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Dark Empire - IC

Hazel.png Hazel, Mansion Basment, Tag: Kagami, Hana

To Hana's external musing the restrained girl simply shrugged her shoulders, uncertain if she were supposed to respond any more. She clearly even bit her tongue at the mention of her love's inevitable capture. Though at the final request she shook her head adamantly. With the alternative Hana suggested the shaking stopped. Eyes wide with rage, "I will never give my lover to a monster like Melana." With that she spat at Hana's feet, still scowling at the nude warrior. Then KagaMi revealed the hitherto lover's identity and Hazel was left slack-jawed and perhaps even a little scared. Once she recovered betrayal was the only expression she seemed able to manange. She again shook her head at the suggestion that she would give the location away, but as she was approached by the duster fear again clouded her eyes as she shrunk away as best she could in her position and her ears hung low and back on her head. The first feather brushed her nose and shakily Hazel spoke, "N-no. Don't ha anyth-ha-ing but tha-ah-ha-t." It seemed the would-be assassin had an exploitable weakness, something that could lead to some fun.
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Melana Blackshield, Mansion, upstairs laboratory, Tag: Kessa, Seena

"I think Kessa looks really cute like this. Kind of reminds me of Ayuna.."
She mused, reaching out to pet Kessa's head softly.

"We agree in one regard.. there is nothing you could do. Although I am somewhat tempted renting you to a real bastard for a day, before doing anything to your mind, just so you'll recognize a bad master when he whips you in the face."
She listened on to Seena's tirade, her expression growing weary. "Why am I doing this when I could rather enjoy -my- slave. The good slave here, not you, mind you.

You -are- an animal. Just look down your torso. Anyway. I tire of this debate. Even proving to you how much your twisted animal desires, lust and aggression rule you is pointless, if you don't understand how to care for animals."

She snipped at Kessa.

"Don't worry about your wayward sisters laments. Let's go to the baths, get you cleaned up.. maybe inspect my property up close, would you like that, my slave-knight?"
She purred.
"Seena. Wild animals die to all sorts of diseases. They kill their young, they die of starvation. Compare a lone wolf with a lone dog. I doubt these words reach you but understand why you speaking up against me is not punished, whereas planning against me after doing me the service of capturing this would be assassine is.:

I punish disobediance, because it is evil, it is a revolution against the natural order.. right Kessa?"

She nodded.
"But why punish a poor, confused animal for getting angry about things it does not understand. It's alright, Seena. You don't have to be this disgusted by your arachnoid, monstrous nature.. atata.. I'm sure you're about to go on about how I'm wrong and all that. Frankly, 'tis sad, you wont listen because you don't want to consider I could be right and you, in the wrong. Monsters are ment to be tamed, before they can hurt others.. or themselves.

There is beauty in turning a lost, confused, worried girl into a calm, obediant tool of my will.."

She nodded, her hand wandering over Kessa's form, squeezing her breast sensually..

"Come.. we got to get you cleaned up. With Ayuna... I guess I'll draw your bath."

Elizabeth Blackshield, Mansion Basement, Tag: Kagami, Hana, Hazel

Suddenly, a ghostly figure floated through the room. "Whohohohooooooo.. guesssss what happened to the laaaast person the naked samurai tortureeed.. oohohoooo. You have enslaveeed my souuul to do your bidding! Should I get youuuu the thumbtacks mistress?"
The ghost hesitated.

"No.. wait, pretty sure thumbtacks are those little things you poke into wanted posters... Thumbscrews! Yes!"
The ghost slapped her fist into her open hand, floating in about a 90° angle from the walls. "Seriously, though. I liked Ayuna, just so you know. She had the most silken pa... pairs of hands you'd ever seen. Great masseuse."
6c52f6f93b05545f7844b1c369fc7695.jpgSeena Livy the unbroken Spidergirl, Hawken, Tag: Kessa's death, Mood: Afraid, regretful
"I am glad we agree that this is pointless." Seena said, head bowed, voice neutral. "If you wish to spend time with your newest... acquisition, I will return to the others and see how I can help... I have promised to fight for you, and I will keep my word, no matter how little thankfulness it will elicit from you." Seena would go along, like she'd promised...
She stepped over to Kessa and raised one of her hairy forelegs, stroking through her hair and over her face. "I don't know why you are so obsessed with bodies. I enjoy my body, and wouldn't wish for anything different. Kessa enjoyed my body too, didn't you?" She smiled as bittersweetness washed over her. She hoped the smart, brave, hopeful girl could still hear her...

