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Cyber Elves Dark Matter War - Elven Tale VII: The Reckoning (Might contain Cookies, Nova/Pervy)


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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The year 1774 a.s. The second elfish Star-empire fights a losing war against the Humork alliance. You are part of an elite voyager mission, towards the ancient ruins of a long ago colonized, but abandoned world. General Ae'vaen called it 'an exploratory mission evaluating alternative approaches to victory' and although you are loyal, good soldiers, far more disicplined and loyal than those filthy beast-bloods you've been fighting for nearly a decade now,.. all of you aboard the ship know exactly what this really is.
A desperate attempt, grasping for straws.

Colony |1|21|582717|X1 was a bit of a legend, a myth. A conspiracy-theory. Most non-military thought it was just a fairytale. An elven colony, dangerously near to the void, the space between galaxies were even your Tunneling Werther-Drives could not possibly take you, to study the nearest galaxy... only to grow silent, many hundreds of years ago, and none had been willing to finance, or risk going there again, after all back then quantun navigation had been tricky and dangerous at best.
-Or, if you believed the conspiracies, the truth about the planet and it's fate had been suppressed by the elven High Lords.
Now, there were no more High Lords, and the general's command was quite clear.

The moonstone navigation beeps. It's found something, at the very edge of the void. One lone starsystem. This could be it.
Your Werther-drive begins an automated cooldown... this is a bit early, it'll take hours to get to the system.. likely someone more cautious programmed in a safety measure.. you don't want to get thrown into the void. The Mythral-decelerators complain a little with yellow lights flashing up ..they'll need more cooling fluid soon.

Scans indicate four planets, one gas giant, two hot ones near the small, red-yellow sun. and one just in the habitable zone.. this could be it!

(Let's say you have a ship with a decently large military force upon it, 500 or so well trained and equipped elves, but for sanities sake let's focus on only a few. Please give me a small description for each of the 'leaders' in a reaction post. *nodnod* Pictures appreciated but not required.)
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The command crew and the scout team of the "Aether Wind"

High Captain Val Eneris -
The veteran commander of the ship, Val is a down-to-earth person, friendly and chatty, but still professional. She is 649 EY old. Her small frame and olive skin marks her as hailing from the Erudiani colony. She keeps her black hair in short twintails, just reaching hear shoulders. Her face is pretty by human standards, but plain by elvish ones, without distinct markings. Despite her assuming appearance, her bright yellow eyes are always watchful, and she carries herself with a confident, dignified pose. She is the heart and soul of the Aether Wind, and can push the other members of the crew to their best performance.
(Good social skills)

High Watcher Minira Terai -
The appointed commander of the mission, Minira is a political officer sent to supervise the crew of the Aether Wind. Young (230), tall and arrogant, she rose through the ranks quickly by relentlessly hunting down traitors and saboteurs. Her blonde hair is tied in a single elaborate braid, running over her left shoulder and resting on top of her large breasts. Her body is curvaceous, round hips and ass, and her face is dominated by a chiseled nose and plump, red lips, almost always slightly curled in a knowing smirk. While she is the official leader of the voyage, the crew thinks her a stuck-up bitch and tries to ignore any orders not seconded by Captain Eneris. However, behind her snobbishness lies a ruthless determination.
(Strong willed)

First Starfinder Luni Indyron -
A young (199) and brash pilot, Luni scored several kills against invaders, but her attitude caused friction between her and superiors. She is short and well-endowed, her cute face almost lit up by brilliant ice-blue eyes. Her hair is short, wild and dyed purple. Luni's specialty are starfighters and attack craft, and she has been designated as escort for the landing craft, piloting a multirole fighter with the help of an advanced Virtual Intelligence Co-pilot, named 51RA, or SIRA.
(Vehicle combat)

First Seeker Haeliy Ovin -
A dark elf with dark skin and white hair, the 339 EY old Haeliy is chief security officer of the Aether Wind, a skilled fighter both in hand-to-hand and with energy weapons. Her tall and muscular frame make her an imposing presence. She has shoulder-length hair and amber eyes. Haeliy will lead the ground team of the expedition.
(Ground combat)

