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Cyber Elves Dark Matter War - Elven Tale VII: The Reckoning (Might contain Cookies, Nova/Pervy)

The black pussy-sheaths didn't bother the spores all that much. Infact, they were a good defense from dryness, keeping the nice, fertile moisture inside.. best as could be, anyway. The conversion made the pussies drip constantly.. Drip new, fertile spores, that was. The spores felt no moral obligations, but if they could, they would reason that the overwhelming pleasure they delivered was worth being turned into pussy-spore carrier with little agency beyond the most basic desires and //needs//. What was left of the original pussies was an attraction to others it had already fancied before, and some rudimentary knowledge and memories.. just enough for the host to know where to go and what to do to find more pussies.

But then.. the pussies were all infected.. they still felt good, but the spores made sure that pussies didn't feel as good pleasuring other pussies than they did infecting fresh pussies. hesitantly, hornily, the pussies turned upon a new target, pussy-Ari still kissing and licking at the mammaries of another scout-pussy.. what was her name again? Names didn't matter..
Well to most of them, one pussy had to remember.. try hard and remember.. yes..
"Medicaaa.. emergenpussss.."
The transmission moaned out.
"Aaahnnn.. Help.. nowww... help pusssss"
Did they mean help please? The transmission seemed to break up now, with all it repeated being "Puss..pusss... pusssss...."
And what sounded like.. pained? Yes, had to be pained moans.. the scout team were in agony! Someone had to do something!

Back on the surface, High Pussy Minira was proud of herself. She had called in help. More pussy would come and then pussy could pussy pussy..
It was too hard to think this much all at once. She decided licking another pussy would help her calm down. Yes. If she licked and got to cum for licking she could think better on how to make other good pussies too.
Ari and the other pussies eagerly started breeding and spreading the spores, saturating the entire area in a blackish mist that would infiltrate the suits of whoever was sent to help...

And they didn't have to wait long. Following the report of the Starfinders, Captain Val sent out the backup team, Scout 2, towards the surface.

They landed where Scout one landed and moved to the site, into this strange black mist that seemed to cling to their suits.

Ari watched them with drooling mouth and drooling pussy as they passed her and the others on their way to the structure. She was lying flat against the ground, ready to pounce, ready to help the spores spread...
Quickly, the lustful pussies fell upon the.. soon to be lustful pussies, infesting them, ready to bring their lewd desires back to their ship. Ironically, in a way, the mission was a success.. they had found a relentless, dangerous bio-weapon that would help end the war.. although not win it, as all the survivors soon found themselves struggling against the horny pussy-apocalypse. They were tough, they were horny, a single lick or suckle could infect you and they didn't stop cumming...

- Pussy Apocalypse ending!-
(You maybe wanna write a special spore scene for Cara, describing how her penis interacts with the virus?)
Shira was running through the deserted streets. The night was silent safe for her panting and the terrible, incessant, erotic moaning all around her, growing ever closer behind her, even though she ran as fast as she could. Finally, she couldn't keep it up and collapsed, crawling to a nearby wall, raising her head. They were there. More than a dozen of them. They were naked, or wearing torn clothes, their breasts and genitals exposed. Pussies and penises dripping black ichor, glistening in the dim light of the overhead lamps. They came closer, their faces twisted by manic smiles, eyes glazed and empty, yet with a hunger inside them... Shira shivered, looking at her end as her breath quickened. There was no escape. They closed in, cooing all over each other.
"Here, puss-puss... nice pussy... got you... don't run, sweet pussy...
gonna love being a pussy... let us help you... fuck me... I need you to lick me...
good pussy... breathe in and lick... take it in... time to join us..."
Shira wanted to scream, but once her mouth opened, something black ground into it, and the taste and smell was the last thing she felt before...

Path 2:

Remembering the strange figure she saw earlier, Haeliy decided to take the careful route.
"Alright, Jassa, interface with it. Let's get this open already." She leaned over to Ari and whispered: "You too. Take a close look. See how this is done."
The tech-specialist nodded was about to get to work when the High Watcher stepped forward, her black suit covered in crimson red accents, making her stand out even without her booming voice.
"This is a waste of time, First Seeker. We should just blow open the door." Minira was growing impatient already. Haeliy sighed.
"Fine, as you wish. Seeker Cara, place a breaching charge."
"Understood, First Seeker." Cara went to work, Ari helping her setting everything up, noticing a prominent bulge in Cara's crotch. She had heard tales of men being assigned to all-female crews and having trouble adjusting, so they started changing them to fit in better, but supposedly their main... organ was still functional... Ari banished the thought and focused on her work.

