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CYOA: Tyris' Revenge

Re: CYOA: Tyris' Revenge

Best get some rest before C
Re: CYOA: Tyris' Revenge

B to C it is then~

An unwilling yawn and a self eye rub was all the girl needed to know how to proceed. She was dead tired, and after that little "affair" in the forest that vary same morning, the battle bikini wearing amazon had more than enough for one day. Softly rubbing the small wound from the club hit from earlier (and luckily it being just a small bump with no open wound whatsoever), Tyris walked her way through the nastyness filled streets, following the signs until she found the nearest Inn.

The place was just as sinful as the rest of the city. Near the counter, several "working" girls were luring men of all condition and ages in without much effort, and even some of them turned their heads occasionally towards Tyris, some even at the brink of asking her is he was too one of the girls there, but a couple of glares form her proved more than enough to erase the idea of asking her out. With a sigh, she reached the counter and asked the chubby, sweaty man in charge for a room, and after getting the key off his hands, the pyromancer moved to the first floor, opening her room for the night with a slight creaking sound. After closing the door (with the key, just in case) behind her, she collapsed onto the bed with a whimper. Dead tired, and without even taking off her equipment or clothing, Tyris quickly fell asleep.

The next morning, the amazon walked outside her room, refreshed even if the bed was slightly hard. After sleeping in the open, any bed felt like a luxury. The long haired female placed her hands onto the counter, rising one of them to catch the Inn owner's attention. With a sultry smile, he eyed her ample bust before reaching her eyes, making Tyris cough in discomfort.

-Well cutie, I hope you slept like the angel you are...yesterday room will be a hundred gold.

Tyris opened her eyes like saucers.

-Wait...a hundred!? That can't be!!!

-Look, girl. Our rooms include one of our flowers, if you know what I mean...not my fault if you're one yourself. A hundred or I'm calling the guards, so your choice, really...Unless you might wanna work here for a night to pay your debt? Hehe...

The girl frowned, and without even responding to such an insulting offer, she took the 100 Gold from her pouch and almost tossed them to the man's face, turning around and leaving that blasted Inn.

Without a single coin now, the amazon arrived to the conclusion that she needed to earn some savings again if she wanted to endure the long way back home. Sadly, the only place were Job billboards were put was...well, the huge Brothel at the center of town. Not really thrilled by the idea, she ended up there. Luckily, during daytime the main "attraction" of the brothel was almost non existant, just some of the "least qualified" girls roaming around the Job offerings room. Crossing her arms, Tyris stared at the posters. Most of them were sex-related jobs, but luckily for her, there were some "normal" ones as well, that didn't involve being naked or giving her maidenhood to any pigs.

Tyris LV 1
HP 50/50
MP 20/25
Stamina 50/50
Status: Perfect
Items: 0 gold, 3 food rations (+25 HP out of battle), 2 Blue Potions (Full MP)


A) Waitress at the Inn (250 Gold)
B) Eyecandy at the Brothel's entrance (400 Gold)
C) Exotic dancer at the Brothel's restaurant (600 Gold)
D) Keep looking for other posters
E) Other
Re: CYOA: Tyris' Revenge

Buyer beware, look but dont touch!
Re: CYOA: Tyris' Revenge

Do check if there's anything else, and if not, being A waitress might not be that bad
Re: CYOA: Tyris' Revenge

B, Eye candy shouldn't be too bad, no embarrassing poses and 250 is way too little for a job that likely includes getting your ass pinched by sleazeballs in a job where beating up the clients gets you fired.
Re: CYOA: Tyris' Revenge

A waitress is fine too, with silly poofy skirts and such.
Re: CYOA: Tyris' Revenge


Not really amused by the idea of returning to that Inn already, even less if it involved serving drinks for that imbecile, Tyris quickly discarded the first of the three posters at sight. As for the one about dancing, it instantly made the girl chuckle. Dancing? In front of men, too? That was a no-no, mainly because...well, Tyris didn't know how to dance. Kind of a tomboy since little, the amazon and her more "everyday feminine" side weren't too in touch. As she saw it, things like those were only nuisances, ready to make her lose focus on what was really important: Fighting.

The poster in the middle, on the other hand, did catch the honey eyed maiden's attention as she read it mentally; "Girls wanted. Must be young. Job's easy; Just look pretty so more clients come in. Payment is 400 Gold per session. Ask the bouncer at the Pheromone Palace." After geting over how silly the name of the Brothel was, the job seemed easy enough, and well, it didn't involve anything at all, just standing. No serving drinks, cleaning tables, or, best of all, no dancing. All in all, Tyris headed towards the Brothel's exterior, thinking this wouldn't be so bad. Eventually, she found herself at the door, guarded by a bald, huge and muscular bouncer who wasn't there before, wearing what seemed a thick leather armor and a curved sword over his hip. As he saw the battle maiden, he dedicated a sly grin, as well as a good look, finishing with a nod of approval and a faint sign with his head, signaling Tyris to state her business.

-"Well, you see, I'm here for the job. You know, the one at the poster inside."

-"Aaaah, excellent! Most excellent!!! Hmmmm Yesss, I'm pretty sure you'll fit the job juuuust fine. You just worry about looking pretty, eh? You can start right away, then at the first hint o' night you can go back with some tingling gold on your bag. Ah, one more thing..."

He gave Tyris another good look, stopping on the almost dizzyness inducing curves on her hips. She put her fists over them, slightly annoyed.

-"Don't mistreat any of or clients, you got that? I don't care how you do it, just don't make us lose any potential clients or it's no shiny coin for you, got it? Now if ya excuse me, I gotta go keep an eye on the main room...turn's about to start. Good luck, honey."

With that, the man disappeared inside, and Tyris' work started. The first couple of hours passed with any incidents whatsoever, only filled with the dirty looks, sometimes words, of most men, making some of them enter the building to see if there was any girl like her to relieve the heat. Her work was being a successm nd Tyris didn't really know how to feel about it. Granted, she did like looking good, who didn't? However, to it being like this...

-"Hey, you, cute thing..."

The voice of a chubby, rather tall man, and his hand over one of her firm, yet soft asscheeks made the amazon's thoughts go derailed. Before she could open her mouth, the man continued, impervous to the blazing glare the girl was giving to him as he closed his hand, his fingers sinking slightly onto the pyromancer's ass.

-"I'm going to tell you something...I know all the stuff they have inside, and you're way better than anything they have. Why don't you stop wasting your talent, be a good girl and come with me? Look..."

With his free hand, the man showed Tyris a quite big pouch, filled to the brim with Coins of the highest value. Judging by eye, there could be around 50.000 Gold, even more, perhaps.

-"See this? It's all yours All you have to do is accompanying me to that alley over there and just let yourself go. Deal?"


Tyris LV 1
HP 50/50
MP 20/25
Stamina 50/50
Status: Perfect
Items: 0 gold, 3 food rations (+25 HP out of battle), 2 Blue Potions (Full MP)


A) Refuse politely, controlling your anger, or trying to
B) Punch him in the jaw, he needs some pain. Right now
C) Go with him, then think about what to do once at the alley
D) Other
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Re: CYOA: Tyris' Revenge

D) Refuse politely with a smile, and tell him that while a great offer, you cannot betray the trust of your current employer and that you'll consider it after your shift's over. Then smile at how you will hand his ass to him in a silver platter after you're done with the job.
Re: CYOA: Tyris' Revenge

All the gold in the world would not be worth subjecting yourself to that trap. Tyris would be far more interested in just getting the pocket change from this job and moving on I would think.