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Dark General Quest: Corrupt the Word!


King of the Impossible
May 5, 2009
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You are a Dark General, a powerful Youma (or similar creature) of the Shadow Realm. Your potential is cast, and your ambition is high. Will you be the most renowned, revered and rewarded? Or will you fail? Blocking your path to greatness are the beacons of hopes and dreams, the warriors of love and justice, the pretty soldiers, The Magical Girls. You'll have to get around that problem, but your goals wouldn't be worth doing if they were easy.

You may be the hero of your own story, but humans at large and Magical Girls will cast you as the villain du jour. What type of Dark General are you? You're unique one. You are the Hivemind. You have many bodies with a single consciousness, each an extension of you much like another limb is. This gives you a huge advantage over groups of Youma, one that you intend to leverage over the others for more power.

This is a empire builder and quest CYOA. This game will be run on two forums, the other being . You'll need to register to see the thread.

So, what is your life like?

Do you answer to a more powerful patron? They will demand regular tribute, but provide you with access to allies and reinforcements. You must maintain your good standing or face a bad end. (Indirectly affects difficulty by changing how likely it is for something good to happen.)
[] You answer to whispers that come from the shadows, whom have given you great power in exchange for your allegiance. You have no idea what you are beholden to, but you know that refusing their requests will lose you your powers. You know that you have allies, but have yet to meet them. You just know what the whispers tell you, and what secrets you hear. (Other dark generals may show up to offer or request help, but will keep to themselves. There won't be any reason to compete, as per the shadow whisper's plan.)
[] You are the apprentice of a Shadow Sorcerer who has recently become a master and joined the Cabal that rules the world in secret. You are now your master's agent in their political games, and compete with the other apprentices for resources in the Cabal's grand plan. You intend to become a master and join the cabal yourself, but first you must graduate from your apprenticeship. (Other Dark Generals may show up, usually to ask for help or be helpful, but you should also expect some friendly competition. The Masters don't like it when the apprentices kill each other off, but don't mind a bit of healthy conflict.)
[] Your power just sort of showed up one day. A magical fluke? A genetic mutation? Or perhaps it is there to balance against the bright light of the magical girls. After there all, there are no magical boys. Maybe that's what you are. There are other Dark Generals out there, commanding small teams to huge legions of youma of their own, and they can be quite territorial, but they may be willing broker truces or alliances. There are a few of those around. (Other dark generals will not show up to request help, but may offer it for a price if you appear weak. If you appear especially weak to them, they may just try to take you out and take your stuff. They expect the same behaviour from you.)
[] You have sworn fealty to the Dark Queen for your power. She is as evil as she is beautiful, and what a terrible evil she is. She has many Dark Generals under her dread banner, and seeks to bring the mortal world into the shadow of her tyranny. Competition for her favour is as fierce as it is deadly, though there are whispered rumours that a truly favoured could become her consort. She rules her dark kingdom with an iron fist and a keen eye, and no sedition or failure has ever escaped her notice. You don't want to become another example, do you? Also, don't even hint that she may have once been a magical girl herself. She doesn't like that rumour one bit. (There will be a constant bartering of favours and occasional backstabbing, both figurative and literal. The queen cares not what happens to her generals as long as there are enough that can get work done and push her goals forwards. She's also really nice to look at, if a bit scary.)
[] You have been chosen by the Old Gods to be the new Demon Lord. Well, of your area. Pious and deference has seen you rewarded, but the old ones demand the culling of the ranks of the weak as much as they demand tribute and sacrifice. You live for the politicking and backstabbing, quite literally. (Dark generals are constantly trying to get the better of each other in a Machiavellian game of warring states, all in the shadows, only team up to take on the magical girls. Most of the magical girls can only see that youma are coming out of the woodwork to drain people of their energy and drag off to do who knows what.)
[] No. Through nights of terrible study, tons of aching effort, and no small amount of luck, you are a self made Dark General. You stand alone. You are your own Monster. You answer to no one. You take all the risk and responsibility, but do not share they rewards of your exploits with any other. Unless it is part of your plan. Now practice that evil chuckle! (The other dark generals are just more powerful youma that manage to bully others to do their bidding. The different factions or lone youma will prioritise ruining each other's plans over fighting the magical girls. The other dark generals live with the risk of being usurped by their underlings.)
[] Yes. The Mystery Box. This is a special secret patron added as a joke, but I'm willing to run with it. Who is this mystery patron? It could be anything. It could even be a boat. (It's not.) No one knows! Only that it will be rather goofy.

How prolific are other youma? (This affects how powerful established Magical Girls are, how quickly new ones grow in power, but also how easy they are to capture and corrupt once defeated, or how easy they are to avoid as they may be too busy dealing with a rogue to deal with yours. This also affects how likely it is for you to encounter another dark general's troupe, or coming across a rogue youma by accident.)
[] Virtually non-existent. Youma must be created by a Dark General though captured magical girls, and only end up alone when their sire is slain before they are. Rogues quickly join another faction, team up to form a new one, or end up easy pray for teams of powerful Magical Girls.
[] Rather Rare. Youma must be created by a Dark General and mostly loyal to their sire. They do occasionally go off on their own, but most commonly end up alone through a run of bad luck. Rogues quickly join another faction, team up to form a new one, or end up easy pray for teams of powerful Magical Girls.
[] Uncommon. Sometimes youma are just born from a coalescence of negative emotion and loose mana.
[] Common. There's just about as many rogue youma as there are those loyal to a dark general. The rogues get created from nothing more often, but are also more likely to be defeated by magical girls.
[] Prolific. They live in the shadow realms and come to feast on human essence. Youma prefer to eschew others of their kind because they don't want to share their hard earned harvest of tasty energy. Rogues out number the ones in factions by a significant margin, and are quite feral by aligned youma standards. Expect to encounter them as often as you do the magical girls, and deal with them appropriately.

Regardless of the constant struggle between magical girls and dark generals, what is the world like? (This affects how often Magical Girls turn to the dark side on their own, and how easy it is to corrupt them.)
[] Sunshine and Rainbows. Taxes are a bit high, but the economy is booming so paychecks are higher even. Birds are signing, crime is down, bees are buzzing, traffic is flowing, and schools are happy fun places where little girls develop interesting skills and deep meaningful friendships that last the rest of their lives. Even the weather is seems to be smiling every day, rain or shine, and was that a unicorn? Nawww.... Anyway, if it weren't for you and the youma, it would be two steps shy of a modern utopia, you jerk faces. (Magical Girls are paragons of love and justice, and never act otherwise. As such, they are more difficult to corrupt. They are easier to keep happy once corrupted, if you care to.)
[] Mediocre Civilisation. There are still taxes, the economy is still a thing, and paychecks are at least adequate. Some people might focus on the bad too much, but really human civilisation keeps making things better and better everyday. School can be mind numbingly dull but little girls see the benefits of it, and there's plenty of time to socialise. Now you youma boys show up to wreck everything they've built and you expect them to just lay down and take it? (Magical Girls sometimes may compromise on their morals or act selfishly, but never turn to corrupting themselves.)
[] Gritty world. Despite taxes being so low the economy is always slumping, and yet somehow people still get their lousy paychecks. Birds poop on statues, crime is just around a corner and down the alley, wasps are little demons, there's an accident in the express lanes both ways. School makes little girls feel dumber, takes too much time, and leaves everyone grumpy. The weather is never right, and who's horse left a present in your favorite parking spot? Youma coming out of the shadows to suck on everyone's energy fit right in. (Magical Girls can act selfishly or even -gasp!- turn to crime, but will never accidentally corrupt themselves. They can choose to take up the dark arts, however, can give you a head start with the corruption process.)
[] Distopia. Taxes are too damn high, unemployment is rampant, paychecks are shit, crime is out of control, and conscription into the police has just been put into affect. Schools are full of gangs, or angry bees, or gangs of angry bees. No wait, that last one was hallucination from all the pharmaceuticals being bumped into everyone's veins. No wonder little girls want to throw their life and education away fighting youma. The catharsis of punching a giant snake made of shadow stuff with magical sparkling fireworks must take the edge off better than the mandatory prescription anti-depressants do. (Magical Girls are all too human, and can easily be led astray from a couple of bad choices. They are easier to corrupt, and may corrupt themselves accidentally or by choice.)
[] End of Days. People didn't expect it, but the world is coming to an end. What went wrong? How did no-one see this coming? The stress of the back to back disasters will weaken the Magical Girls, but harden their resolve. (Magical Girls are easier to capture, but harder to corrupt.)
-[] Robot Uprising. The technological singularity has been achieved, and you are competing with the AI Revolution for human souls. You want to feed off their energy, and they want to cleanse the dirty apes to pave the way for a flat concrete slab for more factories of circuit and metal. In the middle are the Magical Girls, holding back the tide.
-[] Zombie Plague. The classic horror movie scenario has come true due a perfect storm of super germs, mad science and bad juju. Now the dead walk again to feast on the living. Only Magical Girls are immune to the Z-germs, but they are so few that their combined magical power can't turn back the waves of undead hunger. For you, Zombies have no mana for to drain, can't be corrupted, and are super gross! (Magical Girls get stronger faster, and are even harder to corrupt!)
-[] Economic Collapse. Universal Robotics and Adaptive Software has replaced so many human jobs so fast that unemployment is nearly total. With no one getting payed the consumer era has come crashing down in an orgy of riots, looting, black markets using Pogs as currency, and rampant substance abuse. The good news is that there's free food and internet, so people have that going for them. But the job market; it belongs to the machines now. (There will be more Magical Girls.)
-[] Demon Invasion. The gates to the Underworld have opened. As have the gates to Otherworld. And the Shadow World. And the Spirit World. All the gates really. There are many super natural monsters from other realms pouring in to feed off human essence. The Magical Girls have tons of monsters to fight off, making their skills and power grow rapidly from the varied demons to slay. (Magical Girls get stronger much faster, but may be taken out by the other types of demons.)
-[] The Moopocalypse. The chickens, cows, pigs, and all the other food animals have wizened up to their future fate and have had enough. They have organised and launched simultaneous assaults all across civilisation, overwhelming the military. Nobody expected the chickens to have uzis and flambards. (This season, cows have a beef with you. In theatres everywhere.)
[] Post-Apocalyptic. The end of days came and went, and they it just didn't end. It was really bad, but most of humanity survived, even entire major population centres went undamaged. Though not unaffected. The calamity affected the entire world, creating a new dark age. The hard times have toughened the magical girls, but the depression has them longing for better times. (Magical Girls are harder to capture, but easier to corrupt.)
-[] Write-in. Choose an apocalypse from above. (Gain the associated effects.)

