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Dark Empire - IC


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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"For the Grandmaster!"

With these words, the Kingdom of Haven has pushed back the darkness of demons and the twisted love of angels alike. The Grand-General of Hawken, Darkon IV, renaming himselfs the Grandmaster of all humans has kept his promises.. under his iron rule, Hawken stands strong against impossible odds and the citizen are willing to pay many a price for their safety.

Life isn't perfect, but for the average citizen it is vastly preferable to having your soul sucked out and being reborn as a demon-slut, or worse, joining one of the fleshy amalgamations that become of the angels 'unworthy' worshippers. But this safety is expensively bought.. only through a devotion to the ideal of human purity and superiority could Hawken avoid succumbing to the influence of demons or the whispers of monstrous angels. Not a problem if you are a pureblood human, but anyone that is even partially nonhuman is treated at best with ostracizing caution and at worst, as sex-slaves and exotic toys to be played with by their human betters.

This is your story, and it would take a turn for the stranger once a letter arrived for you, delivered by a dark-armored Hawken official/messenger, who let you read in privacy.. before subtly but determinedly insisting you accompany them along.:

Dear Cris,

I hope this letter reaches you safely, keep it well and tight, for it will serve as your introduction.. your chance. How long has it been since that fateful day on the gallows hill? Oh well, trust me one more time, for whilest the woman.. the being I send you to is dangerous, she can also keep you safe, where my duty keeps me called away at the borders of Hawken.

Report to Melana Blackshield, and do her proud. I've enclosed a map to locate her at.

There was no name on the letter, but a silver insignia that Cris had seen before.

You are herby commanded to report to her excellency, Lady Melana Von Blackshield as your superior officer for the indefinite commander next only to the Grandmaster and his chosen. You will assist in the completion of project Rebirth with great pleasure!
Do Hawken proud. Obey and serve.

As is standard issue, with higher ranking commands, the letter contains a weak influencing agent, a harmless drug.. if one is prepared for it. Kagami who is not has to struggle to keep calm.. (DC 12 fortitude save or take 7 lust-damage)
Hana recieved a letter in calm, fluent writing.


You do not know of me, but I have heard of you. My name is Melana Blackshield, I would love to use your unique talents in a special project of mine. And in exchange, perhaps, I can assist with your problem as well. Know that I've been granted unique advanced in thaumaturgy for my project.. as well as the authority to deal with any that hinder my plans...

Melana Von Blackshield
It was more than strange that a penal-slave would get any kind of letter, but somehow, the dark armored man accompanying Seena's... handler must have been quite convincing. The writing was indubitably for Seena, and it read:

Dear Seena,

You do not know of me, but I have heard of you. My name is Melana Blackshield, I would love to use your unique talents in a special project of mine. While I will be very clear that you do not really have a choice in the matter, I can promise you a lack of the usual abuse faced at such places.. if you comply.

Melana Von Blackshield

Well, the situation was a little reversed for you, your Master was the one to give you the letter and recommended you to a Hawken Noble, Melana Blackshield, a researcher, for all you knew. the idea of serving a new master was.. odd to say the least, but your broken, obediant self would serve as the supreme example of masters skill, what more could you wish for?

The letter in your poket contains the details of your slave-training, the pleasure.. the pain.. the shame you felt once you realized just how far you'd fallen to not submit earlier...

You are herby commanded to report to her excellency, Lady Melana Von Blackshield as your superior officer for the indefinite commander next only to the Grandmaster and his chosen. You will assist in the completion of project Rebirth with great pleasure!
Do Hawken proud. Obey and serve.

As is standard issue, with higher ranking commands, the letter contains a weak influencing agent, a harmless drug. It helps Oriala calm down and follow the order, almost without question.. until her eyes fall upon the last line. It simply reads:

'I know what you are.' M.

Almost the first thing that arrives on your entry into the military is a letter, commanding you away again!
You are herby commanded to report to her excellency, Lady Melana Von Blackshield as your superior officer for the indefinite commander next only to the Grandmaster and his chosen. You will assist in the completion of project Rebirth with great pleasure!
Do Hawken proud. Obey and serve.

