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Corruption Tournament Rudociel Nest

The red head blink confused, Tessa and Tesy got to share a mouth yet the tone of tehm was slighty different. "The Queen? Oh, you mean that slime woman"She then gets over her feet yet te cum cause her to slip and her large blossom get to press and smearge the cum at Tessa's front. "Im sorry..." said a little afflicted as she blush.

"...no one could do anything, they restrain us with theirs powers... i know the two girls than were transformed that night, i also know half the girls than we face and most of the demons... but after my last fight, i ended like " She mention softly rouching her pregnant belly, the dragon must had taken all of her and drop her round with eggs, mostly. "Can you help me please? to get a weapon... there is a castle and a town close this place, i got to see them at the distance...i could help at your side to pay you"
Tessa agrees that the thing was meant. She was ashamed that she was much earlier checking velor. As the stinging tessa touched, she shook herself, and her stomach began to growl.

When the Rotharige spoke of the zilort merite The Halblingsfrau. "Now let's go there and you'll pay me something back - company and hope."
The redhead hold softly at Tessa's shoulder, most likely needing some help to walk faster "This garden is full with aphrodisiac and dangerous plants...a common girl without training would start masturbating without stop in minutes" She mention yet who know how long she has been resting against that tree. Tessa feels herself more wet of the usual by just some time there. Still, this pregnant lady go on walking even when her eyes only have a brief light of sanity.

Time later they get to the end of the inmense garden and were just a few houses to get to the town, Tessa was in need and she could hear the weak whimpers and pants at the redhead gasps, the nude woman unable to resist lick at the cum close her lips as if she were many times more needed than Tessa, but still she walk without reduce her speed. "I need a time alone in one of these houses, you can hide somewhere close or explore...it will only take me a few minutes" She mention blushing, most likely she wanted to touch herself in private
Also Tessa got it with the redhead clearly butcher went. This garden was corrupt and the moisture between her legs prevented the shooter from moving quickly. So they finally came to the rubies. "well i stay close to anything that shows up." So she went with her company to one of the heuser where she could position herself hidden on the roof.
"Y-yes, it will tkae me just some minutes" The woman mention blushing before close the door. She tried to hide it, most likely using her hand to cover her mouth and use a room far away of where Tessa was looking atound the town, but still the hunter got to hear her lovely muffed moans until the redhead must had getting at least five peaks, then she stop covering her mouth as she moan happily for a little more.

As all this happen Tesa notice two girls going to the west and after a while other duo come from teh mountains, it was a dragon girl in depraved string bikini and a barbaric woman with skimpy animal hides. These two groups havent notice tehm. After that she notice a small girl with horns, the one she remember was a giant and was defeated with her arrow at the colliseum, this girl havent noticed them too.

Some moments later Elisa got to get out the house after sattle her need, ashamed look out the house still with cum all over her and just covering herself with a small rag hidding her birth tunnel. this look to have a rope to hold it in place and abroom stick at her hand "done, where we should go now?"
The sweet groan breaks through Tessa's center and lies as well. Dan described the people who came from the castle. The little woman hid. This dragon looked scary and she was glad to be the first time before. As the redhead for once Tessa nodded. "At Braun, it's going to be hard to do something." "Tessa blocks to the castle." We should go to the castle but if possible so that they do not see us. I hope there is a bath that you can clean yourself. "
"Thanks, but that can wait...this place, the town. Is dangerous unless you want to fight any of them we maybe should hide until they leave" She mention about the bath and then mention about the many fighters in this town. "Im a warrior too, if you want i can fight at your side to win points" Elisa mention as she start to break teh broom stick in half so she could use it with a single hand. The redhead letting Tessa decide ebtween fight at the town or get to the castle
Tessa apologizes. "I think you need some rest until you can fight again ... and we should attack this thing of Dragon when you have recovered." Tessa would prefer to hide and go to the castle.
Elisa sigh and nod, inviting Tessa to hide with her, giving this time to them to talk "Thanks for thing in my state, but i dont have too much time. I was cursed and once i give birth i will restore all of me until turn into an inocent virgin... Im only myself when pregnant yet i lost my sanity hours before give birth"
The Halfling Huntress looked at her incredulously. You're only yourself while you're pregnant That's unbelievably mean That's when you get healed dan ... Can not you remember anything, Dan, you're helplessly exposed to anything that floods you Than you should overlook only the genze hir. "Tessa looks compassionately at the Rothariege woman. "That means it does not help if we stay out of it - if we are unlucky you will be helpless after all?` There must be a way to liberate you a bit from the influence. "We finally learned how to heal the torment, but only until at a certain point. "
The Redhead start to rub her belly to remove the dry cum of the area, exposing some draconic runes than were hard to see thanks teh mess over her. "Give birth will turn me into a Pure Virgin Maiden, a kind innocent clumsy Princess. Still in that state, i will be able to defend myself and i will remember a happy bright realm, a family and the sweet days of my childhood... a lie as that land changed many years ago." Elia mention after bring Tessa inside the house, so they remain hidden in their little chat.