The most powerful Magical Girl in the world is?
[] None at all. Both Dark Magic and Magical Girls are new, and everyone is scrambling to set up a status quo. (Magical Girls all start at minimum level. They will gain in power as the game progresses.)
[] None specifically. There are some very powerful magical girls, but they all got to their level by hard won battles and constant training. (Magical Girls will vary in power,
[] The Moon Goddess. A powerful sorceress of unparalleled power and beauty is believed to be the first Magical Girl (unless you're subject of the Dark Queen, in which case she's a just a 6). Her feats include scouring a celestial body of demons (and rendering it inhospitable in the process, oops!), redirecting comets, and getting children the world over to eat their vegetables. She has inspired many girls to better themselves mentally. She wears a beautiful silver dress, radiates a calm blue light, moves with unearthly grace and dignity. (Girls, magical or otherwise, will have 1d4 bonus Magic and Elegance, and spell caster types will be more common.)
[] The Warrior Saint. A mighty warrior encased in golden armour, wearing a burning halo and wielding a flaming sword. She has the wings, face and voice of angel. The moon is covered in the ashes of entire ecosystems of demons she has slain with her holy powers. Her piety and kindness has inspire many young girls to take religion more seriously. Somehow no one knows what her religion actually is, but it's probably a Judeo-christian one. (Regular girls have 5 more mana. Magical Girls have 50 more mana, but are twice as hard to corrupt.)
[] The Amazon Champion. A mighty warrior woman from a lost world. Her martial prowess is unrivalled and physically impossible. She can lift small buildings without breaking them, leap across city blocks, and break bowling balls between her thighs. (Dem thighs!) Her physical prowess has inspired girls the world over to become more fit. Women everywhere flaunt their abs whenever they can get away with it. (Girls, magical or otherwise, will have 1d4 bonus Strength and Agility, and warrior types will be more common.)
[] The Metal Queen. This studded leather clad woman has shaken the world with her sick guitar licks and mad fighting skills. Her show stopping feats have inspired girls everywhere to take up music and martial arts, and have driven concerned parents up the wall with her radical antics. (Girls, magical or otherwise, will have 1d4 bonus Strength and Agility, and spell caster types will be more common.
[] The Shinning Golden Guy. A true hero, he flies around the world all time, stopping crime, halting tsunamis, getting people out of burning buildings, rescuing kittens, and generally being a nice guy. He is invincible, can shoot lasers, can see the future, and never sleeps. Now if only he would wear clothes. (Unlocks the ability to capture men and make Husbandos. Makes male themed achievements available.)

Continued on the next post.
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Re: Dark General Quest: Corrupt the Word!

Now back to you, Dark One. What is you name, and in three words describe yourself.
[] Write-in

How will you treat captured girls? (How much of a monster are you?)
[] Cattle: Captured girls are a resource, nothing more. They are fully restrained, gagged, blinded and deafened. Their happiness and pleasure is irrelevant, and they are only kept healthy enough to produce mana and youman. They may immediately be used to produce youma, and magical girls can be drained of their full mana right off the bat. Magical Girl Cows have the lowest chance to escape or be rescued. As they are corrupted the light of their heart dims until they're empty shells of themselves and lose their special magical traits, providing only as much mana as a normal human girl. Fully corrupted magical girls are no longer magical girls even if rescued unless some powerful healing magic is used. You monster.
[] Pets: Your captured girls are now mere pets, who have no need of volition or opinion. Their happiness and pleasure are side effect of your attention. Pets have a lower chance to escape, and can immediately be used to produce youma or be drained of mana. As magical girls are corrupted they weaken until they are back at their starting power level, and thus you they can only be used to make youma that strong, while only providing half the mana even then. Rescued magical girls eventually recover, and will come back with a vengeance! You fiend.
[] Concubines: Your captured girls are now servants whose primary role is to provide you with mana, youma, and sex. You will provide them with comfort and work to please them. Magical Girls turned into concubines can be drained of their full mana as soon as they are captured, but do not make youma for you right away. Once fully corrupted, magical girls can make Youma for you, but only provide half their mana. Concubines must be kept happy with occasional gifts and positive attention, and the magical concubines don't become weaker over time. Rescued magical girl concubines will resent you quite a bit, but are otherwise no more hostile than they were before, which is quite significant actually. You pervert.
[] Dark Consorts: Capture girls become your lovers. Until corrupted, they have a higher chance to escape and can't be used to produce youma. You will actually have to pay mana as upkeep in the form producing gifts and extravagant housing or send out youma on missions to acquire gifts to keep your Dark Consorts happy, as befitting their new illustrious station, or they will not provide you with mana or youma. Instead of draining their mana, you can send Dark Consorts out on missions with your youma, providing increased success and the ability to keep getting stronger themselves. Dark Consorts can also provide insight into their former teammates abilities and tactics, and can demoralise their former friends and soon to be harem sisters. 'Rescued' Dark Consorts will resist being healed, are easier to re-capture and corrupt, and may even return of their own volition. You hedonist.

You starting forces is 10 Shadow Clones (basic minion youma you've made) and a single Mana Battery Mk1. You are trapped in your own pocket of the Shadow Realm for now. It has a bed chamber, a bare room used for research, a simple kitchen, a basic washroom, and a throne room. You also have either a second bed chamber or a barn, based on how you choose to treat future captures.
Starting Bonus. A little help to start your quest, choose one.
[] Companion: The Doormat. Your childhood friend has joined you on your quest. She is rather plain, kinda dim, and a clutz. She doesn't have a positive trait that stands out, but you grew up with her and kept her around since she was willing to help you practice kissing, fingering, rope play, cosplay, intercourse.. Okay, she was, and still it, willing to do anything you say. Anything. Treat her anyway you like. Treat her nice, call her names; tell how to dress, keep her nude; forbid her from talking, have her only moo like a cow; keep her tied to you bedpost gagged, set her loose on others. Anything. Just don't ignore her. She has incurable self-esteem issues and will be all to happy at any attention you give her. But whatever she thinks, she is special. She's yours. Also, any youma you make using her have more mana than normal, meaning they can last longer in the field. (Youma she helps create gain +20 mana capacity, or have 75, whichever is greater. This includes your starting Shadow Clones.) Your domain will have an additional Bedroom for her to reside in.
[] Companion: The Porn-star. As a prank, you set up a job add for an office assistant but worded to imply that the position's tasks would involve giving you a lot of side benefits. This woman showed up thinking she was auditioning for the role of a secretary in a porn flick. After an intense interview and some vigorous negotiation, you've pounded out a juicy contract. Not that she can quit. She has a natural charisma that emphasise her showmanship, and she's also a cunning linguist and loves to practice her oral skills. (Slut girl helps outs while corrupting Magical Girls, making it easier by lowering their resistance and contribute her meagre mana capacity to the corruption process.) Your domain will have an additional Bedroom for her to reside in.
[] Companion: The Bookworm. She was deep in a binge on the occult when she met you, but was unsatisfied with her previous job as an office administrator for big pharma. Now she'll help you in your attempts at researching, usually by coming up with separate ideas or digging through your meagre collection of eldritch tomes. Youma with tentacles for arms have nothing on TPS reports and memos about meetings to plan future meetings. (Her help increases research success, but not past the limit of your library. She can also do research in the place of you on her own.) Your domain will have an additional Bedroom for her to reside in.
[] Companion: The Mistress. The first time you saw her she was tazzing a would be rapist in the alley behind a busy pub. Despite going to bars in her business suit with her hair up, and having practised her sneering glare every morning, she keeps attracting the wrong kind of attention; weak men that don't take 'no' for an answer. After showing her what good company a Dark General that can summon a pack of Youma makes, she's agreed to become your mistress. Turns under that under that serious no-nonsense shell was a repressed dominatrix needing to get out. The only thing she loves more than whipping other people or verbally tearing into them is cuddles and ice cream, as well as getting tied up and spanked. She also has a minor magical talent; she can act as a conduit of your dark power. As a former corporate lobbyist, she is very versed in getting people to do things for her bosses benefit at the expense of themselves. (She can corrupt a normal or Magical Girl for you, letting you corrupt two at a time. She won't share your bonuses to do it though, and will have to develop them separately.) Your domain will have an additional Bedroom for her to reside in.
[] Minion: The Demon Warrior. Soon after you started manifesting your Shadow Clones, you were approached by a rogue demon that requested to join you. She's a big four armed beast of a woman with incredible toughness and a unique fighting style that you're sure Magical Girls will have trouble defending against. What a fortuitous happenstance. But.. come to think of it, even now you are certain she could take you and all your Shadow Clones out, but you are certain of her loyalty. What's her deal? She isn't talking, she just wants your approval and favour. (Gain a powerful demon minion to send out on missions.) Your domain will have an additional Bedroom for her to reside in.
[] Double start-up with 10 more Shadow Clones.
[] Free Youma: Avatar. Start with an Avatar in the material world. You'll need to research a way to create more if you want another.
[] Free Enhancement: Basic Attribute Upgrade. You and your Youma gain a bonus to an attribute.
-[] Strength
-[] Agility
-[] Magic
-[] Elegance
-[] The Small Dice. Any two of these bonuses will be chosen at random, but have a chance to either get two more rolls, or lose a roll. Sorry, but doubles only count once. (2 times d6)
-[] Lose the bonus enhancement. Did you actually pick this? This option was only supposed to be for the random chances.
[] Free spell: Shadow Gate Lvl1, allowing you to capture people and bring them to your realm.
[] Free tech: Mana Battery Mrk1. You can make them now.
[] Free Alchemy: Fool's Gold. You can conjure gold. It isn't permanent and fades over time, or immediately if taken out of your domain, but you can shape it however you wish.
[] Free structure: Barn or Bed Chamber, based on your choice of how you treat your captured women.
[] The Big Dice. Any two of the above bonuses will be chosen at random, though there will be no chance to lose the Free Enhancement at first. (2 times d12, then maybe a d5)

