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Dark General Quest: Corrupt the Word!

Re: Dark General Quest: Corrupt the Word!

As Ophelia's singing stops, you decide you've had enough brooding. It's one thing to be upset at a setback, it another to let it rule your life. You've just become a Dark General and you're not going to let a lapse in judgement kill you. Pondering your situation, you figure out the best way out is to simply do as normal Youma do and raid the material world and drain humans. It's simple, and really the only option. You could starve any day if you're not careful.

The next thing that comes to mind is the sexpot currently in your lap. Dark green eyes, slightly puffy lips, wavy light-brown hair, smooth tanned skin, toned waist, yet large breasts, and wide hips. Her pinstripe skirted suit is ruffled and wrinkled from the abuse of being put on a taken off again so much recently, but she still manages to make it look good. And from the look she's giving, you are certain she wants to take it off again.

While you enjoy her company (and body, hum yum yes!), Bambi isn't contributing anything to your cause but the mana she makes everyday. You like her, but having women around only to look nice and provide sustenance isn't why you learned how to twist their minds into being loyal to you. You want to be surrounded by the best types of women; the talented and skilled. You could just attack random people for mana.

"I've come to a decision," you declare as a tonned tanned tall woman with an extra pair of arms walks in. Her crimson eyes hold a smouldering sultry look. She's wearing her favourite outfit, some see-through harem pants, a plethora of golden bracelets, armlets, necklaces, and a large headband holding up her long dark-red hair, no top. A wave of warmth emanates from her.

"Ophelia," you greet warmly. It is always a pleasure to watch her walk, especially from behind, but you appreciate the view from the front just as much. "My lord," she says warmly with a bow and pressed palms.

"I can still go out with my shadows and gather mana, but it will take time, maybe a week or two, to gather enough mana to form an exit gate. While we're stuck for now, that doesn't mean that we can't do anything productive. To that end, we'll both work to tutor Bambi here into learning basic mage craft."

"Ugh," Bambi exasperates, learning back over your arm and thrusting her breasts up. "I didn't go to college because I was done with school. Can't we just fuck the whole time?"

Ophelia crosses her arms and grunts, but you continue. "Call it training for a promotion. Besides, think of the fun things you can do with magic."

"Yes, like my clothing," chimes in the four armed dancer. "I regularly manifest new outfits using mana, and I've heard you complain about the costs of some of your clothing. Your bras are expensive aren't they?" Bambi blushes at the comment, then the demon holds our and shakes her arms to make her bracelets jingle regaining the human's attention. "Besides clothing, higher end alchemists can make gold and gems from less valuable materials."

Bambi stretches and runs a hand through her hair as if in thought before smiling. "All right, I'll do it. But you're going to have a good reward system for me."

"I'll get some of those treats you like." You grin at Bambi's pout. You're aware that was what she meant. From one of your shadow clones that just entered you notice the same grin on Ophelia. It holds a book you retrieved from you chambers, opening and handing it to Bambi before walking into your laboratory. "Start with the middle of this book and skip every four pages." You chuckle at her bemusement. "Magical knowledge is always hidden, encoded and split up like a sort of puzzle. It's to make sure some idiot doesn't blow themselves up or turn heir house into key lime pie." The rest of your clones start slinking out of your domain and heading to the material world.

"What the shit? What math is this?" Bambi exclaims, staring at the book in horror. "How does that even work?"

Lesson one involved teaching Bambi how to feel her inner energy. It took a while, but she managed to do it. Mostly, she tried to play up a naughty school girl act. Ophelia didn't care for it, but you found it amusing.

Lesson two required teaching Bambi how to gather and mould her own mana. The point wasn't to cast a spell, but to get a feel for what it would be like to do it safely. Bambi says she thinks she managed it, but isn't sure.

Lesson three involved teaching Bambi the most basic magical spell: One Sparkle, a light element spell that anyone, even a shadow youma or fire demon, can do that created an area of glitter around the palm of their hand. Bambi failed to produce glitter in her hand, but instead managed to make appear above her cleavage. She didn't notice and thought she was failing, but Ophelia did find it amusing until you pointed it out.

The end result; Bambi's Magic Score has gone up by 2 points! Her mana capacity has also increased to 13!

