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6c52f6f93b05545f7844b1c369fc7695.jpgSeena Livy the unbroken Spidergirl, Hawken, Tag: Downtime, Mood: Tired, curious
Seena had to admit that on closer inspection, this spirit certainly was entertaining, even if the jokes were so-so. And she seemed like a much nicer Mistress to serve under. Her obsession with panties was positively cute compared to Melana's passions, or the customs of Hawken. What she was saying however, made Seena shiver more than her ghostly presence.
"I guess that explains much." She replied. "Thank you for your trust. It feels almost as if your granddaughter pays you less mind than she should. I guess if I will stay here for the rest of my life, I can at least try to fill that space. The spirits of the ancestors should not be belittled or ignored." She offered.
So Melana Blackshield knew firsthand the horror she herself was now perpetuating on her servants. She had freed them back then, in the most drastic way possible, a small mercy, but still... What had happened to her since then?
"But what do you mean with absconding? I cannot leave here, I have a..." Seena decided that the language of dominance would be the most appropriate here. "Mistress here already."
Seena thought over her next words. She was stepping on thin ice, without doubt, and she was sure the current Lady would hear of it, but what had she to lose? Nothing. Her whole freedom was just a game to Melana anyway.
"So you would rather this house return to honest, heartfelt laughter?" She asked. She was pretty sure Melana was too consumed to be returned. But merely knowing that there was a kindred spirit in these halls, even if it was a perverted ghost, felt like the air weighed a little less. Even if the only thing they shared was an acknowledgment that the desire to 'fix' this world would only bring ruin. Elizabeth Blackshield's presence felt no longer cold and alien to her. Heck, she even could get used to making panties for her, if it meant not getting stuffed into that machine...
"I am afraid that I can not convince your granddaughter of anything, even of what I think to be her best interest. It does seem like she has become the very thing she once hated. I feel sorry for you, and your family." She bowed her head reverently.

Elizabeth Blackshield, Mansion Basement, Tag: Seena

"Exactly! Respect your elders! Now give me a backrub.." Elizabeth decided, floating up to Seena. of course, her fingers would go right through the ghost if she tried that one.
"Slow down though, you have a mistress but you aren't tamed? Also that hesitation.. ah, hooking up with one of the others, aren't we?"

"I would rather people gave me some calm and quiet contemplation, but it's more compelling to have a gay household than a sorrowful one."

The ghost shrugged briefly.

"Eh, kids am I right. Then again, how would you know the right thing for Melana? Anyway, have you heard the one about the Knight? It goes something like this. What did the worlds greatest knight do, before horses were tamed and armor was forged? Another day, another time, I believe my descendant was ment to be this worlds hero. She still is.

.. oh, right, you look at me like you expected a joke hrmn. What's the most chivalrous bird? A Knightingale!"
6c52f6f93b05545f7844b1c369fc7695.jpgSeena Livy the unbroken Spidergirl, Hawken, Tag: Downtime, Mood: Tired, curious
"Yes, I am promised, devoted to someone else already."
Seena blushed and tried to massage the ghost, but found the effort futile.
"I can only agree, Lady Blackshield. Contemplation and honest laughter, both in balance, make for good homes. Unfortunately, it seems your granddaughter is in the process of banishing these two things from the house as we speak."
She chuckled politely at the joke. Hero was the last thing she associated with Melana, but obviously the elder Blackshield still loved her. How could she not?
"I am not sure I understand. You think Melana is the key? To what? Hero of whom? And why would you suggest I leave and try my luck with the demons?"

Elizabeth Blackshield, Mansion Basement, Tag: Seena

"Hmnnn. You are a spiteful creature, aren't you."
The ghost sighed. "Why do you young ones always see things so white and black. Including Melana, of course.
I suggest you leave because there's a darkness in Melana, the loss of Ayuna will only feed that more.. as will you... and yes. You do not understand. Not if you have to ask these questions."

She folded her hands together. "Hmn. You seem to have made up your mind a long time ago, so I guess there's little more to speak about. Best of luck."
She gave a wave.

