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Crucifix Held Close (Fanta)


Former Moderator
Nov 24, 2009
Reputation score
HP:50 MP:4 STR:60 INT:40
Everything after her escape had been a complete blur but it seemed that as night fell the church had called off the search for her for the evening. Hiding all day was not without merit though, she had heard church search parties mention two other places that seemed soaked in evil. People had been disappearing in the deserts of Egypt without a trace, and there was a story about monsters beginning to appear around Greece. Unfortunatly before she could investigate those places Michelle would have to escape the city so she could safely take flight and a feeling in the pit of her stomach told her that they called off the search at night for more reasons than it just being late....she had a choice between charging down the main roads, cutting through the alleys, or sneaking out through the aqueducts and tunnels beneath the city.

(main road has a higher risk of running into a leftover search party, alleys will take more turns to escape through, aqueduct will be clear but will increase the chance of running into a miniboss)
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Re: Crucifix Held Close (Fanta)

Michelle not wanting to be in this crowded religous city anymore decide to take the direct route out throught the aqueducts.

just a question. weapons?
Re: Crucifix Held Close (Fanta)

(weapons can be whatever you want STR is your general combat skill, you'll do the same damage unarmed or armed.)

Michelle slips into the tunnels unseen, halfway through she hears giggling echo through the tunnels, just as she emerges into a large instersection with a huge amount of water in the center the giggling stop. Before she can react the water bursts upwards before ebbing. "Is someone trying to be sneaky? Naughty naughty...." A girl made entirely of water rises up out of the pool and wags a finger at Michelle smiling. "Or maybe you're here for a little swim with me." Michelle can feel the dark energy pulsing through the water around her and knows immediately this girl is connected to it.

Miniboss encountered: Undine
Re: Crucifix Held Close (Fanta)

Michelle quickly picked up a piece of broken rebar off the ground and gave her large 22 foot tip to tip wing spread and gave a large flap of her wings blowing up a large amount of dust and debris into the water girls direction. Michelle quickly looked around will the debris floated around the room looking for some kind of safety value to release this body of water.

(check area)
Re: Crucifix Held Close (Fanta)

The girl coughs as the dust flies into her face but to make matters worse this seems to be an old section of the sewers no valves or pipes just stone and mortar. "That wasn't very polite now I'm going to -make- you come swimming with me!" A jet of water shot up from the pool and smashed into Michelle sending her falling down into the water losing some of her clothing in the process.

Michelle lost 10HP
(rolled a 3 to avoid attack)

HP:40 MP:4
Re: Crucifix Held Close (Fanta)

Michelle picked herself up dusting of her tron outfit. Anger and pain boiled into Michelle she began to feel a fire burning n her belly concetrating on it the feeling flowed up her body to the arm which held the rebar. A burning white flame spread around the rebar Michelle could feel the hot flame begin to warm the air but it did not burn her. She knew this because this power was beaten into her during her limited training with the church.

"You ruined my favorite outfit." said Michelle with a glare "now you must burn!" charging at Undine launching herself into a low level glide and make a stab with the flaming rebar.

(flaming stab with low level flight)
Re: Crucifix Held Close (Fanta)

The undine simply seemed to melt before Michelle connected, before she could turn around a large wave formed in front of her and washed Michelle into one of the walls. "You know for being one of us you aren't very good at this." The girl reappears tapping her chin.

Michelle took 8 damage
(Rolled a 4)

HP:32 MP:3
Re: Crucifix Held Close (Fanta)

Michelle coughed up a small amount of water wiping her mouth. "One of us?" said Michelle becoming confused by the statement. Michelle didn't know what being this was but she knew it wasn't even remotely related to it. Michelle didn't know how to fight this thing if it could simple drop back into the base of water below maybe she could steam it. Michelle quickly turned around an began swiping with hot rebar both at the watery figure and her base.

(try and steam the water away.)
Re: Crucifix Held Close (Fanta)

(2 rounds, both sides missed and then Michelle rolled a 20!)

The girl vanishes once more as she swings but Michelle moves before the water gushes up beneath her and correctly guesses where the girl will appear. "NOOOOOOOOOOO!" She screams as Michelle's makeshift sword comes down cutting her in two before the water explodes as if a depth charge went off in it.

Michelle gains 2xp, 2 more to level.
Re: Crucifix Held Close (Fanta)

Michelle sighed dropping the rebar and distigushing the flame. "Oh lord thank you for the aid you gave me said michelle clutching her cross. Michelle looked over herself and stretched out her wings to make sure she hadn't been hurt to badly. "Man I need to find a real weapon if there are more of these things out there." said Michelle heading down the aqueduct and out of the city.