Seeker Cara Pilia -
Cara was born as a male, but underwent feminization therapy after joining the military to help unit cohesion, giving her breasts and an artificial vagina, while keeping her penis. She is 412 EY old, of medium statue but well-endowed build, with brown eyes and soft facial features, her blonde hair long and kept straight when not wearing armor. She was brought unto the Aether Wind as demolitions expert, and is one of the main members of the designated scout team.
(Explosives, mechanics)

First Adept Huni Jenarys -
The 577 EY old chief engineer of the Aether Wind is a lithe, tall woman with a busty chest but flat buttocks. Her long reddish hair is usually unkempt, her dark blue eyes slightly twitchy. She is shy and not very social, preferring the company of machines to that of people.
(Computers and machines)

Neophyte Ari Enva -
A young and comely girl, 192 EY old, Ari is fresh from Basic Training and was assigned to the Aether Wind before the ship was chosen for the voyage. She currently serves as personal assistant of Captain Val Eneris. She is of a smallish statue, with a cute face and modest breasts. She has not yet developed many skills, but the Captain sees potential in her.
(Should make for the best "main character," no real skills, untapped potential)

On the approach:

"Set course on the habitable world. This is it. Captain, ready the scout team. I will personally accompany them to the surface."
"Understood, High Watcher. Also, navigation, send probes to the other bodies."
"Yes, Captain."
Minira frowned, but decided to stay silent and leave such fights for another day. She was close. Whatever was down there, it would surely bring her into the highest echelons of high command.
Captain Eneris rose from her chair, gesturing to her protege Ari Enva, currently learning the ropes of sensor control. Once the two were off the bridge and out of earshot of Minira, she put a hand on the young Elf's shoulder. "I want you to join the scout team. No fuss, no talk, right? Keep an eye on the High Watcher."
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You close in on the only hospitable planet, initial surface- scans showing several potentially elfmade structures (or peculiar rock formations), bioscans show a potentially habitable planet.. but before they can go on...

//alert.- alert - proximity alert, weaponry class unknown, Elven orbitrary defense system, mark unknown detected//

The scout-team has barely time to assemble when a warning flashes up, with you closing in on the planet. An archaic elfen warning message.. orbitary defense systems? The good news is, this is means this is definitly the right planet.. the bad news, apparently the defense system is so old, it has become incompatible with your current ships technology.. it doesn't recognize you as an allied ship!

You aren't entirely sure what kind of defensive methods were used back then, the ship could take a primitive laserblast or disruptor wave, but there was also some tech that has since been outlawed but was legal back then, your ships shield might not catch this one, you have to decide, quickly!

[[Try to hack the ancient systems!]]

[[Accelerate past faster than you can be attacked?]]

[[Open fire on the defense systems.]]

(Your first choice! option 1 and 3 both lead to a simliar outcome, with different flavour, option 2 needs to a bad end.. so guess we gotta do that first, then do 1 and 3 in a lil clearup post later. ^^)
Option 2:

Captain Val took her seat. "All stations, full alert! Navigation, bring us closer. Perpendicular approach, pattern Ulio, full speed."
"Yes, Captain." The helmsman replied.
Minira frowned again, she was not entirely sure she wanted to trust her survival on such a reckless course of action. However, it had been decided, and it was too late for overruling now.
"Engineering reports all reactors at full output. All engines are accelerating at .6."
".6 is not good, have Huni give them more juice!"
Ari watched in anticipation as the planet grew larger outside the transparstone canopy.
The ship picks up speed, rushing past a strange, metallic web in the sky, and closer to the surface.. of course not so fast that you can't stop in time. However, the moment the ship accelerates past the web, a teal glow envelopes the ship, the light inside shifting to a slight teal-blue and.. everyone, the least of the crew-support to the captain sees.. images.. memories? Nono, that's wrong....

You are kneeling, naked, before an ancient looking throne, looking upon a beautiful elven queen, whom you swore fealty too. There is no such thing as high command, you will obey the..

Alert! The computer blares, somewhat shaking everyone out of this strange vision. Elf-army conversion field active, unknown parametres. Unknown.. .. input acknowledged.. lowering silver shields.