As is standard issue, with higher ranking commands, the letter contains a weak influencing agent, a harmless drug. However, Sevia is not at all used to the drugs effects yet and it makes her woozy and horny.. (Fortitude DC 12 or take 5 lust damage!)


(DM Note/Rules:
I plan to use a dynamic group system I developed, what this means is:
1. You will level up all together, and you level up for every 10 pages of In character posts everyone does together.
2. While you will work towards a common goal, I will soon give you the option to split up, or work with others, as you prefer. Difficulty will be scaled accordingly.
3. I'm working with a Co-DM, Repetition, so do not be suprised if his NPC's plop around and do things to for with you. In my absence he acts as the DM and his word is da law!
4. Lust Damage: It acts as nonlethal damage, but can not be resisted by living things, just a little writing-device.. propably.

Please include the following in your post: A small(!) Character portrait, a location and whom you are interacting with (Tag), and, when we are in combat, a few useful details like your AC, CMD, active buffs, etc. )
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Tag: All

You make your way through the dark city-streets of Hawken, on a late, cloudy morning. If you come with a military guide, the average citizen quickly steps aside from you, but the less human you look the more dissmissive looks you nonetheless earn. Well, not all of them are dismissive, some of them hold a hidden desire, knowing that they may do whatever they want with you.. if you are an unowned monsterblood.

The machines, Hawkens answer to the superiority of magic churn black smoke and clatter and huff in the backround and yet the telltale tingle of high magical charge is in the air as well, informing you that you are now within the research area of Hawkens massive main city. It had another name, decades ago, but now, it is just 'the Capital' as there is none other like it left.

Melana's estate, you presume that is where you've been led, is a three-story building, with some metallic pipes going to it's backside.. clearly, she is a researcher too. You are lead to a large main door, where your escort steps aside and waits for you to enter.

A rather large entrance hall, with an expensive looking carpet, a few pillars decorating the walls and not much else greets you, well, not much aside from a woman, although going by her first words and her expression, 'greeting you' might be a little overgenerous. she doesn't speak at all, infact, until she sees one of the more monstrous of your rag-tag group walking in.

Name: ??? Location: Blackshield Mansion, Tag: All

"So she's really doing this. I really don't know what Lady Blackshield sees in you non-human filth.
I mean have you even been properly conditioned? Just ask and I can fix you right up."
She suggested, and although her expression was clearly dismissive, a hint of desire also snuck it's way into her eyes, as she took a closer look at the more exotic bodies before her...
6c52f6f93b05545f7844b1c369fc7695.jpg Seena Livy the unbroken Spidergirl, Blackshield Mansion, Tag: None/All, Mood: Darkened
Seena did not react to the dismissive query, instead holding her head high with a disinterested look on her face. The bags strapped to her thorax/waist rustled with every step, still filled with gear she was carrying for the penal unit she had been assigned to. The unit commander had not even bothered to claim it, instead he had just handed her over to the messenger hurriedly, clearly afraid of displeasing the agent's superior. The capital had proven to be as corrupted and filthy as she had expected from everything she heard about it. These people had lost their connection to their home, and substituted it with the corrupt martial cult that turned its members into monsters on two legs. While she tried to hide her contempt, Seena calmly waited for the lackey, for that was all the woman seemed to be, to finish pouting and bring them further inside, towards the mistress that had summoned them. She was growing curious as to the others called here, but she didn't dare showing interest right now. In Hawken, she had to guard her thoughts like her most valuable treasure.
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Cris.jpg Cris, Location: Blackshield Mansion, Tag: All

Cris jumped to the side on the road when when she saw the dark-clad soldier, "Greeting to you..." she began, raising her raising a clenched fist to her lips to show sincerety, but then she realized he wasn't passing her. Her fingers trembled as she opened the letter, what did it say? Was she being drafted, sent to the front lines as chaff? No, or....no it didn't appear to be so. She would serve the Empire, but not on the front lines. The sigil! It was him! She tucked the letter away, and eagerly let this messenger show her the way.