Vote Template
Do you answer to a more powerful patron?
[] You answer to whispers
[] You are an apprentice
[] Your power just sort of showed up one day
[] You have sworn fealty to the Dark Queen
[] You have been chosen by the Old Gods
[] No. You are a self made Dark General
[] Yes. The Mystery Box

How prolific are other youma?
[] Virtually non-existent
[] Rather Rare
[] Uncommon
[] Common
[] Prolific

What is the world like?
[] Sunshine and Rainbows
[] Mediocre Civilisation
[] Gritty world
[] Distopia
[] End of Days
-[] Robot Uprising
-[] Zombie Plague
-[] Economic Collapse
-[] Demon Invasion
-[] The Moopocalypse
[] Post-Apocalyptic
-[] Write-in. Choose an apocalypse from above.

The most powerful Magical Girl in the world is?
[] None at all
[] None specifically
[] The Moon Goddess
[] The Warrior Saint
[] The Amazon Champion
[] The Metal Queen
[] The Shinning Golden Guy

Now back to you, Dark One. What is you name, and in three words describe yourself.
[] Write-in

How will you treat captured girls? (How much of a monster are you?)
[] Cattle
[] Pets
[] Concubines
[] Dark Consorts

Starting Bonus. Choose one.
[] Companion: The Doormat
[] Companion: The Porn-star
[] Companion: The Bookworm
[] Companion: The Mistress
[] Minion: The Demon Warrior
[] Double start-up with 10 more Shadow Clones
[] Free Youma: Avatar
[] Free Enhancement: Basic Attribute Upgrade
-[] Strength
-[] Agility
-[] Magic
-[] Elegance
-[] The Small Dice
[] Free spell: Shadow Gate Lvl1
[] Free tech: Mana Battery Mrk1
[] Free Alchemy: Fool's Gold
[] Free structure: Barn/Bed Chamber
[] The Big Dice
Re: Dark General Quest: Corrupt the Word!

You, Dark General, are a powerful entity in your own realm. Your attributes and those of your followers are as follows.

Legion, Dark General
Stamina : 100
Strength : 5 (10)
Agility : 5 (10)
Magic : 5 (10)
Elegance : 5 (10)
Mana : 100
Mana Consumption: 1 per day, 7 per week.
Primary Element: Shadow
Secondary Elements: None
Traits: Youma (Greater), Hivemind, Greedy, Lustful, Proud
Special Abilities: Corruption, Mana Drain
Skills: Bachelor Cooking, Bachelor Grooming, Waltz Dancing, Cat Watching, Occult Research, Sexual Performance, Dark Seduction

You are the Dark General Legion! You are many in presence but singular in purpose. Soon they will learn to flee from you wave of living power!
Bambi Kiss

Stamina : 10
Strength : 2
Agility : 2
Magic : 8 (4 )
Elegance : 4 (2 )
Mana : 17
Mana Production: 17 per day, 119 per week.
Primary Element: Wood
Secondary Elements: None
Traits: Human, Lustful, Vain, Affectionate
Special Abilities: Mana Generation
Skills: Voice Acting, Stripping, Lap Dancing, Pole Dancing, Callisthenics, Yoga, Sexual Performance, Sexual Research

Real name Annabelle Jones, Bambi joined you for the crazy sex with the supernatural. A former freelance porn actress, she answered your job add for a secretary that implied the position would involve mainly sexual tasks looking for her next shoot. She doesn't care about fighting magical girls or other youma, and was hoping for an opportunity to get step up in her career. She is enjoying her time with you but still wants to be famous, and is willing to sell her body to do it.

Bambi is a curvy woman of 21 with deep green eyes, long light brown hair and a rich tan. She likes to wear silk underwear, and show off her body while covering as much of it as possible with fitted clothing.

Stamina : 100
Strength : 4
Agility : 7
Magic : 7
Elegance : 4
Mana : 50 (61)
Man Consumption: 2 per day, 14 per week.
Primary Element: ???
Secondary Elements: None
Traits: Demon, Loyal, Passionate, Proud, Evasive, Sports Fan
Special Abilities: Feast of Violence, Fists of Fury, Hypnotic Voice, Human Form
Skills: Raks Sharki Dancing, Melismatic Singing, The Tambourine, Cooking with Curry, Occult Research, Yoga, Krav Maga

Not long after you managed your apotheosis, you were approached by Ophelia who asked to join you on your quest to greatness. Certain that you could handle a low ranking youma joining your faction, you were surprised to learn that instead of an unruly minion you had acquire and polite and friendly but powerful warrior. You don't know why she wants to work for you, and she keeps changing the subject whenever you bring it up, but she is diligent and loyal. She doesn't care for sex, but is willing to do it with you or Babmi if you insist on it.

She is not a youma but a demon, a different type of spirit monster. Specifically an Asura, a demon of wrath. Instead of feeding of emotional energy, Ophelia instead feeds from acts of violence. While she'll happily beat monsters up, she'd prefer to either be near two groups of humans competing to feed. Fresh blood also works, but she says that's a bit of an intimate way to feed. (Hasn't stopped her from taking a nip from Bambi every now and then.) This also means she can't help you make Hentai-Shadow Clone Youma
Of course, those arbitrary numbers mean little. If anything, if you are fighting at all something has gone wrong. You are a Dark GENERAL, getting others to do your bidding to further your goals is what you are all about. Your ability to make and command youma is your greatest strength. And see that Hivemind trait? That means that youma you create are extensions of you, not unruly offspring you'll have to beat on to fall in line. You don't make offspring so much as spawn lesser clones of yourself. If you want something done right, do it yourself, and the best thing about you is that there's so many of you.
You can even cast spells through your spawn, though only if those bodies meet the requirements.

