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Demon Girl Pro
Nov 15, 2014
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I recently started development on a new game that is intended to be my take on adult adventure games like Trials in Tainted Space, Monster Girl Dreams, Lust Doll, Tales of Androgyny, and so on. The gameplay is somewhere in the venn diagram of a point and click adventure, text adventure game, visual novel and rpg. While I'm working on implementing a combat minigame, combat encounters will be more of an uncommon side activity than the main focus of the game like it is in the other example games I just listed. The emphasis will instead be on exploration and character interaction.

Basically, the plot is that you're given an all-expenses-included trip to a planet-sized sex-charged theme park resort in exchange for helping the park R&D staff test out a new techno-magic shapeshifting suit they're developing. Since you're a shapeshifter now you can change your body parts and gender as freely as you can swap equipment in other games. (Allowing you to see multiple variants of scenes without needing to start the whole game over) The game is pretty much sandbox style since you're given free reign to explore the park from the outset, and the larger plot (and 'plot') will reveal itself as you interact with certain characters or uncover certain areas. Most of the game will just be navigating dialogue trees and panning around maps to find clickable hotspots, but many of the park activities will involve playable minigames like fishing, eating contests or even dungeon crawling.

The game is wholly mouse controlled. (Or touchscreen or whatever equivalent device). I might throw in a few convenience hotkeys but it'll be playable one-handed.

A public demo isn't available yet since I'm still finishing up the core UI and gameplay systems. (Character/inventory screen; the room customization system and the first "boss fight") But my art team is doing an *amazing* job so I wanted to start showing off some of their work, and hopefully start building up some anticipation for the demo.

And the actual bit of the post you're probably here for, inconveniently hidden behind a spoiler tag: Sexy CG previews!

Itch.io page for dev blog updates:

Patreon if you want to financially support this and/or my other projects:

Twitter for game updates when I remember to actually post on it:

Hastily made landing page website for the game:

More to come soon once the game is further along in the development process.
Very interesting, I'm kind of curious though, is there any list of content that you're aiming to try and cater towards? I ask because the examples you listed are games that are absolutely rife with things like futanari which granted isn't something I'm interested in personally, I can be certain there'd be people out there who'd want to know if it's included or not based on that. I do really like what you guys are doing with the scenes however, having a visual aid to the text is something I've been wanting from a game like this for ages and the art itself is so far amazing.
If it has any content akin to the "reverse rape" or combat-sex type stuff you'd see in Monster Girl Dreams then I'd be pretty much sold.
Very interesting, I'm kind of curious though, is there any list of content that you're aiming to try and cater towards? I ask because the examples you listed are games that are absolutely rife with things like futanari which granted isn't something I'm interested in personally, I can be certain there'd be people out there who'd want to know if it's included or not based on that. I do really like what you guys are doing with the scenes however, having a visual aid to the text is something I've been wanting from a game like this for ages and the art itself is so far amazing.
If it has any content akin to the "reverse rape" or combat-sex type stuff you'd see in Monster Girl Dreams then I'd be pretty much sold.

I don't really have a full list of all the content yet.
As for futanari specifically, the protag is a shapeshifter you can be a futa but it's not really the focus of the game. I'm not opposed to adding hermpahrodite characters you can interact with, but they'd be optional and wouldn't saturate the game like they do in CoC or ToA. (And there aren't any currently or planned for the first several months of my planned update schedule. There *are* a couple male characters planned though)

Something I've learned from observing other games is that fetish content tends to *exlude* people rather than widen the net. (Like a game with A+B will turn off people into A but not B and vice versa) but at the same time our chosen theme of "lewd theme park" lends itself really well to a sort of 'fetish tourism' mindset so I might try a lot of things anway. I should be able to put anything that's niche or devisive into it's own themed areas and can add content toggles and warnings besides.

And either way any and all sex sceenes will be optional and my aim is to not gate any content people might want behind other things they might not want to see.

As for combat sex I'm planning to add an arena that's geared towards that sort of content, as well as a few other "boss fights" scattered around. The first of which I actually plan to add will be a hydromancer-in-training you can spar with at the pool.
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Dusting off this thread to announce that the first public demo is finally available! (As well as a Patron exclusive build with three additional sex scenes, including the rest of the footjob scene previewed above.)
Took a bit longer than I would have liked to get this far, but things are still moving along! Combat system is working now!