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Countess Grey's Manor

Re: Countess Grey's Manor

Megumi takes the forms, looking them over. Oh fun, paperwork. "Housing? Hmm, I suppose we could just stay in the dorms here, if that's alright and available."
Re: Countess Grey's Manor

"Yes of course, but I was referring to the housing of your servant. If you find it acceptable we could house you both in a twin dorm or perhaps two dorms side by side. If neither of those options are to your liking, though, I'm sure other arrangements could be made."
Re: Countess Grey's Manor

Maia was hesitant to speak. Courtesy would demand she wait, patiently.. yet in this case, overall safety would have to take priority.

"If this one may be excused.. For accommodation, a small space nearby to my Mistress will be entirely sufficient. There is, however, another matter which must be broached."

One hand dips into a pocket, retrieving a small, black box. Almost like a calculator, with only two buttons. One marked "Activate", the other, "Emergency Stop".

"I was ordered by Mistress' parents to give this to the human in charge. In an extreme situation, requiring the use of force to save lives or property, the "Activate" button will generate a ten digit code. Read it to me aloud, and then stand back, please. Each code may only be used once, however. The other button.. I have no knowledge of. I believe there is a note taped to the back."

Sure enough, on the back of the small device, a handwritten note reads, in somewhat shaky script:

"ES button grants administrative privileges. Functions listed by Array. Any who wipe her memory are responsible for restoring the useful parts."

Then, at the very edge, almost an afterthought..

"P.S. She's an android. She often forgets to tell people that."
Re: Countess Grey's Manor

Keshanne reads the the note with a small smile to herself. "Well I suppose that simplifies things." She places the box down on the table.

"In any case I'm sure everything will be in order with your paperwork so please feel free to get it to me within the next few days. In the mean time just feel free to head up to the A building and collect a student pack, I'll tell them you are coming."
Re: Countess Grey's Manor

Megumi eyed the buttoned box that was given to the Countess. It surprised her, at least moderately, that her parents would give one to someone they hadn't met... at least not to her knowledge. Well... not as if she could argue all that much. What surprised her more, or more liked bugged her, was the fact that it seemed that her parents had everything planned out everything right over Megumi's head.

"Hai Countess... thank you," the ninja replied, picking up the papers before standing. She bowed deeply again, in thanks.
Re: Countess Grey's Manor

A glimmer of what might possibly be apprehension flashes across Maia's features, though only for a split-second. Quickly, the maid is restored to her usual passive self.

"By your leave, Countess. Mistress? To the A building, we must go, it seems."
Re: Countess Grey's Manor

Megumi nodded. "Right Maia. Let's go then," she replied to her android servant. She turned and headed out of the Manor, leading the way to the A Building, where ever that was.
Re: Countess Grey's Manor

((Some time after Maia and Megumi have left.))

Aya had taken quite some time to find the Manor, her eyes widening at the sight of the place from the outside. She finally found the front door, and composed herself quickly. Once she had, she knocked on the door, hoping there was somebody home, or this was going to be a very long night later.
Re: Countess Grey's Manor

"I understand Yuuki... do what has to be done." Keshanne said to the bloodied person in front of her.

"Then it's done." Yuuki lurched up from her chair and wandered out of the room as Keshanne wandered over to the door.

"Hello how may I help you?" Keshanne says opening the door to her house.
Re: Countess Grey's Manor

Aya smiled as best as she could before speaking. "Hello, my name is Aya Morioka. I was told that you could help me to register here and gather a dorm room by a close friend of mine who also comes here. Don't know if this means anything to you but his name is Siphon. He also mentioned something about I might be able to pick up a map? I'd be rather grateful if you could help me out here."
Re: Countess Grey's Manor

'Oh the trials and tribulations of being principal, everyone comes strait to you whenever they have a question.'

"Yes of course, please come in." Keshanne opened the door and motioned for the girl to sit down on a couch. "I'll be right back with some of the forms."
Re: Countess Grey's Manor

"Thank you very much."

She took the offered seat, though she didn't lay back as most people likely would have done, rather she remained upright. It was bad enough she felt like she was intruding here, she saw no need to do anything worse than that.
Re: Countess Grey's Manor

Keshanne climbed the stairs up to her office and took out a small pile of forms, one that she had started to leave out so she didn't have to dig them up every time someone came by anymore, then quickly scooted back down the stairs and into the foyer.

"Alright, if you can just fill these out and get them back to me within the next few days everything should be fine. In the mean time I suggest you go up to the A building and get yourself a student package."
Re: Countess Grey's Manor

Aya blinked for a moment, obviously not having expected things to progress so quickly. "Oh, thanks! I'll get these back to you in the afternoon tomorrow at some point. I'll bring them over to you myself."

She paused for a moment, trying to think. "A Building, got it. Again, thank you."

She stood and made her way to the door, letting herself out. Just before closing it she added, "have a lovely evening!"

With that, she was gone, happy, and admittedly a little surprised by this quick turn of events, but she wasn't going to complain.

((Alright for me to just pick out a room number that isn't occupied then, or do you want me to post there and wait for you to assign a room?))
Re: Countess Grey's Manor

((picking your own number is fine))
Re: Countess Grey's Manor

((Alright, thanks, was holding off posting until I knew.))