"I may have half a day before my mind break, when that time come lock me somewhere. So, no one can use me to earn free points. I had seen worse curses, please see me as your ally not as a victim" The woman mention as her hand press hard at the broom stick than start to make some few noises, afflicted the redhead almost bow to Tessa to let her fight at her side.
Tessa sniffed as she revealed her situation. "hm great in this time a songs and a curse of similar dimensions." "what you want together" makes. "Tessa is trembling." Damn this thing. Warmm it is the Hir. It can not possibly be one of us if she did that. Fasanerie could not be right. "When she really wanted to fight her" No, I think that's not so nice. "Rather than allied.
"At this moment there are many opponents at this town and for the description than you has said, looks like some had created teams. Our best shoot is decide who to attack and defeat her quickly or we should wait until they defeat each other and then take down the winner" Elisa mention trying to dont focus on the struggle than Tessa looks to had at this moment.
Tessa sighed, clearly exhausted. I would feel better if we go to the castle first and maybe find something to help you ... But you're right, I would not like fighting but it can not be avoided. What do you suggest I would want to wait It's the one you want your revenge and the dragon does not win, but it does not make it so we can not go against the thing. "
I preffer that little girl than fight the dragon and her friend." Elisa mention with sadness in her face, maybe the shock caused by that dragon was still to much for the redhead. "If you know some easier targets, defeated heroes tehn we could try to go and fight them or fight a single opponent"
Tessa shrugged her shoulders, "I would not like to fuss over weaker ones, do not know what kind of people there are, and actually ... let's teach the kite a lesson." Unfortunately, she has a pretty strong looking comrade. "Tessa shakes back and forth with your feet. "we have to do something and put the dragon to work, how do you actually fight, that's not really interesting for me."
"Good, then we will figh them..." Elisa mention with some pain inside her, tehy opened teh door and check for teh dragon woman who looks to be fighting the dragon little girl with horns than was defeated by Tessa arrow, she also see the maniac new demon with her white dress, hugging the barbaric woman and sit at a house close where Tessa and Elisa wait to do tehir move. With the dragon girl fighting the little dragon girl, tehy could go for teh demon and teh barbaric woman. "Do you want to try that hero close the demon? demons cant fight with us, so you can fight that barbaric hero or we could fight her 2 against one."
Tessa follows carefully and surveys the situation. Then she looks at the reddish one. "The demon, if someone has dozed off, get the demon." So she would get ready to fight.
"Fine, i will take care of the demon. Focus your attack at the barbarian lady and i will join the fight if you need it" Elisa mention, letting Tessa get ready for her fight with the barabarian woman.

(You attack first in this fight against the barbarian woman.)
Tessa nodded to her companion. This bizarre-looking barbarian was the target. Almost without thinking, an arrow was dipped in the poison and Dan put an arrow on it. "hay you Langbein ever fought with someone in your big one." Laughed the little woman * giggle you seem right in it to grow up small. I do not need to do anything. Jokeed Tessy *