Wait, lower shields? Who gave that command? One of the technicians is hammering away at the console, her eyes glazed over as she proclaims "For the Queen!"

This is bad. You are an elf army, but the army back then was loyal to queen of old, this blue glow is a mental-warfare weapon, outlawed long ago, but highly efficent.. and your minds, already prepared to fight for elven military command, are fertile soil for it's ancient tenents and inductions.

You are soldiers of the high Queen. All must Obey the High queen.
"We are soldiers of the High Queen. All must obey the High Queen."
"We are soldiers of the High Queen. All must obey the High Queen."
"We are soldiers of the High Queen. All must obey the High Queen."

Soon, the entire bridge drones the mantra, as does everyone else on the ship - except High Watcher Minira, who fights off the visions and tries to shake captain Val out of it.
"Captain! Listen to me! There is no High Queen anymore! You cannot obey her! Remember your oath to High Command!"
Val just stares blankly at her. "All must obey the High Queen. If you do not obey her, you are an enemy. Ari, apprehend her! Make her submit to our glorious High Queen!"
"Yes, as the High Queen wishes."

Realizing the danger she is in, Minira wills her numb body to move, running off the bridge, Ari hustling after her.
"You cannot escape us! All must obey the High Queen!" The young girl yells after the running officer.
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The High Watcher is particularly resilient to mental influences... this, or she just doesn't like other elves telling her what to do. Either way, the blueish, ethereal glow still pulses through the ship and even if she managed to resist the initial attack, it did weaken her mind. Still, perhaps she can do something like.. manually override the moonstone control relay, perhaps if she can get away from this overwhelming glow the others will return to normal? It is a dim hope, but there is the next control pannel...

It lights up in a dim, soothing, teal glow that just invites the eyes in.. to stare and relax and forget.. forget about her old obligations. Let the High Queen think for her. It is so much more pleasurable. All must obey the High Queen.. the light pulsates soothingly.. almost arousingly.
Minira manages to tear her eyes away from the console, looking for another way out, but the time she spent staring at it gave Ari time to catch up. The young girl tackles the High Watcher, holding her with a strength her lithe frame would never indicate, forcing Minira to look at the pulsing light again.

"Yes... Look and obey. Feel the High Queen's will wash over you. All must obey the High Queen."

"No... I can't... I have to fight it!"
"You can't resist. You can't fight it. You just want to listen and obey."

Ari sneaks her hand between Minira's legs, finding the quick-release that makes the lower part of her uniform drop to the ground, exposing her shaven pussy. Instinctively, without even understanding why, Air starts massaging the other woman's clit, while continuing to impress on her.

"Let the glow wash over you. Think about the High Queen. Let her think for you. It feels so good."

"It feels... good... I... I can't... fight it..."
"Yes, surrender and submit to the High Queen's will! All must obey the High Queen!"
"All... must obey... the High Queen..."
The Blue glow pulses upon the console as Minira's eyes are redirected towards it. The same blue glow, Minira now notices, that is in the eyes of Ari.. of everyone of the crew-members.
But even if she wants to resist, the soothing, lustful pulsing, the insistant commands of loyalty burning into her mind.. maybe she could resist all of that even now.. but not with her fellow Soldier-slaves fingers caressing and teasing her soft pussy, cajoling her into deeper obediance.
All beautiful slave-soldiers, bound to the will of the High Queen by ancient, wonderful elfish technology. The forbidden tech easily overwhelmed the elves minds, realigning them after detecting a lack of obediance to proper, old values, failing to recognize them as actual elves. In the end, their military minds were fertile soil for such an obediance-induction.

It did not take long for the ship to then turn around. Their planets were in crisis. With their people having forgotten true obediance and their enemies sieging them. Luckily, perhaps this rediscovery of old technology could help turn the tides.

All would obey the High Queen.

~Ending 1~

[[Try to hack the ancient systems!]]

[[Open fire on the defense systems.]]

(Can do both of the above options in one next, both lead onwards, just flavour changes!)
(Q: Do you prefer past or present tense for this?)

