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Curious Black Calamari (Pedoune/Pervy)


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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(That weird feel when your avatar is also your roleplay characters look. :p)
Ashara Silverstar,
The Lush Hills outside of civilization.

Asharas eyes opened with a slight startle. She had always been a light sleeper whilest in monstergirl territory. "Huh. Strange dream. So.. to recall, what can you tell me about the place we are heading towards.. I know, bad place, sorry to make you recall that but.. are there any defences?" Ashara didn't bother to ask her monstergirl about the actual layout.. not expecting a sensical answer, moreso with Kuroras multiple senses that humans lacked.

She tiredly got up, wearing only light clothing at the moment (sleeping in her armor was a bad idea) Kurora still with her, perhaps coiled around, or keeping guard as ordered.. or both, they were on a comparably easy to oversee hill, but it never hurt to be cautious.
Re: Curious Black Calamari (Pedoune/Pervy)

(Argh, can't put image yet)
Kurora, with her Mistress

Kurora stirred and turned her eyes to her Mistress, momentarily distracted from her quiet vigil by Her awakening. She'd coiled herself around Ashara, to provide comfort for both of them (mostly psychological for Kurora; her monster girl physiology and difficult past pre-Ashara making her physical comfort a non-issue in all but the most extreme conditions), and provide her Mistress some protection in case something hostile managed to slip past her incredibly keen (and numerous) senses.

"Kurora no remember getting out of Bad Place very good, too much angry and sad and pain..." She braced herself. Ashara, her Mistress, her Owner, her Savior, was doing this for Her little monmon slave's sake, to help give the centipede girl some closure concerning her old life. She had to be strong, to show the Mistress she was worthy, how she understood how lucky she was to be Hers. So she continued, in the rather lacking way that was yet another less than desirable reminder of her past as something that had been treated as less than an animal. "...But remember how it was before long long sleep, was lots of traps, guards, guns... if Kurora got out as easy as Kurora think, defenses must be dead and broken, like rest of things and people there."
Re: Curious Black Calamari (Pedoune/Pervy)

(Dun worry, only need 11 moar posts)
Ashara Silverstar,
The Lush Hills outside of civilization.

Ashara yawned softly, lazily reaching out to scratch between Kuroras hair and antenna. "I know, though.. nothing helpful, hmnnn?" She tipped her chin. "Well, at least the traps should be mostly disabled, thats a good thing. Alright..." She got up, slowly armoring up as well, before looking to Kurora. "Offf off and ahead then, you lead the way.. oh and no more of this.. trying to get along nonsense, that has gotten me in enough trouble, no more philosophizing.. monstergirls aren't to be trusted, unless they are utterly and completely tamed and enslaved." She nodded, with a slightly grim determination, similiar to a dog-owner that had gotten bitten. She checked on her reforged blade, nodding to herself before sheathing it, preparing to head on under Kuroras guidance, looking at the weather in the sky thoughtfully.
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Re: Curious Black Calamari (Pedoune/Pervy)

Kurora, with her Mistress

Kurora leaned into Ashara's hand, murring in delight at the affectionate gesture. "Kurora sorry no can help more... Bad Place is big, but humans there looked like they found it easy to find where going..." Words like "navigate" were still beyond the mongirl's grasp, given how her early development had been stunted; still, prolonged contact with Ashara after being captured by the powerful tamer had helped her make some progress, intellectually and emotionally.

As Ashara armored up, Kurora assisted her as best she could, mostly handing her the armor pieces the trainer needed, even as she smiled slightly at reminiscing how not that long ago she could barely understand how someone could detach their carapace plates from their body, not even knowing that armor could be something worn like clothes. This, among other things, had played against her on the fateful day she and Ashara met... but she wouldn't want it any other way. Losing to the human with the beautiful silver hair was the best thing that had ever happened to the monstergirl.

