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Cykia Noronse (Diagasvesle)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Cykia woke to a dimly lit room. Shakily standing, she took note of her clothing, or lack of rather. She was completely nude, no sign of her clothing anywhere. Looking around she spotted a note dangling in front of her face from a string. Peering at it, she read the following.

"Welcome Cykia Noronse, to the Citadel of Corruption. I have brought you here to amuse myself as you struggle to escape from here. Know that you must defeat a total of five bosses in these caves to reach my city. Once there you must defeat another five bosses. If you manage to get past all of them, you will face ME in the flesh. I guard your only way back to your home, your own planet. Let the fun begin!"

Try as she might, she couldn't remember anything before waking up here, save that she had been on her way home before blacking out.

The room seemed to be lit by a dozen torches, and it appeared to be part of some kind of cave network. With two exits before her, and nothing else of interest in the room, she had a decision to make. Should she choose to leave and try this challenge or stay and hope for help that might never come? It didn't seem like she'd get home without trying, so was there really any option?


Take the exit door to the left.

Take the exit door to the right.
Re: Cykia Noronse (Diagasvesle)

Cykia gulped and shivered as she hugged herself before saying "Left is the path of the devil while right is the path of the angel. The angel is a sacriface while the devil is a human looking for life. I go with the devil's path since I am afraid to die."

Option choice take the exit door on the left.
Re: Cykia Noronse (Diagasvesle)

Cykia's Stats: 0/500 XP, 0/500 KP

Strength: 30
Dexterity: 25
Vitality: 35
Energy: 35
Intelligence: 35

HP: 105/105
Stamina: 105/105

Trap Avoidance Roll:

Trap: 48 Vs. Cykia: 35+2=37.

Cykia enters a room with one exit that seems to be empty. As she closes the door and takes a few steps into the room, she hears a click from a section of the floor under her that she failed to notice was slightly higher than the rest, and on a trigger of some kind. Before she can react, something stuffs itself inside of her pussy. That something then begins to hum and vibrate inside of her, sending a chill down her spine. When she looks, she takes note that she is now pushed up into the air on a vibrator.

Pleasure Roll:

Vibrator Trap: 67 Vs. Cykia: 25+15=40

Orgasm Roll:

Vibrator Trap: 67 Vs. Cykia: 35+26=61.

Before Cykia knows it, she's been vibrated into a toe curling, back arching orgasm.

Cykia suffers 27 pleasure, gains 97 KP and loses 6 Stamina.

Adjusted Stats:

0/500 XP, 97/500 KP.

HP: 105/105
Stamina: 99/105


Cykia is unable to move, break free or resist the trap on her next turn due to her orgasm.
Re: Cykia Noronse (Diagasvesle)

Cykia yelped as she feels as her juices flood and roll down the trap. She gasped and hummed in pleasure.
Re: Cykia Noronse (Diagasvesle)

Cykia's Stats: 0/500 XP, 97/500 KP

Strength: 30
Dexterity: 25
Vitality: 35
Energy: 35
Intelligence: 35

HP: 105/105
Stamina: 99/105

Pleasure Roll:

Trap: 63 Vs. Cykia: Unable to resist.

Orgasm Roll:

Trap: 48 Vs. Cykia: 35+21=56.

Cykia moans in pleasure but is denied the release of having an orgasm.

Cykia suffers 63 pleasure, gains 63 KP and loses 13 Stamina.

Adjusted Stats:

0/500 XP, 160/500 KP

HP: 105/105
Stamina: 86/105


Attempt to escape the trap.

Allow the trap to rape you until you are fully corrupted (loss of character. Just had to include that for the hell of it lol.)
Re: Cykia Noronse (Diagasvesle)

Cykia would reach downwards and grab the pole and lift herself up with her strength and then fall off the trap onto the ground hopefully. (Get off the dildo.)
Re: Cykia Noronse (Diagasvesle)

Cykia's Stats: 0/500 XP, 160/500 KP

Strength: 30
Dexterity: 25
Vitality: 35
Energy: 35
Intelligence: 35

HP: 105/105
Stamina: 86/105

Escape Trap:

Cykia: 30+18=48 Vs. Trap: 47.

Straining with all of her might, Cykia just barely manages to free herself from the trap, gasping from the exertion.


Leave the room.

Wait and regenerate lost Stamina.
Re: Cykia Noronse (Diagasvesle)

Cykia would lay panting on the ground and groaned to herself "Who puts traps a sexual trap inside a room!? Wouldn't a pit be more convienent?"

(Wait and regain lost stamina.)
Re: Cykia Noronse (Diagasvesle)

Cykia's Stats: 0/500 XP, 160/500 KP

Strength: 30
Dexterity: 25
Vitality: 35
Energy: 35
Intelligence: 35

HP: 105/105
Stamina: 86/105

Stamina Regen Roll:

9. 86+9=95

Adjusted Stats:

0/500 XP, 160/500 KP

HP: 105/105
Stamina: 95/105



Regenerate more stamina.
Re: Cykia Noronse (Diagasvesle)

Cykia nodded "No time like the present, I better leave this area."

