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Countess Grey's Manor


New member
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Countess Grey's Manor

The day after the official tour, the day after all new students were -supposed- to arrive, was the day chosen by Megumi for her official entrance to the new school.

A black, fancy limousine slips into view, a car that had been hired at great expense, then ferried across, just to drop off Megumi and her maid, before returning to the hire company.

With a gentle rustle of tires on gravel, it pulls to a stop just in front of the Countess' residence, on Megumi's orders. The girl wanted to make an entrance, it seemed. After a moment, a door opens, and Maia Pleideia, the maid, steps out. A casual glance is cast around, admiring the scenery..

Scanning for threats.. no heat signatures.. no hostiles within range. Proceed to assist Mistress.

She strolls around to the other side, and opens the door for the person inside the car, the person she'd been assigned to guard with her very life.
Re: Countess Grey's Manor

Megumi stepped out of the limousine and moved to the side to allow room for Maia to close the door. "Still don't see why you had to follow me," she complained. "Er... thank you Maia."

Glancing around, Megumi gave a tiny nod of approval. It didn't seem like that bad of a choice so far.

"Let's get this over with," she mumbled.
Re: Countess Grey's Manor

Maia bows carefully, then withdraws a pair of suitcases from the limousine. That done, she shuts the door, then stands one step behind Megumi, and two steps to the left.

"I followed you, because what else would I do, Mistress? I live to serve your family.."

She stands, hefting the suitcases with no apparent effort, waiting for her Mistress. First, they had to go and find this Countess..
Re: Countess Grey's Manor

"Okay okay," Megumi sighed. "Let's go then."

She headed towards the Manor, looking around at the sights and listening to the sounds. "Pffft... I could buy this whole place... not that it's worth enough." she mumbled, trying to cover up the fact she was actually a bit nervous. And it really wasn't she didn't have THAT much money anyway, it was more her parents. But, she still had a nice sum.
Re: Countess Grey's Manor

Maia maintains her position, two steps behind, one step to the left, as they approach the Manor. When they reach the door, the maid strolls forward, and raps smartly on the door for her Mistress, shifting the two suitcases into one hand to do so.

With a curtsey, she steps back, and behind Megumi.

((Oi. Nun-head.))
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Re: Countess Grey's Manor

Keshanne pulls the door ajar and peeps out at the two standing at her doorstep, noting their demeanor she lets the door swing open, revealing herself to be wearing a different, but more or less identical black dress.

"Hello there, what may I do for you?"
Re: Countess Grey's Manor

"I wo-... I mean, we would like to enroll," Megumi answered, gesturing to Maia. "I know it's a bit late, but... we couldn't make it earlier." The ninja shifted her weight slightly, wondering if the woman in front of her thought of there sudden, and tardy, appearance for someone to enroll.
Re: Countess Grey's Manor

"Oh please, come in." Keshanne opened the door the remaining way and lead her way over to a coupling of couches befitting the style of the house.
Re: Countess Grey's Manor

As befitting a maid, Maia keeps her head down, and her eyes low. As Megumi converses with the Countess, her focus remains firmly on the ground before her.

She wouldn't step first, but, if Megumi moved, so would Maia, following her Mistress and charge into the Manor, eyes coming up to check for threats before dropping to the floor once more. She'd decline a seat, however, preferring to stand just behind wherever Megumi chose.
Re: Countess Grey's Manor

"I am Countess Keshanne Grey the seventh, principal of St Jude Thadeus Grammar School." She said with a slight, almost imperceptible bow. "And it is my pleasure to welcome you into our student body."

"However, if you don't mind me asking, what brought you to us?" Her eyes examining the maid.
Re: Countess Grey's Manor

Megumi indeed took a seat. She hadn't exactly expected the Countess to answer the door herself, but... then again Megumi hasn't seen that much of the world. She bowed in return to the Countess, much lower so as to show respect.

"Mmm... I don't know. The atmosphere here just seems... right, not to mention the fact that it's a lovely school."
Re: Countess Grey's Manor

"Well I suppose it was just meant to be then." Keshanne said, almost slipping into a shrug. "If you'll excuse me i just have to fetch the paperwork." She smiled before walking backwards a few feet, pivoting mid step and leaving the room.
Re: Countess Grey's Manor

Maia takes the opportunity to speak to her Mistress, quietly..

"If you'll excuse me, miss. Take care with her, she seems odd. She was examining me with quite the careful eye. She may suspect my true nature."
Re: Countess Grey's Manor

Megumi nodded. "Will do, Maia. You be careful yourself, not that I expect anything less from you," she whispered back, meaning that last part to be compliment rather than sounding rude.
Re: Countess Grey's Manor

Maia drops a neat courtesy at the praise, a polite, and entirely manufactured smile coming to her lips.

"Of course, Mistress."
Re: Countess Grey's Manor

In her office Keshanne was going through several of the filing cabinets and withdrawing an increasing stack of papers. She stopped briefly to lean against her desk, scratch the back of her head and let out a long tired sigh. Once this was finished she took out the remaining papers and started to make her way back.
Re: Countess Grey's Manor

Megumi shuffled her feet oddly as she waited....

((Really, I got nothin'.))
Re: Countess Grey's Manor

Keshanne walked back into the room calmly and sat herself down opposite her visitors.

"Here you are." She said handing the forms over. "Just fill these out and we can enroll you in the school. Also might I ask what you where thinking you might do with regards to your housing arrangements?"
Re: Countess Grey's Manor

Maia's eyes snap up to follow the Countess as she enters.. but she makes no move towards the paperwork. Such things were most definitely the domain of her Mistress, unless she was commanded to assist. Unlike most people, though, Maia does not move. Not even the tiniest hint of a shift of weight. The maid stands stock still, rigid, even, nothing moving but her eyes.