A short while later, Cara gestured everyone to bring some distance between them and the door. Once everyone reported ready, Cara handed the detonator to Ari. "Wanna do the honors?"
Ari took it, and with a grin, pressed the button. Which a shockwave and a loud boom that echoed for miles, the door disintegrated. Shards of the black sand formed a dust wave that whipped over them.
With the dust-wave settling, the suits night-vision mode quickly lit up the corridor behind the gates. It seemed that the elfish structures had been built upon a natural cave system. In the beginning of the cave several jagged dark rocks had been covered up by no dried up protective foam, like the teeth of a wild beast that had been chewing upon a white-grey marshmallow treat.

There was only one way deeper in, leading towards a larger door.. which slid open, the room beyond lighting up, seemingly a sparsly equipped but still cozy seeming entrance chamber. The scout troup advanced inside.. and only the First Seeker noticed something was amiss... the ancient Aracanocrystal batteries were high quality, without doubt. They lasted for years, decades, on low energy consumption sleep mode.

But they shouldn't have lasted this long without some maintenance and recharging...
"Huh, look at that.. everything is still in working order.." a technician mused, approaching the dispenser. "They're even still stocked with food.. woah.. I could really go for a Soda.." She grinned, typing on the display.. and then, the machine creaked, and discharged a strange, black-silvery substance, all over the technician, sending her stumbling down and falling to the ground..

The strange liquid swiftly began oozing over the grounds, with the properties of quicksilver, leaving edged, almost mechanical looking lines upon the ground.. someone would have to put a stop to this. The technician meanwhile seemed unharmed.. and no one at the time noticed some of that strange liquid flowing right into her uniform, merging with it...
"Sprite One, can you read me?"
"Loud and clear, go ahead."
"We're inside, and the lights are still on. Everything is almost pristine... Can you relay our lightnet feed to engineering? Have Huni take a look at this. We're moving deeper - Hey, don't touch anything!"

Her warning came to late, and technician Illi found herself on the floor, covered with some black slime. Two soldiers helped her stand up and wipe off the goo. They didn't notice her squirming under phantom touches.
"You ok?" - "Yeah, sure, thanks. Just didn't expect it." Illi panted, her breathing short and ragged.
"Let's move on. And be careful what you touch."
"Yes, Ma'am."

Illi took her position in the squad again, but she felt... hot. like her suit was suddenly too tight, and it kept pressing against her sensitive areas. She suppressed a moan, focusing on following the others. In their sexy, tight suits... She didn't notice how she began to mouth sounds, not quite words. She didn't know where they came from, but she didn't care. The need kept rising. Maybe she should tell the First Seeker and return to the ship for an examination? No. Nothing was wrong. Nothing at all. It was normal to feel this way. Why didn't she notice this earlier? Illi smiled under her helmet. This was good! This was right! All the others had to feel like this as well!
Illi panted and her expression was ever so slightly glassy eyed and distant.. but she seemed fine and not in pain.. so perhaps it wouldn't be a problem to continue? That stuff had to be sent for analysis sooner or later though.

Slowly, the elf-squad advanced deeper into the complex. The lights were on, but no one was at home.. no one, that was until they heard a distant hissing noise. Something hostile? And then, with a sudden shock of darkness, the lights went out.

Of course, the suits had a night-vision mode, but it took a moment, in the sudden change from bright to dark. There was a strange hissing, one of the girls screamed.. and a.. robot? Creature? It snatched up one of the guards, almost skittering off with the girl, who was at this point writhing and gasping atop the almost spiderlike mechanical monstrosity, as it attempted to less hurt, and more subdue her. Ili the engineer meanwhile just stood back, watching as her sex buzzed pleasantly.

Shooting at the thing would risk hurting the elf-guard, so no one dared risk it, until the creature had scuttled around a corner.. just as the lights went back on. But what to do now?

[Pursue the creature and rescue your teammate!]

[Advance with caution, this is now a combat situation.]
(Option 1: Pursue)

"What was that!?" "Who has it got?" "Oh no, it got Lorei!"
"Sentinels! Lock and load! Follow that thing!"
Haeliy yelled and gave hot pursuit, the squad following behind her.
Illi lagged behind a bit, her crotch burning. She had felt a tingle before the lights went out. Had heard something approach. She had looked directly at the thing that had grabbed Lorei. And the sight had made her swoon with yearning, such a soft touch, a gentle creature, she felt envious for Lorei... She somehow knew her fate would be wonderful...
Ironically, it was the already infected Illi that noticed the threat first.
She did not desire to alert the others before it was too late.

