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Corruption Tournament: The Underdark

Re: Corruption Tournament: The Underdark


The Underdark
Tags: Yumiko, Anyin

Denara blinked at the slap, a sudden sense of shame washing over her unbidden. She had trained as a warrior, honed herself without regard for pleasures of the flesh, and yet here her assaults were not simply deflected but rebuked with ease at every turn, and the mind she prided herself on was noticeably fuzzy now, her thoughts seeming sluggish and noticeably slower to resolve.

A more worldly woman might have recognized and related the difficulty in thinking to the warmth that had steadily blossomed into heat across her cheeks and pooled in the pit of her stomach but the angel simply didn't know to relate the two, at least, not correctly. She was beginning to think it was some kind of gas, or a pheromone, or at least she would have been beginning to think that if she could get her thoughts to move. Instead she was simply trying to figure out why she was feeling like this, what was causing these reactions in her, and then suddenly Anyin was right in front of her again, and pressed up against her.

Another illusion, it has to be... The demoness had even confirmed it, and the little voice in Denara that wondered why they suddenly trusted the words of hellspawn struggled to be heard between the sensation of slowness in her thoughts and the undeniable pleasure as slender fingers pressed against the petals of her womanhood, pushing, then curling and slipping into her.

I'm not bothering to roll since she can't defend against that. Denara's mental stat is down to 11 now.

She could never fight back against the illusions anyways, the falsehoods were always stronger, always faster. Denara squirmed weakly, trying to push the demoness away only to find her knees rubbery and weak as her juices dripped down her thighs and the fuzz in her head seemed to intensify, drowning out all thought for a moment. Her sword fell from fingers that no longer held the will to hold it, clattering loudly against the floor of the cavern, yet it was not enough to snap the angel out of her daze. The mind drain wasn't so much as to reduce her to drooling uselessness, but the adjustment of going from her usual intelligence to something so much more pedestrian was an incredibly difficult adjustment to make, and one that was not helped by Anyin drowning her mind in pleasure.

It was an illusion, it was all an illusion, just wait it out, that was all she could think to do. Denara heard a moan drop from her lips, and the brainpower that normally held itself above the tide of sensation to wonder why there wasn't more simply wasn't there any more. It was an illusion right? Why hold anything back? Why do anything but simply hold on and not waste her energy struggling?

Just wait it out, it'll be over soon...
Re: Corruption Tournament: The Underdark


Underdark Caverns
Tag: Denara

(alright, I feel that, after given wait time and poked in pms, Yumiko isn't really into the scene, so I'll have one Anyin spent her turns 'chasing her off')

"This one is a delicious morsel.. I have decided to have her. Divide and conquer." One anyin smirked, while the other pushed Yumiko back, even if injured she was able to shove away the one heroine, whilest the other Anyin gently lured Denara away, playing on her sex.

"Thats it.. its all an ellusion, you aren't helpless and all alone. It'll end soon and then you can fight back, for now, don't fight back, you have to preserve your strength." Anyin cajoled, making sure to leave the angels weapon behind.

"Soon you will learn that its all a lie, all an illusion, all not real.. the only thing that makes sense in the world is your mistress. Would you like to meet your mistress?" Anyin offered, continuing to lewdly caress the angels pussy, "The illusion will be over soon and then you can meet her and.. try to fight her some more if you want." Anyin cooed, then nibbled and suckled on the angels lips, a lustful, greedy kiss.

"For now, just hold on, don't let your mind be taken by the evil illusion. Just.. try to relax, that might help, yes, relax and.. perhaps focusing on the pleasure will let you focus again?"

"Now then.." Anyin extended her staff, which came to stand on its own.. clearly this was an illusion. "I think we can consider this little struggle over. If you had any requests as to how you wanted your mind shattered and reformed into slavemind, what would it be?" Anyin cooed, almost gently.

