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Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

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Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

"Oh my, how perfect of you to wander off and find me even as Lillian went to search for you. I'm sure the costume doesn't reflect the true person from what I've heard from her." The queen said with a smile as Eliza sat beside her on the soft divan.

"I've never really paid much attention to my own hair but everyone else seems to think so. It is still nice to hear such a compliment from someone who has little to gain from trying to corrupt me as so many of the court are." The queen said as she dropped the hood from her dress revealing the soft auburn colored hair beneath worn in an elegant weave about the top of her head. it matched her soft brown eyes perfectly to create the picture of a stunning queen.

12/15 BP, 3/4 WP, [][][][][][][]. Not sure how to describe her hair really, I'm not much of a style guru. basically it's braided in a ring on top of her head if you know what I mean.
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Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

"It must be so very tiring to constantly endure corrupting influences like that," Eliza replied, smiling at the irony of the queen's words. It was almost too much for Eliza to keep her composure, but she managed by biting her tongue and smiling inwardly.

"Here let me help." Eliza scooted closer, gently pulling the queen's head toward her shoulder to rest there, her fingers slowly brushing up and down her arm.

"Does it not fill your heart with joy to see your face in the mirror and see how lovely you are, the way you smile and such? Not all people have that luxury... to be able to see such a beautiful reflection like you have."

Eliza frowned as she said that, brooding over her own reflection issues, but tried to make sure the queen couldn't see her expression.

I think I get it. Sounds very pretty. ;)
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

"Oh it is rather vexing to deal with the natural corruption that occurs at court. At least I am told it is natural though I have my doubts as to it's origins." Queen Mathilda said as Eliza helped her remove the hood and made efforts to comfort her. She softly hugged Eliza back seeming to be thankful for the reassuring words and caresses.

"I suppose I should be grateful for the gifts I have been given by our lord but they can seem so trivial at times. I sometimes fear that there is something supernatural at work corrupting the court and even my own husband. I feel as though I can trust you with anything my dear lady. It feels so wonderful to unburden myself of the fear of demons and vampires infiltrating my court." The queen's last words sent a stab of fear through Eliza's cold heart. She had heard tales of church sponsored hunters wise in the true ways of the world and here she was holding one in her arms.

Yeah pretty but also possibly dangerous. You didn't think it would be that easy did you.
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

Eliza began to watch Queen Mathilda curiously even when she first questioned the "natural" origins of the corruption at the court, but the mention of vampires really caught the Lasombra's attention. Her hand froze on the queen's arm for a brief moment, her mind quickly racing back to the strange fear she felt at the sight of Mathilda's personal altar. If she was human, Eliza's heart would have been racing. Luckily she didn't have such problems. She decided to play it cautious, keeping up her façade. If she could learn anything about how much the queen knew and possibly what methods she used to battle vampires, that would help greatly. Even so, Eliza tried to keep her eyes vigilant for any possible surprise attacks.

"Demons and vampires corrupting your own husband and the court? Oh my queen you are frightening me..." Eliza began cautiously, her fingers starting to brush Mathilda's arm again. "What could possibly bring a pure little soul like yourself to think of such ghastly things? Why... I always thought vampires were just fairy tales to scare little children into staying in bed at night. They are not... real... are they?"

a girl can dream can't she? :p
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Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

"I once thought they were mere myth as well but I assure you there is an entire world beneath our own. A world of utter darkness where demons, vampires, werewolve, and ghosts dwell beyond the ken of most mortals." Mathilda smiled reassuringly at the brush of the fingers against her arm and added.

"Of course I don't mean to frighten you Baroness but we are always on the lookout for allies. Allies who can fight back the darkness from within or without. Of course no one would ever believe such things unless they had seen them first hand. Come and I will show you something that may change your mind and make you believe." The saintly queen stood with a pleasant smile and slowly wrapped her arm around behind Eliza to pull her close. Walking to the door to her bedroom they entered and headed for the door to the private chapel.

Eliza's mind was a twirl with so many thoughts that even her cold unbeating heart felt like it might burst. She began to wonder who was the hunter in the current situation as she felt herself being gently pulled to that odious chamber.

You never know, sometimes dreams come true. Sometimes you get something entirely different than what you planned but still just as enjoyable.
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

"Ghosts and werewolves now too? I really must protest!" Eliza squeaked shrilly, pulling herself away from the queen. "I do not wish to observe any more of your ghost stories my lady. This is completely beyond the pale Unhand me this instant!"