Melana Blackshield, Mansion, upstairs laboratory, Tag: Seena, primarly

"Seena, I am aware that you consider yourself blameless in this situation, it is in human nature to consider ones own actions by their intent and the actions of others by their outcome.. and a monster is far more slave to this than the noble human soul by nature... but all you need to understand right now is that, next time, fighting for me, you feel like setting in motion a scheme against me, your mistress, no matter how small, Hana."
She nodded.

"Kindly abstain from interfering in Hazels interrogation. and Oriala and Vivian are.. I believe, preoccupied. Infact, perhaps you ought to stay on your own a little, think about my words. When you are willing to learn and listen, we shall speak again."
75608041105201918.jpg Kessa Summerslut, Mistress Melana's Slut-Knight
HP: 71/71 Armor Class: 23 (Touch: 12, FF: 21)
CMD: 25 (FCMD: 23)
Fort: 8 Ref: 4 Will: 0 (+2 vs Enchantment, +2 vs Fear)
Initative: OoC (+2) AoO: 3
Active Effects: None

Mood: Exhausted
Tag: Melana, Seena

Kessa closes her eyes as Seena presses the blonde half-breed between her bare breasts. She eagerly snuggles against them, which is a stark contrast to her previously shy personality and doesn't flinch when Seena's monstrous and hairy arachnid legs reach out and touch her. She sighs happily as Melana pats her head, and nods in affirmation when Mistress asks her to chime in. She then nods eagerly as Mistress suggests that they go to the baths so she can get cleaned up and Mistress can properly inspect her. The Slut-Knight grabs her haversack and carries it with her as Mistress leads the way, the naked maiden not even bothering to put on any clothes nor try to cover herself and instead leaves her naked body on display, almost proudly. She follows her Mistress like an adoring puppy and leans into the touch as her breast is squeezed, which causes small trickles of fresh milk to emerge from her swollen and engorged nipples, much like her swollen and engorged slit slowly leaks her juices and advertises how she's ready and willing for something to be thrust inside her.
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Melana Blackshield, Mansion, upstairs laboratory, Tag: Kessa

"Look at you, being just the horniest of sluts."
Melana smirked along the way, leading Kessa towards the baths, snipping her fingers and, to Kessa now it was quickly apparent why there was only one head-maid taking care of more complex duties, unseen hands beginning to carry pieces of wood through the air, floating towards a large boiler.. but that wasn't as important as Melana's hand, now cupping her pussy.

"Nice and ready.. I guess I got to play with you a little bit, else you'll just get messy again if I do it after the bath. hrmn? but perhaps during. See, I'm sorry for the.. rough way I had to help you understand your place. I more enjoy breaking slaves over time,.. but I'll make it up to you by filling your empty slutty head with just the right thoughts and instructions. Doesn't that sound nice?"
She smirked, with a gloved finger testing Kessa's readyness, dipping into her, rubbing along her swollen folds..

"Judging by your unquestioning compliance and that cute.. albeit slightly dull expression in your eyes I guess the machine worked quite throughoutly on you."
She mused, thrusting her finger deeper. "Seena is right in one regard.. I am also doing this because I get off on it.. heh, and now,.. so do you. Don't worry, you'll get to play the horny knight for me protected by your armor soon enough.. but you don't need to hide anything from mistress. You don't want to, right?
Let me do the thinking and deciding for my horny, naked slave-knight. You just focus on obeying and feeling good... gosh!"

She sighed, looking at her glove, pinching and rubbing the girls engorged, thick clit.

"You're oozing.. of course you are.. elves.. acting all high and noble but secretly just as messy and perverted as the other non-human races.... that perverted filthy monster-pussy is positively suckling my fingers on in.."
She chuckled, petting the lewd elves hair with her non-stained hand, continuing to tease her and slowly build Kessa's excitement...
75608041105201918.jpg Kessa Summerslut, Mistress Melana's Slut-Knight
HP: 71/71 Armor Class: 23 (Touch: 12, FF: 21)
CMD: 25 (FCMD: 23)
Fort: 8 Ref: 4 Will: 0 (+2 vs Enchantment, +2 vs Fear)
Initative: OoC (+2) AoO: 3
Active Effects: None