Anyin spents her turn luring the heroines apart!
Re: Corruption Tournament: The Underdark

((Just letting you all know I'm still alive))

The Underdark
Tag: Anyin, Denara

Yumiko kept the wooden rod of her spear firmly in front of herself to keep Anyin from touching her directly. Nevertheless, she was still pushed back. "Honestly, you're beginning to irritate me." She twisted her spear away and twirled as she lunged it towards Anyin.

Yumiko rolls Physical attack:
Re: Corruption Tournament: The Underdark


Underdark Caverns
Tag: Yumiko

"And you're boring me." The spear impacted her chest, with little to no reaction from her, this time. "You are so weak and pathetic you don't even understand how weak you really are. Neither of you understood what you were facing, but the angel could sense it, where you could only boast like a dumb oaf. At least she has potential. You are trash. Vermin. Just strong enough to barely keep yourself alive, but unlike your companion you don't even have a mind worth toying with. Even those words are a waste of time. Keep attacking me if it amuses you. You are so far beneath me, your attacks are not even worth notice."

(Anyin takes 2 Stamina damage(you didn't include cumulative penalty) and doesn't attack back.)
Re: Corruption Tournament: The Underdark


The Underdark
Tags: Yumiko, Anyin

Denara barely even registered the attempt at intervention any more. It was all just an illusion, right, an illusion. She'd lost her armor, and weapon to illusions, she'd lost the sanctity of her body to illusions, even the mind-shattering pleasure had been gone after the illusion faded. What was letting her mind go to an illusion? She would just have it back when the falsehood faded away right?

She knew something was wrong with that logic, but for the life of her she couldn't imagine what. Her head felt so fuzzy, her thoughts so oddly sluggish. Fight? that was right, she was supposed to be fighting, but she hadn't been able to fight the illusions, and this was an illusion.

The lies began to build on each other, logic predicated on the single false premise creating a domino effect in her mind. As long as it was illusion it didn't matter, she'd surrendered to every illusion eventually anyways, resigned herself to the ravaging of her body time after time...

Only... "I... don't?" Denara wasn't sure, her objection was weak, uncertain. She didn't even know what she would want to be as a slave because she didn't want to be a slave, but illusions always seemed to get what they wanted, and this one wanted an answer. "I want to fight..." She wanted to fight against the demons, but she couldn't fight against the illusions. she wanted to, but she couldn't... "I don't like this... I want to fight..." Denara's mind grappled with itself, her hands going up to clutch the sides of her head as Anyin's conditioning warred with what remained of her will. "I don't understand..."
Re: Corruption Tournament: The Underdark

The Underdark
Tag: Anyin, Denara

"Idiot. You probably don't know what they say about pin pricks. Receive enough, and you'll eventually bleed to death. Never disregard the minor." Yumiko smirked as she was about to thrust her spear forward when she took notice of Denara's hesitation. "Fight, Denara!" She hoped to rekindle the fighting spirit within her angelic ally.

((Turn spent to attempt to reinspire Denara))
Re: Corruption Tournament: The Underdark


Underdark Caverns
Tag: Denara, and apparently Yumiko

"Enough of this." Anyin exclaimed at Yumiko who refused to simply let her toy with the angel.

Then, both the Anyins faded away, fading into purple shadow that gathered, .. under the Staff they had used as weapons. The staff twisted and twirled, taking on the shape of Anyin. "I tire of your insolence. You are not even worthy to be my plaything. I'll simply crush you." She raised a hand and, without regards for tact, attempted to shatter Yumikos meddling mind.

Anyin uses a mental attack against Yumiko, for 27 total.

"Let me explain to you, just how worthless you are. I have the ability to create illusionary doubles.. what they can do is only a fraction of my true power.. and I didn't even use them all. That said, an ant, if arrogant enough, deserves to be crushed throughoutly to learn its place. You don't need the blade, or the gentle caress of the king to learn your place, nothing but the boot." She extended her arms, shadows cascading around her with three illusionary doubles stepping forth from them. Not only that, but Anyins form blurred, purple energy glowing around the edges as she seemed to grow fuzzy, hard to see, two of the clones lifting their hands to crush Yumiko again as well.