As Eliza whirled around, she gazed into the Queen's eyes. "I simply wished to sit down and talk like regular people," Eliza said testily, approaching Mathilda with her dominating powers. "Can we not do that? Is that not too much to ask?" Eliza demanded.

The first instant that Eliza saw the Queen begin to sit down, she would launch herself at the woman in an attempt to tackle her, her fangs going right for her neck. There was no way in hell she was going in that chapel alone with a hunter.
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

Mathilda quickly released Eliza's hand as she turned her back to the door leading to her personal chapel. She smiled with a look so innocent it almost made Eliza's heart melt as she asked. "Is it really beyond the pale to believe in such things Baroness Racchea?"

The queen's own eyes locked with Eliza's as she tried in vain to command the queen to sit with her. The queen simply smiled and shook her head as turned back to the door to her chapel providing a wonderfully tempting target as Mathilda said. "Do what you feel you must. I only wish to understand and to prevent others like myself from destroying those who can still be saved. Perhaps even yourself."

Eliza could hardly believe how bold this innocent little mortal was to turn her back like that. The thought that the queen realized what Eliza was barely even registered in her mind she was so awestruck by the boldness. That paranoia that she had so loathed less than an hour ago had perhaps saved her from whatever trap this hunter had in store for her. Perhaps there were other hunters present at the party or maybe the queen simply meant what she said.
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

Eliza's mouth dropped open in shock. Resisted by a mere mortal? That was supposed to be utterly impossible! She could hardly believe this insolent welp, staring at her in outrage after she turned about. Eliza was quickly beginning to dislike this woman, and bad things happened to people she disliked.

Scowling malevolently, Eliza immediately looked to the shadows beneath Mathilda, summoning two arms of ahriman hopefully before she could react, one binding her ankles and the other binding her arms to her sides. Eliza prowled behind the queen hunter, clamping a hand over her mouth if the tentacles were successful, tilting her head back softly.

"Perhaps it is you that needs saving my dear sweet Mathilda."

Tentacles! 2 of them, 1 BP for the one on her ankles and 2 BP for the one binding her arms to her sides
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

A tendril of inky blackness shot out from Mathilda's own shadow, taking the queen by complete surprise as it quickly wrapped about her waist and one arm. Mathilda only had enough time to gasp before Eliza's cold hand clamped over her mouth from behind.

Eliza relished the fearful, muzzled scream that came from behind the queen. The ensuing struggle as she tried to kick and grab at the shadowy tentacle pinning her to the spot pleased her as well. Now she only had to decide what she should do with this arrogant welp of a hunter, a queen though she might be.

You were only able to summon one tentacle, which is 1 BP. You can spend another 2 BP's this turn, it costs 1 BP to increase a tentacles strength, dexterity, or length. So you can increase it's strength and it's size, or it's size and it's size, etc. 11/15 BP's, 3/4 WP, [][][][][][][].
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

"Naughty child," Eliza whispered in Mathilda's ear as her free hand slapped the queen right smack on her behind, the Lasombra's malevolent kiwi eyes watching the woman's struggles against the grip of her shadowy tentacle. The abyssal substance slowly wrapped itself around Mathilda's body a few times to secure her, the black tip brushing against the smooth skin of her cheek.

"I would have been ever so gentle with you. It would have been so blissful for you too, knowing nary the difference. But noooo... you just had to piss me off... to defy me and annoy me with your ridiculous fancies about hunting vampires. Simply could not just let me enjoy my dessert... that is what you are you know? A soft... delectable... dessert. Just for me."

Eliza emphasized her point by slowly licking Mathilda's neck, dragging the full length of her slippery muscle all the way up to the edge of the queen's jaw. "You are probably wondering what it feels like, hmmm? To be bitten, tasted, feasted upon for your very life essence... not knowing whether you will live or die, your life totally within the hands of the vampire feeding on you. Probably gives you a strong incentive to make me care whether or not you live."

Crooked smile dominating her features, Eliza brushed the tip of her fangs against Mathilda's flesh. "If you agree to be quiet and to do everything I say, I will not kill you. One wrong move though..." Eliza suddenly slapped Mathilda's rear again. "Well let us not think of such dreadful things. Is that agreeable to you sweet Mathilda?"
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Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

The queen could do little but squirm and mumble as the tentacle wrapped more tightly around her. The smack on her rear drew an awkward cry of pain through the hand muzzling her mouth. Though she stopped struggling as she listened to Eliza, her free hand clutching at the cross around her neck as though it would protect her.