Cris had never been to the capital before, the town where crowded enough, the Capital, it was crushing, so many people, so many machines. How did they fit? By now she was silent, she had tried to talk briefly to the messenger, but realized he did not want to exchange words with a half-breed. She was still silent when she saw the others. Three humans? They must have done something wrong to end up in such company. Demon-blooded, beast-kin, but the spider woman! She'd never even heard of such beasts. Use to the company of fellow non-humans, that creatures, towering above her, eight legs moving too fast, twitching, Cris pushed to the side of the group, wanting to create some distance.

Inside the house the androgynous half-elf folded her hands behind her back, not wanting any misunderstanding. She made sure her imperial charm was showing, and stood as straight as she could, her small frame struggling under the weight of her gear, the stiff, formal posture thoroughly unnatural to her, causing the tightly bound breastbindings to rub her. "I am a loyal servant of the Empire, lowborn as I am I can still serve Grandmaster Darkon!" she declared in response to the woman's words, forcing a passive look on her face, gaze fixed above her head, it was impolite to stare.
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Sevia.jpg Sevia Merricu The Feline Oracle, Blackshield Mansion, Tag: None/All, HP: 30/35, Mood: Nervous and Slightly Horny, but Hopeful

The Catgirl Oracle keeps her hood up as she walks with her military escort through the city, her white tail being slightly fluffed up due to the unease of being around so many people. She had personally never been in such a large city, having been born in a farming village and grown up in a trading town, so she kept looking around with a sense of both wonder and trepidation. The glares from the humans around her weren't new, but due to her profession as a healer who would treat anyone she had more contact with non-humans than most, so the exposure to so many of the dismissive and somewhat lustful stares made her a bit queasy. Another thing that didn't help was how she felt after opening her letter, since then she has felt a bit warm, and distracted, she didn't think she had a fever, so she brushed it off and was bearing through the odd feeling of lust.

When her escort reached the estate she regarded it curiously, wondering why a researcher would summon a medical recruit like her, they had barely taught her how to swing her standard issue morningstar before she was sent off. Stepping inside she looked at the expensive looking decor with a little awe, she rarely got to see such opulence up close, and she was calming down now that she was away from the gaze of the many humans on the streets, and her feline tail showed this by swishing casually. When her sky blue feline eyes lay upon the woman greeting her and the rest of the people entering the estate her tail stopped swishing, and twitched a little as nervousness crept back into her.

"I don't like the way she gazes on me..." she tilted her head down a bit and stayed quiet, remembering that they had threatened reconditioning before on her, though she had yet to experience it. Her gaze finally started drifting a bit, looking over the rag tag group that had entered the building with her, a few thoughts flitting through her mind. "The mean looking one seems to be regarding us as a group, so we were probably all summoned here one way or another, but what for?" Her tail started swishing again as she mulled over the possibilities.
21792 Kagami, Sheep in Wolves Clothing; Location: Kagami's dwelling; Tag: None
Stats: HP 12/19

Kagami received the letter willingly, giving the Hawken salute to the messenger "Sir!". She opened the letter only to be met with an overwhelming thought, 'submit, serve, obey' she repeated several times mentally, her body heating up. Several long moments passed before she regained clarity, however her body felt exhausted and on edge. She glanced once more at the guard to confirm this trap didn't end with her getting dragged off. He made no movement. Clearing her throat she read the letter and affirmed, "Sir, I will report to Lady Blackshield's estate at once." She gave the Hawken salute once more, and awaited the messenger's departure. Before leaving herself she reached into her bag, pulling out a small mirror. She looked over herself once, paying special attention to where her vulpine features would appear should something go amiss. Anxiety began to well up as she patted her bottom making sure there was sufficient room for a tail. 'I've pulled it off this far, this is only the next step' she assured herself. Satisfied with the presentably of her uniform, she left her home and made her way to the manor.

The streets where filled with the usual hustle and bustle. Kagami certainly preferred clean air and open spaces, but the packed city certainly had it's own charms. Passing a free elf on the way to the estate Kagami paused, 'He is cute....' she mused. "What is some sub human scum doing without any chains?" She asked with a playful giggle. The elf tried to scoot past her, but she grasped him by the crotch. Laughing she warned him, "You're lucky I don't have time to really show you what a pathetic slave you are." With a firm squeeze before hand, she let the elf go, giving him a firm pat on the butt as she walked past him.