The real Anyin uses illusion in defense, 50% chance to hit her.
Anyins clone uses a mental attack against Yumiko, for 26 total. (deals only 10% damage)
Anyins clone uses a mental attack against Yumiko, for 22 total (deals only 10% damage)

Anyin, the real one, now without staff, but purple energies swirling around her, making it easy to discern the real one exhaled exasperatedly, looking over to Denara, with one of her clones stepping up to her.
"Don't you hate it when you try to focus on an interesting new kind of book and a mosquito keeps buzzing in your ear as if it had any significance to your existance besides being squished? Anyway, usually I enjoy making heroes fight one another, I could even do that now, but.. I'd derive no pleasure from it this time, so whats the point." Anyin shook her head, she honestly looked more annoyed by now. Either she was a good actor, or this had all been a game to her that Yumiko had spoiled.

"Anyway, I can see it in your eyes, the delicious doubts I can sow whatever I want into. So pretty.. haah.. its arousing.." The double stepped forwards, hushing Denara, kissing her forehead. "There there.. you can attack, you can fight if you want. You want to fight, don't you? No, no.. it's alright. Come, come, this way." The clone smirked. Anyin was a mistress of mental manipulation even with most of her powers sealed away in her main body.

"Come. You need your sword to fight, don't you? Denara needs her sword to fight. Right? Listen to my influence.. its right, it tells you right things, unlike the mean illusions. They're wrong. You can't trust them." She gently guided Denara back to her sword.. letting her do exactly what she wanted to, try to fight.. but not under her own command. "I'll let you fight, sweet angel. Poor, poor confused angel.. so confused, so hard to think with your body so hot, but.. thats what you want, right? .. to fight, I mean." Anyins clone cooed, picking up the blade, presenting it to Denara, nodding to her, encouraging her to take it and brushing through her hair, cooing softly. "Shhh.. I know you are so confused. Its alright.. My main body has to deal with the enemy, but after she did that she will help condition your slavemind throughoutly.. remember how much stronger my illusions became after I used a secondary illusion clone? Now,.. thats about a fifth of my power. Imagine what the full deal would do to your beautiful, soft mind.. don't worry.. I'll be gentle." Anyin embraced the angel like a lover, and reached out for her temples, continuing the massage with a purple glow.. if she wanted to strike down Anyin she'd have an easy target here, however..

"I'm an illusion. These two are illusions.. thats my main body, but it too is engulfed by illusions. You can't fight the illusions. All illusions and lies. Everyone knows you need to ignore illusions and focus on the real danger.. and there is a real danger, someone you can fight. You want to fight, don't you?" Anyin cooed, licking along Denaras neck, taking her sword hand, and pointing the blade up, up.. and at Yumiko. "Do it.. Fight. You need to prove the demons how strong you have become. But you can't fight the illusions. You have to fight her then. Attack her. You see, I want to let you do what you wish to do..fight. She wants you to fight too. If you want it, your allies want it, and I want it, whats wrong with it? Do what you want. Do what Anyin wants." Anyins hand came to cup Denaras breast with one, the other on her pussy.

"I'll tell you how to fight illusions.. and I have told you I was using illusions, so why would I lie? Mistress Anyin never lies. Remember what I said earlier, before using the illusions.. She wants to hurt you. Remember what she said. Remember what she just said.. it got me angry, right? So it has to be the truth.. it is the truth, I promise my sweet slave. Do it. DO IT! Fight, Denara! Do as she told you. Fight her." With that, Anyin gently nudged Denara forwards, as a mental push pulsed through her mind. "Yes, I'm an illusion, you can't fight me." The first clone confirmed.. "I'm an illusion too, no point attacking me." The second fell in. "I'm the original, the source of all the illusions, engulfed in illusionary energy, if you don't attack them it makes even less sense to attack me. When fighting illusions all you can do is trust your inner sense, right? My words make sense right? Does Mistress Anyin lie?"