Mood: Exhausted, Aroused
Tag: Melana

The shamelessly nude half-breed presses her swollen pussy into her Mistress's hand. "It's okay, Mistress. I enjoyed it quite a bit, and would love for you to fill my empty, slutty head with more of your thoughts and instructions." She almost purrs. "Yes, your wonderful machine worked very well. I greatly enjoy being your slut-knight and don't understand why I was so hesitant about it before. Could... Could you get me some more revealing armor so I can still be your slut-knight and be all nice and exposed while still being in my protective shell for you, Mistress? Sluts don't hide their bodies, they show them off for their owners." Kessa widens her stance, letting Mistress have better access to her drooling sex as her pelvic muscles squeeze down on the invading fingers. "Yes, Mistress. Think for me and command me, I'll focus on obeying and feeling sexy. But... I'm only half-elf, Mistress. My other half is that of a noble human, my Mistress. I'm glad that my half-blood pussy pleases you, Mistress. Feel free to play with my body as much as you like..." She moans, trying to keep pace with the human as she's getting toyed with.
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6c52f6f93b05545f7844b1c369fc7695.jpgSeena Livy the unbroken Spidergirl, Hawken, Tag: Kessa's death, Mood: Afraid, regretful
"Yes, I will think about it... as long as I still can think." Seena replied. She exhaled, tension leaving her body. Her 'execution' had been stayed... for a little while...
She patted Kessa's distorted body on the head. "And good luck to you." She whispered, sliding one of her legs over the girl's exposed nethers, reminiscing how good it had felt just yesterday. Now there was nothing.

Seena turned around and picked up her gear. She slowly walked down the winding staircase, her hearts feeling weighted upon. Melana's words were poison, and Seena rejected her manipulations, but seeing Kessa like this was heartbreaking. Part of her wanted to fight Melana stronger than before. A hypocrite, a monster in her own right. But that part was buried underneath the depression taking hold of her. She wanted to lie down in a bed and stay there until Melana decided to end her.

Instead, as she arrived at the base of the stairs, she ran into someone rushing upstairs from below. Seena's heart skipped a beat. It was Hana.
Kaga/Mi, Fractured Slave; Location: Blackshield Estate; Tag: Hana and Hazel; Mood: Cautious;
Core States: HP (26/26)[+1 non Lethal]; AC 14; CMD 13; Init: +3; Fort: +2; Ref: +5; Will: +5
Base Save DC: 15; Grade 1: (8/8); Grade 2: (4/6); Grade 3: (4/4) Meta Magics: +1 ,

Mi could only reguard the apperance of the ghost quietly as it said it's piece about Hana. She was a little unerved by it's existance, but the cute rabbit full of secrets was far too distracting to worry for long!
"I don't think you understand the possition you put the two of us in Hazel. Both coming here right after I met you, and getting caught after. If you want to think I've betayed you for say what everyone already knew, that's your choice, but..." Mi giggled, closing in on the bunny, she wrapped one arm around her neck, drawing her into another impassioned kiss. Once broken, she lightly swirled the feather duster just over the rabbits errect nipple, "I still love you all the same.... now, why don't you tell us where that Arrow sent Ayune?"
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Melana Blackshield, Mansion, baths, Tag: Kessa

"Heh.. yeah.. Seena gave me a bit of a hard time but I know I'm right.. I know you are happier, now that we can just make your silly little head as happy and obediant as it was ment to be. We got work to do, to train you proper.."
She nodded.
"Not being a proper slut.. that comes natural.. and is great fun, always. but train you to also be good.. strong, for me. Can't be my horny slut if you get killed or captured by some idiots. To that end, you need functional armor."
She nodded, and poked Kessa's forehead chidingly. ".. but make sure to entertain me, and I will see what I can do... hmnn squeezing me all nicely, good girl.

Yes.. the half-elves take a special place in my heart, I'll admit.. you see.. I know of your past plight, of your family troubles.. Half of you is a strong, noble warrior, a pureblooded human.. but sadly, it is tainted by these sluttish, elfish desires."

She sighed and brushed a hand through Kessa's hair, whilest the water of the bath slowly heated up.. as did Kessa's sex, indubitably, with Melana's hand pumping in and out of her at a steady pace now, seemingly just to make her, watch her squirm..