Spells learned:
  • Sense Element - 2 Mana - Can be used in combat, allows the caster to determine the target's primary and secondary elements. Can be resisted, and then the caster rolls Magic vs Elegance, failure means the caster learns nothing and wastes an action. This spell deals no damage.
  • Shadow Trap - 10 Mana - Creates a small portal that almost leads to the shadow realm. This is a magical attack that uses Magic vs Agility to hit, then Magic vs Strength or Magic to Soak. If it does damage, then the defender loses either 4 points of or half of their Agility whichever is more, and cannot physically flee the battle until they manage to escape the trap effect by re-attempting the soak roll on their turn. They don't take more damage if they fail an attempt to escape.
  • Big Shadow Trap - 50 Mana - Creates a large hole that almost leads into the shadow realm. Covers an entire battle area, threatening to reduce everyone's mobility like the normal Shadow Trap does. Those with the Shadow Walk ability are immune to this attack.
  • Shadow Gate, Level 1 - 100 Mana - Use it to let in others that don't have the Shadow Walk ability or don't know where your domain is, or bring in captured people. One casting means a one way portal is open for a Turn that others can find that others can use to get into your domain, though they will need their own way out.
  • Shadow Clone Youma - 200 Mana - Spawn a youma that is a lesser clone of yourself. A minor shadow that is an extension of your will and essence. It is smokey thing vaguely shaped like you. You can not speak with it clearly, sounding at best like the echo of a whisper, and their sense of sound is just as poor. You can use it to fight and cast basic spells of the Shadow Type, though it has its own Mana pool it must draw from. It has the Shadow Walk ability, meaning it can leave your domain and go to the material world without you need casting the Gate Spell. This also lets you use shadows to make them disappear and move around the material world, or even return to your domain carrying small items. Shadow Clones take several minutes to form. Base 20 Stamina, SAME 3333, Mana 50, Upkeep 1/d (7/w). Shadow Element, Hivemenind Trait, Shadow Walk Ability
  • Hentai-Shadow Clone Youma - 100+Variable Mana - Use a female human to spawn a youma with attributes based on her's, her traits, her primary element as a secondary element, and possibly her special abilities. The process won't hurt the woman, but she will be encumbered for the a day as the spawn forms. Like Shadow Clones, the Hentai-Shadow Clone is but a lesser copy of you and her, being only a humanoid shaped construct of shadow stuff unable to speak or hear clearly. Base 20 Stamina, SAME Variable, Mana 50. Shadow Element, Hivemenind Trait, Shadow Walk and Mana Drain. Consumes 1 Mana per day to sustain itself.
    • Bambi: 140 Mana
  • Avatar Clone Youma - 5000 Mana - Use a female human to spawn a full clone of yourself. It will have all your attributes, elemental, traits, and abilities, except Corruption, at the time of creation. If you were to ever be slain, an Avatar can become your new main body and gains the Corruption Ability.
Alchemy Learned:
  • Conjure Cloth - Variable Mana - Makes clothes, towels and linens out of a cotton-like material. Quality is based on your skills in fashion, though you can take directions from others. Conjured clothes can slowly disappear over time, or disappear all at once after their time limit is reached.
  • Conjure Water - 10 Mana - Makes a hundred gallons of water appear from air. Amazingly it doesn't disappear. How'bout that! This isn't a combat spell.
  • Conjure Iron - Variable Mana - Make wrought iron items appear out of thin air. They will disappear after one weak.
  • Iron Transmutation Circle - 1000 Mana - Conjures 10 Kilograms of Molten Iron from thin air. Also makes small amounts of soot and sand you don't care about. This is the second easiest stuff you can make permanently, though why kilograms of molten iron is easier to make than a pile of cloth or nice rocks eludes you.
Architecture Learned:
  • Empty Room - 100 Mana - An empty room. What you do with it is your choice. You can link multiple together to make bigger rooms. Actually, this is the base spell that creates liveable space in the Shadow Realm that all the others are based off of. The walls, floor and ceiling are made of Shadow Stone, which isn't actual stone but just shaped and hardened shadows. They look kinda neat with their smokey flowing texture.
  • Throne Room - XXXXXXXXXX Mana - The center of your domain. It holds all the rest of the architecture together in the shadow realm. You won't believe how much mana it will cost you to re-manifest your throne room if you have to abandon your domain. How did you even get it up the first place? Also, as long as you are in your domain, your Strength, Agility, Magic and Elegance count as five points higher than normal.
  • Bed Chamber - 1000 Mana - A private place for one of your concubines, consorts or cohorts to rest.
  • Dungeon - 1500 Mana - A place to keep prisoners. Has enough cells to hold 10 people.
  • Basic Washroom - 500 Mana - A place where people can clean up. You'll need to keep it supplied with soaps and stuff.
  • Basic Kitchen - 1000 Mana - A place with appliances for cooking food and preparing meals. You'll need to keep it supplied with foodstuff, though youma and Dark Generals actually use Mana to sustain themselves. You can eat if you want, and will need to provide food to captured people and companions.
  • Training Room - 600 Mana - Place people can use to train martial arts or workout. If you use a gate spell, you can instead supply it items from the material world, reducing the cost for this architecture to 200 mana.
  • Blacksmith Workshop - 1500 - A state of the art facility capable to of being used to produce any item made of cast iron (and possibly others) based on your blacksmith skill, with a bit of time and effort. The first facility will require 3400 Mana to created instead of the 1500 all future workshops will, since you can use a previous facility to make items for the next.
Enhancements Learned: None.
Tech Learned: None.

Your Library has a number of tomes on the arcane, eldritch and occult, though much of it is useless. There are a number of magics available that you could perform if you studied how. These are the things that you know you can learn from your current library, but there may be other things you might have missed and would be revealed by more research.

Spells known:
  • Shadow Gate, Level 2 - 500 Mana - Use it to leave your domain and walk the material realm again. Alternatively you can send out minions that lack the Shadow Walk ability with it. One casting creates a two-way portal that is open for a Turn. Others can find it and get into your domain, or use it to leave.
  • Scrying, Level 1 - 100 Mana - Requires a specially prepared crystal ball, mirror, or pool of water. You can use it to observe places where you don't have a set of eyes on.
  • Scrying, Level 2 - 110 Mana - Requires a specially prepared crystal ball, mirror, or pool of water. You can use it to watch and hear things going on in places you don't have eyes and ears.
  • Whisper from Shadows - 50 Mana - Use it to project your voice to somewhere you can see. It's rather quiet and some people might ignore it, but if they listen for it they'll be able to hear you. If you can also hear what they're saying you could hold a whispered conversation.
  • Voice from Shadows - 75 Mana - Use it to project your voice to somewhere you can see. People can easily hear you, and if you can hear what they say you can converse without problem.
  • Hentai Clone Youma - 1000+Variable Mana - Use a female human to spawn a youma with attributes based on her's, her traits, possibly her special abilities, and you can choose to either have her element be the secondary element, or the primary element though it will not have the Shadow Walk ability if you do. Unlike Shadow Clones, this Youma body has flesh, as such can speak and hear clearly. Base 20 Stamina, SAME Variable, Mana 50. Shadow Element, Hivemind Trait.
Alchemy Known:
  • Conjure Crystal - A lot of mana
  • Conjure Gems - Even more mana
  • Conjure Gold - Too much mana

Alchemy is difficult, and you are having a hard time figuring it out.
Architecture Known:
  • Reclaim - 00 Mana - Collapse a room or construction to reclaim mana. You'll get back up to 80% of the mana used to make the hole in the shadow realm. Be sure to store any important items somewhere else or you'll lose them.
  • Generator Room - 200 Mana - A room modified for holding gas powered generators. Run a few cables out and you'll have electricity throughout your domain.

  • Enhancements Known:
    • Basic Attribute Upgrade - 1000 Mana - Gain a bonus to a single Attribute. Youma you create also get the benefit from this now on, but cost 10 more Mana to create. Can be done separately for each Attribute.
    • Mana Containment Level 1 - 1000 Mana - Gain a 10% bonus on your mana capacity. Decimals are ignored, but noted down as each level of this enhancement compounds the bonus. Youma you create from now only get a 10% bonus per level of this enhancement on their base capacity.
    • Shadow Youma V-Fusion - 5000 Mana - You can take five youma that have the Shadow element as their primary, and share secondary elements to fuse them together to created a bigger, badder more powerful monster. Average the attributes, combine all their traits, secondary elements, abilities and skills together. Its SAME attributes increase by 4, Stamina Doubles, and Mana capacity quintuples. It also gains a Dark Aura that will draw Attention from Magical Girls other factions when it is travelling the Material Realm.
    Technology Known:
    • Mana Battery Mk1 - 1000 Mana - A device made of crystals that can hold up to a thousand unusable mana that youma can contribute to, and you can drain without destroying them. A Mana Battery can also hold up to a thousand usable mana as well. The device isn't very big, and can be carried around by a creature with the Shadow Walk ability.
    Lines of Research
    • Alchemy is Hard! Why are Molten Iron and Water so easy to conjure, why can you make them permanent? Is it the fact that they are liquids, or is there something else going on? Perhaps attempting to make Mercury or Olive Oil will reveal something new.
    • Power Up? Maybe you could combine Avatars with V-Fusion the same way you could combine other youma under your control. Learn those two Spells and try it out!
      1. Learn Shadow Youma V-Fusion and test the spell out with less costly Youma to see what happens.
      2. Learn Avatar Clone Youma and make one to get a handle on it.
      3. Make a V-Fusion using Avatars
      4. Commence Maniacal Laughter?
    • Magic Lessons: While Bambi is just a normal human, you're pretty sure that every creature is aligned to an element somehow. Bambi doesn't care about learning magic, but teaching her magic would mean learning her element and may even allow her to increase her Mana production!
    • Magic Science: Or you could try and learn a new way to figure out a person's primary element that you could use in the field.
    • Asura Lore: Ophelia is a type of demon, specifically an Asura. They are vastly different from youma and you're not entirely sure what this means aside from what misinformation you learned from pop-culture, and what she's explained to you from about her dietary needs. Your books may have some information you didn't bother reading.
    • Elemental Coating: Is there a way for someone to add magic to their regular attacks? Theoretically, setting your fists on fire would make them more dangerous. Can you set your fists on shadows? Would that help?
    • Magical Science: Magic, how does it work? Magnets? Spiders? Miracles? So far you've just don't what others have done before, just in different ways. Is there a method to the madness, or is magic just arbitrary like that?
    • Easy Mana Gathering: Is there a way to gather mana from the environment? Trying to force mana draining in your domain could cause it to collapse, but what if you did it on the material world?

    Your Domain:
    • Throne Room
    • Legion's Personal Chamber
    • Ophelia's Bed Chamber
    • Bambi Kiss's Bedroom
    • An empty bed chamber
    • Empty Room: Designated as the research lab, is an empty room you use to test spells or alchemy in.
    • Basic Kitchen, Water (96/200), Stocked (19/20): How stocked it is affects the quality of the food you provide. Refilling the kitchen requires doing missions to acquire supplies. Can hold up to 200 gallons of water.
    • Basic Washroom, Water (90/200), Stocked (19/20): Let's you girls preen and clean. They'll complain if there's no water or supplies. Holds 200 gallons water.
    • Research Room v2: An empty room you use to practice spells and abilities in so that if things go wrong (like they did last time) you don't lose anything irreplaceable.