At Ashara's proclamation, Kurora couldn't help but nod enthusiastically in agreement. She was uttterly tamed and enslaved herself, after all, as it should be. "Yes, and Kurora help Mistress make other mongirls see true place! Always!" She beamed at her Mistress, like a happily obedient puppy, then when She was ready to go the centipede girl turned around and began moving quietly through the woods, taking point and keeping her sharp senses alert for any sign of potential danger... or opportunity, as she continued guiding Ashara to the Bad Place, where the monstergirl had lived most of her life... A life that had until recently been nothing but pain and despair. She was still apprehensive at returning to this place of horror, cruelty and death, but she pressed on. She had to, for her own sake... and that of the only one who'd ever shown her any kindness before Ashara. If nothing else, her old handler, long dead she may be, deserved this at least, aknowledgement and a decent resting place, for having shown her there was more to the world than pain and spite. She hugged the hem of her kimono, the sole keepsake she had of that kindly, tragic woman, close to her body as she continued on.

... Still some distance from the approaching Mistress-slave duo, in a forgotten, ruined underground facility, where monstrously ruthless experimentation and depraved, pointless cruelty had long ago been swept aside by the shadow of death, something stirred. Beyond the corpses and debris, silent evidence of the terrible onslaught that had destroyed the place and its overseers, a lonely figure, slumped and mummified, as immobile as when death took her, seemed to shimmer as if from great heat, despite the temperature in the room suddenly dropping to abnormally cold levels. A single, smoldering blue ember appeared over the husk for a few seconds then flickered out of existence again, but not before emitting a strange, whispered sigh, which seemed to be saying: "...Ku...ro...raaaa..."
Re: Curious Black Calamari (Pedoune/Pervy)

Ashara Silverstar,
The Lush Hills outside of civilization.

"Right. Elevators or maps.. I dislike climbing ruins, dangerous." Ashara mused.. Kurora wouldn't understand these concepts without some time fo explanation, a chalkboard, and some berries to keep her attention, propably. Not a flaw exclusive to Kurora, though Ashara knew of more intelligent monstergirls, she simply thought those dangerously deluded in the end. Kurora on the other hand was perfect.. sure she needed a bit more teaching, nurturing.. disciplining. Not that Kurora wasn't disciplined, but Ashara was a perfectionist herself.

Ashara nodded, nuzzling her hand up to her monstergirl-pet again briefly. Considering the danger they were in, she couldn't help but think any tamer not using at least light body armor foolish.. sure, not all could afford an advanced armament like hers, but a lot of tamers seemed to chose to run out with a short skirt or a labcoat, peculiarly without the sign asking for capture and molestation though.

Ashara liked the happy-captured-puppy expression Kurora displayed, whistling slightly on their way..normally noise was something she'd avoid like the plague, but she could trust Kuroras senses to alert her early.. so why not relax a little. "Are you alright?" Ashara inquired, as they went on their way, showing that she could show empathy.. to the properly tamed and educated, with her calmly advanceing through the forest.
Re: Curious Black Calamari (Pedoune/Pervy)

Kurora, with her Mistress

Kurora smiled a little at the sound of Ashara's whistling; she'd learned well enough that her Tamer wasn't one for foolish risks, so this could only mean She felt secure enough to do it, no doubt thanks to Her pet's vigilance and senses (anything threatening that was currently beyond the centipede girl's perception would almost certainly be detected before it could attack, and in any case it was unlikely that such a threat could actually hear, much less pinpoint, the whistling from so far away).

At her Mistress' questioning, Kurora hesitated a bit; she was so grateful for all that Ashara had done for her (and to her), made her so happy, that she was slightly loathe to express negativity at her situation, for fear of appearing ungrateful. "Is just... Kurora have so many bad things Kurora re-mem-ber from Bad Place... Is no problem most times, but... Going back to Bad Place make feel all sorts of bad things... really strong... Kurora sorry not stronger..." Her eyes seemed about to tear up a bit; she felt ashamed of her weakness. A mere toy or pet could be weak; some owners might actually consider these traits desirable in their mongirl slaves. But Kurora was more than that. She was a tool, a weapon; and such things had to be strong and dependable, as their strength was their Owner's to use... And yet here she was, even though her kind Mistress had taken care to fix her, to heal and mend the broken, twisted thing she used to be, shunting all those horrible memories in the background...
Re: Curious Black Calamari (Pedoune/Pervy)

Ashara Silverstar,
The Lush Hills outside of civilization.

