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Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

In response to Ankieseth's question, Zellara seems to muse for a bit...though does offer an answer of sorts following a delay.

"Gaedran Lamm, having taken pride in his abilities to remain hidden from those who would seek justice upon him, is a vain and greedy man. From what my cards have told me, and what I have learned of him, his primary base of operations is poorly guarded save for a handful of his most trusted men, preferring to keep most of the actual muscle away from his base of operations. He should not be expecting an attack at this time. However, if a plan must be conducted, I believe that many of his..."Little Lambs" are enslaved in the establishment. Perhaps with a bit of coercing, you could turn them to your side? That or perhaps I could offer you a Harrow reading to guide you along your way. It would be the least I could do."
Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

Elizabeth folds her arms, "Although I suppose time is of the essence here, it would not hurt to here what you have to say, old seer." In reality, Elizabeth was eager to go on her merry way to smash in the old bastard's face, but at the same time, she knew enough of the reputation of the seers around here to know it was wise to ask them for a reading.
Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

Allesharra folded her arms and nodded her hooded head slowly a few times before replying to Zellara's question, "Hrmmm, personally I'd rather not endanger the poor children that bastard has enslaved in his dump, or turn them into murders or stain or harm their innocence any further then they have already been. Though some chaos and confusion by some rebellion or other ruckus by his slaves would certainly act as a useful distraction for getting the drop on the old puss sack. I would also appreciate any ideas, suggestions or further help you could provide us with Zellara." she said awaiting the others input and the seers answer.
Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

"Old seer? I'm not nearly that old yet. Nor will I ever be perhaps. Regardless, as I am no strategist, nor am I rich. Thus Gaedran Lamm's location and this harrowing will be the most I can help you with in our mutual quest for justice..."

Having chuckled a bit at being denoted in such a manner, the woman would begin shuffling her cards quickly, once…twice…

“…And as none of you seem to be opposed to it, then please listen carefully as I delve into your pasts, presents, and futures.”

It would be then that the fortune teller’s eyes would appear to cloud over, as she entered almost a trance…and began rearranging the cards once…twice, followed by returning them to the deck and shuffling them multiple times. The cards seemed almost alive at Zellara’s fingertips, moving about fluidly and mystifying manner, seeming to glide about from arrangement to arrangement flawlessly, until nine of them finally settled face down in a three by three square arrangement, with the rest seeming to stack together by themselves at a corner of the table. And then…began the harrowing as the fortune teller began turning over the cards at the left most column one by one, starting from the one in the upper left corner (from the perspective of the observers).

Top Left: The Courtesan
Center Left: The Uprising
Bottom Left: The Marriage
“An ill born union in Korvosa’s past shall soon bear forth its wicked fruit. Once the fruit ripens and descends from the corrupted root, the waves of anarchy will be to spring forth…”

Next would come the cards in the center column, which would again be turned over from the top down.

Top Center: The Juggler
Direct Center: The Survivor
Bottom Center: The Trumpet
((Izak gains one Harrow Point!))

“…And as a result, many ordeals shall come in the near future. Destiny will seek to rigorously test those ordained by fate. However, those who endure and persevere to the end, shall find themselves reborn anew…powerfully so. Izak…this applies the most to you…remember this well.”

There is a pause as Zellara seems to blink for a moment as she realized she had suddenly addressed one of her guests directly by name, but soon her eyes cloud again and she continues as she turns over the final three cards.

Top Right: The Brass Dwarf
Center Right: The Tangled Briar
Bottom Right: The Demon’s Lantern

“…This…The future…does not bode well. A time of impossibility approaches. One where those chosen by destiny, although protected from turbulent events, will find themselves reduced to naught but helpless spectators. Ones unable to do anything, but look on hopelessly as the Demon’s Lantern brings forth despair. But at that time…one must not lose help. Instead, even as one observes, one should look out for the return of ancient triumphs…ones that may offer a glimmer of hope when all seems lost.”

As the harrowing finishes, the party bear witness to the cards “scurrying back” to the bottom of the deck, and the fortune teller seeming almost…exhausted.