Re: Cykia Noronse (Diagasvesle)

Cykia's Stats: 0/500 XP, 160/500 KP

Strength: 30
Dexterity: 25
Vitality: 35
Energy: 35
Intelligence: 35

HP: 105/105
Stamina: 95/105

Trap Avoidance Roll:

Trap: 47 Vs. Cykia: 35+14=49.

Cykia enters a room with two exits, one a stairwell leading further down, and the other a door to her left. Stepping in, she barely manages to catch another raised portion of the floor, and closer inspection reveals it too is connected to some kind of spring. It wouldn't take a whole lot for her to make the connection that it was another trap. Whether it was the same kind though she had no idea.


Take the stairs.

Go through the door.

Trigger the trap anyway to see what it does.
Re: Cykia Noronse (Diagasvesle)

Cykia pokes the trap with the tip of her foot and tries to activate it to see what it does.

(Trigger the trap.)
Re: Cykia Noronse (Diagasvesle)

((I should have known you'd do that Diagas.))

Cykia's Stats: 0/500 XP, 160/500 KP

Strength: 30
Dexterity: 25
Vitality: 35
Energy: 35
Intelligence: 35

HP: 105/105
Stamina: 95/105

Cykia's foot touches the trigger and...

Three suction cups come flying out of the wall in front of her, two slapping onto her breasts while the third smacks right between her legs and over her opening. As soon as they are in place, they begin pleasurable sucking motions, drawing her nipples to instant attention, and sucking and pulling at her clit.

Pleasure Roll:

Suction/Drainer Trap: 36 Vs. Cykia: 25+3=28.

Orgasm Roll:

Trap: 65 Vs. Cykia: 35+28=63.

Cykia shrieks as the trap starts it's work on her, teasing her breasts and working at her clit unrelentingly, and finally she can no longer hold back, shuddering into a toe curling orgasm. Her legs give out and she crashes to the floor, the suction cups remaining attached to her body, continuously sucking on her.

Cykia suffers 8 pleasure, gains 58 KP and loses 2 Stamina.

Adjusted Stats:

0/500 XP, 218/500 KP.

HP: 105/105
Stamina: 93/105

Options: Cykia is unable to move, remove or resist the trap on her next turn.
Re: Cykia Noronse (Diagasvesle)

Moans as she lays on the ground. "Argh..stop...no...ahhh." She moaned out as the suckers continue to suck at her breasts and clit.
Re: Cykia Noronse (Diagasvesle)

Cykia's Stats: 0/500 XP, 218/500 KP

Strength: 30
Dexterity: 25
Vitality: 35
Energy: 35
Intelligence: 35

HP: 105/105
Stamina: 93/105

Pleasure Roll:

Trap: 69 Vs. Cykia: 25+42=67

Orgasm Roll:

Trap: 53 Vs. Cykia: 35+9=44

Cykia convulses as the trap continues to suck and work her breasts and clit right into another orgasm.

Cykia suffers 2 pleasure, gains 52 KP and loses 1 Stamina.

Adjusted Stats:

0/500 XP, 270/500 KP.

HP: 105/105
Stamina: 92/105
Re: Cykia Noronse (Diagasvesle)

Cykia screams in pleasure again writhing against the ground.
Re: Cykia Noronse (Diagasvesle)

Cykia's Stats: 0/500 XP, 270/500 KP

Strength: 30
Dexterity: 25
Vitality: 35
Energy: 35
Intelligence: 35

HP: 105/105
Stamina: 92/105

Pleasure Roll:

Trap: 60 Vs. Cykia: Unable to resist.

Orgasm Roll:

Trap: 42 Vs. Cykia: 35+10=45

Cykia shudders as the trap continues to work her, but is able to resist having another orgasm.

Cykia suffers 60 pleasure, gains 60 KP and loses 12 Stamina.

Adjusted Stats:

0/500 XP, 330/500 KP.

HP: 105/105
Stamina: 80/105


Attempt to escape the trap.

Let it rape you until you pass out.
Re: Cykia Noronse (Diagasvesle)

Cykia gasps and growls and tries to pull the suckers off of her.

(Attempt escape.)
Re: Cykia Noronse (Diagasvesle)

Cykia's Stats: 0/500 XP, 330/500 KP

Strength: 30
Dexterity: 25
Vitality: 35
Energy: 35
Intelligence: 35

HP: 105/105
Stamina: 80/105

Escape Trap Roll:

Trap: 48 Vs. Cykia: 30+37=67.

Cykia frees herself from the trap.


Leave the room.

Wait and regen lost stamina.
Re: Cykia Noronse (Diagasvesle)

Cykia groans and just lays on the ground panting from her orgasms and trying to get rid of the after-pleasure.

(Wait and regen stamina)