"We need confront our fears. When I was a child, I was terribly afraid of heights. So, on my request, I was bound to the top of the heighest building. I knew the experience would either make, or break me back then, I simply disallowed it from doing the latter." Ashara said, with a stern expression.

"There is an old saying, pain is weakness leaving the body. I believe that, fear, is weakness leaving the mind. That does not mean you need to needlessly inflict pain or fear, but you need to confront it to train yourself to be stronger. You also needn't ignore pain or fear, as they warn you of danger.. but you need to not let those feelings control you.

In confronting you with your past, in a controlled way and with someone stronger than you there, you can leave it behind you."
Ashara said, and ment it. There was a reason she was fit to dominate the monstergirls, consider them lesser creatures and herself above, and that was because she truly had pushed herself to be above most of them.. most humans as well, but that was a shortcoming she couldn't fix. Ashara was currently wearing about fifteen kilo of armor.. and that was high-tech, modern armor plating and not counting the weight of her backpack, or sword she swung around. That she could march so casually was not due to stopping the first moment her body had complaints and the reason her mind was steeled to, at least to some degree, resist a monstergirls influence, was moreso due to her pushing herself onwards.

She looked at Kurora, by comparison.. the little monstergirl -had- been pushed.. too far. Thats how this fear was coming about in the first place, so Ashara felt sympathetic.

"That said, it is alright to be afraid." she decided to add, to the torn monstergirl. "I'd be afraid too, if I were to go to such a place.. I would simply not let that stop me. But of course, you are not me, so.." She hesitated, then extended her hand, gripping Kuroras, strong, but not too tight, less holding hands, and more leading her along. Not dragging her either, if Kurora hesitated all too much, she'd not get a physical pull, but a stern, commanding look, though this gesture was all Kurora had to cling to, Ashara would not relent on her goal in advancing on this old facility.. not only was she curious about Kuroras fate and the potential of other creatures like her, perhaps still there, such places could have interesting, if forbidden technology, either for her to use, or, more likely considering what she had heard, for her to destroy, so no one could end up using it.

"I can't possibly memorize all research outposts, but if I judge the direction right we could be closing in on an old corporate research facility. History tells us that corporations were designed to train humans to be stronger by making them feel miserable and generate a profit.. an excess of resources, which was .. " She looked at Kurora, remembering the monstergirls vocabulary. "The place was indeed likely run by bad people, is what I'm trying to say."
Re: Curious Black Calamari (Pedoune/Pervy)

Kurora, with her Mistress

At Ashara's words, Kurora turned to look at Her, fearfully awestruck by her speech; as such she adopted a submissive, lower posture as a sign of deference towards her Mistress. The mongirl listened raptly, even though she didn't quite understand everything (her abusive child and teen years as a mistreated lab rat had left her at a level similar to that of a wild child), for she knew those words to be Important and True, otherwise her Tamer would not utter them with such imperious conviction. That said, she still got the general gist of conquering one's fears, which was quite a big deal for one whose life had been defined in large part by that very emotion.

She was slightly surprised by the admission that someone as brave as her Owner would feel fear as well, but Her counter that She would not be stopped by it simply strengthened the admiration the mongirl had for Ashara, showing itself in a slight smile and big, sparkly eyes (the centipede girl may be a stealthy and sneaky hunter, but emotionally she was an open book, especially when it came to her Mistress). Then, she felt the gentle but firm grip of Her hand on hers...