Once at the Blackshield estate Kagami made her way into the entrance hall, only to have an immediate sinking feeling. 'Are all of these girls subhumans?' she wondered. If that was the case the jig really was up already, however reasoning that she hadn't been expressly called out as nonhuman she decided to stay. Looking over those who had already shown up she licked her lips. 'Too bad this is official business... I would love to take some of you home with me,' she chuckled inwardly. She took a spot near the front standing at attention, awaiting either orders from the woman, or for lady Blackshield herself to show up.

5+2=7; DC: 12; Failed
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Hana, Keeper of the Sleeping Spring Location: Blackshield Mansion, Tag: All
HP: 34/34 Armor Class: 22 (5 dex, +4 cha, +2 dodge, +1 armor) Initiative Bonus: +7/9 CMD: 21
Panache: 4/4, Charmed Life: 3/3, Stunning Fist: 1/1
Hana walks in the mansion, with an expressionless face. The people of Hawken were all villains in her book, and she would never cooperate with them, if she had any other options.

But she had no other options. She had only the option to cooperate with them, or give up.

'Interesting' she thought, looking at the others in the room. It seemed weird that they had invited non-humans along, given how Hawken looked at those who were not humans. She was a human, which allowed her...to not be considered non human. However she had to go around naked, which made her task harder.

Her eyes stopped at the spidergirl...wait, she had seen her before!

"Seena? What are you doing here?" she asked her, ignoring pretty much everyone else, including the bitch that was waiting for them. "Don't tell me you got caught?" she asked somewhat hoping that the spidergirl wasn't really Seena, but someone who looked like her.
21791 Morrigan, Asura spawn Tiefling Maid, Blackshield Mansion. Tag: Introduction, All. Mood: Neutral.
Next to arrive among the human, non-humans and disguised non-humans, was the second most obviously non-human possible. The tiefling in an impeccable outfit walked into the mansion silently after Hana arrived and hands firmly clasped to her lap, and head lowered respectfully, she took her place beside, but slightly behind Hana, the only real human among the assembled group. Casual racism aside, the young woman just stood where she was, silent and still.

Vivian the Slut Tag: Intro, All. Location: Blackshield Mansion
As Vivian walked through the streets of the capital, she couldn't stop herself from reminiscing about what had just happened. She had been truly surprised when Master gave her an introduction letter and instructions to report to Lady Melana Blackshield, though she dare not question it. Accepting the news as quickly as she could, She collected what little items she was given to her by her (now former?) Master, and set off right away. The introduction letter was filled with a detailed listing of all the training she had gone through, all of it from her priestly training to learning how to make money for her Master through whoring herself. She felt a twisted pride when she had scanned though that list, She had fallen so far thanks to all her training! As she walked, she reached into her pocket, pawing at the letter and her 'leash' that Master told her to present to Lady Blackshield

As usual, when traveling unaccompanied through The Capital's streets many dismissive glances were shot her way, though Vivian could easily spot the lewd glances shot her way from among the crowd. It would have been fun if she could let them cop a feel or two, but that would slow her down. That was unacceptable behavior when completing a task set by Master, and so she hurried off into the research district of The Capital where the Blackshield's mansion lay.