    The Great Enemy:

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Re: Dark General Quest: Corrupt the Word!

Game Rules Descriptions
Every day, you, The Dark General, will make decisions. Thanks to your hivemind ability you're amazingly good at multitasking, though some of your clones have limits. You'll need to decide what each of your minions and extra bodies will be doing. Your main body must choose between researching, corrupting someone, casting a powerful spell, performing other magic ritual, or just relaxing for the three huge chucks of time you'll have. Your youma clones will generally be out on missions, and you'll have to decide what to focus on everyday.

Every week (a game Turn) an event will be generated using a roll of 3d30. Lower results mean something bad happened, higher means something fortunate happened. The chance of something bad happening is based off how much Attention you've drawn from Magical Girls or another faction. Being Stealthy means you don't draw attention, while being Bold means drawing more attention to your actions.

Combat will not be run action by action or voted on post by post, and instead will be played out in its entirety, or possibly will only a short interruption for a vote to make a minor decision on.

Humans, Magical Girls, Youma and Dark Generals are abstracted using attributes and traits. Attributes are numerical measurement of Stamina, Strength, Agility, Magic, Elegance, and Mana. Traits are non-numerical values that affect gameplay in weird ways, and some even start of hidden from you.
Stamina represents how much effort it takes to defeat the person in combat. Small amounts of Stamina are spent to perform physical attacks, but much more can be lost when receiving attacks. Normal humans have 10, while humans trained in combat have 15. Youma have a base of 20, while Magical Girls and Dark Generals have a Base of 50. Stamina can be recovered with a good rest, but once reduced to zero the person is defeated.
Strength represents a person's size, physical power, and toughness. Agility represents a person's speed and reflexes. Ratings in Strength and Agility of 1 to 3 are within human norms, with 4 representing an exceptional but achievable rating. Five or higher represents superhuman levels.
Magic is a measure of a person's spiritual presence, and is determine's how strong their magical attacks are, and how resistant to special magical attacks they are. Human's usually have zero Magic, but exceptionally smart and/or lucky humans may develop it if exposed to the occult or achieve some small measure of enlightenment or epiphany.
Elegance means beauty and poise, but that is a side effect of inner beauty coming out rather than just looking good. It represents one's emotional balance, and is a measure of how resistant they are to mental attacks (like corruption). Elegance is also used for social attacks.
Mana represents how much spiritual essence a person has. Humans and Magical Girls generate Mana on their own as a side effect of having Sapience and Emotions and refill up to their capacity everyday. Youma and Dark Generals have to steal it. Youma also have to spend mana to maintain themselves. If they know how, one cast spells by spending mana to do so. Normal Humans have a capacity of 10 mana, while the especially pious can have up to 15. Youma have a base of 50, while Magical Girls and Dark Generals have a base of 100.

Combat is resolved by having two sides trade attacks until participants run out of stamina and are forced to retreat.
The Basic Attack option is called Brawling. It has a base damage of 10, adds the user's Strength as bonus damage, costs 1 Stamina to use, and every magical girl and youma knows how to do it.
When combat begins, determine the turn order by having each combatant roll a 2d12 then subtracting their Agility from the result. Result is the initiative value, and lowest goes first. After every action, add 20 minus Agility to that person's Initiative, and that will be when they go next. In case of a tie, the participant with the higher Elegance will go before others.

Physical attacks are relatively simple.
First determine if the attack hits by having the attacker roll a d20, add their Agility, then they subtract the defender's Agility and 10. A result of 0 or less means the attack missed and is ignored. This is called the Attack Roll.
For every two points of the result, the attack will gain an bonus point of damage.
Next have the defender roll a d10 and add their Strength, then subtract the result from the attack's modified damage value. This is called the Soak Roll.
If the final result is 0 or less, the defender successfully blocked or otherwise absorbed the attack. For every two points of damage left over, the defender loses a point of stamina.

Physical attacks vary in base power or may have special features, but all function along the same rules.
Magical Attacks vary in how they function. Most can be dodged, few can't. Some are resisted by Magic, some by Strength, or some by Elegance.

Magical Girls, Youma, Dark Generals, and other supernatural entities also have an Element or two they are aligned with, which determines what kind of spells they use, and what elements they are weak to. Spell that share a primary element with the caster are stronger than those cast by someone with the element as a secondary feature, but at the cost of being even weaker to other elements. Elemental Alignments can change through special rituals.
The Elements are Fire, Water, Rock, Wind, Lightning, Metal, Wood, Ice, Time, Shadow, and Light, and all magical attacks are elemental.
You, Dark General, are aligned to Shadow, are weak to Light and Fire elements. but resistant to Time and Ice elements.

Combatants trade attacks, cast spells, or use special abilities as their initiative values comes up. If a combatant has no Stamina remaining when their turn begins then they will attempt to withdraw from combat. To succeed, they must roll a d20, add twice their agility, as well as the Agility of all their allies. If the result is higher than the other side total Agility Score, than the manage to escape combat. If they fail, then they must wait until their next initiative pass to attempt to flee again. Combatants that succeed in escaping can stay nearby to contribute their Agility to an ally's attempt to flee later, they are just out of the battle.
It takes a special finishing move to capture humans and magical girls, or slay youma and dark generals.

Everyday, Humans and Magical Girls fully recharge their personal pool of Mana. But youma and Dark Generals, like you, don't generate usable Mana everyday. They have to drain it from humans, and they have to consume Mana to sustain themselves. To drain an unwilling human, their Stamina must already be reduced to zero. If done in combat where timing is important, Mana drain is done at a rate of the feeding youma's combined Strength and Magic attributes. A youma can easily carry enough stolen Mana equal to their Mana limit, and is tracked separately. A youma can carry more than their capacity in unusable Mana, but will lose 10% of the extra Mana (rounded up), per day that they hold onto it.

Before harvested mana can be used, it must be converted into a usable form, and this is done in a Dark General's domain. Any mana that the Dark General or a Mana Battery in the Domain is holding onto is instantly corrupted and usable after a day, and fills up the Dark General's and all present youma's Mana capacity. Excess Mana that can't be given to youma or the Dark General can be stored in a Mana Battery, or is lost.

A Dark General in their domain can hold any amount of unusable Mana without issue. To gain fresh Mana they must either drain it themselves, or have a youma give it to them. Your clone youma are not completely stable, and when this happens they expire. You do get whatever usable mana they held as well from the process.

Corrupting a Magical Girl isn't easy. It takes a significant investment in Mana. First you must drain a magical girl of her mana, then pour in your own mana up to her Mana limit. The Magical Girl will resist your corruption, subtracting from your invested mana her Magic and Elegance attributes. The final result divided by ten is how much she's been corrupted so far. Then you have wait until her Mana refills naturally over night and repeat the process. Once her corrupting value is equal to her mana capacity, she's fully under your command.

Corrupting normal girl is easier. Simply drain her mana, then fill her up with your own (and compensate for their resistance).
You can only perform on corruption per day at this time.

Mana is produces by the day, while game turns go by week of time.
The rules for actions are:
  1. Each person can only learn one new spell, alchemy, ability, etc. per action.
  2. Learning costs resources. You must be able to perform the action to learn it, and to learn a spell mana must be spent to cast it.
  3. Each body can perform three actions per week in the base, or one mission outside the base.
  4. You, the Dark General, are a single person, who happens to gets multiple bodies.
  5. Some spells are to be used for actions in the base (architecture and enhancements for example), while others are combat spells that will get used automatically in fights.
  6. Researching isn't actually an action, but is instead performed by doing other actions. Performing new actions, or combinations of actions can create new abilities to learn.
  7. If you run out of things you want to learn, you can always search your meagre library with idea you have of something else you want to learn.
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Re: Dark General Quest: Corrupt the Word!

Reserved just in case
Re: Dark General Quest: Corrupt the Word!

Color me interesred: Here are my choices

Do you answer to a more powerful patron?

[X] You have sworn fealty to the Dark Queen.

How prolific are other youma?

[X] Uncommon

What is the world like?
[X] Sunshine and Rainbows

The most powerful Magical Girl in the world is?
[X] The Metal Queen

Now back to you, Dark One. What is you name, and in three words describe yourself.
Nhilus: Patient, Manipulative, Seductive

How will you treat captured girls? (How much of a monster are you?)
[X] Dark Consorts

Starting Bonus. Choose one.
[X] The Big Dice
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Re: Dark General Quest: Corrupt the Word!

Do you answer to a more powerful patron?
[x] You have been chosen by the Old Gods

How prolific are other youma?
[x] Rather Rare

What is the world like?
[x] Mediocre Civilisation

The most powerful Magical Girl in the world is?
[x] None specifically

Now back to you, Dark One. What is you name, and in three words describe yourself.
Illuminatus. Grumpy, studious, obsessive

How will you treat captured girls? (How much of a monster are you?)
[x] Dark Consorts

Starting Bonus. Choose one.
Hard mode, bitches
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Re: Dark General Quest: Corrupt the Word!

Do you answer to a more powerful patron?

