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Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

The only thing that caught Tsuki's eye was something that appeared to ask if she wanted to release cargo. She could only assume that meant Sparky, but since they were a decent way off the ground, it might not be wise to try that just yet.

((If it reaches that point when I am gone, consider Siphon to be on a mission to scout the final hive, John waiting as pilot if he stays that way, and Sparky to just kind of go M.I.A somehow. I'll think of a reason later.))
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Tsuki nodded at the button, before turning the radio. "Thanks Grave."
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Tsuki could hear Grave's laugh. "You're welcome. By the way, does anyone know how to land without crashing these things? I've never been good at that..."
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

"I'd say we could ask Sparky, but he's obviously not a good example for you guys to follow, either. And I'm no pilot, so all I know is, uh, nose up, flaps down, I think, but I don't even think those things have flaps." Hopefully John would have some advice as far as that goes, or maybe the ships had auto-piloting to help with that.
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

"Looks like the darts all have a specific way to land, tail down first. Hard to describe but the best way I think is to say you slow down enough to touch the tail end extensions of the dart down fist, then once those touch, gently tilt the nos down until i too touches the ground. Here, I'll land first to try and show an example."

It takes a few moments, but eventually he manages to set the transport he's in down in the manner he just described without so much as a dent in it.

"Ok, we have touch down. Next?"
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

"I'll go. Wish me luck..."

Grave's skills were definitely rusty. Altough he did everything in the proper order and didn't hit anything too hard, but he forgot about a certain detail - landing gear. He released it a bit too late, and altough he managed to put the machine on the ground, the gear gave up shortly after the landing and broke. Grave's dart hit the ground with a loud crash a second or two after stopping.
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Tsuki followed the example, as well as using the manual in her head. She came down a bit rough, jostling the Dart about, but it was okay. Hopefully. Well, it was as good of time as any she figured, as she pushed the button to release Sparky.

"Grave you alright?"
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

At the beginning, there was no response. After a moment or two, Tsuki could hear a faint cough. "I guess I'm ok... Can't say the same thing about the machine..." It seemed that Grave was a bit shocked, but not by the impact. "Man, I really suck."
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Sparky rematerialized, took one look at what Grave had done to his dart and let loose a sigh. "Well, I doubt this dart is going to fly again without significant repair."

He then climbed up onto Tsuki's dart, inspecting that one. "This one seems fine, as does the transport. Thanks by the way for beaming me out."
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

"No problem, Sparky," Tsuki smiled. She exited the Dart. "Do we have to go report in first? Or... can I get a change of clothes first...?"
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Shrike circled a bit before making a smooth landing, hopping out immediately after.

"Lost outgoing radio, something shorted after the last few hits I took. Nice landing job there Grave." She says easily, examining the damage herself.
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

((Taking into account Siphon's absence here.))

I hope he can hear this..."Burrito, it's Copper. We got back all right. You'd better get your ass back here in a hurry. I don't want to have to deal with more brass than I have to!"

Copper's out of the transport as soon as she's able. "John, can you take care of Siphon for me, please? I have a feeling I'm going to have my hands full enough as it is."

She listens to the chatter on the radio, grateful to hear Grave's voice after his less-than-textbook landing. Her biggest concern is having any soliders on hand not shoot Sparky on sight, especially as Tsuki drops him off. Knowing they're likely going to want to detain the "enemy," she doesn't argue that fact, especially given that she, herself, isn't wholly comfortable with the Wraith running around the forums.

"Just don't damage him. We need him to help fix Siphon, all right, guys?"

That done, she takes a moment to touch base with what's left of the squad.

"At least it was only the radio," she tells Shrike. "Glad to see you're back with us. I'm not sure how much rest you're going to need, but I think we're gonna need you and Sparky there doing some brain salad surgery on Siphon and the sooner the better. Outta my league, so I'm just going to say that's what we need and let you do your thing."

Her attention shifts to Tsuki. "Go ahead. I'll deal with anybody that tries to tell you different, okay? Maybe just keep the radio handy."

After that, she goes to check on Grave and give him a hand clambering out of the wreck, if he wants it. "Any landing you walk away from, as they say," she tells him with a half-grin. "Nice job back there, Grave, and I don't just mean the flying." He might be able to tell she'd like to say more, but she's obviously not certain if he'd be comfortable with it, given his demeanor.

Taking a deep breath, she lets it out slowly. "And unless we have Burrito in three...two...one..." She pauses, glancing around. "I have a feeling I'm going to need to talk to people." She does not look forward to that.
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Shrike looks back to her ship for a second, a wry gri on her face. "Well, not just the radio, but yeah could have been a lot worse." She says slowly, taking stock of her mental situation. "Some rest would be best, I think. I'll grab Sparky and get on it first thing tomorrow, right now i just need a change of clothes and a bed. If anybody important wants to debrief me or something silly, tell them i said to bugger off, alright?" She says with a chuckle, wandering off.
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

"Those will be my words exactly, never fear. You may want to talk to the guys about Sparky. I don't think they want him roaming loose too much, but it will be infinitely easier to bring him to Siphon than Siphon to him. Bastard's heavy right now..." She mutters.
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Grave looked at Copper as she spoke to him. Altough a bit antisocial, he liked being praised. It raised his spirit a little, but it didn't mean that he was going to spare the vampire. "Heh. Just doing my job, commander." Copper could hear the irony in his voice, especially at the commander part. Grave got out of his dart, dropped to the ground and sighed. "Man, this mission sucked big time." A few of his teammates would most likely agree with him.
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

From the look on the vampire's face, not to mention the slight eye-rolling, that tacked-on title is the last thing she really wants, so the lack of respect put with it is actually appreciated.

"Tell me about it. Whose idea was it to go snooping around those ruins again?" She went to reach for a cigarette, then remembered the Shrike was still wearing her shirt. This was going to be an interesting meeting if she actually had to go talk to the higher ups. Still, not caring overmuch, she unzipped her jacket a little ways, got out her pack and lighter, and lit up. "Why don't you all go take a rest? You sure as hell've earned it in my book." She took a thoughtful drag from the cigg, silently debating trying to grab a bite to eat before she might have to report anywhere. She was still good for the time being, but food would be the next immediate priority.
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Tsuki nodded. "Thank you Copper. Good luck with the... paperwork? Angry and confused higher ups? Whatever they are." She waved and left. Idly, she wondered if her home was even still left after the earlier invasion.
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

"Thanks, Tsuki." She gave the girl a wave as she headed off. Good luck with the what indeed. She took another drag off of the cigarette, waiting for the proverbial shoe to drop.
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Grave was in the middle of a stretch when he heard Copper talk about resting. This reminded him of a certain problem. He paused, returned to a normal pose and took a deep breath. "Uh... I don't want to trouble anyone, but... I'm kinda homeless..." After saying that, he noticed that Tsuki and Copper were already walking away. "Oh, yeah. Suuure. No one wants to care about Grave, he will be fine... Screw you."
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

((The 'she' in 'as she headed off' was Tsuki, btw, not Copper. She's still there trying to figure out where to go.))

"Never mutter at a vampires back under your breath." Copper turns around with a grin and flips a key to Grave. "You can crash at my place if you want. Touch my skull or the leathers and you're breakfast. Other than that, the place is yours. And yes, I have a spare key."