Option 1/3:

Captain Val opens the intercom as she sits down, Ari and Minira standing next to the captain's seat. "All stations, ready for battle! Helmsman, change course to a radial observation orbit. Maximum engagement distance."
"Yes, Captain!"
"Interesting development. Do you have a plan to deal with this?" Minira's voice is sweet poison. Ari wonders if the political officer is maybe secretly hoping for the crew to fail.
"Of course, High Watcher." Val answers with a coy smile.

Option 1:
"Initiate electronic warfare protocol Fox!" The captain orders.
"Understood." A voice comes over the intracom.
"Let's see how good this tech really is."

Option 3:
"Gunnery station, open fire on the satellites. Long range pulses, wait for feedback from fusion sensors before the next Salvo."
"Yes, captain, will comply."
The ship softly vibrates as its heavy batteries fire the first salvo on the activating defense network.
(It's easier to do it all in present.)

Try to hack the ancient systems!
The ancient elven technology... turns out to be laughable, compared to state of the art cryptolocks. The only problem is establishing a connection with the archaic tech, but swiftly enough does your system exploit a long-known backdoor, just instead of soliticing aid for the vast inheritance of a Ngurian princess, you send a shutdown command that force-shut downs the processing.. this will need manual restarting.
Well, not like you'll need ancient defensive systems on a world this far out, right?

Open fire on the defense systems
The Concentrated laser-salvo easily cuts through ancient, time-worn shielding. Back then, there was no refraction shielding either, so it's basically like fiering at a slab of metal, and before the ancient defense system can even activate its pulse, concentrated energy has cut right through it. There is no messy explosion or anything, no oxygen for it so far up. Either way, the defense grid is completely unusable.
Well, not like you'll need ancient defensive systems on a world this far out, right?

With the defense-systems disabled, your ship begins a slow descent towards the planets surface. On the easter side of it the computer detects structures that seem most definitly elf-made, far too complex for natural rock formations and..

"That's weird, captain." A tech in charge of scans "First Seeker, can you take a look at this?"

She mused, pointing at the screen. Now, a routine scan for lifesigns was,.. well, routine, it had been negative.. but there were multiple energy signatures, in the structures ahead. This was odd.. either.. energy, but no life, or life so different from known things that the scanners failed to pick it up. Well, considering the orbital defense-system earlier, it was unlikely any normal lifeform had gotten through.
Before anything the ship had to land on the rugged, dark rock surface of the planet, dimly illuminated by an aging, orange sun.
"Navigation, plot a planetfall course. We anchor in the higher troposphere. Prepare all scout craft." Captain Val commands.
"Good work so far, captain." High Watcher Minira smirks. "I will oversee the scout operation from the ground. Have your soldiers meet me at hangar bay 2 for an additional briefing."
Without even waiting on Val's response, she exits the bridge in stride.
"Arrogant daughter of a..." She catches herself and turns to Ari. "You too. Go to the hangar bay. On the ground, stick to the First Seeker. Listen to her, while you keep an eye on the High Watcher. Be careful."
"I understand." Ari answers. "I will make sure she doesn't do anything stupid." The girl exits the bridge, her tensed movements turning to an exhausted slump as soon as she is out of sight of her captain.
I have no idea how to do any of this... I'm just a girl, fresh off basic training... Why does captain Val put so much faith in me. Sometimes I think I can't handle the pressure... But I have to! I can't let this bitch Minira use us as tools and then claim the success was all hers...

As Ari arrives in bay 2, she sees Minira surrounded by the members of the scout team. The landing shuttle plus two escort fighters are being readied. They are about 20 soldiers and specialists, the pilots included. Among them is even a Strider, a mechanical, 8-legged light combat vehicle/heavy infantry exosuit, based on the Driders, they housed the minds of an elf soldier whose body had been too wounded to be healed up. Ari joins the others, giving a nod to Haeliy, who would lead the scout force.
"...And that is why I will be down there with you, to remind you of that faith that High Command placed in you. This mission may seem trivial, but if we are to win this war, everyone needs to be their best. High Command is counting on you, as am I. Dismissed." As Ari and the soldiers board the shuttle, she can hear a synthetic female voice from the Strider as she is being attached to the shuttle's underside. "Stupid political officers. All speeches and nothing else..." Ari can't help but smile at being reminded that the captain and her are not the only ones who think Minira a nuisance.
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The Scout-troup makes planetfall near to the jagged ruins of what might once have been an ancient elven city, worn down by time and nature, they penetrate the sky like large pillars. Support-structures, ground bare by, according to the readings, the nasty sand-storms that happen on this planet.