Name: Oriala Lend Slayer and Dark General l Location: Secret Lab Tag: Vivian
HP: 69/69 Armor Class: 20 / 14 Touch / 17 Flat Footed Initiative Bonus: +7 CMD: 26 / 23 Flat Footed Saves: +8 Fort / +10 Ref / +2 Will
Specials: None

As her cock throbbed and jerked inside of Vivian's tight pussy Oriala released one grip from Vivian's hips. She placed her hand in the small of Vivian's back and held the dragon slut pinned and immobile against the breeding table while she forcibly impregnated her slave. Oriala let her cock pulse until finally she softened slightly and the flow of semen ceased. Still, Oriala kept her grip on Vivian's hip and the powerful pressure of her hand on her back as she kept the head of her cock seated just inside the tight ring of the slut's cervix. "Now, slut thank me for breeding you while I plug your womb with my cock to let my seed soak your body and claim your eggs." She gave Vivian's ass a hard slap but then leaned down and kissed the back of her neck. "Tell me how much you love me slave for you are mine, mine to love and punish and breed."
Hana, Keeper of the Sleeping Spring
HP: 55/55 Armor Class: 25 Initiative Bonus: +8/10 CMD: 28
Panache: 4/7, Charmed Life: 2/3, Stunning Fist: 2/3. Conditions:
- ______________________________________________________________________________________________

Hana walked down the stairs, finding Seena and theold ghost lady.

"Oh, Seena. Quick pack up your things...we are going on an emergency mission. Have you seen Melana?" she asked.

"We suspect the servant girl is still alive...at least for now. Teleported instead of killed. But...it could be a trap or a lie." she explained.

"Actually...I guess if we give Melana false hope, it could end up even worse....in any case, there is no time to waste. I can't see anyone else, so pack your things as fast as possible and meet us at the entrance...you will come, right?"
6c52f6f93b05545f7844b1c369fc7695.jpgSeena Livy the unbroken Spidergirl, Hawken, Tag: Downtime, Mood: Tired, curious
Seena sighed.
"I wish I could leave. I tried to run away from the penal guards, but they always found me. And now, with this collar..."
She ran her fingers over the metal, a constant reminder that her body and mind were forfeit. Seena exhaled and leaned against a wall, her sweaty hair falling over her dirty silk dress.
"Everyone tells me I don't understand, but no one ever offers to teach me. So questions are all I have. Not that they matter. Sooner or later it will be my turn, and then I will become Melana's plaything and puppet. And then I won't bother you with any questions any more. You know, honored spirit of the house of Blackshield, you are the first Hawken to show me such kindness, merely listening to me pouring my heart out. I hope your future descendants will pay you the respect to deserve."
She lowered her head in a display of sincere respect.
"And thank you. Even though luck alone will not save me."

Seena tensed as she heard footsteps, sounding like naked feet on stone, but they came from below, not upstairs, so it couldn't be Kessa...
She turned and looked at Hana coming up. Anger welled up in her heart,and her face twisted into a grimace of pain.

"Melana is upstairs, enjoying the new Kessa. She turned her into a twisted mockery of her self! Because of what you said!" Seena snarled, baring her teeth, her legs spread and twitchy.
It took a minute for her to actually comprehend what was just said. The elf-girl, whose death had pushed Melana over the edge, still alive? If they could return her? Then what? It wouldn't change anything. Kessa would still be gone, and Seena and Hana would be next.
All tension left her, and Seena's body slumped. Her human torso and head fell forward, into Hana's arms. She wanted to be told that everything would be fine, that they would have their happy end, she knew that nothing Hana said could really allay her fears and sadness, but Seena just wanted to hear her voice...
"I'm sorry..." She whispered, hugging Hana close. "Of course I will come with you!" She pressed against her harder, almost throwing them both down the stairs.
She let go of the surprised human. "Sorry..." She blushed.
"I am not sure it will change anything, but..." She turned to looked at where Elizabeth Blackshield's spirit was or had been. "Let us restore some peace to this house. Not for Melana, but because it is the right thing to do."
Maybe this was exactly what was needed to lift her spirit and make her forget... no, come to terms with what had happened earlier.
"I have my gear with me." She pointed to the websacks attached to her cephalothorax. "Will you help me put on my armor once we are where the girl is being held?"
"Maybe Melana will even allow us to spend the rest of the night together..."
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Elizabeth Blackshield, Mansion Basement, Tag: Seena, Hana

"Do none want to teach you, or do you not want to learn?" She shook her head, before glancing over to the arriving Hana.