"Don't worry about your tainted body not pleasing me.. I still love you, I love even the monster-tainted creatures of this world.. which is why I want to save it. Why I want you to fight for me."
She explained, her fingers teasing that horny, puffy half-blood pussy. "Want to know a secret...? As much fun as toying with and fucking your body is.. playing with your mind is even better...hmnn.. so what do you think, poor thing, trapped between the noble human and the monstrous, slutty elf, is it better for mistress to fuck your mind.. or your body?"

Name: Vivian the Slut Location: Mansion, Tag: Oriala
HP: 51/51 Armor Class:17/18 with shield Initiative Bonus: +4 CMD: 18 Saves: +7 Fort / +3 Ref / +10 Will Speed: 20ft
Initiative: Conditions:
"I-I'm sorry for questioning you Mistress! Thank you for giving me the opportunity to carry your seed in my womb!" Vivian said after receiving the aggressive kiss made up of a mix of pain and pleasure. It was some disciplining from her Mistress! She had no right to question her. With Vivians face was pressed down into the table by Oriala once the kiss was broken. Vivian could only see it as harsh love from her Mistress! "Ahhhh, Mistress I can't wait! I'll have so many of your babies, so many new slaves for both of my Mistresses!" Vivian's hips swayed at just the thought, she was so close! Mistress's cock was so close!

Vivian giggled like a young girl in love as Oriala lovingly kissed her cheek and then stroked her silky hair, her hand trailing down her naked back. Vivian’s ass cheeks were soft and plump, easily filling Orial’s hand, and pale dragon flesh spilling out between her fingers when she squeezed Vivian’s ass! The firm flesh was still slightly red from the previous slaps when Oriala added an additional slap to each, leaving them stinging red with her love for Vivian. Vivian gasped as the sharp pain and pleasure shot into her brain with each slap. Vivian’s legs were forcibly opened even wider by Mistress’s strong hands, allowing her even better access to the slut’s breeding hole. Vivian was so wet that Oriala managed to get a small puddle of love juices in her hand when she cupped Vivian’s cunt. Once opened wide, Oriala was able to see the pure pink of Vivian’s folds, her fingers slipping easily into the eager slut with how much fem lube there was. Vivian tightened around Oriala’s fingers as they went deeper. There was an inescapable feeling that she was being inspected like she was a piece of cattle made to be bred by a strong bull! That thought plus Oriala’s 3 fingers inside of her sent her to the edge, and with the rough grinding of thumb over clit, Vivian couldn't stop herself from orgasming right then and there! Her cunt tightened even more and a small stream of girl cum sprayed outwards, some of it hitting her Mistress! Oriala could feel Vivian’s orgasm being egged on and on as she continued to finger and rub her breeding slave. “Haaa… Haaa, I… I cant wait to feel my womb plugged full of your thick baby cream Mistress!” Vivian managed to say after she caught her breath once more. Surely that blissful orgasm was only the first of many for this night!

Feeling the thick and long breeding stick of her Mistress rubbing between her ass was driving Vivian crazy! She was getting desperate for cock, a fire burning in her! Even as Oriala’s pinch of Vivian’s clit sent her into a mini orgasm, the fire didn't go down. No! Only cock! Only Mistress’s cock could quench that fire! Vivian quietly grunted as the huge strength of her Mistress was applied to her back, forcing her against the table while also arching her perfectly for breeding! Vivian could only really wiggle now, the dominance of her body’s movements was complete! And with her dominance, Mistress chose to tease her pet! Her long, thick and hot cock rubbed up and down between her ass cheeks. Her flesh was pressed together to allow Mistress to use her ass as a makeshift fleshlight, and used Vivian was! As Mistress’s breaths grew into pants, so did Vivian’s. Her voice was a mix of rough and shaky pants, and moaning gasps as her cunny was teased!

When the heavy head of Mistress’s cock finally caught on the entrance of Vivian’s cunt, she was elated! Finally! She tried to move her hips backwards, to help the magnificent cock sheath itself inside of her! Yet Mistress held her down easily, her hips only managing to slightly envelop part of the head before Mistress pulled away! “P-please Mistress! I-I need to feel you shove your cock into my cunt!” There was a slight whine to Vivian's begging as Mistress went back to teasing her! With each abusive thrust against her clit and cunt, Vivian shivered in pleasure, another orgasm already building!