[x] You have sworn fealty to the Dark Queen

How prolific are other youma?

[x] Rather Rare

What is the world like?

[x] Mediocre Civilisation

The most powerful Magical Girl in the world is?

[x] None specifically

Now back to you, Dark One. What is you name, and in three words describe yourself.

Seranos: Quiet, Curious, and Devoted

How will you treat captured girls? (How much of a monster are you?)

[x] Dark Consorts

Starting Bonus. Choose one.

[x] The Big Dice
Re: Dark General Quest: Corrupt the Word!

Sounds like fun.

Do you answer to a more powerful patron?

[x] Yes. The Mystery Box (This sounds fun I must know what it is.)

How prolific are other youma?
[x] Uncommon

What is the world like?
[x] Sunshine and Rainbows (all the more fun to corrupt)

The most powerful Magical Girl in the world is?
[x] The Moon Goddess

Now back to you, Dark One. What is you name, and in three words describe yourself.
[x] Teth'nagen: eccentric, kinky, Seductive

How will you treat captured girls? (How much of a monster are you?)
[x] Dark Consorts

Starting Bonus. Choose one.
[x] The Big Dice

A link to the thread on Questionable questing would be nice.

Thanks for the clarification. I made some clearer choices. I put up my own name candidate.
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Re: Dark General Quest: Corrupt the Word!

I'll reveal what's in the Mystery Box when I close the vote.

Please limit your vote to one per line. I won't count the second choice. Try not to vote based on other people's votes, I want to know what you want.

I'll add a link at the top of the first post. There's actually a bit of discussion going on there that you may be interested in.
Re: Dark General Quest: Corrupt the Word!

I'm going to let people chat and vote for another day. But here's the votes from ULMF.

[X] You have sworn fealty to the Dark Queen.
[X] Uncommon
[X] Sunshine and Rainbows
[X] The Metal Queen
[x] Nhilus: Patient, Manipulative, Seductive
[X] Dark Consorts
[X] The Big Dice

[x] You have been chosen by the Old Gods
[x] Rather Rare
[x] Mediocre Civilisation
[x] None specifically
[x] Illuminatus. Grumpy, studious, obsessive
[x] Dark Consorts
[x] Hard mode, bitches

[x] You have sworn fealty to the Dark Queen
[x] Rather Rare
[x] Mediocre Civilisation
[x] None specifically
[X] Seranos: Quiet, Curious, and Devoted
[x] Dark Consorts
[x] The Big Dice

[x] Yes. The Mystery Box
[x] Uncommon
[x] Sunshine and Rainbows
[x] The Moon Goddess
[x] Teth'nagen: eccentric, kinky, Seductive
[x] Dark Consorts
[x] The Big Dice

And over in :

Vote Tally : [NSFW] - Dark General Quest [Multicross Fusion] | Questionable Questing
##### NetTally 1.7.5
[X] The Moon Goddess
No. of Votes: 5
[X] Dark Consorts
No. of Votes: 5
[X] Your power just sort of showed up one day.
No. of Votes: 3
[X] Uncommon
No. of Votes: 3
[X] Companion: The Porn-star
No. of Votes: 3
[x] No. You are a self made Dark General
No. of Votes: 3
[x] Prolific.
No. of Votes: 3
-[x] Description: Greedy, Lustful, Proud
No. of Votes: 3
[X] Post-Apocalyptic
No. of Votes: 2
-[X] Economic Collapse
No. of Votes: 2
[X]Daniel Smith Smart, Dominating, Driven
No. of Votes: 2
[x] Distopia.
No. of Votes: 2
[x] Name: Legion
No. of Votes: 2
[x] Companion: The Bookworm
No. of Votes: 2
[X] Pets
No. of Votes: 2
[X] The Amazon Champion
No. of Votes: 1
[X] You have sworn fealty to the Dark Queen.
No. of Votes: 1
[X] End of Days
No. of Votes: 1
-[X] Demon Invasion
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Vers Greedy, Charismatic, Controlling
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Minion: The Demon Warrior
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Common
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Gritty
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Acheran
No. of Votes: 1
-[X] Description: Intelligent, Lustful, Courageous.
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Gritty world
No. of Votes: 1
[X] None specifically
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Legion
No. of Votes: 1
[X] The Big Dice
No. of Votes: 1
[X] You have been chosen by the Old Gods.
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Rather Rare
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Sunshine and Rainbows
No. of Votes: 1
[X] The Warrior Saint
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Slashanne Depraved, Corruptive, Lustful
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Concubines
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Companion: The Mistress
No. of Votes: 1
Total No. of Voters: 8

It looks like making captured ladies our Dark Consorts is a clear winner, and having to worry about the Moon Goddess and more magically talented Magical Girls is going to happen. There is a three way tie between being a self made Dark General, serving the Dark Queen, or just sudenly becoming a Dark General.
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Re: Dark General Quest: Corrupt the Word!

Final Votes
Do you answer to a more powerful patron?
[0] You answer to whispers
[1] You are an apprentice
[2] Your power just sort of showed up one day
[3] You have sworn fealty to the Dark Queen.
[2] You have been chosen by the Old Gods.

[4] No. You are a self made Dark General
- No bonuses related to this path. No possible access to resources from other Dark Generals without fighting them for it.)
- Other youma will always be initially hostile.
- Smart magical girls will let two groups of youma duke it out before finishing off the winner unless people are in danger.
[1] Yes. The Mystery Box

How prolific are other youma?
[] Virtually non-existent
[3] Rather Rare

[6] Uncommon
- Encountering a rogue youma will be anomalous, but possible.
- Newer magical girls will likely not be told by veterans that rogues youma exist and how to find them for easy battle experience.
- Magical Girl factions will be indicative of how many Dark Generals are operating in the area.
[1] Common
[3] Prolific

What is the world like?
[3] Sunshine and Rainbows
- No bonuses associated with this world, other than the satisfaction of tainting something so pure. Younger Magical Girls will have an idealised view of the world, and as such are more difficult to turn to the dark side. They will add twice their Magic and Elegance attributes to resist corruption.
[3] Mediocre Civilisation
- No bonuses associated with this world. Magical Women that spend time in the normal work force become a bit jaded and forsake their idealism, making them easier to corrupt. They only add their Magic and Elegance attributes once to resist corruption like normal. Fighting youma turns out to not be a paying job and loses significant appeal when you have bills to pay and only a few hours outside of work that isn't spent sleeping.
[2] Gritty world
[2] Distopia
[1] End of Days
-[0] Robot Uprising
-[0] Zombie Plague
-[0] Economic Collapse
-[1] Demon Invasion
-[0] The Moopocalypse
[2] Post-Apocalyptic
-[0] Robot Uprising
-[0] Zombie Plague
-[2] Economic Collapse
-[0] Demon Invasion
-[0] The Moopocalypse

The most powerful Magical Girl in the world is?
[1] None at all
[3] None specifically

-All girls across the world are more dignified and studious, resulting in getting an additional 1d4 Magic and Elegance when generated. Magical Girls will also be more likely to be spell casters instead of warriors in addition to there being more of them, while the chance of encountering a normal human spell caster increases.
[0] The Shinning Golden Guy

Now back to you, Dark One. What is you name, and in three words describe yourself.
[3] Legion: Greedy, Lustful, Proud
[2] Seranos: Quiet, Curious, and Devoted
[1] Acheran: Intelligent, Lustful, Courageous.
[1] Vers Greedy, Charismatic, Controlling
[2] Daniel Smith Smart, Dominating, Driven
[1] Nhilus: Patient, Manipulative, Seductive
[1] Illuminatus. Grumpy, studious, obsessive
[1] Teth'nagen: eccentric, kinky, Seductive

How will you treat captured girls? (How much of a monster are you?)
[0] Cattle
[2] Pets
[2] Concubines

[8] Dark Consorts

Starting Bonus. Choose one.
[1] Companion: The Doormat
[3] Companion: The Porn-star
[2] Companion: The Bookworm
[1] Companion: The Mistress
[1] Minion: The Demon Warrior
[0] Double start-up with 10 more Shadow Clones
[0] Free Youma: Avatar
[0] Free Enhancement: Basic Attribute Upgrade
-[0] Strength
-[0] Agility
-[0] Magic
-[0] Elegance
-[0] The Small Dice
[0] Free spell: Shadow Gate Lvl1
[0] Free tech: Mana Battery Mrk1
[0] Free Alchemy: Fool's Gold
[0] Free structure: Barn/Bed Chamber

[4] The Big Dice
->Roll d12 twice to determine random bonuses from above.
[1] Hard Mode, bitches

Result: 5 and 2
Minion: The Demon Warrior
- Gain Demon Lore
- Gain Sexual Performance
- Gain Dark Seduction

Legion, the Dark General
Stamina : 100
Strength : 5 (10)
Agility : 5 (10)
Magic : 5 (10)
Elegance : 5 (10)
Mana : 100
Primary Element: Shadow
Secondary Elements: None
Traits: Youma (Greater), Hivemind, Greedy, Lustful, Proud
Special Abilities: Corruption, Mana Drain
Skills: Bachelor Cooking, Bachelor Grooming, Waltz Dancing, Cat Watching, Occult Research, Sexual Performance, Dark Seduction

You are the Dark General Legion! You are many in presence but singular in purpose. Soon they will learn to flee from you wave of living power!
Bambi Kiss
Stamina : 10
Strength : 2
Agility : 2
Magic : 4 (0 )
Elegance : 4 (2 )
Mana : 10
Primary Element: ???
Secondary Elements: None
Traits: Human, Lustful, Vain, Affectionate
Special Abilities: Mana Generation
Skills: Voice Acting, Stripping, Lap Dancing, Pole Dancing, Callisthenics, Yoga, Sexual Performance, Sexual Research

Real name Annabelle Jones, Bambi joined you for the crazy sex with the supernatural. A former freelance porn actress, she answered your job add for a secretary that implied the position would involve mainly sexual tasks looking for her next shoot. She doesn't care about fighting magical girls or other youma, and was hoping for an opportunity to get step up in her career. She is enjoying her time with you but still wants to be famous, and is willing to sell her body to do it.