"Hooh .. that is great news! But yes, you are propably right about not telling Melana prematurely."
She crossed her arms. "I can give her an excuse that you went patrolling or somesuch.. just make sure you get back safely, ideally with Ayuna in tow, or I'll get in trouble."
She raised a brow watching the clingy spider, before fading away through one of the walls, with another head-shake.

Name: Vivian the Slut Location: Mansion, Tag: Oriala
HP: 51/51 Armor Class:17/18 with shield Initiative Bonus: +4 CMD: 18 Saves: +7 Fort / +3 Ref / +10 Will Speed: 20ft
Initiative: Conditions:

Vivian couldn't bring herself to move, unwilling to take the chance that one of her movements could somehow dislodge the thick head of her Mistress's cock from the entrance of her womb. She lay completely still with the help of Mistress and her bindings, quietly letting out sultry moans with every twitch of the cock inside of her as she laid limply with her nipples rock hard pushed against the cool metal table. She could feel a pressure deep inside of her, and with how thick and virile Mistress's cum was, she could feel that pressure growing with each rope of seed planted straight into her womb! As she focused on that feeling, burning it into her memory, it felt mind numbing. It was what she now lived for, the ultimate reward!

"T-thank you Mistress, thank you so much!~ My life has a new meaning now, being your breeding slut! I hope Your seed finds its way into more than one of my eggs, I-I want to carry your black dragon babies!" Vivian moaned out her thanks and desires from underneath her Mistress. She giggled cutely as she felt mistress's kisses along the back of her neck. "Mistress, I love you so much! I would do anything you asked me to do, I live for you! I cant wait to watch a small horde of babies growing up knowing they are of your seed and my eggs!" Another moaned slipped from the Slave's plush lips. though this one was clearly just from that thought alone. "Mmmhhhn, Mistress, is there anything you can use to plug up my cunt once you finish breeding me? I Want to feel your cum sloshing around in my womb all night long.~"

Name: Oriala Lend Slayer and Dark General l Location: Secret Lab Tag: Vivian
HP: 69/69 Armor Class: 20 / 14 Touch / 17 Flat Footed Initiative Bonus: +7 CMD: 26 / 23 Flat Footed Saves: +8 Fort / +10 Ref / +2 Will
Specials: None

Oriala slipped one arm around Vivian's waist to hold her ass firmly against Oriala's hips such that the head of her cock remained lodged at the entrance to Vivian's cervix. She softened a bit as her orgasm calmed but her girth was such that only a small leakage of semen oozed out around the tight grip of Vivian's folds and leaked down the slut's thighs. She kissed Vivian's neck and stroked her back and then reached over to the side for something. "I'll plug you well slut to let my seed soak your womb." She shifted and suddenly pulled back and out of Vivian in one quick, brutal effort. Then before Vivian could recover the dragon whore felt something cold and hard pressed against her aching sex lips. "There are always jars and tubes in a lab like this. I'll seal you well while I go find those potions that our Lady left to complete your breeding transformation." Then ruthlessly Oriala shoved a large glass test tube into Vivian's wet and well lubricated sheet. The object was easily as large as Oriala's member and it completely filled Vivian. "Now, clench down on it slut and hold it inside."

Name: Vivian the Slut Location: Mansion, Tag: Oriala
HP: 51/51 Armor Class:17/18 with shield Initiative Bonus: +4 CMD: 18 Saves: +7 Fort / +3 Ref / +10 Will Speed: 20ft
Initiative: Conditions:

Occasional moans slipped from Vivian when ever an especially thick rope of cum splashed against the back of her quickly filling womb. Her womb had never been as full as it currently was, never had it held so much loving baby batter before! Only her Mistress and her endless love for her slave could pump this much cum into her! Vivian could feel the cock lodged deep inside of her softening as her womb was being topped off with cum, her ovaries drowning in it all.