(check self over then leave)
Re: Crucifix Held Close (Fanta)

Michelle emerges without incident and can now safely fly to the destination she chooses. She can look into the monsters in nearby Greece, fly over the sea and investigate why people are vanishing in Egypt or take her chances going straight to Dracula's Castle unarmed.
Re: Crucifix Held Close (Fanta)

Michelle begins flapping her black wings becoming lighter and lighter with each flap until she is hovering. Michelle then heads to greece since its the closes and the night is growing short. Michelle begins flying through the air looking for some kind of weapon shop to sneak in and grab something along the way.

(head to greece but search for a weapon shop along the way)
Re: Crucifix Held Close (Fanta)

Along the way Michelle is able to swipe a gladius from an unsuspecting metalworker's shop but as she glides over the grecian lands she hears a screech abover her and barely misses something dart down in front of her. "Oh aren't you a pretty treat? I think I'll put off eating you like I do those pitiful little humans." A woman flies up in front of Michelle with similar wings but her feet are bird claws and her skin is blue. "Now be a good little songbird and come you your mother." She cackles at her own joke.

Battle: Harpy Queen

(You rolled a 3 for travel safety, Lady Luck's fickle ain't she?)
Re: Crucifix Held Close (Fanta)

Michelle at a disadvantage dived to the ground aiming for a crowded forest area. The trees would help her drawing her newly acquired gladius watching the harpie's shadow for any sign of attack.

(prepare for attack and head for cover of the forest.)
Re: Crucifix Held Close (Fanta)

(Rolled a 5)

Just as Michelle drew her blade the harpy was upon her, talons swiping and clawing at her clothing leaving it in tatters before she flapped out of Michelle's reach. "Oh how beautiful you are songbird, I'm glad I found you first. You just wouldn't get along with the mistress."

Michelle takes 6 damage, her clothes barely hanging on.

HP:26 MP:3
Re: Crucifix Held Close (Fanta)

The claws raked across Michelle tearing through her clothes turning them to ribbons wrapping around her body. Michelle flailed her gladius to shoo her off. Her body raged with pain from multiple scratchs she newly acquired. Michelle couldn't get a fair fight out in the open air. Michelle quickly balled her fist and contrated on it. A bright light began to seep through her hand then Michelle threw behind her. The sky gained another Sun but this sun was closer and a blinding white instead of a dull yellow. Right after throwing the light behind her Michelle collasped her wings and dropped towards the woods. "HAHAHAHAHA! Try an catch what you can't see!" teased Michelle as she dropped from the sky.

(divebomb for the woods after using holy light to blind the harpy)
Re: Crucifix Held Close (Fanta)

(14, a so-so outcome)

The harpy lashed out before she threw the light managing to remove her clothes but doing little else before being blinded. She tried diving after Michelle but smashed into several branches in doing so damaging herself a bit. "Oh I'm going to make you sing extra for that!" She rubs her eyes as she recovers her sight growling

Michelle took 4 damage, is now naked.

HP:22 MP:2
Re: Crucifix Held Close (Fanta)

Michelle felt the claws rake her back as she dove feeling the remains of her clothes rip away. Michelle quickly dropped on to her feet and tucked herself into a nook of a larger tree. Michelle took a few deep breathes to try and recover from the pain when an idea popped into her head. Michelle began gathering up throwable rocks to try to use as some ranged weapons and maybe bring down the harpy. Michelle grabbed a more pointed one and waited for the harpy to come looking for her.

(attempt a sneak ranged attack with rocks aim for wings to attempt grounding the woman)
Re: Crucifix Held Close (Fanta)

(5, almost)

Michelle's rocks fly over the harpy who immediately swoops at her and presses against her in the tree hollow. "You're such a pretty little thing, I'll just have to cage you up and keep you all to myself....." One of her hands slides down and strokes between Michelle's legs.

Michelle took 5 damage and the harpy can now GoT, grope over time.

HP:17 MP:2
Re: Crucifix Held Close (Fanta)

Michelle cursed her rotten aim as the harpy swooped down and pinned her against the tree. Michelle groaned as her wings were painfully pinned against the nook she had used as cover a short while ago. The harpy's winged hand moved down to Michelle's legs and began to rub her. A shot of pleasure shooting through her body Michelle. Michelle closed her legs trying to protect herself. Michelle fought the pleasure and swung her sword in stabbing motion at the harpy's blue chest. Michelle aimed for a stab under the rib cage.

(attempt a quick stab under the rib cage)