Walking up to the main doors, Vivian would present her introduction letter to any guard stopping her, otherwise she walked right in. Inside was already a group of people seeming to be waiting. They were a mix of human's and slaves, though strangely enough she couldn't spot many of the slave collars amonst them. Who are their Masters, she wondered. They must be apart of the group she was sent to join, and she seemed to be one of the last to join the hall. A thought that filled her with shame for taking so long. She waited in silence, eyes down in a show of submission.
6c52f6f93b05545f7844b1c369fc7695.jpg Seena Livy the unbroken Spidergirl, Blackshield Mansion, Tag: Hana, Mood: Surprised
At the mention of her name, Seena turned around. Behind her stood a nude human woman, a strange sight even in a society this corrupt. But she'd recognize that face and those winding flower tattoos anywhere. The memory of the two of them, standing in the small lake under the light of the full moon, flashed through her mind. Shortly after that encounter, the Hawken Soldiers had found her and dragged her away to serve in the penal guards. This was an auspicious sign. If they met again, maybe her freedom was at hand. She took a step forward, putting her hands on Hana's shoulder, her foremost legs rising to grip the woman's hips possessively. For a moment, Seena was filled a dreadful apprehension as she smelled Hana, but when she could not detect any trace of corruption, her face softened, and she leaned down her torso to give her a quick kiss on the forehead. "Yes, it is me. It's been... I can't even tell, too long, dear Hana. I have dreamed of us meeting again while in captivity. I am glad this place hasn't tainted you yet. I would love to talk to you, but not..." Seena turned her head towards the female overseer of the mansion. "Not while they are listening. We'll surely have a chance later."
Name: ??? Location: Blackshield Mansion, Tag: All

"Well at least some of you had some basic edcuation." She mused, towards Cris.

"Although seems they didn't even teach some of you how to speak human. Who dressed this thing up in a military issue? Am I being pranked?" She added, gaze affixing on Seena before wandering over to Sevia.. and sighing. "Well, perhaps you just know your proper place to stay silent unless questioned. You know, the sooner you mess this up, the sooner Lady Blackshield can get back to proper productive research and forget all about this little Side-obsession."

She had no words for Hana, seeming almost uncertain for a moment.. but clearly, she enjoyed the view.
She also chuckled at the tiefling-girl. "Now that's droll.. that's like a family-insigna maid mixup someone dressed this subhuman in? That is cute. Isn't that the Viscounts Inheritance? I heard they kept a tiefling.."

The dark haired woman in her tightly fitted outfit-uniform raised a brow when she observed spider and flower interact, before raising her voice and shouting out!:
"Serf!" She shouted, for an elf-maid in a short dress, with a cheerful smile.. but empty eyes to approach, and open the door leading further inwards, with some effort, only for the noble welcoming you to stroll on through, almost casually.

Within, you see a pale woman with long, dark hair, sitting almost casually, hands playing over a sword, a green cloak draped over the back, with a necklace that displayed her rank as a researcher. She is quickly approached by the other, who, unashamed if you hear, approaches through the short hall (Definitly build by someone that wanted to show off how much space and riches they could afford to spare) and muses: "I'm doubling my bet with this bunch of undesirables. Just be careful they don't start caling you monsterfriend. When you are ready to do better, you can call me, Mel. Remember, I'm on your side but if I have to... Also.." She leaned forward to whisper, glancing back over to Seena and Hanna in particular. Then, the dark haired woman just nods, before responding: "Very well, until later then, Cevica" This Cevica then brushes past you, harumphing at how much space the spider-woman takes up, before leaving. A moment before she does, this woman, Melana's? Gaze had already affixed upon you.

Name: Melana Blackshield Location: Blackshield Mansion, Tag: All

"I, Melana Hannelore Von Blackshield, would formally like to apologize, to you." She nodded, focusing on Kagami. "The intent was to only call upon non-human blooded.. for the most part. You are free to hear me out, then leave, I'll contact your superior and have you reassigned to frontline duty, as befits a true warrior of the Hawk. Know that if you stay, you will likely not be treated that different from your fellow sub-humans." Then, she nodded to Hana. "Hana, I presume unknowning of Hawkens ways and successes, you are uneasy with what you see before you, know that we share.. a simliar plight."
She mused, before standing up, leaning on her straightsword like one would a fancy walking stick, although if the fluidity of her movements was any tell, she did not even need it.
"Let me pose to you all, a question. Is it better to live forever as slave, or die as a master?" She chuckled.
"One of these two will be answered by my project Rebirth here. My works are followed with much interest, Cevica being among the more benevolent of them. I tell you this so you understand the foolishness of disobeying me. Should my eyes close, many more shall open.
I will pre-empt all your questions and tell you exactly and directly, what this is about... once you have shared a drink with me, Ayuna?"