“…That, is what the cards have foreseen. There is little else I can do beyond that, I am afraid. Is there anything else you would like to ask? Or shall I make Gaedran’s location known to you know, so that justice can be carried out?...”
Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

Izak's eyes seem to dart across the cards as the reading commences, stopping and fixating on The Juggler as it is turned over, the card that had lead him here. When she spoke his name, however, he seemed to withdraw, closing his eyes and crossing his arms as he steps back towards the wall, staring down at the floor in thought until he spoke. "Just tell me where he is. I'll turn him inside out for what he's done. Then you all can have your way with him." he says, then reaches his left hand up to adjust the strap over his shoulder which held a crossbow he had been carrying.
Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

Raven intently stares at Zellara during the reading, then closes his eyes, shaking his head at Izak's reaction. "Let us know Gaedran's location so that we might plan his demise."
Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

Ankieseth scowled at the woman's reply, and all throughout the reading. He hadn't ever taken stock in such things before, and he wasn't about to start now. As Izak spoke following the reading, Ankieseth glanced at the man again, and then turned back to the seer and said; "Alright."
Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

Jess listens intently as Zellara does her telling. She had seen many people do harrow readings on booths in the streets, this one seemed... More real than the rest.

Zellara finishes her reading, and everyone starts piping up. Jess adds her own voice to the mix long enough to agree with the others, and quiets down again. "Yeah, point us in the right direction, and we'll figure something out once we see how he's hid himself."
Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

Allesharra seemed more or less disinterested in the Harrow reading, save for the part about the future, she didn't like the sound of it, but there would be little she could about it now. Right now the more pressing and important matter was finding the bastard Gaedren and making him pay for destroying their lives. The only who seemed to have any stake in the reading was Izak and he seemed apparently disintersted and unconcerned with the whole business. So she merely nodded solemnly and gravely before replying, "No, no Zellara, no questions. Just lead us to the sick fuck so we can end his miserable life."
Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

Elizabeth looks around the room at the others, stopping to look briefly at the one that was mentioned, before turning back to the seer, "I do not have any questions, please carry on."
Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

As those gathered seemed to have gathered their resolve to deliver justice, it would be then that Zellara opted to nod, and provide them with the location by which to do so.

"Gaedran Lamm can be found in an old fishery north of here at Westpier 17, where he trains his abducted children to be pickpockets and counts his stolen treasures. It is up to you whether to carry out the deed by night, when all of his wicked crew are gathered. Or perhaps by day, when each are occupied by their individual tasks. That is all I can do with you...and I pray for your success."

((It is currently approaching sunset, with nightfall quickly approaching. Will the party opt to infiltrate by day? Or attack by night?))
Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

Allesharra stood there staring at her boots in deep cincentration for several moments humming to herself before finally making jet assessment of her their situation and her opinion on what their strategy should be, "Hrm...... there would be less thugs and henchmen to worry about at day, though they may not be expecting a nighttime assassination or invasion, and the darkness would provide a certain amount and element of stealth to our task. They both have their benefits and drawbacks. But I think day would be best while his lackeys are away, it just means well have to be sneakier and more cautious actually going to Gaedrens hideout."
Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

"We attack during the day, while we still can. There will be fewer henchman to cut through and less chance that the children he's enslaved will get in our way. We'll only have to worry about the guards that getting in our way, and his allies returning while we're still inside." Ankieseth said, his words coming out in a low grumble. He ignored the fact that one of their number happened to apparently be a guard herself, not even offering Elizabeth a glance.
Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

"I prefer to work at night. But day is fine as well." Izak says from his corner as he shrugs he shoulders, then goes back to staring at the ground, likely going over different ways of torture for Gaedren.
Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

"If we want to attack by day, now is probably too late." Jess points out. "Everyone will be on their way back by now, if not there already. My vote is for morning as well, but maybe we can use tonight to case it from a distance."
Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

Elizabeth nods as she looks around at the group, "As eager as I am for justice, I suppose simply charging in would be suicidal..." The city guard thinks for awhile as she looks around the room, then smiles, "Perhaps I can spend the time to look at whether or not there are public prints of the layout of the fishery, if we have those, it may be easier to assault the location."

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Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

Ankieseth turns to the guardswoman, surprised, and says; "That would be... Useful information to have. Assuming they haven't changed the layout after taking the place up as their hideout. and yes, perhaps waiting until morning would be a good idea. In the meantime, why don't we go over and examine the place? We stay away, and learn what we can as we walk by. We shouldn't stay long, lest someone get suspicious, and we need to come up with a meeting place." For the first time, Ankieseth actually seemed interested in the words of the others assembled here.
Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

"Well, we certainly should gather intelligence before going in. As for day or night...Let's see what we can find out before deciding, shall we? But going to stare at the place as a group sounds like a bad idea. Let's split up and meet again in the morning to see what we've found out by then." Raven says thoughtfully after listening to the others.
Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

"Of course. I would say that no more than three ought to go. And a member of the city guard would only be likely to cause trouble if seen lurking nearby, so perhaps you could go try to get those records while some of the rest of us go to... Check things out." Ankieseth replied, and indicated toward Elizabeth.
Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

Elizabeth nods as she prepares to leave, "I guess... so shall we get going?"