"Nhhh-Nyaaa!" Vivian cried out in perverse pleasure as Mistress pulled her cock out in one fast movement and then immediately placed a cold object to the entrance of her burning hot pussy. "I-I hope those potions will have some big changes for me. Being forcibly changed until all Im good for is breeding! Nnghhh!" As Vivian finished day-dreaming, the cold and hard vial was shoved quiet easily into well lubricated and messy cunt. Her hole had already been unplugged for too long, a small stream of white, sticky tar was running down her thigh already! She quickly clenched around the extra large vial, stemming the flow! "Mistress~, do you want your whore to just wait here, or go with you?" Vivian was looking over her shoulder as she asked, pale cheeks alight with passionate love.

Name: Oriala Lend Slayer and Dark General l Location: Secret Lab Tag: Vivian
HP: 69/69 Armor Class: 20 / 14 Touch / 17 Flat Footed Initiative Bonus: +7 CMD: 26 / 23 Flat Footed Saves: +8 Fort / +10 Ref / +2 Will
Specials: None

Ylria reached down and scooped up the small streams of thick, white cum running down Vivian's thighs. She moved around to the front of the well bred slut. "Open up slut," and not waiting for Vivian she shoved the fingers of her other hand into Vivian's mouth, forcing her to open up. "Now, I want you to learn the taste of your mistress' semen." Ylria pushed her well coated fingers into Vivian's mouth and scraped off the cum. "There... now..." Ylria looked down at Vivian and nodded. "You can rise bitch as long as you clamp down with your cunt on the vial to keep it plugged. If you lose another drop of my seed I'll punish you severely."

She gripped Vivian's hair and yanked her up to her feet, Ylria's incredibly enhanced strength allowing her to handle Vivian as if she were a doll or toy. Ylria cupped Vivian's breasts and squeezed them, twisting nipples between thumb and forefinger. "Oh we'll modify you so much your mother would barely recognize you. Everyone will know that you are not only a breeding slut but that you are MY breeding slut." Ylria slapped Vivian harshly on the ass cheek and pushed her toward the large table on one side of the room. Laid out carefully were six potion vials. One was pink, one purple, one blue, one red, one orange and the last black. "Now kneel before me slave. You can keep your knees together to hold in my cum."

Name: Vivian the Slut Location: Mansion, Tag: Oriala
HP: 51/51 Armor Class:17/18 with shield Initiative Bonus: +4 CMD: 18 Saves: +7 Fort / +3 Ref / +10 Will Speed: 20ft
Initiative: Conditions:

Vivian's legs trembled in anticipation as Oriala moved in front of her and then lifted two of her fingers that were loaded with her own cum towards her slave's mouth! Vivian cooperated, opening her mouth wider for her Mistress so she could clearly see what she was doing. Vivian was going to get her first taste of her Mistress's cum! Oriala had an easy time scraping off the thick and sticky cum with the help of Vivian's tongue eagerly licking her fingers. Wanting to enjoy her first taste, Vivian played with the glob of cum, spreading it over her tongue and insides of her mouth, moaning as she did so. It was so thick and salty, but so good! She savored the taste on her tongue and the submission that flooded her for a few seconds before swallowing the yummy treat! "T-thank you Mistress, Im glad none of your precious seed has gone to waste!" With Mistress's help, Vivian rose as she made sure to squeeze the test tube in her cunt like a vice!

Even as pain flared from her scalp as her hair was pulled, Vivian could only admire her Mistress's strength. It didn't matter that it hurt, no pain would stop Vivian from serving! Vivian's nipples were still semi hard from all the arousal coursing through her after her breeding, and they grew rock hard once again at Oriala's touch. Sweetly moaning, one of Vivian's hands reached up and covered the hand Oriala was using to cup and play with her slave's breasts, lighting pressing it further into her own breast. "Oh Mistress, I cant wait till everyone can tell I'm your breeding bitch from just a glance! I'll be remade into your perfect slut!" Before she was shoved over to the table, Vivian looks into Oriala's eyes and gets all puppy eyes as she begs. "Can I get a tattoo as well, or maybe a new collar?" She could already imagine it. Her stomach large with little chocolate brown dragon-lings, her breasts modified to her Mistress's desires, while she had a new collar claiming her neck! She was only pulled out of her quick but arousing daydream by Oriala harshly slapping an ass cheek and then grabbing her and forcing her over to a nearby table! Vivian falls to her knees before Oriala and the table. Her eyes glancing over the potions that rested there. "W-what do those do?"

