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VN/TEXT ACT [CyberScherzo] The Little Black Bestiary: A Playful Proposition


Demon Girl Pro
Nov 15, 2014
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Itch.io :

Gameplay Description:
This is a short visual novel with an action-based minigame. After every round of the minigame, the losing player removes an article of clothing, leading up to different sex scenes and variations based on the final win/loss count. The minigame is similar to Pong, which mostly involves trying to hit a ball into your opponent's side of the screen while preventing them from doing the same, but is heavily inspired by fighting games and has fighting game inspired mechanics incorporated, including blocking and parrying, and 7 playable characters with unique mechanics and special moves. (the options include an "EZ mode" allowing less skilled players to more easily get to the 'victory scenes)

Story segments are mouse controlled.
The minigame can be controlled via both keyboard and gamepad (though keyboard is actually recommended unless you're using a 'retro style d-pad gamepad) and can be reconfigured from the launcher.
The default keyboard controls are as follows:
Movement: W/S keys or up/down arrow keys. (double tap to dash)
Block: A key/ Left arrow
Parry: D key/Right Arrow
Special attack: Spacebar/Enter Key
During the minigame you have additional buttons you can click with the mouse to distract your opponent which affects the way they play.

Story Description:
The protagonist gets challenged to a videogame strip bet by his close friend Tainara whom just so happens to be a hot monster-girl. That's pretty much it.

Tainara is an international student from Brazil, a music major, cello player, DJ and avid gamer. She's an Iara, which is a type of aquatic monster girl native to Brazil.
This is the 2nd released episode of The Little Black Bestiary, which is an anthology series about cute monsters and the humans who date them.
You can check out to read Tainara's dating site profile as well as check out our other past and upcoming characters.

Fetishes: Monstergirls, footjobs, oral sex, vanilla sex.
(not terribly fetishy. Consensual vanilla casual sex kinda stuff. Maybe a slight twinge of femdom in the 'loosing scenes but not even enough I'd want to actually tag it femdom)

The game is available for free. (Itch.io will suggest a $3 purchase but it's pay what you want and you can click 'no thanks, take me to the downloads' to download it for free)

I'm the lead dev of the project. Looking forward to your feedback.
So I gave this a try, since I'm always game to try anything that promises me a strip game experience!
And I'm terrible at Pong, as it turns out but hey, I didn't dislike any part of it really!

There's some fun writing here, and a rare moment of a strip game wager being played up between friends who (before the end) haven't really done anything sexual to one another or anything, so it was kind of fun to see a strip wager used in a more experimental or 'friendly' stakes, and seeing how things went. I'm unsure how much the decisions you make influence anything at all, but it was still enjoyable to make them. I hadn't heard of this project until now, and while I'm unsure if I should expect everything in it to be a strip game-based thing, I'm now curious to see where it goes.

But I do admit, I am a huge sucker for proper strip game action. There is disappointingly few that reminds that a strip game, is only a strip game, if both players are playing by the same rules.

About my own criticism is while the option to talk to Tainara during the match was very nice, it would be easier if there was a shortcut to do it that wasn't using the mouse to select the buttons. I suppose its meant to balance out that they actually impact how well/poorly she plays, but it would make them a bit easier to access if you could simply select them via a shortcut (like 1-4).
Well the main unifying theme of the series is dating monsters, rather than strip bets, so while another strip bet minigame could happen again in the future, it's not the focus and I don't currently have another one planned.

And I was going to have 1-4 work as shortcuts for those buttons and completely forgot to do it in time for the update. Thanks for reminding me; it should be in the 1.2 update. I'm working on a few QOL adjustments like that as well as trying to solve some system compatibility and performance issues for some people whom are having difficulty playing the game.
Well the main unifying theme of the series is dating monsters, rather than strip bets, so while another strip bet minigame could happen again in the future, it's not the focus and I don't currently have another one planned.

And I was going to have 1-4 work as shortcuts for those buttons and completely forgot to do it in time for the update. Thanks for reminding me; it should be in the 1.2 update. I'm working on a few QOL adjustments like that as well as trying to solve some system compatibility and performance issues for some people whom are having difficulty playing the game.

Ah that makes more sense then my initial thought, that's for sure. I do suppose the hint was in the name, and it was brought up within the episode itself!

Having played some more since then, about the only odd thing I noticed myself is that in her victory scene even if she's not wearing pants, it'll mention her putting her hand down her pants. Also the player's taunts will sometimes talk about their abs trying to distract her, even if they're fully clothed or at least, still have their shirt on.