Black sand, actually. Dark as the most pure-born drow elf. Obsidian.. a touch of it revealed that it was rather sharp, like tiny glass shards. Not exactly the most life-hospitable planet, even after terraforming.
The really interesting stuff will likely be underground, some sort of base, perhaps a burried laboratory. It would be a bit of a march, but the protective suits would help keep any natural dangers at bay. Albeit thin and tight, they had remarkable defensive properties.

The elfish scouts march over the strange planet, Drider-mech sent to long-term scanners, but failing to detect anything too remarkable.. that was the problem with scanners, of course, unless you had high level filters, like the ship did, you always missed something.. turn them up too detailed and they detected every stone and breath, turn them up not detailed enough and they missed individual soldiers. It was a compromise.

Which perhaps explained why the scanners said nothing, as Haeliy spots something in the distance.
An elf-like shape, albeit with a black metallic sheen to it.. her? Haeliy could swear she sees unnatural eyes turn to focus on her.. a hand waving up, seeming to beckon her over... before the shape dashes over the next dune and out of sight. Was that her imagination? Couldn't have been... did anyone else see it?

It seemed that, over the dune lies a larger rock formation and, remarkably undamaged by the black sand an entrance, bearing elfish runes. This really is the place.. but of what Haeliy -thinks- she saw, the metallic woman, there is no trail, no footprints.
"Did you see that?" Haeliy whispers to Ari.
"No? What?"
Haeliy tells her of the thing she thought she saw.
"I didn't see anything. Are you going to tell Minira?"
"Stars above, no! The less she knows, the better."
Haeliy uses her suit's communicator. "Scout 1 to Sprite 1, can you hear me?"
"Loud and clear. What's up down there?" Luni's voice replies.
"Can you see anything moving down here?"
"Negative. Just you and this crystal sand, why?"

. . .

"Alright, this is it. Tarima and Nili, you stay outside. The rest, prepare to follow me inside."
Haeliy, Ari and Minira go to the entrance, checking it for ways to open.
The scout-troup checks out the archaic gateway. It's definitly elfish tech, but something about it is strange. A darkish, blue metal, covering the doorcode. It doesn't look like something that is ment to be part of the door, more like a lichen growth, almost some kind of mushroom, albeit metallic. Some natural phenomenon perhaps, but the scouts lack the knowledge to analyze it better.. for now, it's simply in their way.

"Seems pretty stuck ma'am.." a soldier muses, prodding it with the edge of her weapon, only to watch a hint of blue-black ooze drip down from it. "Eww.. well, guess we could just blast or burn this stuff off?"

You could definitly do that, but the noise [[might attract some attention]]

Or you could hack into the door.. but with the old tech, someone would have to risk [[touching that stuff]] to interface with the system..

(let's do the hacking path first. for no reason at all!)
Remembering the strange figure she saw earlier, Haeliy decided to take the careful route.
"Alright, Jassa, interface with it. Let's get this open already." She leaned over to Ari and whispered: "You too. Take a close look. See how this is done." (Commentary: I forgot to mention, but thought it would be a nice touch if they all wear helmets and Minira does not know Ari is there too)
Ari nodded, and approached the strange mesh with Jassa.
The tech-specialist nodded and went to work, linking up little probes to her helmet interface.
"This is a waste of time, First Seeker. We should just blow open the door." Minira was growing impatient already. Haeliy just ignored her.
Ari meanwhile couldn't resist the temptation to run a gloved hand over the strange tech-vines, her suit's sensitivity turned to max.
Synching up with the door was not that hard.. it was a compatible system, even if an ancient one. Jassa had no trouble interfacing.

