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Creative works from Squiggy


Jungle Girl
Jul 31, 2012
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Sorry if I made a thread where it wasn't supposed to go >.> I just saw a thread area for written creativity and I had to spring at the chance to share my works with people. I have a story in the works and several poems I'd like to share with you all if you'd like to give them a read.

The first thing I'd to share with you all is a poem I wrote back in 2008

The Mirror

A mirror stands in the middle of an echoed hall,
Empty and quiet to all that stand within.

On one side of the mirror, glittering white,
Stands one with beautiful white wings.

Grace and Beauty become hers,
White robes draped about her presence.

On the other side of the mirror,
Stands one with grotesque, charcoal wings.

Darkness and Obscurity become his,
Black robes draped about his presence.

Both two differing existences,
Drawn to each other by one enigmatic force.

Their hands press against each other,
Yet the cold glass separates their touch.

Treachery follows her choice as she stares into his eyes,
Her fate sealed from the moment she fell.

They rush in to stop her,
Save her from her sins.

The white robe lay on the floor beside the mirror,
White feathers flutter about the emptied halls.

They look into the mirror,
Shock echoes the silent hall.

Her white wings, black and grotesque,
Her white robes replaced with black.

Yet, there was no sadness in her eyes,
But true joy… Happiness… Hope…

Slowly, their image blurred in the mirror,
And disappeared from sight…