Anyins clone uses a mental attack against Denara, with her submission fetish a 26 total (Deals only 10% damage)
Last edited:
Re: Corruption Tournament: The Underdark


The Underdark
Tags: Yumiko, Anyin

Denara's vision seemed to blur, eyes staring blankly over at Yumiko. Fight, she wanted to fight, they wanted her to fight, and it all just seemed so reasonable to fight. Her companion, she was just an illusion like everything else, if Denara fought her, defeated her, she would be back to normal afterwards, so where was the harm?

The grip on the longsword steadied, unwavering as it's point aimed at Yumiko. "I'll... Fight... She wanted to fight, Mistress Anyin wanted her to fight, did she always want what Mistress Anyin wanted? For some reason Denara couldn't help but doubt that, but at the same time Mistress Anyin spoke the truth, so it must be true right? "I... Yes Mistress..."

How long was this illusion supposed to last? There had been three right? So that meant three hours? Only... How long had it already been? The effort of taking on additional questions made her mind hurt and Denara shook her head convulsively. Fight, that was simple right?

A moment's hesitation, as all this ran through the half-angel's mind, and then, with an eerie silence she lunged at Yumiko, taking the sword two-handed in a textbook diagonal slash only to feint into a vertical swipe, starting low and rising.

Denara's Attack roll: 1d10 + 11 =
Re: Corruption Tournament: The Underdark

The Underdark
Tag: Anyin, Denara

Yumiko rolls mental defense X3:
First: Roll(1d10)+11:
Yumiko has 5 stamina remaining

Second: Roll(1d10)+11:
26-18= 8
10%=0.8, rounds up to 1
Yumiko has 4 stamina left

Third: Roll(1d10)+11:
10%=0.3, rounds down to 0

Yumiko rolls Physical defense:
Yumiko does not counter Denara's attack

Regeneration: Yumiko recovers 2 stamina. Yumiko has 6 stamina left

Yumiko yelled out at Anyin's powerful attack and clutched her head. She leaned against her spear as Anyin continued with her monologue. "With all your damn monologuing, you sound like the damned protagonist of an awful story. Agh!" She yelped out after the second attack hit her, then the third. "Coward, relying on your damn clones."

Yumiko simply watched and collected what she could of her damaged mind as the clones disappeared and Anyin started to speak to Denara. She knew not what was being said until Denara attacked her.

"What are you doing?!" Yumiko was able to evade the attack, though the surprise eliminated any chance of elegance. She saw an opening in Denara's stance, but did not act on it. "Can't you see that creature is lying to you, whatever she said? I am no threat! There is no evil within
me! The real threat is not me, but that demon there! Fighting and defeating that demon to cleanse this area of its corruption are why we even came here in the first place!"

Yumiko attempts to remind Denara of her purpose here.
Re: Corruption Tournament: The Underdark


Underdark Caverns
Tag: Denara, Yumiko

Anyin smirked ever so slightly. "Good girl. Very good girl Denara." The demoness crossed her arms. "Relying? AHAHA AHAHAHA Ahahahaaa.. I'll explain it in words someone even as stupid as you will understand. If you give a great swordmaster a spoon to cut down an army, would you say he is relying on the spoon too, or would you say he is holding back for his own amusement?"

"Anyway.. I guess my words are wasted on one like you.." She sighs, shaking her head at Yumiko, "My name is Anyin, The Grand Illusionist, The Queen of Illusions. Its quite annoying how insistantly stupid you are. I guess you wont understand just who you face until I hammer it into your brain, hmn? I'll show you." Anyin waved her hand, recreating her sceptre of illusions, slamming it into the ground, the area around them shifting.. appearing to now be , rather than the underdark tunnels you had seen before.