Melana spoke softly, yet the elf-slave from before must have still heard her, entering with a tray of eight wineglasses, with colors of shining red, presenting one to each of you. And just in case there were doubts about Melana being a 'Monster-friend' with her calling the elf by name, the same recieved a playful groping of her bottom on her passage past Melana, only to whisper a soft thanks to her mistress.
(Perception DC 15)
Actually, there is something swimming within the wine...
The wine tastes quite well, certainly better than what any of you are used to in between sub-human food, military service or just being unused to Hawkens customs. It leaves a sight tingling and a pelty feeling in your throat, there is even a brief sensation of movement, as if the wine had a mind of it's own.. before it ceases.

As soon as at least one of you has begun drinking, Melana continues.: "A shame, I expected there to be eight, well perhaps the last of you is late. Now, let me tell you of Project: Rebirth. Simply said.. I have discovered a path to immortality. Hawken High Command is unsuprisingly very interested, but also mistrustful of my research for... reasons." She ever so slightly cast her look aside at that, raising her hand calmly.

"So they deviced a list of trials and allowed me to recruit you. Now, naturally, the most easy trial would be to repeatedly damage, twist and brainwash some undesirables.. but I find such blatant waste of..." Melana's eyes wandered over you., as she slowly paced left and right before you... "Potential.
To be distasteful. So instead, well, frankly said, you will be sent to high-danger missions and into warzones, fully expecting partial or full defeat but in exchange having a chance of doing something no sub-humans were allowed to do so far, certainly not to this extend.. earn glory for Hawken.

If you succeed, all the better. If you fail... well, you will be recalled here and test my device, to be reborn and restored, .. and if it works, not only will you be restored the way you were before your.. damage.. but with all the newly aquired knowledge and skills of your journey still intact."
Melana raised her hand, smirking with determination.

"Now then. As a sign of my trust, extended to sub-human strangers, I will permit of you to ask me any ONE question burning on your mind right now. I will try to answer it honestly, and to the best of my ability... so think wisely."
At this point, she'd also give a scolding glance to whomever had not finished their wine yet, before stepping back and sitting down on her chair once more, explanation done, the weight of her gaze upon you, and although she seemed more curious and calm than loathing and lusting, there was an even more determined dominion deeper within those dark eyes.

The elf-slave also stayed, standing by a side-wall, although trying to talk to her before Melana would be quite unmannered of you.

(You can give me another perception check.. or any other check as you please. After drinking the drink the railroading will soon cease.)
6c52f6f93b05545f7844b1c369fc7695.jpgSeena Livy the unbroken Spidergirl, Blackshield Mansion, Tag: Melana, Mood: Darkened
Unable do discern the nature of the liquid, and very hesistant to imbibe anything offered by a Hawken noble, Seena just shook her head at the Elf servant, declining the offered drink. (Perception: 7)
She was caught somewhat off-guard by the offer of a question. There were a number of things she would like to know, and a number of things she would like to tell this two-legged beast that could be phrased as a question. But Seena knew she had to guard her tongue well, and she was just as curious as to what the others would ask, so she decided to hold it until the others had made their inquiries. Instead, she looked around the room for anything else of interest. (Perception: 13)

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TAG: Seena

Seena fails to notice anything too unusual. The windows have pretty drapes, good quality weavework.
Melana meanwhile addresses her, stating, in an oddly calm tone: "If you reject my hospitality and offered drink, you will die." Before snapping her fingers, gesturing to the elf-serf to offer the spider a drink again.
6c52f6f93b05545f7844b1c369fc7695.jpgSeena Livy the unbroken Spidergirl, Blackshield Mansion, Tag: Melana, Mood: Darkened
"As you wish." Seena tried to make her voice sound as neutral as possible as she took the glass and let the liquid slide down her throat in one stream, gulping once when the glass was empty. She'd have to ask the others about this later. It didn't taste bad, but part of her still wanted to vomit it out. She suppressed the impulse and waited for her possible companions to speak up.
21843 Morrigan, Asura spawn Tiefling Maid, Blackshield Mansion. Tag: Mansion interior, All. Mood: Neutral.
When it was mentioned by the lady of her being the property of a local Viscount, the tiefling didn't verbally respond, since she knew the questions weren't aimed at her to answer, or to anyone, them being sarcasm plain and simple, so all she did was respond with a curious bow. Before returning to her original position. She glanced to the side slightly, to watch the nude human and the spider interact, almost akin to lovers, which perked a brow, but again wasn't something she could or would comment on.