Kurora's blush was so intense it was almost luminescent. She let herself be guided by Ashara, but easily keeping up the pace She dictated - she would not allow herself anything less, and in any case even an athletic human's brisk pace was more of a leisurely stroll for the skittering, many-legged mongirl - all the while looking at Her with a look on her face that was about halfway between that of a loyal puppy dog on walkies with its owner and that of a schoolgirl on her first date with her crush. Some moisture was beginning to gather at her now slightly puffy labia, and she had to make a conscious effort to prevent herself from secreting her venoms. Seeing her Mistress stride forward with such determination actually gave Kurora the boost in courage she'd needed - to say that she would follow Ashara into Hell itself wasn't hyperbole, as they were heading to the closest thing to it that the mongirl could even conceive of.

Again, the somewhat simple mongirl didn't quite understand every word of her Tamer, but still drank it all in as if manna from Heaven. At Ashara's looking at her and simplified explanation, Kurora nodded vigorously. "Yes, yes, very very bad people! Not like Mistress at all! Always hurt, always mean or no care, only happy doing bad, nasty things! Hurt lots of mongirls enough that they die, or thinking and doing go away, eyes all empty like head empty!" She took a deep breath, probably more from psychological affectation than physical need, then concluded, a wide grin on her face that for her was likely the equivalent of a conspiratorial smirk-and-wink: "But now, now is not same... Now they dead and dry, and Kurora no more belong to them, and stronger, and belong to Mistress Ashara, and Mistress Strong and Good and Best Human! ...So Mistress and loyal monmon slave go in, look at ugly, dead, dry things bad humans are now, and take their stuff!!" The fear was still there, but it was now more subdued; there shouldn't be any more problems at least until the entrance of the facility; not from Kurora, at least. And judging by the slight twitching of her antennae, probably no outer problems for a while yet.
Re: Curious Black Calamari (Pedoune/Pervy)

Ashara Silverstar,
The Lush Hills outside of civilization.

Ashara continued on with a small smile, that was admittedly in part inspired by Kuroras eager admiration. "Most think me harsh, but I'm simply practical, a broken tool is just as useless as an uncontrolled one. The only benefit their .. methods seemed to have had was priming you for something better. Though I doubt they had similiar goals to mine. It is easy to consider something different, inhuman, and concieve of treating it just as such." She shook her head.

"Anyway, yes, this may be a bit of a scavenging.. that means taking the scraps of someone else, but at best, there might be others like you around. At worst.. I'll have to destroy some blasphemous research." She nodded calmly.

"And perhaps confronting myself with these things will help steel my resolve, I've made enough mistakes dealing with all too intelligent subtypes of monstergirl species." She put a hand on the heft of her restored, spirit cutting sword. "We are closing in then?" She mused, keeping calm, though there were subtle signs of preparedness in her, body tensing, stance shifting as she readied her blade. "So, do you sense any life ahead? I don't doubt the electricity is out.. that was likely what released you in the first place, the last long running emergency generator ending.. You did not notice anyone around you when you.. escaped." Ashara was quite certain this would be a depressing venture and, despite her harsher policies, found herself disagreeing with the idea of torturing a monstergirl for years, just to make it compliant. She'd claim it was crude, but really, she just didn't like inflicting unecessary harm. Oh she would attack and cut down all that stood in the way of her goals, enslave and control and break, but that was a darker morality, not a lack of morality that let one inflict harm for harms sake.
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Re: Curious Black Calamari (Pedoune/Pervy)

Kurora kept holding Ashara's hand and listening to Her, eagerly agreeing with all Her assertions; She knew best, after all. And while she was uncertain they'd find another still-living monstergirl there (let alone one that could still be of use to Ashara; for all the abuse and unethical experiments, the centipede girl was one of only a few test subjects that were still reasonably "functional" towards the end, as she remembered it), she was almost giddy at the idea of assisting her Mistress in destroying the Bad Things that were still there (at least, she assumed blas- blasf- whatever was another word for "bad").