Name: Oriala Lend Slayer and Dark General l Location: Secret Lab Tag: Vivian
HP: 69/69 Armor Class: 20 / 14 Touch / 17 Flat Footed Initiative Bonus: +7 CMD: 26 / 23 Flat Footed Saves: +8 Fort / +10 Ref / +2 Will
Specials: None

Oriala smiled at Vivian glanced at the vials with uncertainty. "Oh yes, we'll tattoo and collar you but not just with normal tattoos or collar." She motioned to a dark metal framework nearby. From the frame mounted a set of chains with shackles near the top and what looked like foot rests with clamps of some sort near the bottom. There were clamps as well that seemed to be set to swing into place to hold the subject around the waist or other parts of the body. It appeared to be set up to ideally hold someone rather firmly in place. Nearby was a large machine that seemed to be a combination of a number of arms with sharp looking instruments at the tips and a series of jars of different colored liquids. "Do you see that equipment? The Mistress instructed me on that as well. It seems she is as excited as I am about using all the powers she has at her disposal to let me modify you into the perfect slut-slave as my reward." Oriala's cock began to grow and throb at the though of breaking and changing Vivian. "That machine applies tattoos that have powers. They modify the mind and body according to how they are applied and the forms of the art. We'll use that on you and then the collar," Ylria pointed over to where a gleaming pink and gold collar lay on a counter. "That will be yours but we will find out about it later."

She considered Vivian. " Well bitch, you have been good so I will tell you what they each do." Oriala picked up the pink vial. "This one will make sure you conceive tonight. Not only it make your womb a fertile field for my seed but you will bear multiple brats, at least four. You will always be insanely fertile with me and no contraception will prevent my seed from taking root." Oriala laughed and rubbed her cock on Vivian's cheek. "It will be good seeing you swell up to a huge size." She pointed to the purple potion. "This one modifies your womb so that not only can you support large brats but it will make it impossible for you or anyone else to end the pregnancy. Your fate will be to be pregnant for the rest of your life."

Oriala pressed her cock against Vivian's mouth. "You will be birthing a lot so let's make sure you are prepared. The blue vial will widen your hips to make you a better breeder. But not only will your hips widen but when you go into labor your body will soften and loosen so that you will not break when delivering my large young. And... for my slut," Oriala shoved her cock to the back of Vivian's mouth. "You'll rather enjoy the process of birthing... like an orgasm. Oh, and you will regrow your maidenhead after each fucking" She pulled her cock back a bit to allow Vivian to suckle it before continuing. "Now you need to be better at caring for my brats. The red potion will enhance your breast. They will grow larger with long nipples. You will be very productive of milk almost like a cow and of course your breasts will be very sensitive to my touch and my lips. Suckling and lactating will be orgasmic as well." Oriala laughed again. "And of course if two is good then four is better. You will grow another smaller pair of breasts to be able to properly nurse."

Working her hips into Vivian, her cock now leaking precum Oriala stroked Vivian's cheeks. "The orange... well... that will turn you into a creature that is perfect for sex. Your pussy lips and clit will swell and grow far more sensitive. Your pussy will permanently lubricate so that you are always ready for me. You will always be tight and have perfect control over your intimate muscles so that you can grip me like a glove. Your mouth will become a perfect cock sleeve. Your tongue will become longer and almost prehensile while your lips get puffy, slick adn sensitive like your cunt lips. Your tonsils in the back of yoru throat will become like a clit meaning that deep throating will become very pleasurable." Oriala thrust deeply into Vivian, burying her cock to the root until Vivian's nose was pressed up against Oriala's groin. She held the huge cock throbbing down Vivian's throat as her eyes gleamed wickedly. "The black potion is the best. It gives you a very addictive personality and body. You will not only crave my seed but you will crave the pleasure of my dominance, of my fucking and punishment as well as bearing and feeding my brats. Even without the tattoos and collar you will wear you could not live without my fucking you, breeding you and controlling you." As she spoke Oriala's cock throbbed and shot spurt after spurt of thick semen down Vivian's throat to start her on the path to slavery."

