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Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
Staff member
Nov 24, 2008
Reputation score
Status explained:
Health: How healthy you are. Avoid getting hurt.
Hunger: How hungry you are. If this gets high, you need to find some food, quickly.
Cuddles: How much you've been cuddled lately. Keep as high as possible.
Eggs: How much eggs you have waiting to be laid. When this gets high, you need to find some victims to put them in. You can only produce so many eggs before you need to get laid again.
Status: Health: 5/5 Hunger: 1/10 Cuddles: 3/10 Eggs: 1/10
You wake up in your web as usual: the web is in a nice, large tunnel of solid stone, blocking anyone from passing through without your leave. There are also lights in the tunnel to let you see, though the one closest to your web is broken.

Yesterday was a good day. You found a mate AND a good meal; there's still lots of the tentacled monster with crab-like shell left. There was also a female human, but she ran away before you could cuddle her. This upsets you, for some reason.

What do you do?
1. Eat the rest of the crab-monster
2. Spin more web: Though your web is in a pretty good shape, it could always be better. This will make you hungrier.
3. Adventure! Perhaps you'll find someone to cuddle, more food or an even better place for your web.
4. Wait. Something interesting is bound to come your way, sooner or later.
Re: Cuddlespiderquest

1) Retrieve Arms
2) Tell us about yourself, what you are and how you look
3) Option 3, ADVENTURE!
Re: Cuddlespiderquest

...apparently 3AM is the time to launch a CYOA...

I assume you're a spider so option 3. We need to cuddle someone's face.
Re: Cuddlespiderquest

Option 3: Find a naughty human to play with~.
Re: Cuddlespiderquest


Ambushes are the spider way.
Re: Cuddlespiderquest

Option 2. You've already got a good location for your base, it would be good to fortify it some more.
Re: Cuddlespiderquest

3. I'm going on an Adventure!
Re: Cuddlespiderquest

Status: Health: 5/5 Hunger: 1/10 Cuddles: 3/10 Eggs: 2/10
"What are you?" That's a strange question. You're a spider. A typical one, you think - not that you have many others to compare with. You have a shiny black carapace mostly covered in black fur, with fur-less patterns in it and a white cross-shaped patch on your back. You have eight sturdy yet long legs, two quite dextrous pedipalps, a pair of fangs and sensitive ovipositor. You also have eight eyes - two large ones in the front, the other six smaller ones around your head so you can see in all directions - and a spinneret you can't see. You're pretty big in comparison to most living things you see - the tentacle-crab was only half your size, and most humans are a little smaller than you.

You decide to start exploring and scuttle along the floor. Not really knowing where cuddles might be found, you just wander around at random, though you make sure you can find your way back later. It doesn't take long until you find a pair of humans standing on the ceiling - wall, floor? They're upside down from your point of view, anyway. One of them is a man and the other one a woman. Both of them have a carapace on, and neither looks very cuddly. Apparently they have been hunting as well, since there's a dead animal between them, and they're making strange noises. The humans are in the middle of a larger cave, with multiple tunnels connecting to

What do you do?
1)They're not very cuddly - try to find more humans without carapaces.
2)Cuddle them anyway(which one?).
3)Keep watching them
4)No need to keep those eggs stored up - egg the woman
5)This looks like a good place - there's humans and food, which means sooner or later more humans and food will come along. Start setting up a web.
Re: Cuddlespiderquest

5. lurk in the shadows until more show up, once enough do, have yourself a cuddlefest, don't let these cuddle-candidates get away however.

edit: muhahhaha.
Re: Cuddlespiderquest

Option 3+, Observe the not-cuddly humans for a bit, if the man leaves, proceed with Option 2+4, if they both leave, proceed with Option 5.
Re: Cuddlespiderquest

You're all making terrible decisions.

Option 4.
Re: Cuddlespiderquest

Option 5: They need to sleep sometime...
Re: Cuddlespiderquest

5. Web swing. Web swing.