Bambi is a curvy woman of 21 with deep green eyes, long light brown hair and a rich tan. She likes to wear silk underwear, and show off her body while covering as much of it as possible with fitted clothing.
Stamina : 100
Strength : 4
Agility : 7
Magic : 7
Elegance : 4
Mana : 50 (61)
Primary Element: ???
Secondary Elements: None
Traits: Demon, Loyal, Passionate, Proud, Evasive, Sports Fan
Special Abilities: Feast of Violence, Fists of Fury, Hypnotic Voice, Human Form
Skills: Raks Sharki Dancing, Melismatic Singing, The Tambourine, Cooking with Curry, Occult Research, Yoga, Krav Maga

Not long after you managed your apotheosis, you were approached by Ophelia who asked to join you on your quest to greatness. Certain that you could handle a low ranking youma joining your faction, you were surprised to learn that instead of an unruly minion you had acquire and polite and friendly but powerful warrior. You don't know why she wants to work for you, and she keeps changing the subject whenever you bring it up, but she is diligent and loyal. She doesn't care for sex, but is willing to do it with you or Babmi if you insist on it.

She is not a youma but a demon, a different type of spirit monster. Specifically an Asura, a demon of wrath. Instead of feeding of emotional energy, Ophelia instead feeds from acts of violence. While she'll happily beat monsters up, she'd prefer to either be near two groups of humans competing to feed. Fresh blood also works, but she says that's a bit of an intimate way to feed. (Hasn't stopped her from taking a nip from Bambi every now and then.) This also means she can't help you make Hentai-Shadow Clone Youma

The good news is that you have managed to transform yourself into a powerful monstrous spirit, a greater youma, what those in the know call a Dark General. You didn't even have to give all that much for it, just your human biology and some other things you can't seem to recall at the moment. You have a bunch of spare bodies to do busy work with, and two lovely companions; a playful and promiscuous woman, and a powerful and gorgeous demon to command. Bambi Kiss, and Ophelia.

The bad news is pretty damning. You got so eager to make a hidden palace in the Shadow Realm that you forgot to set up a way to come and go at your leisure and are now trapped. Your Shadow Clones can leave, but you are your companions cannot. You don't want to be stuck in a room with a grumpy demon or catty woman.

It wouldn't be so much of an issue if you hadn't of spent all of your starting Mana on creating your realm. Now all you have left is what you, each of your youma and Ophelia are carrying, and what Bambi can provide with you with everyday. Not the end of the world, but it means you can't cast any spells to make more youma, create stuff or do any research.

You are also pretty sure you are forgetting something important, but don't know what. You lost it when you transformed, and it's been niggling at the back of your mind like a tilted painting.

Ophelia is lounging across you lap, her head propped on your arm over the arm rest while her legs are hanging over the other. She has one arm across her belly propping up her breasts, while her other hand is playing with your hair. Ophelia is singing in her room.


You have no projects going on, you haven't recently achieved anything, and no idea what's going on the material realm. This lack of productivity cannot stand!

Resources: None!
10 Shadow Clones with full mana

  • Moving in! Bambi wants to completely move into her room in your domain and that means getting her belongings. You can either send shadow clones to get her stuff, or learn Shadow Gate lvl2 so that she can do it herself. You may want to get on that before she's evicted and/or reported as missing. (0/10)
  • The Lost Tapes: Bambi feels that she may not have gotten the best deals from her previous porn shoots and wants a bit of revenge. Retrieve the original materials such as camera memory cards and film negatives. (0/10)
  • Hunger for Battle: Ophelia wants to go to a sporting event to feed. While mana from Bambi's blood is fine, mana from acts of violence or competition is better. Learn Shadow Gate lvl2 and send her out on a mana retrieval mission at a sporting event.
  • Time to Duel! Ophelia also wants to fight a magical girl. That will require sending her out on a mission and hoping for an encounter.
  • Training Room: Ophelia is happy with her bedroom but wants a different room to practice fighting in. Build her a Training Room.
  • Music for Ophelia: She wants to listen to some music. That means getting an appliance, music discs, and a source of electricity. Or you could try getting a clock work record player and some vinyl.

New Lines of Research:
  • Magic Lessons: While Bambi is just a normal human, you're pretty sure that every creature is aligned to an element somehow. Bambi doesn't care about learning magic, but teaching her magic would mean learning her element and may even allow her to increase her Mana production!
  • Magic Science: Or you could try and learn a new way to figure it out that may lead to a way you could spot other human's element
  • Asura Lore: Ophelia is a type of demon, specifically an Asura. They are vastly different from youma and you're not entirely sure what this means aside from what misinformation you learned from pop-culture, and what she's explained to you from about her dietary needs. Your books may have some information you didn't bother reading.

Oh. And what type of demon is Ophelia again? (Some people have already voted.)
-[] (Shadow Demon)
-[] (Rock Demon)
-[] (Fire Demon)
-[] (Wind Demon)

In any case, it is time for a plan. You can personally see to a number of actions to get done in a week due to your nature, but anything done outside your domain will require a body's complete focus. That means that while you can choose to do many projects at home, getting stuff done outside requires that you focus on missions. You can assign more bodies to missions or tasks to get more done, but a body can only do a single mission at a time. While you have multiple bodies, other allies, minions and companions normally only have one.

At home: Each body can perform three tasks per week. Each of your clones shares your skills and abilities, but lesser clones have lower limits. Also, you can only have one body learn a new Spell, Alchemy, Architecture or Enhancement at a time since it is just you that is learning and doing it twice won't help. Trying to learn too much at once also confuses you enough that you won't learn anything if you try. However, different people can help each other learn new things faster, if they share the same skills or are trying to teach each other skills the other doesn't have. At this time your main body, Bambi and Ophelia are stuck in your domain, so you might as well have them help you out.

Relax, Do Nothing: So boring, but if you want to save on mana that is an option. Most youma and demons spend one mana a day just moving around, but if they do nothing but nap they won't spend that mana. Unfortunately, Ophelia is so powerful that she spends two mana a day just existing and has feed to sustain herself regularly.

Provide Mana: Bambi is a human and generates 10 Mana everyday. You can drain her before going to bed without any drawbacks and the next day you'll be able to use it all, or she can let Ophelia have it. But if you want Bambi to learn to do any magic or try to increase her capacity, you're going to have to let her use her mana to learn to cast spells.

Missions: Each body can only perform a mission at a time. You can assign more bodies to a mission to increase success, but this also means you'll attract more attention doing it. Youma, demons, magical girls, and corrupted humans all produce an aura that spreads out from them and can lead others to them. Creatures of the same type gathered in an area have their aura resonate and multiply leading to rapidly increasing attention the more they gather together and the longer they stay.

So what do you want to get done this week?

Create Youma:
-[] Write-in:
Build Structure:
-[] Write-in:
-[] Write-in:
-[] Information Gathering:
You have no idea what the state of city is, or even what city is closest to your domain. You don't know what the current youma activity is, or if there are other dark generals. You don't know what the local roster of magical girls is, or how powerful they are. You know of no people that spark your interest.
-[] Mana Gathering: You, your clones, and Ophelia are full on mana. Your mana battery is not, and while you have Bambi giving you 10 mana per day, that isn't actually enough to sustain you, all your clones, and Ophelia. Unless you have some clones take a nap, but that's completely opposite of the reason you have clones in the first place. That means you need to get some mana from humans out in the wild concrete jungle. What type of place will you try and get it from?
-[-] Try to Capture: You'll need to learn Shadow Gate Lvl1 to bring people into your domain.
-[] Special Mission: Fulfil a special request for one of your companions.
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Re: Dark General Quest: Corrupt the Word!

Ophelia: Fiery Ruby
-[X] Research:
Shadow Gate Level 2 1 clone
-[X] Information Gathering: 5 Clones
-[X] Mana Gathering: 4 clones Downtown
-[X] Special Mission: Hunger for Battle
-[X] Create Youma: Main Body
-[X] Magic Lesson: Bambi
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Re: Dark General Quest: Corrupt the Word!

Ophelia's Demon Type: Rainbow Opal


Mana Gathering: 6 Clones, Residential/Suburban Area

Moving in! 3 Clones

First set of actions per body:

Research: Shadow Gate level 2; 1 Clone

Magic Lessons: Bambi, Legion

Ophelia: build a Training Room

Second set of actions per body:

1 Clone: construct a room to house the Shadow Gate.

Research: Magic Science: Legion, Ophelia, and Bambi

Third set of actions per body:

1 Clone: Rest.

Research: Asura Lore: Legion, Ophelia, and Bambi
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Re: Dark General Quest: Corrupt the Word!