After a moment Oriala pulled back and spewed her seed onto Vivian's face and breasts. "You can thank your mistress slave."

Name: Vivian the Slut Location: Mansion, Tag: Oriala
HP: 51/51 Armor Class:17/18 with shield Initiative Bonus: +4 CMD: 18 Saves: +7 Fort / +3 Ref / +10 Will Speed: 20ft
Initiative: Conditions:

Just hearing the affirmation that she would be newly collared and tattooed made a shudder of pleasant anticipation shoot through the slave! Mistress was so good to her! She was the best Mistress this slave could ever wish for! All the chains and sharp looking tools looked a bit scary, but at the same time she knew her Mistress would take care of her and only hurt her when necessary! "I-it looks scary, but I still cant wait for you to use all that equipment on me! Goddess, I want to be hanging from those chains as you put more babies in my tummy!" Vivian bit her lower lip and stared at the hardening ebony cock of her Mistress. It was so close to her face, and she really wanted to kiss it! Her own thighs were practically a waterfall from everything that has happened, and she doubted that would change any time soon! Perhaps it would never change after she had been modified into Mistress's perfect slut slave! "Oh Mistress, you should have your own personal crest now that your Mistress Melana's general! You could place it right over my womb!" The golden and pink collar was absolutely beautiful! Her old collar was nothing compared to it in beauty, not to mention that it was gifted from her Mistress! That made it sooooo much more important to a slave!

Vivian beamed brightly at Oriala's praise and listened with a huge amount of anticipation! Tonight! Tonight she would have a bun placed into her oven with one hundred percent certainty! Hearing this news, Vivian couldnt hold herself back any longer. Mistress's cock rubbed against her soft cheek, leaving a trail of precum over it. She turned her face to it and kissed it right on the head, showering it in love as she listened to what each of Mistress's other love filled potions would do to her! Her body would be able to safely balloon out with lovely babies, and all risk of the pregnancy being ended would evaporate. No way back, the buns in her belly would be born, physical manifestations of her Mistress's love for her! "Ohhh, thank you, thank you! Its always been my dream to just be a breeding slave! Now Ill be one for the rest of my life!" Vivian gave an especially sloppy kiss on the tip of the chocolate brown cock.

Vivian had been accepting and prepared that birth was painful, but was still looking forward to it. Now though, that pain would be pure pleasure! Orgasmic esctacy each time she birthed one of Mistress's little gifts to the world! That was an experience Vivian was ecstatic to experience! Vivian's kisses suddenly gave way and stopped as the cock was forced into her mouth, gagging her from how sudden it was! Proof of her training, Vivian had already bobbed her head up and down the shaft before she could even process that it was in her mouth. But now that it was, she had to service it, to worship it! Her warm and wet tongue found the under shaft, licking up down it while her head bobbed down the shaft and then back up again. Her lips tightly wrapped around it as she did so! Oh it would be like she was that unbroken, scared and confused little dragon girl all over again when ever Mistress claimed her fresh maidenhood. One of her hands reached up to her breast as Oriala explained what the next potion did to those very breasts. Her head still bobbing up and down, Vivian teased her right nipple, pinching and pulling at it, imagining it already long and hard for her mistress! She even moved on to grabbing as much of her breast as she could and then squeezed it like she was milking a cow! The second pair of breasts would be a new experience, but Vivian didn't mind!

