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Corruption Tournament The Binding Blot


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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While the forces of corruption can be found in all types and appearances, only the grotesque and monstrous make their home in this heavily corrupted swamp. From skittering bugs to slimy plant monsters to the eldritch , there is little to no light here and any foolish mortal that ends up here will find it hard to escape as the forces of darkness are reluctant to let these rare and pretty toys go. However, rare alchemical ingredients and ores of potent metals only show themselves to the brave and there are legends of legendary artifacts waiting to be unearthed from the clingy swamp.

- Every Hero player can look for these items
- If a Demon decide to do its basement here it can do an ambush (attack first with a +4 in rolls this turn) or lay a corruption/curse at an item than the heroes could take.
- This place cant be purified
Leanne looks around the swamp almost immediately regretting her decision to come here. She'd heard wonderful stories about powerful artifacts here and figured finding one of these artifacts would be a great first step to the glory she sought. Her mind was filled with ideas for what she might do with the artifacts as she approached the swamp. She dreamed of how cool she would look fighting her way through what she imagined would be simple minded monsters defending their shinies. It had all seemed so glamorous and easy until she arrived. The swamp assaulted her senses and it didn't take very long at all for her pretty clothes to get all dirty. She dreamed now only of taking a bath as soon as she escaped this place. Still she was determined not to leave empty handed and ventured in further holding her skirts up above the water as best she could with one hand, the other trying to ward off the various trees and bugs she ran into. She had also neglected to bring a lightsource, which was making all the problems besieging her in this swamp all the more annoying.
Unknowingly to Leanne when she brushed aside a spider web, she triggered a response to the larger web that was connected to the smaller one. When this happened, in a place far away from where Leanne is, a grotesque spider like figure twitched and opened it's singular eye and looked at it's web."Hmmm? Oh, someone has triggered my web. Heheheh, now who would it be?" Tlatch said, getting up and stretched it's gangly limbs before moving to the source of the disturbance, easily navigating through the swampy terrain.
Leanne shuddered as things only got worse the further in she went. She'd managed to for the most part not think about the bugs and insects she had run into, but it was starting to get to her. Her skin was itchy and she could feel a tingling sensation in her spine everytime she had to pass by a spiderweb or ward off another insect. She felt a little like crying. This was undoubtedly the worst day she had experienced in her life and at the moment she couldn't imagine a way it could get worse as she took a step and felt her foot sink into boggy mud. A disgruntled sigh emerging from her lips as she spends a few minutes trying to free her foot.
The young lady continue deep inside teh swamp until her eyes notice something shinning at teh other side of a muddy swamp pool, she needed to take teh long path surrounding the area or swim to get it quickly. When she ponder what were her options, she almost fall, but hold herself at some tree and web over it, this action made her eyes gaze at some strange creature moving quickly using these webs to where she is now, most likely a wild beast or demon trying to hunt her. She remember than the people than mention this place said than some demons hunt at these areas, but she never epected than she would need to fight so soon.

[Leanne attack first]
She spots the demon approaching and sighs, "Of course...What would this day be without a fight in this swamp as well" she says though at the same time a smirk appears on her face. The idea of getting to take out her frustration on something actually cheering her up quite a bit. She slides one leg out in front of her slightly as she gets into a fighting stance and then launches herself towards the demon attempting to toss a punch at the creature's face, taking in it's full appearance as she gets close enough to hit it, her desire to fight almost immediately eroding mid-punch as it's appearance is terrifying to her.

(Physical attack: 16 Roll: 1d10=5 Total: 21 I think I did that right?)
"Sharp little girl aren't you?" Tlatch chuckled when Leanne attacked him, eye focused on her as she got closer. "Well let's see how confident you are when you are all tied up." he said, his arms quickly gathering a bundle of sticky web spewed out from his abdomen and spreading it wide, aiming to wrap the girl up in web.

