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Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

"I should know." Izak says flatly, tapping his index and middle fingers on the table idly. His depressed look was turning to that of annoyance and impatience. "I just hope we get to put one of them down today."
Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

Jess stayed silent for the time being, sipping on the drink she had had the entire time. She spoke up to try and deflect Izak's poor mood. "Who else are we missing? Think they're gonna show?"
Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

"We're missing that Ranger. I'll be frank, I'd prefer we just went ahead without her." he says, his other hand now coming down to rest on the table, before tapping it twice with his index finger. "I want to see that bastard's head roll."
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Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

Two hours passes after the majority of the group has gathered, however no sign of the ranger is to be seen. Perhaps she had indeed lost interest? Either way, noon is approaching soon, and the ale in this establishment really isn't motivating as to an extended stay...
Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

Jess sighed a bit, staring at her empty mugh. She had just enough scratch left over for another, but the thought made her want to run away, so she spoke instead. "Okay, we wait any longer, we'll wind up missing out, and we'll have to try tomorrow. Everyone set to leave?"
Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

"Yeah." Ankieseth said, quickly rising from his seat and looking at the other assembled adventurers. "Lets go. I want to see Gaedron swing from the gallows."
Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

"Forget the gallows. I want to see the look on his face as he walks to the chopping block." Izak says, standing and scratching his nose through his scarf. "I bet three gold he insults someone with his last breath."
Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

Raven gets up and shrugs. "Does it really matter how he is executed? He can be drawn and quartered for all I care."
Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

The city guard nods as she stands up, stretching slightly as she put down her mug, "I do not care much for how he dies either, as long as he dies." She frowns, "I only wish the man cared even a small amount for all the damage he's done."
Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

Izak scoffs at the last statement "To be quite honest, I half-expected him to kill himself just to deprive us of the upcoming pleasure." he says, then pulls one of the straps on his right glove tighter "Like I said, three gold down on him insulting someone before his heart stops. Any takers?"
Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

Ankieseth offers a rare smile at the idea of Gaedron killing himself. "Oh, he tried. But he never got very far." Then, he rose from his chair, his grin disappearing, and continued; "Come on. Lets go retrieve him and get our reward."
Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

Not ones for wasting any more time, the group follows Ankieseth to where he had been keeping the villainous outlaw... now gagged (so as to prevent him from biting his own tongue and dying, and to muffle any more weary insults) and looking a bit worse for the wear. A gaze of pure contempt, and some muffed...most likely derogatory remarks is all he offers to the party as they make ready to bring him, along with the stolen brooch to Castle Korvosa...


Castle Korvosa, a magnificent achievement of architecture towering over the city into the sky above. Built upon the foundation of an ancient Thassilonian pyramid, with walls and spires reaching higher than the eye could see, the castle is testament to the power of whatever mighty overlord that first ruled this land thousands of years ago. Thanks to the ruin upon which it was constructed, the castle is relatively easy to approach from all four directions...ramps and stairways allow access up alongside the sides of the pyramidal base to the courtyard surrounding the central structure.

The normal procedure for petitioners to the monarchy, with this design in mind, was simple. Approach the Great Ramp, wait in the courtyard to speak to guards on duty, and pray for a chance a member of the monarchy would find the cause interesting enough to hear one out.

Fortunately, with the recent chaos, guards are in ready supply...and the party immediately spots some upon reaching the courtyard. Unfortunately however, the Guards were also more well armed and...touchy, than usual as well. Such that, one immediately confronts them upon noticing their arrival.

"Halt! What is your business here?"
Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

"We're here to return a lost brooch, and hand in the man who had stolen it, and well as committed various other documented crimes." Jess said quickly, pointing a thumb at Gaedren, bound and gagged.
Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

The guard gazes over at Gaedran at Jess's indication, then turns to his companion for a brief moment before nodding.

"The guard is more than happy to incarcerate criminal scum as you wish. However, who is the owner of this brooch that you seek to return?"
Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

"I believe that would be the new queen." Jess said, cracking a bit of a smile as she showed them the brooch. She made a point of keeping a hold of it, however. "I understand she's been missing ti for a while."
Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

The eyes of the guards widen as they hear mention of the queen, seeming to become a tad more...nervous, as memories of the recent riot are brought back to mind. Enough so that the guards actually opt to leave the group for a moment, so as to discuss things in rapid conversation between themselves...all of them seeming to not like the turn of events.

"...Wait here."

After a short delay however, with one of the guards serving as a runner back and forth, the party is eventually attended to once again, with a nod from the guard that they had spoken to earlier.

"Head up the stairs to the inner courtyard, and leave your weapons with the guards stationed there. Once you have done so, you will be escorted for your audience with the queen. As to your criminal, we can detain him here if you wish."
Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

Ankieseth nods, and waits for the others to agree before he sets off. "Don't ungag him. He might bite off his own tongue, if you're lucky. If you're not, you'll have to listen to him talk." He said to the guards, and then handed Gaedron over to them. "I'd like to be present for his execution." He continued, and then turned to glare at the man. Despite his best attempts (that wouldn't cause any permanent harm at least,) Gaedron hadn't offered up any further information about his daughter. All he knew now was that a noble family had purchased her for reasons he could only guess at, but that was the only lead he had at this point. Now he only had to figure out how to follow it.

As for giving up his weapons to the guards; Ankieseth gave no fuss over it. He had no need for them in front of the Queen, and doubted that they'd do him much good if he came before the ruler of Korvosa with violent intentions.
Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

Izak stood in the backing sun and listened to Jess and the guards talk. He wasn't one for politics, but there might be something to be gained from turning in this brooch, so he kept quiet and unsheathed both of his sabers, twirling them once before handing them to the guards. "Don't break them." he says through his scarf, then waits for the rest of the party to move on.
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Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

Jess pocketed the brooch again, waiting till the upper courtyard to divest herself of weapons, like she was told. She wound up pulling nearly a dozen knives from various places in her clothing, all in various states of disrepair, except the one they had looted from Gaedren. She seemed less willing to give that one up, handing it over last.
Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

Elizabeth follows the group quietly, since the incident, she wasn't exactly trustful of the group especially the more violent man... she understood why he did it, she just didn't approve of his methods. Still, at least the man was unhurt, for the most part anyway. Following the group, the woman nodded at having to leave her weapon behind and lay down her maul, after all, it wasn't exactly the most concealed weapon...