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Corruption Tournament - The Orcs Savannah


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
Reputation score

These hot lands beyond the Human kingdom are not too readily used for agriculture, so only bands of roaming orcs, now many touched by corruption, made their way there. After the human kingdom had been corrupted there was no one left to deal with the wandering orcish tribes who now raide and pillage as they desire.

All fire elemental and other fire type attacks gain +1
All Ice elemental and other ice type attacks gain -1
Re: Corruption Tournament - The Orcs Savannah


Mei Ling
The Orcs Savannah
Tag:Open to Lewdities

Mei Ling exhaled, making her way from the, luckily liberated, human kingdom onwards. There had been no news from the halfling kingdom and others had begun exploring the forest, so she was willing to undertake a more dangerous expedition again, plus, she last had dealt with a fire spitting dragon, she did not fear the heat of the Savannah and a bunch of orcs.

The calm, prideful monk warrior continued on her way, focused.. her last fight had helped her shake off some of her weakness and lusts, but she still hadn't returned to her prime, she still had those forbidden lusts, nagging at the edge of her otherwise calm mental state.. She made a mental note to beat up some orcish chieftains to try and overcome her lust for thick, sticky, juicy cum and being exposed.
Re: Corruption Tournament - The Orcs Savannah

Cassandra and Elizabeth
The Orc Savannah
Tag: Mei Ling

"Bloody fuckin' hell, why did I choose this humid hell hole as my objective? Why couldn't I have chosen the Pretty Paradise, bah!" Cassandra sat on a crude stool, cooling herself off with a silk fan. "I believe you mentioned something about taking advantage of the weak minds of the Orcs, Mistress?" Elizabeth, her ever faithful student, chimes in sitting on a path of brown grass next to her.

"Right. And indeed they are... this camp wasn't difficult in the slightest, only one that put up much of a fight was that shaman of theirs... Elizabeth, remind me to research a resist element spell, I can't be living like these... savages." The mage says quite matter of factly, her gaze now fixated on the group of charmed Orcs, whom have been scurrying around the camp, preparing for a hunt. The green skined men were quite the laborers, when given the proper management. She was sure she could make use of the muscle bound race, even after her job here. Slaves was something she had no problem amassing...

"Of course Mistress, I'll add it to the todo list, when would you like it to be addressed?" The young sorceress beckons, looking up from her scroll, her quill etching on it still. "Oh... I think it can be handled after we're done here, this shouldn't take long at all..." The Enchantress calmly answers, a light sigh leaving her lips, as her an continues to send cold air her way, trying to avoid this ever oppressive heat.
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Re: Corruption Tournament - The Orcs Savannah


Mei Ling
The Orcs Savannah
Tag: Cassandra, Elizabeth

"It seems you lack in discipline, but not wickedness." The approaching, fully armored up martial artist with a slightly tomboyish haircut mused, taking in the sight before her. "Frankly, I was hoping for a more physical challenge to measure myself against, though I guess the orcs too are victims of demonic influence, an influence I presume coming from you."

Mei Ling took place before Cassandra, calmly folding her hands and exhaling. "Not to be disrespectful of course, but just by calmly observing the situation one can read a few interesting facts about whom we face, don't you think? My monastery liked to engage in a challenge where they imagined fighting their opponent.. without actually fighing them. Its an interesting technique, as it teaches you your strengths and weaknesses and makes you reconsider them. Would you like to try?"

She calmly placed her hands upon her knees and inhaled deeply.
Re: Corruption Tournament - The Orcs Savannah

Cassandra and Elizabeth
The Orc Savannah
Tag: Mei Ling

"Where the blasts did you come from?" The pale woman jumped up from her stool, nearly tripping over it. "Elizabeth, did you see this woman approach?" "Well, no Mistress... She just... appeared." "Bloody monks, quite subtle aincha?" The woman comments, dusting off her dress before placing her arms on her hips. "You must be one of those hero types, right? Come to stop me and my evil ways, no doubt. Alright, i'll play your game, it'd be rude to not partake."