Learning to use magic required Bambi to keep some of hers. You were only able to drain 67 mana from her this week.

While this was happening, you used a shadow clone body to try and learn to cast Shadow Gate Level 1. This did not go well at all. Your shadow clone bodies can only hold 50 mana, but the spell required 100 mana. Your fumbling did manage to produce for you an new variant of the Shadow Trap spell. Big Shadow Trap. It costs 50 Mana to cast, but can affect a large area. It is indiscriminate, but your shadow clone wasn't affected by it, and you're certain it is because of the Shadow Walk ability.

You spent 50 mana accidentally learning this new spell. Meanwhile in the material world, a van full of produce fell speeding into a huge shadowy hole that suddenly appeared. The driver wasn't hurt, but all the cabbages fell out and into the hole, never to return!

Deciding not to waste your time, instead of trying to force yourself to learn Shadow Gate Level 2 with a lowly shadow body, you instead skipped to designing a training room for Ophelia. You go trough several sheets of paper, but manage to come up with a design that would be affordable. You have two versions, one where you conjure everything with alchemy, or a bare room that you can acquire solid stuff from the material world for. The first will require a total of 600 Mana and regular conjuration work, the latter would only require two castings of 100 Mana and a trip to the material world with a Shadow Gate Level 1 open to bring large items in.

You make a second attempt to learn Shadow Gate Level 1 with your shadow clone, and while you fail to actually perform the spell, you're certain you could do it with your main body if you tried to. You didn't lose any mana with your second attempt thankfully.

Throughout the week, you use your clones to ambush people at random and drain their energy. Yourhad to cast Shadow Trap three different times to stop people from escaping and getting help, but in all you manage to bring in 177 Mana. You didn't encounter any Magical Girls or other youma, though you are certain that you've caught some attention.

You don't feel this is a good haul, though. Perhaps doing a more organised raid would yield better results?

Your single shadow clone can't listen to the words on TV or Radio, but you do manage to steel a bunch of newspapers and tabloids. It's super boring perusing through everything, but you manage to learn that your domain is closest to Mega Neon Tokyo Prime, a massive and prosperous city with a booming economy and bouncing night life.

There are three established groups of magical girls nearest two you, and likely possibly two groups of youma.
  • The Dino-roar Squad (according to the tabloids) are a group of four magical girls of various ages that have been in the area battling youma for quite some time. Their motif is dinosaurs, they wear elaborate cheer leading outfits, and they are pretty powerful. The tabloid claims they are looking for lost technology invented by super-intelligent alien dinosaurs.
  • The Super Pastry Chefs are a new group of seven young magical girls. They wear overly elaborate chef uniform dress-things, and of course chef hats. Each of them uses a fruit as a code name. They also use their powers to feed the homeless.
  • The Lovely Angels (according to the tabloids, they haven't named themselves) are a group of magical girls wearing big white robes that hide their figures. They all have wings and can fly, and one author believes that there may be eight of them based on the random spotting, though never more than three have ever been seen together.
  • In addition to five independent magical girls that you don't get much info on, there used to be a fourth group of magical girls in power armour that fought all the local youma frequently enough that there was little for other magical girls to do. They've since disappeared.
  • You don't get much information about Youma, however there are two themes that stand out to you. Bird women with random song based attacks and a hatred for power-lines, and big ugly beast men-with the features of pigs, cows, or goats.

You manage to find a store with vinyl records of the type Ophelia likes, but all the record players use electicity. You steel one of each record, but you leave without a purely mechanical record player.

Resources: How many cabbages?
Mana Math: Upkeep 91, Expenses 80, Income 244
All your youma have full mana and you have 73 in a Mana Battery
Forces: 10 Shadow Clones

So what do you want to get done this week?
[]Name your plan
-Create Youma:
--[] Write-in:
-Build Structure:
--[] Write-in:
-Go tResearch:
--[] Write-in:
--[] Information Gathering:
What are you looking for?
--[] Mana Gathering: Where do you do it? How many do you send?
-[-] Try to Capture: You'll need to use a Shadow Gate Lvl1 to bring people into your domain.