Eventually she was ushered into an inner room along with the others by the loud woman, Cevica, as it was later learned along side a dead eyed elf slave to greet the lady of the house, to whom the tiefling bowed again. Then glasses of wine were brought and offered to all. Morrigan took a glass and inspected it casually, knowing that Hawken lords, even the nice ones, would, without fail, spike a drink for lesser beings. She thought she saw something, but she just assumed it was a trick of the light.
[Perception: 13]

She raised the glass and after giving it a sniff and a swirl, as she's seen her masters do time and again when they partook of the drink, she raised the glass to her lips and took a sip, equal parts fruity and smooth, with a tingle which she assumed was the alcohol as it past her lips and slid down her throat. When the Lady, Melana Blackshield , began explaining exactly why she was collecting several specimens of lesser blooded, it honestly piqued Morrigan's interest enough for the woman to crest both eye brows at the plan. Though the "sending us off on dangerous missions that will probably end in failure just to try out the method" left her feeling slight trepidation, what if she was irreparably damaged? Her lord and the family she belongs to wouldn't need her anymore.... Then Melana offered them a gift, a single question.

Morrigan hesitated for a moment, looking at the floor, then to Melana, then back to the floor, then to the elf who was off to a side, then back to Melana and then the floor again. She was allowed to speak, but for some reason she didn't know what to say.

Decisive Combat:
21846 Kagami, Sheep in Wolves Clothing; Location: Kagami's dwelling; Tag: None
Stats: HP 12/19

The first thing that Lady Blackshield did was confirm it was a mistake for Kagami to be here. 'That's right, I'm still better than them. I am a master!' However, her thought was cut short by two words from Lady Blackshild, "fellow sub-humans." Kagami's heart thundered in her chest, as the realization that she was being threatened sunk in. Her mind turned to anxious thoughts of what Lady Blackshild planned to do to her. 'Submit' her heart pounded, 'serve', her thoughts became jumbled, 'obey'. She looked at Lady Blacksheild, unable to hide the fear in her eyes. "I will stay," She choked, "For the glory of Hawken." Sufficiently cowed she shuffled off into a corner, trying not to draw further attention.

When offered the wine she glanced in the cup out of habit only to notice a small creature swimming in it. With her mind still anxiously spinning, and heart still racing, she accepted that her life was forfeit. Whatever Lady Blackshield had planned for her, there was no escaping it. She downed the wine in one long swallow not even noticing the fine quality. She stayed in the corner, trying to seem small while Blackshield explained what it was they where going to be doing. For her one question she asked, "Will we still be ourselves after coming back?"

15+0=15; DC 15; Success
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Ayuna.png Name: Ayuna, Location: Blackshield Mansion, Tag: All

"Surf" was called again, it must be mistress Cevica. Ayuna opened the doors as requested struggling with their weight, and noting to herself to oil the hinges again, perhaps get nice and greasy for mistress, hmmm. She went through a door in the corner of the room near the wine and waited, after all they had guests. What guest doesn't get greeted with wine?

As Mistress Blacksheild called her name, Ayuna was lifting the platter with the special wines on it. She didn't know what was special about them, but Mistress had said to use them instead today, and Ayuna wouldn't disobey Mistress.

As she passed by Mistress, she felt the familiar hand grab her bottom, Ayuna wouldn't spill a drop of course, she had been trained for situations like this. She smiled and muttered to Mistress, "Thank you, Mistress." never raising her eyes, the eyes that had long lost their sparkle of someone fully in the present.