(Tlatch uses Elemental Control: Web to block Leanne's physical attack! Physical: 11 Roll 1d10=3 Total 14 + 3(sticky web)= 17 total
21 vs 17 = 4 damage to Tlatch

The large spider creature tried to prepare his web but it was not quick enough and as he focus in his task a quick punch come and hurt his face, it was an intense pain than shouldnt bring a single hit, this give him an idea of how strong was this woman.
[Tlatch attack turn]
*CRACK* was the sound that resounded throughout the swamp as Leanne's fist collided with Tlatch's face, cracking his carapace. "Gith! You'll pay for that girl! I curse you!" Tlatch growled, eye glowing with malevolent power and shot out a sinister bolt at her while he also fired more normal looking magic bolts from his hands at Leanne.

(Tlatch uses Curse! Mental attack: 19 Roll 1d10: 5 Total: 24)
Leanne shivers slightly as she backs away, the excitement of landing the punch warring with the fear gripping her at the sight of her opponent. She remains ready to fight and she tries her best to avoid the bolts hoping she's fast enough to avoid, very much not liking the look of that bolt.

(Mental Defense: 12 +1d10=3 total: 15. +superspeed 1d10=8 So that's a fail...)
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Leanne receive 9 damage pints

The intense bolt iluminate the swamp for an instant as this get to impact at Leane, all on her was afflicted by the potent curse and Tlatch could already taste a clear victory. Between all this struggle the shine at the swamp still remain inpolluted waiting for anyone get to take the holy item, if not Leanna maybe a more worthy Hero

[Leanne attack turn]
Stamina: 17 (Current: 8)
Physical: 16
Sexual: 13
Mental: 12

Leanne cries out in surprise as the bolt hits her, her speed failing her and she is knocked off her feet bouncing and rolling along the ground a bit before she manages to get back on her feet and she breathes out, "D... Damn that hurt," she growls and looks down at herself. Her little roll on the ground getting her outfit even more dirty and she glares at the spider, "Oh you are going to pay for that" she says and at the same time she vanishes from view becoming undetectable to sight or sound.
"Oho! You must tell me how you do that! Now let's see...if you're still here then...hah!" Tlatch said, lifting his abdomen and spraying threads of sticky web everywhere, figuring that she can't dodge that.

(Tlatch uses Elemental Control: Web to cover the entire area in sticky web!)
Leanne gasps in surprise as the web covers her revealing her location. She squirms in the webs as she becomes visible again and squirms trying to free herself. The sensation of being entangled in the webs causing her breath to speed up and her face becomes flushed slightly.
A good amount of web was over Leanne yet thankfully she was far enough to free herself of most of it. Unfortunately for her she would be unable to hide again as the demon looks to use his web to detect his prey, maybe soon between their combat she get to move enough to .

(Tlatch attack turn)
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"Found you! NOW KNEEL DOWN TO ME!" Tlatch yelled out, darting forward with his hands outstretched.

(Tlatch uses Special Attack against the Cursed Leanne! Physical: 11, 1d10: 1, bonus 1d6: 5 Total: 17)
Leanne cries out in fear, as Tlatch darts at her, attempting to flee from the attack, at the time not thinking of much else, but getting away. Things were not going as planned and doubt slowly crept into her mind that she might not win this.

(Physical defense Roll: Physical: 16 (Rolled two dice. 1d10=8 and 1d10=5 take the lower number=5=21)
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scared for life, Leanne got to evade the demon attempt of take her, in the last moment getting she get out the reach of him and thi may give her some hopes than maybe she could find a way to defeat this creature. She could take this chance to get the shinning item not so far of her or continue her fight against the spider demon.

(If she get the item she will lost her chance to attack)
She glances towards the item wondering, but then shakes her head deciding it's more important to focus on her opponent. She can't run from her first opponent... "even if he is a giant terrifying spider demon," she thinks before shaking her head, "No... I'm going to beat this creature and then everyone will know my power!" she says and then attempts to attack Tlatch again trying to hit him with a powerful kick.

(Physical Attack again: Physical 16, Roll: 1d10=6 (Heroic Determination would have activated at rank 2 I believe and I'm using Physical again, but not right after the other one so not sure if I get the penalty for using the same attribute again?)