"If you had the ears to listen I'd tell you how I'm the final stage of a dream-demons ascension, tell you that the world around me is a waking dream, under my control, but frankly, the only language you speak is the one of being beaten up, isn't it?"

Her clones stepped over to Denaras sides, cooing, one of them massaging Denaras temples, cooing gently: "See, she's not even fighting back.. just an illusion." One cooed into her ears, while another gently caressed a hand down her mound, spreading her sex, caressing along it. The third leaned over from behind, groping her breasts, squeeezing and massaging slowly as the Anyin-Copies continued on: "Thinking is so hard. Feel good and fight. You can think when the illusions end.

Listen to her telling you, being all innocent, and non evil.. well isn't that exactly what someone trying to trick you would say?"

Anyins clone uses a sexual attack against Denara: 20 total + poison if sucessful(drains 1 mental/round)
Anyins clone uses a sexual attack against Denara: 22 total
Anyins clone uses a sexual attack against Denara: 28 total

While the clones.. busied themselfs with Denara, the real Anyins grin widened, focusing on Yumiko. "Why do you perist? I'm not interested in rude girls like you. Frankly, by now I'm at the point of sparing you just so you'll run away and lure something more interesting here .. to meet the new, improved Denara, but frankly.. I think you'd mess that up too, you walking talking failure. I could defeat you with ease with a single sexual attack but, let me spell this out for you.

You aren't worth that. VISION OF ENSLAVEMENT!"
Anyins right eye lit up with a purple glow as she focused upon Yumiko.. who

suddenly found her clothes and weapon gone. Infact, everything around her faded away, leaving her trapped in a dark Void, with only Anyin standing before her.

"I control all of your senses, including your perception of time. Normally, I'd indulge in all kinds of perversions to get you to fight against your friend, have you molest one another, only to enslave you throughoutly to become mine, but, frankly.. no one even wants a mis-behaved brute like you as slave. Do you understand? You are so worthless, you can't even serve as obediant flesh. Now, then. I'll give you a taste.. of oblivion. Use it to rethink your existance." And with that, Anyin disappeared as well, leaving Yumiko trapped and alone in the darkness.. for moments, and the moments stretched into minutes.. into hours.
And in the blink of an eye, an entire day seemed to have passed for Yumiko, as Anyin coverd up her right eye, with a satisfied smirk, as she exhaled. Using this attack seems to leave her somewhat vunerable.. but all the more, it left Yumikos very self weakened.

Anyin(real one) uses a mental special attack against Yumiko.. roll of.. geez, max, 29 total, plus Drain soul: Damage is cut in half, rounded down, but you lose 1 rank of an ability you currently have. I chose to reduce regeneration to rank 1 if this attack hits.
Re: Corruption Tournament: The Underdark


The Underdark
Tags: Yumiko, Anyin

Her own thoughts seemed to crawl, painfully slow movements through her brain. Her answers simply didn't come fast enough and for every bit of progress her own mind made Anyin was already there, offering an answer of her own.

So much easier to simply lesson, to stop trying to think and let Mistress Anyin think for her, to stop forcing her own voice through and just let the other voice take over. It felt so much better to just let go like this, Mistress Anyin offered pleasure in exchange for an open mind, and her mind already so dampened...

Illusion, reality, what did it really matter any more?

Denara stopped trying to think...

Something in her screamed as she stopped, pain shot through her head, but then there were Anyin's words in Denara's ears and her hands on Denara's body, soothing balms to the pain of letting the last of her free will fall by the wayside. Pleasure rose, fingers and tongues teasing her every most sensitive point, setting the half-angel's nerves alight with sensations upon sensations, moans of ecstasy dropping from her lips as her head tilted back, her wings spreading wide as her body trembled, tensing as an orgasm - pure and undiluted pleasure - rushed down her spine.

Washing away the last vestiges of Denara the warrior to leave only the obedient slave she had become...