At the mention of smart monstergirls, Kurora became more morose and pensive, remembering a particular couple of encounters - while Ashara talked about Her mistakes, Kurora could only think of her own failures then. Both times she'd attempted to convince them how much better their lives would be if they'd only submit, if they became Ashara's... And both times she'd been unsuccessful. While her Tamer, in Her magnanimity, had not begrudged her, the shame of having failed Her still stung the approval-starved centipede. It didn't help that both had also been rare breeds or variants which would have proven extremely useful in her Mistress's harem, filling in roles Kurora herself could not.

And then there was her desire for companionship, to be among other monstergirls all dedicated to worshipful servitude to their Savior, which by extension was still unfulfilled; the other mongirls they'd met and successfully captured had been too weak, passive, common, or some combination thereof to be worthy of Mistress Ashara's harem, and so had been sent to the human stronghold where they would be assigned proper masters (Kurora suspected most would end up as sexpets or maids or something; she didn't really care as long as they weren't mistreated by bad humans). She truly wished to know the joy of sharing loving slavery to the Best Human with others.

At Ashara's change to a combat-ready stance, Kurora escaped with some relief her depressing reverie and brought her full attention to her surroundings and her Mistress. "Yes, getting closer. Kurora no sense life much... Is sign we near. Bad Place so bad keep life away, Kurora think." And indeed, Ashara could likely notice that all the normal forest sounds, made by small mammals, birds, even insects... all had become more subdued, and would likely become even more muted as they neared the place. The atmosphere was becoming more oppressive as well.

"No, nobody else in tubes when Kurora got out... Only dead, dry Handler..." A small tear ran down her cheek at the memory. "...And only dead, dry mongirls and bad humans, but Kurora only try and get out of Bad Place, no look all rooms and places there..." She held Ashara's hand a little harder; nothing painful or inescapable, but similar to the grip of a child seeking reassurance from contact with a trusted adult.
Re: Curious Black Calamari (Pedoune/Pervy)

Ashara Silverstar,
The Lush Hills outside of civilization.

Ashara walked besides the centipede, peering over to her. "If I were to guess at what you are thinking then yes.. no more of the nonsense agreement and equal treatment we extended towards monsters disguising as intelligent humans. They are all animals, all needing to be tamed and if we need to use brutal methods to ensure their proper happiness and servitude, then so be it.. in a way it is our duty." She nodded.

"It's too quiet." She noted her own assesment of Kuroras senses. "If we find only the dead, then so be it." She nodded, brushing a tear of Kuroras away. "A find nonetheless. Do you wish to bury your handler?.. Its a human custom, putting a body underground rather than letting it rot in the air.. I guess it makes little point to you. Hrmnn.. I would like to exlpore all rooms. you should at least say goodbye to your handler a last time, of course you have a new, proper owner now, but if all roles were reversed, I'd hope for the same. Afterwards you can leave me to explore the rooms.. don't worry, theres nothing in there that could stop me from coming back out." Most likely. There could be automated defense mechanisms, but after decades those malfunctioned, she hoped, plus she had her armor.

Either way, if nothing, Kurora or otherwise, held her back, she'd continue towards the entrance of the building..
Kurora, with her Mistress

Kurora had a faint, hopeful smile at Ashara's words. All would be Right and Proper with the world soon enough, and she would happily assist her Mistress in keeping it that way; after an early life of almost nothing but struggle and hardship, having to fight or being harsh didn't bother her at all, especially not in the service of a Tamer who to her limited understanding truly had mongirls' best interests at heart. She felt no particular loyalty towards monster girls in general, but she still wished they could be safe and happy, and what better way for this to happen than to properly belong to a kind Owner? It had done wonders for her, after all.