Ayuna passed down the line, offering drinks to the most human folks first, those being Hana and Kagami. She didn't know their names of course, just that they seemed human to her. Chris was next, followed by Sevia then Vivian. Now the hard choice deciding to give to Seena, she was wearing the tabard after all. Ayuna didn't back off when refused the drink, she knew Mistress would be displeased, and simply held the tray as Seena was ordered to have a drink, hmm, it would be nice if Mistress would order Ayuna to make out with the other filthy non-humans for her entertainment. Perhaps even play with, no, now is time for work. With that Ayuna goes over to Morrigan, offering the drink then moving to a small side table setting the tray down. If you smile at Ayuna or show her any kindness she just gives a little have smile her eyes never raising to meet yours.

Noticing and recognizing the look in Kagami's eyes, Ayuna had tried to give a reassuring smile to the poor girl.
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21872 Kagami, Sheep in Wolves Clothing; Location: Blackshield Estate; Tag: Ayuna
Stats: HP 12/19

Noticing the reassuring smile from the broken elf girl a feeling of anger replaced Kagami's fears. She was not broken sub human trash. She was the last of her tribe, an unbroken kitsune master! This was not the first time she had been cornered and she refused to let it be the last. "I don't need sympathy from sub human slave scum like you," she sneered.
Even after gaining he nerve back she remained in the corner, waiting for the answer to her question.
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Hana, Keeper of the Sleeping Spring Location: Blackshield Mansion, Tag: All
HP: 34/34 Armor Class: 22 (5 dex, +4 cha, +2 dodge, +1 armor) Initiative Bonus: +7/9 CMD: 21
Panache: 4/4, Charmed Life: 3/3, Stunning Fist: 1/1

"Well, I was nice meeting you again. Maybe we can talk later." Hana replied to Seena. She knew she should have probably pretended not to know the spidergirl, and that they would try to use it against her...but Hana wouldn't do something dishonorable like lying to solve her problems.


"Everyone will die, eventually." Hana noted, intenting to reject the wine, and fight her way out if she had to.

Or so she planned to do - the flower tattoos shifted a bit, as if to mock her, and she found herself downing the wine in one go.

Whatever idiocity was the spirit trying to get her into this time, she wondered.


"I do have a question. Do you have the ability to solve my problem, or you are simply offering to maybe try to find a solution? I want to know what I am working for, here." she noted, still not entirely perusaded that this would worth it. Still, if she lived forever, she could keep the Spirit trapped forever...if she managed to remain unbroken, that is.
Cris.jpg Cris, Location: Blackshield Mansion, Tag: All

Cris displayed a small smile when the lady noted she had "basic education", she tried not to make her pleasure too obvious. The house was grand, and there were two maids, though the demon blooded seemed to be part of their group, this was all so different, she'd never been in a noble's mansion before. The maid seemed happy, she had taken her conditioning well. Would Cris have enjoy it as much as her? Perhaps, but she didn't need it, the silver sigiled letter was proof of that. This was a very pretty house, but she imagined it would be lonely living in here, but then, the city had so many people in it...

She focused her wondering mind as they were lead into another, even more impressive room. Finally she tore her eyes away from the massive painting, who was going to win? It looked like the bird. A hawk? She scolded herself for focusing on the artwork and not the human lady who had summoned them. She inclined her head, and listened intently to what was being offered. Testing immortality, sounded important, and to get glory for Hawken, like no other half-breed had? She was interested, very. Enough so that she was not even put off by what swam in the wine. That didn't make drinking it easy and she winced at the first few sips, but it tasted good on her tongue and she finished it quickly. The feeling of the wine being alive caused her to tense up, but it passed. She muttered a quiet “Thank you kind Liege,” as she put down the empty glass, not wanting it in her hands longer than she needed it.

A question? Any question, but it had to be a good one. Cris considered this, the human asked one that she had been considering herself, but it wasn't too important, the goal would be to survive even with an elixir of immortality. Was is an elixir? A glass of wine with something swimming in it? “My liege, which enemy will we be facing, the demon, the angel, or both?” she wasn't sure how knowing that would be help her, but she wanted to know. As often happened when she was in a room with strangers, Cris mind inevitable considered how effective her disguise was. Could they tell, that she wasn't a boy? No one had commented yet, but sometimes people noticed, perceptive ones, but didn't mention it until later. She flashed her gaze around the room. They all looked alert, but they were focused on Lady Blackshield.