Mathilda's own body betrayed her as she felt Eliza's tongue and fangs nick across the sensitive skin on her neck. She shook with anticipation as a gasp escaped her quivering lips.

The second smack drew another wail of pain from Eliza's prey but she remained quiet even as Eliza withdrew her hand enough to answer. An answer the queen did as quietly and as innocently as ever. "You may use me however you wish but I will not allow you to harm another innocent even if it costs my own life. You...you...rapist."
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

"My, my you have the lecherous mind of a lusty wench. I have no interest in raping you Mathilda. As much as you seem to yearn for it." Eliza said with a roll of her eyes, picking up the queen wrapped up in tentacles and all then set her down on the bed to sit next to her.

"I would adjust your attitude if I were you, however. I find your self righteous proselytizing and accusations rather irritating."

The Lasombra stroked Mathilda's cheek lightly, staring deeply into her eyes. "You do not want to irritate me do you? I just want to have a friendly little chat. Tell me all about this little hunting operation. Allies, methods, locations, the whole scoop. It sounds so very interesting."
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

"You take that which I would not give you willingly so it is one and the same." Mathilda retorted as she was lifted and placed on the bed, even in her current situation she still managed to look perfectly innocent.

She turned her cheek away as Eliza tried to stroke it and closed her eyes as she snarled. "And I find your lecherous touch and sycophantic tongue to be as odious as your appearance. You will learn of the others when they come to send your corrupted body back to the hole that you crawled out of, worm."
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

"It appears you did not understand me clearly," Eliza said coldly, her body going quite still as the tentacle slowly began to constrict on Mathilda's form. The Lasombra stared at the queen through malice filled eyes, her voice low and venomous, bordering on a lack of any humane characteristics at all. As Eliza stared at the queen, the shadowy tendrils constricted more and more, squeezing the queen's body like a python on its prey. Eliza aimed to make a point about her intentions, making it difficult to breath much less scream but not yet breaking anything.

"I quickly grow tired of these frustrating antics Mathilda. Here is what is going to happen. You are going to tell me everything you know about this hunting operation. You will do so willingly and happily, answering any questions I have. Then, you will do everything I wish until I grow bored with you. There will be no back talk, no insults, no threats, and no acting like a filthy ingrate. All of this is going to happen because if it does not, you are going to die."

1 BP to strengthen the tentacle
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

Mathilda gasped as she felt the air squeezed from her lungs, her face paling a bit as the flow of blood through her body was constricted ever so slightly. She tried to struggle a bit as the air left her lungs but soon found herself to exhausted to continue and returned to her previous state.

"You're -gasp- going to kill me -gasp- anyway. Ughhh. You -gasp- already have me to do -unghgh- with as you will. Why would I betray anything -gasp- to you. Oh please. Just let me catch my breath. You -gasp- you monster."

10/15 BP's, 3/4 WP, [][][][][][][].
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

"Ah.. I see." Eliza forced out an undead sigh as she reached out to caress both sides of Mathilda's face with her hands, stroking lightly. She looked into her eyes for a few moments before saying, "Think what you wish Mathilda, but I rarely harm the pretty ones. You, on the other hand, are a very stupid girl."

The next moment, Eliza twisted her hands to the side to break the woman's neck. After dropping her to the bed, Eliza turned about to leave the room and find Genevieve.

Eliza's face was steely aside from the scowl but on the inside, her mind was whirling rapidly. There was frustration from the young hunter's obstinate reaction. She had given her multiple opportunities to cooperate after all. There was also annoyance at this city and grumblings about humans in general. Eliza had intended to feed on royalty, but instead, she just lost her appetite.

The Lasombra had not intended to kill anyone this night, but there it was. Although it would have been prudent to kill her anyway once her identity was given away, that wasn't why she did it. It was more because of the queen's intolerable refusal to take anything Eliza said seriously - that and the constant comparisons to mindless monsters. Eliza was not a monster, she told herself. She was a higher being, an immortal with great powers and superior beauty. Eliza didn't kill people for no reason; there was no fun in that. She needed to feed and enjoyed having a little fun while doing it. Who wanted to lurk in the sewers feeding on vermin, and worse, living like one? Not anything refined that was for sure. The worst thing about that self righteous bitch queen was that she tried to make Eliza feel guilty about who she was. It didn't work. It just pissed her off. Eliza hated when humans tried to make her feel bad about being kindred.