At her Mistress' questioning, the centipede girl perked quizzically, as if thinking deeply about them - or as deep as she could, anyway. "Kurora no know humans do that... Dead bodies just taken and never see again when Bad Place not old and broken... If humans bury dead, Handler would want it, so Kurora do it for her... Be last thank you..." She may not quite understand the custom, but it seemed she could appreciate the notion of respecting dead loved ones. However, at the suggestion of letting her Tamer to explore the place by herself, Kurora suddenly became adamant and strongly shook her head. "NO! Kurora belong to Mistress, so stay with mistress to eks-ploar Bad Place all the way! Go bury Handler only when is over! Kurora Good Mongirl for Owner Ashara, not leave her alone in Bad Place, even if no danger!" Her desire to serve properly (at least to her best understanding of what that was) overrode pretty much every other consideration, it appeared, even if given other options by the One she served.

In any case, the evermore pervasive eerie quiet indicated they were almost at the entrance... If one wasn't aware of what they were looking for though, they could easily miss it. It wasn't a building in the traditional sense, but rather a camouflaged underground bunker, the uneven terrain and century of unchecked forest growth on top of and around it furthering the illusion that nothing of note was in the vicinity.

A mound, half-hidden by the copse of trees on and around it, stood silently, one of its slopes a sheer, creeper-covered rocky face barely incongruous if not for the round hole in it, slightly more than two meters in diameter and one meter deep, where lay a door, similar to that of a high-tech bank vault. While originally formidable, it was now pitted, dented and somewhat warped from its decades of neglect, although an examination would reveal that much of the earlier damage was far more direct and brutal; no doubt the monstergirls who'd assaulted the facility had entered through there. While still quite solid (and heavy), it could probably be opened with moderate effort and smarts.
Ashara Silverstar,
Heading to the old laboratory.

"It is indeed an old human custom to bury or burn the dead. I guess for your understanding, it does prevent disease and prevents attraction of predators, but it's also a ritual to.. remember people." Ashara explained, then smiled a thin smile over to the monstergirl. "I should not be in danger, this place likely keeps all but the most desperate visitors out all by itself.. but if you have the strength to accompany me, then so be it." She nodded, stepping ahead with that matter settled... if by conditioning or desire made little difference to her in this instance.

"Ah.. that's the entrance, I could have walked past it by a few metres and missed it without looking for it. Likely, this was even earlier than I anticipated.." She rubbed her chin. "Illegal weaponization experiments. In the old days, human nations struggled not with monstergirls, but with one another over petty things. This has all the makings of a secret laboratory, if we assume that safety barriers hiding and protecting it have withered over the century." She mused.

Ashara approached the door thoughtfully. "You could squeeze through it, but there are disadvantages to armor." Ashara reached out and carefully tested the mechanism, before stepping aside to find a solid branch- she was not going to damage her prized sword with this.- and using it as leverage to heave the door open further.

"Of course, an underground laboratory has another downside. Avert your eyes and brace your sense of smell, pet." She mused, pulling a brightly colored stick from her backpack, before igniting the flare, figuring Kurora wasn't good with bright lights and the scent of fire, before she thrust the staff out to light up the area behind the door. "So then. You wish to discover the body of your tamer. Take all the time you need. I'm after what potential paperwork about this place has survived.. perhaps a locked drawer, hiding things from the tooth of time, would do well." She mused, for now, unafraid of the quiet place with its atrocities of the past, stepping inside. She frankly did not expect to find anything of value, and more things of disgust once she explored this place. True, if someone offered her a way of turning the entirety of the monstergirl population into subservient slaves she'd do so without hesitationg, but she'd not.. waste raw slave material without a very good reason. She doubted she could find such a reason in here. It was propably best to simply let Kurora find closure here, then disable the door mechanism completely, so that this place would become forgotten in time. "Oh, and on the rare chance that you sense others trapped as you, do alert me at once. If you are anything to go by, they will be .. aggressive." That could be a positive outcome, though Ashara had never figured herself one to nurse half mad monstergirls trapped in such a way. Well, if Kurora was anything to go by, they could make useful, long term reliable slave material, so it was worth the potential risk..