Cassandra looked the woman up and down, her eyes catching in every detail she could on the woman. Well, it was obvious that she was a monk. And they were usually well trained in both the body and mind, so it was doubtful that she was a push over. She liked that. "It's rare to find heroes that still carry a shred of chivalry, more so for my kind. I am Cassandra, and this is my apprentice. And you are...?"
Re: Corruption Tournament - The Orcs Savannah


Mei Ling
The Orcs Savannah
Tag: Cassandra, Elizabeth

"I walked in the open, you merely chose not to pay attention to me. I do congratulate you for correctly interpreting my bindings." She smiled, seeming comfortably relaxed. Perhaps of note was also the lack of sweat considering her full plated armor, and a lack of worry about the sun burning down upon her, someone that was clearly battle hardened.

"I am Mei Ling of the open palm. Not everyone can afford to be chivalrous, as you put it, though I am no knight. I have merely been taught to be respectful of my enemies, be it in victory or defeat, if they pay me back in kind, or not.

Cassandra, you are weak physically, but strong mentally. I can tell this easily by observing you. At first, you would unleash a mental, or magical attack against me."
The monk explained. "You find me not only defending myself, but overwhelming your mind as I focus on my inner flow of Ki. You are suprised, either angry, or impressed. Perhaps your .. assistant? Steps up worriedly as I unleash a physical assault." She nodded. "My first attack is an open hand thrust to your lower abdomen. I'm confident I could physically overpower you, but I'm sure you have a trick or two of your own. That said, my first offense will be tailored to just how powerful you attacked me first. I do not wish to harm you with overwhelming force without need."
Re: Corruption Tournament - The Orcs Savannah

Cassandra and Elizabeth
The Orc Savannah
Tag: Mei Ling

"Physically weak? I try to stay in shape, you wouldn't believe how many magic users just let themselves go, letting magic do all their work for them..." Cassandra passively complains, waving the thought away. "Anyway, you're partially correct. I specialize in my 'mental' attributes, but whether you can resist them is another story. One i'm eager to find out. Let's get started, shall we?" The The pale woman offered, giving one last smile, before rising to her full height.

"Le'dim Acl'eah!" The Enchantress shoots her hands forward, her eyes glowing bright as arcane might swirls around her fingers, shooting out at the monk.

Mental Attack:

Elizabeth on the other hands, stands a distance away, quietly observing. Her Mistress insisted that she observe the beginning of her fights and only assist when things got dicey...
Re: Corruption Tournament - The Orcs Savannah


Mei Ling
The Orcs Savannah
Tag: Cassandra, Elizabeth

"You seem to have missunderstood the purpose of this exercise. It is to understand your misgivings so you may improve upon them. If you understand how your foe can defeat you, you understand how to avoid defeat." Mei Ling extended her hand, pointing at the blast of energy rushing towards her. She jumped up from her seated into a standing position with little delay.

"And I am not trying to resist. I am water." She began, as the blast impacted her flesh, and cascaded along her arm. "You wouldn't take water for a powerful weapon, yet it grinds mountains to sand. The grasped fist crushes both the opponent and itself, but the open palm that moves like the waves absorbs the shock of an opposing attack... lets it flow through your body untouched, and then.." Then, with the energy cascading down her body, into her other arm, she spun around, sending forth the blast sent out by Cassandra.. enhanced with her own ki.

Mei Ling uses an intensified, telekinesis enhanced mental defence, for 34 total, half, aka 2 points are dealt as damage to Cassandra.

"Your attack was powerful, so I guess I should respond in kind now... don't worry, I shall aim not to hurt you." She nodded, rushing forward, in a smooth, perfect movement, flexing her hand, before thrusting the open palm against Cassandras chest, .. a powerful thrust, but with little impact, at least seemingly, until Cassandra felt her Ki-flow interrupted, a mage would perhaps call it 'bleeding mana' as the careful attack did no superficial harm, yet still weakened her ability to fight greatly. "Gentle fist, liontamer palm." Mei Ling explained, before withdrawing her hand, in a calm, but cautious stance before her opponent.

Mei Ling attacks with a maximized physical attack, 25 total (-2 on the roll due to honorable weakness, unless I'm mistaken she can't avoid all of that, yet even on a roll of a 1 she still got some stamina left.)