Haeliy's pursuit was as sucessful as it was unwise, the elven troupe closing in on an opening, a larger, cavernous part of the complex.. absolutely crawling with writhing, alien things, slithering up.. not to directly assault them, but to coil up around them, embrace them like long lost old friends. A moan from Illi confirmed that the creatures were also closing in from behind...

and it was her that first noticed why these tendrils were so friendly.. their purpose was not to attack, but to deposit, trying to push into the elves orifices to insert small, wiggling worm-things. Whilest the others readied their blasters.. only to splatter greenish tentacle matter and worm-things all over before they could be pumped into them, the small things slowly slithered up Illi's suit.. and then rushed into it at their first opportunity, a wiggling, tingling pressure of insertion as the things invaded her body...
"Ah shit!" - "Keep them away! Suppressive fire!" - "Damn, I think one..." - "There's one!" - "Keep shooting and moving!"

Thus the members of the scout team waded through the sea of winding flesh, firing all around them and kicking off the slithering worms whenever they tried to latch onto their limbs.
Ari was in a larger throng, led by Minira herself, who strode forward, showing little concern for the others. First Seeker Haeliy was farther back, helping soldiers who were losing their footing and making sure no one fell behind... except for Illi, who slowly shuffled behind the others, squirming in pleasure as the nice worms slithered over her body and entered her lower holes...
"Illi!? What are you doing! Hurry!" Haeliy called to the tech, rushing to her to see where the problem was.

On the other end of the section, Minira and a few others had reached another closed door.
"Quick! Someone open it!" The High Watcher demanded, while looking around, and her eyes lit up as she drew her sidearm. Ari followed her gaze, noticing that this section had a drop-down bulkhead for containment just a few meters from them, some damage might cause the heavy metal door to slam down and cut off most of the worms, but also...
"No!" She yelled, but Minira was already shooting, and with a grating sound of metal over metal, a thick slab slowly slid down, the last soldiers of the column diving below it to safety... except Haeliy and Illi, who were too far behind...
The scout team made it to safety.

Well, most of them, anyway. With a screeching and cracking, the metal door slid closed, and it would take a while to open it up again.. To the elves credit, there was no question in anyones mind that they had to help their comrades.

Haeliy found the slithering, worm-like things to be weak, but numerous. they undulated like lazy maggots, getting her all sticky all over. Illi seemed to not mind them at all, opening her mouth, and suckling down one of the thick, slimy things, a sight that almost made Haeliy retch. Worse, it distracted her.
For as many of the slithering creatures as she had brushed off, one had dropped down from the ceiling, and wiggled past a small seam between her helmet and her shoulderblades. With all the sticky wiggling going on all around her, she hadn't noticed it.. a fatal mistake, as she felt something smooth and squishy at her ear. In desperation, she jerked her helmet off and grabbed at the thing, before it could burrow right into her ear, tossing the ugly tendril back into the room.. there had to be a way to get rid of the mass of them, she thought, watching the tentacle fly...

As another slithered into her other ear, now exposed without the helmet, and she went cross-eyed as the thing went right into her her head. Which was amazing.
No it was wonderful.
It was great? Haeliy was happy. No, no that was wrong, she felt bliss and joy at the thing burrowing into her brain! It was taking control of her feelings, telling her exactly how to feel which was amazing. Suddenly, the two females infested, the Haeliy-worm sent out a neural signal, telling the others to back off, just as the door opened up. Haeliy smiled and the worm made her say:
"We got lucky.. they are scared of sonic vibrations." She was lying to her unassociated slavemeat that she felt no special connection to whatsoever!

Huh.. oh, that was alright then, wasn't it? She really wanted a moment to herself however, to relax and let the worm readjust her thinking properly, this was exhausting for the poor thing with some parts of her mind trying to resist.. eww what a disgusting thing to do.. why was she doing that?
Illi was a good slave to the worms. Sheheld her former captain, caressing her breasts and delta through her suit while she was succumbing to the worms. They would be very pleased once Haeliy was their slave too, and they would be made to cum lots!
"Yes, Seeker. Relax. Let go. It feels so good, doesn't it? So nice to let them think. To just be a slave. Slave Haeliy. Ohh, that sounds hot... so hot to be controlled by them, used by them... hmmmm, your nipples are so hard! It feels so sexy letting the worms take control... Everyone should feel like this... Everyone should be a slave!"

Haeliy squirmed in Illi's grasp, but was unable to escape, her body felt too sluggish and dazed and... hot? Aroused? Wet? Why was she so wet? Why did this feel so good? Where the worms doing this to her? It felt so nice... Surely there was nothing wrong if it felt so good... Haeliy ceased her struggles and listened to Illi, no, Slave Illi speak, explain everything to her, and relaxed and nodded along. Yes. There was nothing to worry about. The worms were nice. They turned them into happy, horny slaves! Such wonderful creatures! Slave Haeliy had to share them with the others! Her suit bulged as more worms slithered into her suit, into every hole they could find, lying in wait to be spread, and their every motion made Slave Haeliy tremble and pant, grateful for the pleasure they gave her...

The worms that could not fit retreated, and Slave Haeliy and Slave Illi stood there, so many worms moving in their bodies, as the gate rose again.