So caught up in the teasing, it took a second for Vivian to process Oriala’s words, and by the time she had done so, Oriala sheathed the entirety of her dark and holy cock into her loving slave! It was like time stopped for Vivian… well at least her brain did as one of the biggest orgasms she ever had hit her! She was quiet as she trembled in ecstasy, her pussy already milking the intruder with a strength and passion that only a girl in love and mid climax could summon! It was like her entire love tunnel gripped Oriala, milking her, pleasuring her Mistress! A low and sultry moan escaped Vivian as the squelch of cock entering pussy sounded throughout the room. It was here! She was being bred!
Hazel.pngHazel, Mansion Basment, Tag: Kagami, Hana
Startled, Hazel twisted her head to see the newcomer to the interrogation. Her ears flopped against her head as they came to rest before she turned back to the kitsune, who had begun talking again. The restrained girl bit her lower lip, nervousness clear on her face as Hana had now been given a more dangerous name and KagaMi continued her assault. The kiss was rather lack-luster on the bunny's part. She seemed still confused by the situation before her. Then as her nipple was brushed by the feathered tips, her whole body tensed. She seemed trying to restrain her response, though her face grew quickly red and she shook. Bursting forth like a bell the bunny's laughter filled the underground room. "Ha'll ha-ha ne-ah never he-he te-el-el-el! ah-ha-ha-ha." The tickling was clearly having an effect but it would take more effort to break her yet.
For the next post roll a Slight of Hand and Persuasion. Hana and Kagami can split the tasks or aid in what way they can.
Hana, Keeper of the Sleeping Spring
HP: 55/55 Armor Class: 25 Initiative Bonus: +8/10 CMD: 28
Panache: 4/7, Charmed Life: 2/3, Stunning Fist: 2/3. Conditions:
- ______________________________________________________________________________________________

"Why do you think Melana is such a monster? Didn't she spare you even when you killed her only family?" Hana asked.

"I think you have been fed some lies to make you do the dirty work without complains. Don't you see that reality isn't what you expected it to be?"

"Besides we don't really care about catching your lover. If he runs away we won't bother going after him...and if we bring back Ayune we won't have to go after him."
she pondered.

She sighed. This interrogation was taking too long. Every moment they delayed, the servant girl was a step closer to death. Besides, the bunny girl could just lie to them...

"Actually, I always keep my word. If you show us where this thing is, and we find the servant girl there alive, we will let you go free once we secure her. And if you persuade your boyfriend to not fight us, we will spare him too." She was sure Melana would approve of this deal...besides she was letting the small fish go to catch the big one. After all, they could scry and find her if she still tricked them.

(17 diplo)

Elizabeth Blackshield, Mansion Basement, Tag: Kagami, Hana, Hazel

Elizabeth narrowed her eyes at Hana at the 'only family' bit.
"Ahem. Ahem ahem."
She made, clearing her ghostly throat which was propably less of a physical issue.

"Y'know we got tentacles upstairs that can tickle that information right out of the girls mind, remove the middle man so to say. ... Spooooky tentacles.
But for what it's worth, that arrow you used? Old Hawken assassine equipment. Now it could be that those somehow joined some rebellion, but usually first step of becoming an assassine was a few years of loyalty training for Hawken. Just saying, its impressive you aquired such a thing.."
Kaga/Mi, Fractured Slave; Location: Blackshield Estate; Tag: Hana and Hazel; Mood: Cautious;
Core States: HP (26/26)[+1 non Lethal]; AC 14; CMD 13; Init: +3; Fort: +2; Ref: +5; Will: +5
Base Save DC: 15; Grade 1: (8/8); Grade 2: (4/6); Grade 3: (4/4) Meta Magics: +1 ,

Drawing her hand playfully over the bunnies cheek, "Now Hazel, don't be like that. We want to help you, but you're making this hard on all of us." She lifted the duster up and lightly, played with the feathers well Hana continued.
"She's right you know, if you tell us where Ayuna should be, then we don't have to fight. I promise you I'll do my best to keep Purulen safe..." with a soft smile she leaned back, awaiting the bunnies response. Truly Mi wanted Hazel to be a cute little bunny slave for Melana, she didn't like the idea of letting her go back to Purulen... Not when her new toy was so close! But sometimes sacrifices would have to be made, Ayuna was most important right now.
[Diplomacy: 19]
[Untrained Slight of Hand: 7]
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9e538d4e935369dd2b4ad4d426d02ee2.png Kessa Summerslut, Mistress Melana's Slut-Knight
HP: 71/71 Armor Class: 23 (Touch: 12, FF: 21)
CMD: 25 (FCMD: 23)
Fort: 8 Ref: 4 Will: 0 (+2 vs Enchantment, +2 vs Fear)
Initative: OoC (+2) AoO: 3
Active Effects: None