Oriala's futanari precum was a divine taste, and once she tasted it, Vivian's movements sped up, practically begging for more with her eyes! Give her more cock! Give her more information about how her life was about to irrevocably change! Give her more chains on her body and soul! Oh if only her current mouth was already a mouth pussy, she would bring her Mistress even more pleasure! The futa cock was forcible pressed deeper into Vivian's mouth, the head easily entering her throat where Vivian gagged on it, her throat trying to imitate that future mouth pussy by tightening around the cock! Her nose was pressed to the base of the cock, forced to breathe in only her Mistress's heavy musk! She loved this all already! She wanted to be addicted! She would be a sex slave, irrevocably chained to her Mistress! At the same time that thought passed through her mind, the first glob of thick and tasty semen was spurted down her throat! Her first steps down the path of true slavery were about to begin! Vivian eagerly drank down the belly filling amount of cum, and then presented her breasts and tongue for Mistress to cover in seed! Any clumps of the thick and sticky cum about to drop to the floor and be wasted were quickly rescued and scooped up into Vivian's mouth! Mistress made sure she knew the importance of her seed. Never waste it!

Vivian's eyes watered up as she let her heart spill forth. "Thank you so much Mistress Oriala! Breeding slave Vivian swears upon her very own soul to always faithfully serve and to conceive your babies! I shall breed you the finest young that shall serve in your army!" Her eyes looked expectantly towards the first of the potions Mistress Oriala had shown off towards her. In a shakey voice she asked, "C-can we start now Mistress?"
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Name: Oriala Lend Slayer and Dark General l Location: Secret Lab Tag: Vivian
HP: 69/69 Armor Class: 20 / 14 Touch / 17 Flat Footed Initiative Bonus: +7 CMD: 26 / 23 Flat Footed Saves: +8 Fort / +10 Ref / +2 Will
Specials: None

Oriala filled Vivian's mouth and belly with cum and then spurted wildly over her breasts, face and hair. It seemed that her ejaculations continued endlessly as the dominant futa coated her slut with seed. Then she pulled back and opened the vial on the pink potion. Oriala handed Vivian the vial. "Drink breed slut. I want you to seal your fate with your own hand. There will be no doubt in your mind that you freely chose this course."

When Vivian drank the potion she immediately felt a warmth starting in her belly but spreading down into her womb and pussy. Her mind twisted as it seemed that the potion not only would increase Vivian's fertility but she could feel Oriala's seed in her womb and the four eggs vulnerable eggs in her tubes surrounded by a swarm of Oriala's little swimmers. Suddenly with an orgasmic thrill Vivian could feel first one and then another of her eggs accept Oriala's seed as she conceived. Surely her trembling body would quickly offer the other two eggs to Oriala's ravenous sperm.

Name: Vivian the Slut Location: Mansion, Tag: Oriala, Submissive Breeding Slave!
HP: 51/51 Armor Class:17/18 with shield Initiative Bonus: +4 CMD: 18 Saves: +7 Fort / +3 Ref / +10 Will Speed: 20ft Initiative: Conditions: Impregnated!

Mistress Oriala's thick and slimy cum was filling her stomach and clogging her womb, filling every nick and corner of it, especially in her fallopian tubes! Mistress had also painted a hot and thick layer of seed all over Vivian's heavy breasts, face, and silky hair! Vivian, licked up what cum she could get to with her tongue, but left the rest alone, letting it soak into her, contaminating her with it's heavy yet lovely stench! She carefully accepted the pink vial from her Mistress, an expression of perverted delight on her face as she was told she would have to seal her own fate! "Thank you so much! Let this be a sign of my devotion to you and to bearing all of the children you could ever want!" With that, Vivian tipped the vial back and drank the potion that would forever change her!

A warmth started in her belly as the last of the potion entered her stomach. That warmth grew stronger and moved down lower, towards her womb and pussy! As it did so, it was like a sense she never knew she had was uncovered, and Vivian became hyper aware of what was going on inside of her own womb! The intense stuffed sensation only grew stronger as she could directly feel just how much cum was sitting inside of her! Just as well, she was now aware of her own eggs, and 4 of them just entered her tubes! They couldn't even make their way into her womb proper before being swarmed by Mistress Oriala's swimmers! She quite literally felt as two of them were pierced by sperm, fertilized and claimed to be Oriala's babies! As she felt this happen, Vivian trembled as she started to cum while still on her knees before her Mistress, her eyes rolling up slightly and a low moan erupted from her cum stained lips! She squirted her fem-cum onto the floor beneath her, her pussy clenching and squeezing an imaginary Mistress, holding the precious baby batter in her womb! "O-ooohhhh, M-Mistress! I-Im already pregnant with two of your babies, I can feel it! Two more of my eggs are already being swarmed by your seeds, b-but maybe you could put some more inside me to make sure?"

