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Dark Gate OOC Thread

Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread



Does whateeever a Spidertank does

Would probably be the only really contributive chara of mine re: MEGAFITE. Maybe Nal - though I dunno how effective a support character would be really.

Also, .
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Oh lord spider tanks. That;s what the world needs, enormous driders that can orally impregnate you.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Maybe an insane old cat can find some way to fry their control network.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Would probably be the only really contributive chara of mine re: MEGAFITE. Maybe Nal - though I dunno how effective a support character would be really.

10/10 would kidnap Nal in the event of a massive anti-alien teamup DG arc and then force her to give Tamo a body buff and heals.

... Wait, she has arcane too? 100/10 would literally tie her up and carry her around like a backpack while demanding haste, body buffs, and heals.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Blarg~ I think its time for your angry orc trap to post first~
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Does anyone know if you can reload and move at 2x your speed in the same turn? I'm fairly certain I remember you can't do the 4x movement and an action at once, but I don't think I've ever seen it mentioned if you can with 2x speed.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

You can move 2x in a straight line without losing your regular action.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Ah, sweet. Should still be able to do what I had in mind, so long as flying forwards and up is included in that then.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Are players still being accepted, or am I out of luck? I'd love to pick up or start a new character, if someone's willing to GM for me...
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I'd recommend making a character sheet and posting it in the character sheet thread. You'll probably find some assistant GM or another willing to pick up your character, and having your character's build and backstory out there is more likely to inspire said GMs or give them a personal interest in the character and as such more likely to pick them up.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

So the power went out on me yesterday, and that happened to clear a lot of work I'd done for my post in my thread. That's not too bad since I still have another draft I PMed to myself, but once I woke up I tried to turn my computer back on. Didn't happen. I screwed around with a couple things, and I believe the power supply has died. Not sure how this will affect my posting rate since there's another machine I can use, but some of the thread specific things for snipers and Dread are beyond my reach at the moment.

I definitely need a new computer, I'm just not sure if I should try to salvage what I can from the old one or not...
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

If it's just the power supply, you should be able to salvage everything.

That's happened to me twice in my experience and all I ended up doing was swapping out for a new power supply and all was well.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

So the power went out on me yesterday, and that happened to clear a lot of work I'd done for my post in my thread. That's not too bad since I still have another draft I PMed to myself, but once I woke up I tried to turn my computer back on. Didn't happen. I screwed around with a couple things, and I believe the power supply has died. Not sure how this will affect my posting rate since there's another machine I can use, but some of the thread specific things for snipers and Dread are beyond my reach at the moment.

I definitely need a new computer, I'm just not sure if I should try to salvage what I can from the old one or not...

Shite. Try replacing the power supply first, but if that doesn't work...
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I feel for your loss Termite. I shall Sacrifice an orphanage and all the happiness within a 2 mile radius of my home to the computer gods in the name of a speedy recovery. In Hal9000 I pray.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I looked at the for DG and noticed someone done went and burned down Bakan's school for Proper Ladies.

I want names. And I want cookies. Not necessarily in that order.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Could always just maintain your own family tree in order to keep up with Bakan's latest babies and brides.

It's what all the people with too much time- I mean cool kids are doing.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I want to try my hand at this. I made a character and would like to know if any gm is available.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

If words make your brain bleed, then read the last line of this post.

Many conversations with Tass later, and much pondering on the Rogue'lite' version of DG4, I actually wondered how much of a pull from the norm would matter in the actual interest of the idea. I've talked a lot with Tass about the potential plot the setting surrounding that it could have, since the story in DG is one of the most important key factors, but there's no denying that any story in this method of playing DG will be lighter on story content.

It's getting to the point where Tass is far enough along in DG4 for me to start constructing the blueprints for what will be Temple of The Elders, which is the name of the spinoff me and Tass agreed was suitable. There's a lot that I'd have to work on if a lot of people took to the idea, including the plans mentioned for solo play, but now that the horizons of said work is coming up, I actually wondered who'd be interested in any of it.

I don't know what my audience is. I know of a handful who possessed mild interest, and if they're the only ones, working on the option for solo play wouldn't be necessary as no one would actually use it. I could instead make a much simpler system that works fine to play with only a few interested people. So, in this planning stage, I wonder who's interested. Who am I trying to please? How many? If most of you think it's a retarded idea and will never touch Temple of The Elders, then that helps me plan to make it for just a few people, the scarce few who 'are' interested, and allows me to focus on them and what they'd like.

So, what I'm here for is to know whether you are interested in playing Temple of The Elders (DG4 Rogue'lite'), before I start working on it. If you're interested at all, then it helps if I know that. If you're not, then the lack of popularity of the idea will mostly help me not waste my time on something no one cares about (Such as the Solo GM-less option of play, among others that won't be used if no one cares). Please let me know, as I'm gathering an idea of your interest. You can let me know however you please, it doesn't matter.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Sure, I'm interested. Might as well see what will happen. I'm betting walruses.