Ari, meanwhile, however, had to experiment, running her hand along the strange, rough surface. It felt.. soft and almost a little pelty, like some sort of mold.. and then, there was a slight stinging feeling. That.. shouldn't be possible, now matter how sensitive the suit.
She saw it. A tiny, metallic portrusion. The result of corrosion, an unlucky accident.. it shouldn't be able to pierce the protective suit.. unless one were to turn input to maximum and lower some defense-systems..
Talking about, the suit flashed a warning, whilest Ari felt.. warm for a brief moment.. then feverish and hot. Barely thinking, her hand snuck between her legs, pressed up against her pussylips, an intense, tingling heat emanating from it, as her pussy positively gushed with arousal.

It was only then that she realized the hand on her pussy was the one finely covered by the strange lychen.
Ari's body shook and quivered, overtaken by an overwhelming, wonderful orgasm.. before collapsing, eyes rolled to the back of her head, the last things he registred before passing out was the door opening before her. The overwhelming pleasure.. more.. pleasure.. She needed more pleasure, her pussy drooling and quivering.. where was pleasure? With her half collapsed on the ground, she was on eye-height with the other technicians pussy.. and her mouth began drooling. Pussy. Pleasure. Pleasure. Good. Pussy...
Ari writhed as she crawled forwards, towards that pussy that dominated her vision, even beneath the suit. One hand still between her legs, Ari extended her tongue, licking over the fabric, feeling, almost smelling and tasting, the juices underneath, much like her own cunt was drooling. The suit tasted strange, though, metallic and bitter and sweeet... as a series of brief stings in her tongue left her panting with heat spreading through her head. All sense had left her, there was only the need. She noticed movement around her, some sort of commotion, but she didn't care. She pressed her hand into her delta harder, fucking her own hand, while extending her tongue again, covered in black residue, licking at the suit in front of her again.
There was a limit to how well the suit could resist.. outside assaults. Safe to say, it was not created to resist a lewd elves advances.. much less so the alien spores penetrating through the skin-tight layer, carried by determined lickings and Saliva.
Ari was unaware and or uncaring of all of this, her body experiencing another wonderful explosion of pleasure as the womans sex above her shuddered.. and then went limb, both of them moaning with burning desire. Ari sensed a deep satisfaction.. but while the pussy before her was still quite enjoyable, something about it had changed, as she'd already delivered her lustful payload.. but there were more, fresh, warm, twitching pussies all around her.. some of them moving away. She didn't like that... But luckily the pussy she'd just licked twitched once more and then helped her out, launching at and grabbing another pussy, struggling with it, trying to lick at it.. Ari wanted to lick at it too! Why did the pussy try to escape it's pleasure? Why was someone trying to hold her back? She didn't care and that made her strong. Strong to lick.
Pussy Ari stumbled after one of the pussies trying to get away, screeching something, but Pussy Ari didn't know what it was trying to say, because it didn't moan. Pussy Ari felt itself spreading all over her body, vines stretching and moving and piercing and fucking, turning its entire body into a pussy, still clad in its black sheath, but writhing and wriggling and growing and twitching underneath, eager for more! It successfully tackled another nearby pussy, jumping on it and holding it down before Pussy Jassa started licking the other pussy, spreading and transforming, soon groans of protest became moans of acceptance, and another good, sexy pussy was here now... Pussy Ari leaned in to kiss her new pussy-sister, feeling their bodies distort with the spores.

All around them, the scout team had become the pussy team, wantonly fucking each other while their bodies changed. The Strider too was now a mech-pussy, Pussy Enva grinding against one of its legs, black vines and spore clouds spreading from her, covering the mech until it stop trying to run away and let itself be fucked...

High above, Luni saw chaos break out and the members of the scout team attack each other. "SIRA, can you detect what is going on down there?" Giving the AI time to compile data, Luni engaged her comms. "Sprite 1 to Sprite 2, are you seeing this?"
"Affirmative, Sprite 1. What the darkmaw are they doing?"
Neera in the other escort fighter answered. "Wait, I'm getting a transmission from the surface. Patching it through."