Robotninja said:
I thought we could only research one thing at once? Does training take mana?
I really need to write more clearly. I think I should have done things in the game rules testing thread the have on QQ

Now, the rules for actions are:
  1. Each person can only learn one new spell, alchemy, ability, etc. per action.
  2. Learning costs resources. You must be able to perform the action to learn it, and to learn a spell mana must be spent to cast it.
  3. Each body can perform three actions per week in the base, or one mission outside the base.
  4. You, the Dark General, are a single person, who happens to gets multiple bodies.
  5. Some spells are to be used for actions in the base (architecture and enhancements for example), while others are combat spells that will get used automatically in fights.
  6. Researching isn't actually an action, but is instead performed by doing other actions. Performing new actions, or combinations of actions can create new abilities to learn.
  7. If you run out of things you want to learn, you can always search your meagre library with idea you have of something else you want to learn.
You can learn anything you know about, it just takes effort and a body that can perform the thing you are trying to learn. Shadow Clones can't talk and so won't be able to learn how to sing. They also only have 50 Mana, so won't be able to learn a spell that costs 100 Mana.
Re: Dark General Quest: Corrupt the Word!

Ophelia: Fiery Ruby

I think I'll need some time to learn the best way to do all this.
Re: Dark General Quest: Corrupt the Word!

Opheila: Rainbow Opal

5 shadow clones and Bambi - Moving In

1st Actions
Main body- Learn Shadow Gate lvl 1
Opheila- Build Structure: Shadow Gate Room (a room to contain a shadow gate when it is created)
2 Shadow Clones- Build Structure: Shadow Gate Room
2 Shadow Clones - Research Asura Lore
1 Shadow Clone - Research Magic Science

2nd Action
Main body - Learn Shadow Gate lvl 2
Opheila - Build Structure: Dojo (a room to train physical and magical attack skills)
2 Shadow Clones- Build Structure: Dojo
2 Shadow Clones - Research Asura Lore
1 Shadow Clone- Research Magic Science

3rd Action
Opheila - Learn Element Coating (coats weapon or part of the body with main element of caster)
Main Body- Mana Gathering
2 Shadow Clone- Mana Gathering
3 Shadow Clones- Research Magic Lessons if possible other wise join in on Mana gathering
Re: Dark General Quest: Corrupt the Word!

Interesting plan, slpowerhouse. Just a couple of issues.
  • Bambi can't leave your domain in the Shadow Realm until you learn Shadow Gate Level 2 and then have the ability to cast it which won't be for a few turns. Making an empty room to act as the gate room is a cool idea though.
  • Mana gathering isn't currently an action you do in the base but is instead a mission performed outside.
  • Which leads to the next problem that Ophelia is going to be tapped out of mana after the first action and won't be able to do anything.
  • I like where this is going, so I'll add three new lines of research for you; Elemental Coating Attack, Mana Gathering from the base, and Magic Science.

Ah, Tenta. Two things.
  • Ophelia doesn't have the Shadow Walk ability, so she needs a gate as well.
  • The Special Request: Hunger for Battle is an incidental goal that get's automatically complete when Ophelia gets to fight a magical girl. You don't know how to look for one specifically right now, but that doesn't mean one won't show up if you do other stuff.

Nullify. In addition to Ophelia being trapped in the shadow realm, there are way more action available per body when doing stuff in the base. Three actions per body per turn, or one mission per body per turn. A Person can only learn one thing per action. The Dark General happens to be a single person with multiple bodies; it is his special power.

If someone is to learn something, then another person would have to teach them, or there would have to be another source of knowledge like a book. 'Teach Yourself Kung Fu in 28 days' or 'Virgin Sacrifice for Dummies 7th Edition' as examples.

Anyhoo. The votes so far:

Vote Tally : [NSFW] - Dark General Quest [Multicross Fusion] | Page 3 | Questionable Questing
##### NetTally 1.7.5

What type of Demon is Ophelia?
-[1] (Shadow Demon)
-[0] (Rock Demon)-[8] (Fire Demon)

TentanariX - ULMF
maxentius-septimus -ULMF
-[4] (Wind Demon)

Nullify - ULMF
slpowerhouse - ULMF

What is the plan for the week?

[7] Plan:
[x] 3x Teach Bambi Magic
-[x] Assign Ophelia
-[x] Assign Legion prime
[x] Personal Research
-[x] Assign 1 shadow clone
-[x] Learn Shadow Gate, Level 1
-[x] Learn Shadow Gate, Level 2
-[x] Design Training room
[x] Mission: Mana Gathering
-[x] Assign 7 shadow clones.
[x] Mission: Information Gathering
-[x] Assign 1 shadow clones.
[x] Mission: Music for Ophelia
-[x] Assign 1 shadow clones.

[1] Plan: Nullify -Currently unviable
Mana Gathering:
6 Clones, Residential/Suburban Area
Moving in! 3 Clones

First set of actions per body:
Shadow Gate level 2; 1 Clone
Magic Lessons: Bambi, Legion
Ophelia: build a Training Room

Second set of actions per body:
1 Clone: construct a room to house the Shadow Gate.
Research: Magic Science: Legion, Ophelia, and Bambi

Third set of actions per body:
1 Clone: Rest.
Research: Asura Lore: Legion, Ophelia, and Bambi
[1] Plan: slpowerhouse -Currently unviable
5 shadow clones and Bambi - Moving In

1st Actions
Main body- Learn Shadow Gate lvl 1
Opheila- Build Structure: Shadow Gate Room (a room to contain a shadow gate when it is created)
2 Shadow Clones- Build Structure: Shadow Gate Room
2 Shadow Clones - Research Asura Lore
1 Shadow Clone - Research Magic Science

2nd Action
Main body - Learn Shadow Gate lvl 2
Opheila - Build Structure: Dojo (a room to train physical and magical attack skills)
2 Shadow Clones- Build Structure: Dojo
2 Shadow Clones - Research Asura Lore
1 Shadow Clone- Research Magic Science

3rd Action
Opheila - Learn Element Coating (coats weapon or part of the body with main element of caster)
Main Body- Mana Gathering
2 Shadow Clone- Mana Gathering
3 Shadow Clones- Research Magic Lessons if possible other wise join in on Mana gathering

maxentius-septimus hasn't chosen a plan

Total No. of Voters: 11
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Re: Dark General Quest: Corrupt the Word!

Interesting plan, slpowerhouse. Just a couple of issues.
  • Bambi can't leave your domain in the Shadow Realm until you learn Shadow Gate Level 2 and then have the ability to cast it which won't be for a few turns. Making an empty room to act as the gate room is a cool idea though.
  • Mana gathering isn't currently an action you do in the base but is instead a mission performed outside.
  • Which leads to the next problem that Ophelia is going to be tapped out of mana after the first action and won't be able to do anything.
  • I like where this is going, so I'll add three new lines of research for you; Elemental Coating Attack, Mana Gathering from the base, and Magic Science.
I'll try to make my plan more viable. I think it would be helpful though to know in the future what the Mana cost for each action will be. You also seemed to have switched my plan with Nulliy's plan in the tallying of the votes.

3 shadow clones - The Lost Tapes (I think it would be better to wait on the Moving In request until Bambi can go with the Shadow Clones)
2 shadow clones- Information Gathering

1st Actions
Main body- Learn Shadow Gate lvl 1
Bambi - Research Magic Lessons
Opheila- Build Structure: Shadow Gate Room (a room to contain a shadow gate when it is created)
2 Shadow Clones- Build Structure: Shadow Gate Room
2 Shadow Clones - Research Asura Lore
1 Shadow Clone - Research Magic Science

2nd Action
Main body - Use Shadow Gate lvl 1
Bambi - Try to use Mana
2 Shadow Clones - Research Asura Lore
1 Shadow Clone- Research Magic Science

3rd Action
Bambi - donate leftover mana (Alternate between Legion and Ophilia each day)
1 Shadow Clone- Research Magic Lessons
1 Shadow Clone- Research Element Coating
1 Shadow Clone- Research Mana Gathering from base

If I did my math correctly on this should work unless Bambi dosen't have any left over mana and in that case she just rests. Also is it only the shadow clones that disappear when they run out of mana or all Youma that are not Dark Generals?
Re: Dark General Quest: Corrupt the Word!

Voting closed. I'm going to start writing the next turn.

That's a very positive roll on the event chart, but nothing special happens.

Winning votes are:
Having Ophelia be a Fire Type Demon, which will affect her personality (and portrait) as well as when sort of abilities she has.
-[8] (Fire Demon)

TentanariX - ULMF
maxentius-septimus -ULMF

And going with mrttao's Stability v3 plan
[7] Plan:
[x] 3x Teach Bambi Magic
-[x] Assign Ophelia
-[x] Assign Legion prime
[x] Personal Research
-[x] Assign 1 shadow clone
-[x] Learn Shadow Gate, Level 1
-[x] Learn Shadow Gate, Level 2
-[x] Design Training room
[x] Mission: Mana Gathering
-[x] Assign 7 shadow clones.
[x] Mission: Information Gathering
-[x] Assign 1 shadow clones.
[x] Mission: Music for Ophelia
-[x] Assign 1 shadow clones.

Rawr! All day yesterday I had a ton of lewd ideas, but when it comes doing to writing a lewd scene using one the them my muse decides to go into a coma.