Eliza cursed London as she exited the chambers in search of Genevieve. This city's kindred and human populations seemed equally frustrating. She was beginning to wonder what Adria thought was so important about this little island.
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Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

The deed was done so quick that not even a sound escaped from the beautiful queen's lips. Only a sudden complete stillness in her body as her neck was snapped, her eyes moved in horror however as they stared at her murderer leave the room while she slowly asphyxiated.

Eliza had just stepped from within the queen's chambers and almost returned to the main hall and Genevieve when a voice called out from her side to wait. Lillian had finally found who she was looking for it seemed and she quickly hurried to Eliza's side where she stopped with a smile. A smile that quickly faded as she looked at Eliza's face and said. "Is something wrong Baroness. The queen is waiting in her chambers just as you wanted, and I have only just now caught up with you. I do so want you to meet her she is so lovely and will just adore you as I already do."

The sycophant had returned and just as Eliza was in a most foul temper. She could feel the beast stirring within from the anger she felt at everything that had occurred this night but she was still just barely in control. In enough control to realize that Lillian knew too much and would have to be silenced as well. The beast agreed and it practically begged to be released from behind Eliza's own mind.

Eliza degenerated a bit after murdering the queen, she's now a step lower on the humanity scale. The main thing to keep in mind is it costs an extra BP to masquerade now.
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

The look on Eliza's face was indeed frightening when she whirled around, but the vampire almost immediately grabbed her own head with her hands as if in great pain, squeezing and rubbing her forehead and temples.

"Ah... Lillian. You startled me girl. ...Do you always lurk in the shadows like that? Nevermind the queen... she seemed to have an important meeting with a knight of some sort. Would you please come with me dear? I have come down with a terrible headache, and I am afraid I must go. I am not certain I can make it to my companion on my own."

Eliza linked arms with the handmaiden girl, pulling her along toward the main hall and Genevieve gently. With one hand still rubbing her forehead, the headache looked pretty convincing. Even though Eliza was in no physical pain, it was a lot of effort to control the beast. However, the Lasombra was determined to do so. She knew first hand how dreadful it was. The first time it took control, the thing nearly led to her own destruction. Even worse, it caused her the humiliation of attacking her own beloved sire. Regardless of what happened, Eliza was determined to be her own master since then. This situation was inconvenient of course, but Eliza needed more time to consider her options. She didn't really want to kill this girl.

Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

"Oh, I am very sorry to hear that, Baroness. I am afraid it has been a rather trying evening for me as well, my brother was mortally wounded in a duel. Though he seems confused as to how it all happened. Enough of my problems though you have a headache and that does not concern you. Come let me help you to your companion." Lillian said with a soft smile as she did her best to gently guide Eliza into the main chamber. The party was a bit more subdued than before and judging from the conversation it was because of the duel that had occurred.

"Do you see your companion, Baroness? I'm afraid I did not notice who you entered with. Please don't think my mistress rude, she often has very important meetings with the temple knights, though she didn't mention one this evening. Perhaps another evening you will be able to speak with her more." Lillian said softly as she guided Eliza through the subdued gaiety of the masquerade. The beast seemed to calm as Eliza made effort to control it and before long she might even feel like her old self.

Genevieve was seated on a sofa listening to the conversation of the nearby nobles with a look of utter boredom on her face. Perhaps her evening had gone as poorly as Eliza's, as utterly impossible as that might be.

Is something wrong?
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

"Hmm.. that is unfortunate. I am sorry that it happened," Eliza said, referring to Lillian's brother. She was even slightly genuine, figuring that she could have handled that particular situation better. He was just so... drunk. Eliza shook her head, wishing to think of other things.

When Eliza finally saw Genevieve, she turned them in that direction, pointing her out to Lillian and also trying to beckon Genevieve over to them. Either way, she would try to manage a smile for the introductions.

"Lily, I would like you to meet my sister." Eliza quickly tried to remember what alias Genevieve was using but couldn't remember, instead smiling to Genevieve wishing for help. "I hope I am not ruining your fun, but I have come down with a terrible headache... and need to leave immediately. Lily was kind enough to assist me."

Eliza quickly led both toward the exist, offering Lillian a smile. "Would you please come with me? I want to give you a gift for being such a gracious host."

Not really anything wrong I guess. I just don't get why Eliza gets punished for killing a hunter but it's okay for Vezina to go around devouring vampire souls.

Anyways, Eliza is trying to get Lillian to come with her because she intends to try to resolve the predicament by ghouling her.
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