now she is feeling a lustful heat stirring in her loins. "...found you. Now fall" Silvia said, eyes locked onto her foe as psychic power surged around her body and extended her hand out, a bolt of psychic might shooting out from her hand and right at Tessa.

(Silvia attacks with Mental: 20 1d10: 2 Total: 22)
Mental Defense 10-2 + 5 [dice] +4 (ability to adapt) = 17 so 5 damage stamina 14

Tessa was surprised by the arrow itself. He had met but. He does no harm. He should have knocked them over on the stables. "What the hell what are those arrows for you stupid doll." Tessa complains to herself. As she suddenly surprised by a flash of her opponent and with full force. Caught and thrown with a bang against the next wall
Tessa's mind got some images from yesterday, she remember had seen this woman there but also she got to remember a few rules than the heroes had decided, to dont kill each other they couldnt cause any wound at the other and instead lust will curse the wounded one. Her flashback end when she hit the wall, as she remember the hit only cause her back to itch yet soon she got to get up, now she could shoot again to this woman or try another tactic against this psichic.

[Tessa attack turn]
trembling. "I'm sorry but I have no other choice," she says and puts the next arrow on which she uses poison. Dan shoots her.

17-2 (by repeated attack) + 2 = 17
The arrow fly directly to her, Silvia tried her ebst to dodge it but in the last instant this land at her right leg, as the other this dont pierce inside her, but the strange fluid at the arrow has managed to pass through her flesh and directly to her muscles and nerves, after tear any cloth in its path the arrow land at the floor.

Silvia then place her itchi leg at the floor and the poison traveled everywhere making her whole being easier to get a climax.

PP Bar got filled all damaged this turn can only be reduced by total defense, skill reductions dont work
Secondary effect PP bar reduced to 5

Silvia got 4 stamina damages
"G-guh!" Silvia yelped when the arrow struck her leg, the poison spreading throughout her body, making it more sensitive than usual. "I-I won't fall here!" she shouted for the first time. "Stay still!" she commanded, psychic power shooting towards Tessa, trying to hold her in place.

(Silvia uses Telekinesis to hold Tessa in place! Mental: 20-1 + 1d10:10 Total: 29)

Tessa had landed another meeting. but she has not quite come to the right time. The situation was absurd. You should not fight each other. Then she was caught by a force and pulled to the ground. She should stick to it. "No, that, close." Tessa sugar vor vorgung and rib his thighs wet eat the klitsch. Tessa would not wait for a long time. ~ Do you need my help? ~ Speak it in her mind.
Easily the halfling was lifted up and far away of a possible way to hit Silvia, at least in a meele way, there werent events happening around them, both were alone in this ghost town.

Silvia could feel than her opponent was a little distracted between their fight

(Tessa can only attack with mental or special abilties )
Tessa tries to free herself. She is pushed down with foller force and the helplessness excites her that rubs her on the floor. "We, we should stop struggling ... us together." Snaps Tessa. ~ Exactly. Lock you in a good chance. Good friend. I'm glad to play with her. ~ "No yours, that should not be a feint.

She does not seem to be attacking. however, to further liberate oneself.

(Do not attack this round but just free yourself.)
Tessa cant escape the hold at time, loss her attack turn.
Silvia can attack again, but need to wait a turn to use telekinesis again
Tessa get to go out the town after her inense fight, reovering of the lustful need until she finally could continue. She cant believe how powerful her whip was or that sudden change to the doll demon in that fight. As she worry about this she hear an intense battle in the arena, sos he decide to get there. In the place she see a trio fighting each other. A giant big breasted girl, a succubus and a ninja. These havent seen her yet.

At the arena there were minor demons and grunts loving the match, maybe they bet for the possible winner.
After her quick victory at the arena, Tessa decide to go to the forest, trying to find what will be her next move. As she get at the garden she could see female shapes at the trees, depraved fruits at the trees with the shapes of cocks or breasts yet all have a lewd female sight in them, as if they had a woman captured and transformed in every plant and rock, it was a scary garden, even the flowers look to be a danger.

In middle of all after walk for a while there was a naked woman resting her back against a pervert tree. The woman have cum all over her, her sight lost, dry tears at her face and a round belly.


Tessa remember the defeated woman, as this was the one give courage to all to use this chance to show the skill of all. The red head was completely naked, without a weapon, she dont have even shoes, her shinning red hair was a mess with all that dense cum at her, in every inch of her pregnant body.
Tessa shook her head true, after all, it had all been wansin. this whole place, the whole situation. Tessy, however, had her fun and the more lenine she was, the more intense and the truer was Tessy's voice.

Now she was in this weird and disgusting garden. Tessa swallowed it as she watched and watched. "How great, and you can not do anything." sniffs the Besigte heroine ~ except the hot cock in you introduce ~ comments Tessy. A short fascinated look after that, but then her eyes fell on the woman. Naked helpless and bare. Follkommen right and only. About udn covered with sperm. She recognized her and would quickly run towards her. She worked the swollen body. "Oh no, do you need help, which was that?" Tessa said worriedly.
The woman dont reacted at the instant , her soul must be worse than how her body look. "Alicia...a dragon woman..." She said without look at Tessa, her hand moving to press her belly. She was without doubt devastated as she let Tessa get closer
Tessa would look for a source of water that would not look corrupted. But she was not sure if she would find something. So Tessa came near and would try to lay a hand on her shoulder. "Please do not hesitate, we'll get out of here, you should think about your words." Tessa's eyes were worried.
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"My words..." The pregnant woman mention almost in a whisper and slowly nod, she accept Tessa lay her hand on her shoulder, then she start to get up. "Can i ask your name?" The girl said almost as if the internal wounds at her soul mantain her almost blind of her surroundings, most likely the hand at her shoulder was as a small light in the inner darkers than her soul face. The place was filled with flowers and trees yet all was corrupted or have the dangerous aphrodisiac poison than the trees and flowers let free for the air take to taint the land. Her eeyes got to recover some light as she look at Tessa for first time "Im not sure, this is the first time than i had see you, but your voice...i had hear it before" The girl mention, most likely because Tessa was a mannequin when they see teh two girls get truned into demons.
Tessa gently smiles at the woman's reaction as the look clears again. But the little halfling lady seems a bit worried when she realizes that the woman does not remember her. So she falls off her eyes like scales and the doll starts to report. ~ Ah yes, little girlfriend. She was one of the cute and horny heroine who transformed our queen. She was obviously having fun. ~ "Shut up" Tessa hisses to Tessy. She looks apologetically at her counterpart. "Can I help you? and yes I was involved in the transformation, but could not help you. "