Name: Oriala Lend Slayer and Dark General l Location: Secret Lab Tag: Vivian
HP: 69/69 Armor Class: 20 / 14 Touch / 17 Flat Footed Initiative Bonus: +7 CMD: 26 / 23 Flat Footed Saves: +8 Fort / +10 Ref / +2 Will
Specials: None

Oriala watched with a cruel and possessive smile on her face as Vivian moaned and writhed in her orgasm. "Ahh... good breeder, you have taken the first step of the remainder of your existence. One of the boons that I have been given by the Mistress is an extension to my life. I expect to live many, many centuries so that I can server her as her Dark General. As a favor to me she has granted you the same long life such that you might have an endless life of fucking, breeding and birthing. You will give birth to thousands of my offspring until you can remember no life but that as my slut and mother to my heirs." She walked over and picked up a vial that glowed whiteley. "Yes, I think another dose of my glorious semen is well deserved Vivian." Oriala took the vial and held it up. "This potion vastly increases not only my own fertility but triples or more the volume of my seed with each orgasm. Also for you it will make me recover my erection much more quickly. But best of all now that you have taken the pink potion this white draught will make my cum combine in your body to cause you to be terribly addicted to my semen."

Holding up the vial Oriala drank deeply of the glowing fluid. "Ahhh... " she sighed as it seemed like her cock and balls swelled visibly while a steady stream of cum began to drizzle from the tip of her shaft. "Now slut, it is time for not only fucking but your first tattoo." Reaching down she gripped Vivian by the hair and pulled her over to the huge, dark machine. Oriala' strength was irresistible and while she was not cruel the dark warrior did not spare Vivian as she shoved her back into a reclining seat. "Let us strap you into this device so I can not only fuck you but change your body." Oriala pushed Vivian back and buckled a strap around her waist and then a collar holding her neck down against the headrest of the chair. Pulling first one arm and then the other Oriala slapped cuffs around VIvian's wrists and then attached chains that quickly pulled Vivian's arms upward and apart. Oriala stepped forward and spread Vivian's legs, pulling her knees apart and locking each ankle into another set of cuffs. Now legs and arms spread, torso tilted back a bit and body positioned just at Oriala's waist level Vivian was fully bound. "This will hold you well in any position I desire but you haven't seen the half of what this equipment can do."

Oriala clapped her hand and suddenly the dark metal of the looming and complicated structure of the machine began to glow a deep red. Vivian felt a heat against her body and then in a burst of light the chair and her bonds disappeared leaving her still bound in glowing ropes of magical energy. "This will leave all of your body available to the machine. Look..." Oriala pointed up into the guys of the open structure of the arcane device where a pair of long arms descended to hover a few feet above Vivian's head. Both arms were tipped with a series of long needles each glowing a different color. "These are the instruments that will mark your body with my dominance just as the magical potions will shape your form and organs to my will."

Oriala moved back again between Vivian's legs until her cock rested on the breed slut's belly. Warm semen leaked from Oriala, smearing over Vivian's skin causing a sudden surge of heat and tingling sensations. "Even just against your skin my semen will be absorbed into your body. Soon your only sustenance will be my cum." Oriala's hands began to rub her cum into Vivian's lower belly. "This is where I will mark you first as I take you." Pulling back a bit Oriala pressed her cock against the drooling entrance to Vivian's sex. "Now beg... beg to be fucked and bred, beg to be marked." As Vivian cried out Oriala thrust suddenly, deeply forward her cock even larger than before!

OOC: Think a twisted steam punk style examination chair built into a big machine.