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Dark Gate OOC Thread

Re: PbP Interest Check

Do characters ever level up/grow stronger? I.e. do characters ever get the chance to get more talents?
Re: PbP Interest Check

Wheh. That took long enough, but I've finally posted my sheet.
Re: PbP Interest Check

Ah, my question is answered. Also, I presume that corruption is gained by stuff along the lines of having a monster cum in you, impregnate you, special abilities, and special events?
Re: PbP Interest Check

Pretty much.

Notice: You start with nothing in your inventory besides ammo, your weapons/armor, and 50 denarii. I'm never going to make you worry about food or water, so that's not needed in your character sheet.
Last edited:
Re: PbP Interest Check

Are you planning on having everyone in one massive group or having several smaller groups?
Re: PbP Interest Check

Everyone starts alone UNLESS two people decide to start out paired up, and ask me about it. Groups forming later is possible.
Re: PbP Interest Check

Another important Notice: after careful consideration, I'm going with DeMatts idea of the revised to-hit and dodge mechanics.
Dodge now no longer has the +10, and to-hit only uses the base stat.
Re: PbP Interest Check

Should we put our to with spells in the weapons area as well?
Re: PbP Interest Check

Thanks for bringing that one to my attention: Yes.
Re: PbP Interest Check

Added my character. Probably made some mistakes. Please let me know if everything is okay. :)
Re: PbP Interest Check

Since all the cool kids are doing spoiler tags...


I had my character in a spoiler tag because it makes it easier to look through the sheets if the page isn't ungodly long because of all the unspoilered sheets. I think others just followed suite because I was the first to post a character.
Re: PbP Interest Check

Yes, I thought it was clever, so I copied you. :)
Re: PbP Interest Check

i m a little busy, but in 5 hours i will do my character sheet
Re: PbP Interest Check

I don't have a limit on the number of players yet, and honestly I don't really intend to yet. Come one, come all!
Re: PbP Interest Check

I'm tentatively interested, but an RP virgin. I think I'll watch for a bit.
Re: PbP Interest Check

Although I'm pretty sure you mean that you're creating a character, I have to ask: How do you 'effort' something? Effort isn't a verb...
Re: PbP Interest Check

Although I'm pretty sure you mean that you're creating a character, I have to ask: How do you 'effort' something? Effort isn't a verb...

I made it up specifically for this.. Actually I heard it somewhere once... Just kinda stuck.

How you ask?? I do not know.
Re: PbP Interest Check

Hopefully correct



Hit Points:42
Spirit Energy:35
Pleasure to Orgasm:35


Strong of Body
Unarmed Fighter(class)
Hard to Hit(for flaw)
Natural Spirit:Spirit Warrior(For flaw 2)

Flaws:(Max 3)
Sensitive: Pleasure taken is increased by 2.

Energy Blast
Energy Blade

Leather Armor: EV = 1, AV = 5, TP = 30.
50 Denari


To be done later... I'm tired

Just a tip: when making sheets never put a ':' next to a '('. Look through your sheet if you want to see why.