Mood: Exhausted, Very Aroused
Tag: Melana

Kessa gasps as those fingers skillfully work her swollen entrance, her eyes closed as she trembles in pleasure. Part of her wonders why she didn't embrace this before because it felt so good... Sex was a wonderful thing to be enjoyed and her body was a beautiful thing to be played with, to give and receive pleasure like this. "Yes Mistress, please make my little head happy and obedient for you." She pleads, feeling the water growing warm along with her cleft as she squirmed, her hands drifting to her large breasts as she began to play with them as well. Her improved body felt so good to be touched, she wondered how great it would feel to have her nipples sucked on while she gave milk like a slutty cow. "Please train me to be strong for you, to help you save the world and fight for you... Ahhh... I... I don't know... Both need to be fucked by you, Mistress. Fuck both my mind and my body... Please... Make me cum over and over again until I have no thoughts but yours..."

Melana Blackshield, Mansion, baths, Tag: Kessa

"With pleasure, my elf-slave."
Melana smirked, slipping out of the cloak hanging over her back, splitting her attention between slowly undressing herself and toying with Kessa's body, seeking to arouse and entice her more.. slaves talking obediant to her was just the best thing..
She smiled then, grinning even, lifting her hand and focusing while responding: "Good answer, slave. You know I wonder if my machine just worked really well on breaking you, or if you stopped resisting it anyway.. oh it doesn't matter, the outcome is the same.
Now how about a fun little game, my elf-slave. How about I fuck your mind while you clean yourself and pleasure me.. and then I send your body to be bred by my dark general Oriala."

She then chuckled, watching a tentacle wiggle fromout her palm. "Oh.. why am I asking.. in a minute or two, that'll be your desire anyway."
With that, she reached out, rubbing and caressing Kessa's ear sensually, a dripping, slimey, rubbery sixth finger caressing along, seeming to desperatly reach and dip for her earhole..
"This little thing will wiggle into your head and fuck the desire to breed me a little army of elf-slave knights all as slutty and obediant as you right into your mind...."
She raised a brow, before adding.. "If you ask for it nice enough.. that is."
She nodded, putting a hand to her ear, as if listening for the elf-slaves feedback on this, with an evil, domineering grin.
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9e538d4e935369dd2b4ad4d426d02ee2.png Kessa Summerslut, Mistress Melana's Slut-Knight
HP: 71/71 Armor Class: 23 (Touch: 12, FF: 21)
CMD: 25 (FCMD: 23)
Fort: 8 Ref: 4 Will: 0 (+2 vs Enchantment, +2 vs Fear)
Initative: OoC (+2) AoO: 3
Active Effects: None

Mood: Exhausted, Very Aroused
Tag: Melana

The half-elf watches her Mistress slowly disrobe in front of her, making her face flush with aroused anticipation. She blinks a bit as Mistress asks her the question, then gasps in delight as she feels the slimy tendril caressing her long, pointed ear before starting to enter the hole. "Please use me however you wish, Mistress. My body and mind belong to you and I will serve you in any way you see fit." She half-gasps, half-pleads as she feels her lower body begin to ache with need.
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Hazel.pngHazel, Mansion Basment, Tag: Kagami, Hana

Though the words of Hana and the ghost don't fall on deaf ears, the soft, brown rabbit ears were a little full of KagaMi's alluring whispers. The laughter the duster ripped from the restrained girls lips were interspersed with sobs now. "I-ah ha-ha I'll gaah take ha-ah you! gaah He's ha-ah-ah-ah in the ha-ha-ah-ha Phantomblade Estate." Both KagaMi and Hana had heard of that residence before. Originally it had been held by a wealthy noble who was later slain by a rogue assassin. Someone who had never been caught, but later was found to have used the manor as his base of operations. With that it was clear that she had broken, though if she was to be trusted or if her information was correct was another issue. Hana, who was not busy with wrapping up the inquiry, feels a lanky, wizened hand grip her smooth shoulder. Looking in that direction she would see the lanky labcoat clad man from the other basement room standing there. Bending down a little he whispers, "Vhy don't you go prepare for your journey, I'll make sure dese two don't get too friendly." To the ghost he only gave a glare before settling on the wall, leaning in wait for the others to start making their way out. His black cat mewling as it rubs its sleak form around his legs.
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