Moving in!
Bambi wants to completely move into her room in your domain and that means getting her belongings. You can either send shadow clones to get her stuff, or learn Shadow Gate lvl2 so that she can do it herself. You may want to hurry and get on that before she's evicted and/or reported as missing. (0/10) if you send just Shadow Clones, (0/2) if you have a Shadow Gate open.
The Lost Tapes: Bambi feels that she may not have gotten the best deals from her previous porn shoots and wants a bit of revenge. Retrieve the original materials such as camera memory cards and film negatives. (0/10)
Hunger for Battle: Ophelia wants to go to a sporting event to feed. While mana from Bambi's blood is fine, mana from acts of violence or competition is better. Learn Shadow Gate lvl2 and send her out on a mana retrieval mission at a sporting event.
Time to Duel! Ophelia also wants to fight a magical girl. That will require sending her out on a mission and hoping for an encounter.
Training Room: Ophelia is happy with her bedroom but wants a different room to practice fighting in. Build her a Training Room. You could build one now if you had 600 Mana. Or you could send out your minions and use a Shadow Gate to steel stuff. The room would only take 200 Mana and another 100 for the Shadow Gate.
Music for Ophelia: She wants to listen to some music. You have a whole bunch of vinyl, but no record player. Keep searching for a clockwork player, or figure how to get electricity.

Notes: New lines of research:
  • Elemental Coating: Is there a way for someone to add magic to their regular attacks? Theoretically, setting your fists on fire would make them more dangerous. Can you set your fists on shadows? Would that help?
  • Easy Mana Gathering: Looking back, there's no way you could have gathered enough mana to break into the shadow realm, transform yourself, and manifest the structures of your humble domain. You were merely a (prodigiously talented and skilled) human not long ago and there was no way to you had that much power before. Especially since you have less now! Perhaps you got the energy from the environment? Is there a way to harvest that energy now?
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Re: Dark General Quest: Corrupt the Word!

[X]Request Music for Ophelia: figure how to get electricity. 2 shadow clones
-Go tResearch:
--[X]Easy Mana Gathering: This is a thing. And a stupidly useful one at that. We want it. 3 shadow clones
-[X]Mana Battery MK1, Leigon Prime
[X]Mana Gathering: 5 Shadow clones
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Re: Dark General Quest: Corrupt the Word!

Updated the stat sheet post. Bambi now reflects her improved stats and shows off her Primary element.

Also moved some Known Abilities to Learned Abilities. Expanded on a few of them, but they remain unchanged for the most part. I added the Mana cost of making a Hentai-Shadow Clone using Bambi as the mother.

Also added notes on what your current rooms are like in your domain. There's a tracker for how many supplies you have in the kitchen and washroom. Keep them stocked or your ladies won't be happy.

Edit: I added this to the most recent update:
me said:
Resources: How many cabbages?
Mana Math: Upkeep 91, Expenses 80, Income 244
50x1 Big Shadow Trap, 10x3 Shadow Trap
All your youma have full mana and you have 151 in a Mana Battery
Forces: 10 Shadow Clones
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Re: Dark General Quest: Corrupt the Word!

Shadow clones are 200 mana a pop. While the H-Shadow one is 60 less and might be better, I think it would be more prudent to save Mana at the very least till we can get the battery, so we can have some in reserve. Our focus for now should be storing as much energy as we can to learn new abilities, improving our domain and occasionally, doing stuff for Bambi and Ophelia if we have the means to. In short I stick with my original plan.
Re: Dark General Quest: Corrupt the Word!

For this week

1 shadow clone - Music for Ophelia
2 Shadow clones- Gather Mana
2 Shadow clones- gather supplies

base actions
Bambi - research Magic Lessons
Ophelia - research element coating, build training room
2 shadow clones - research Easy Mana gathering
1 shadow clone- research Magic Science (detecting another's primary element)
2 shadow clones - research Alchemy is Hard
main body- learn shadow gate lvl 2, research Mana battery
Re: Dark General Quest: Corrupt the Word!

Vote Tally : [NSFW] - Dark General Quest [Multicross Fusion] | Page 4 | Questionable Questing
##### NetTally 1.7.5

[x] Continue bambi's magical education
-[x] Assign Ophelia
[x] Research
-[x] Assign Legion prime
-[x] research easy mana gathering - Can mana be gathered from the environment
-[x] research magic science - A way to easily find someone's primary element
-[x] Design electricity room
--[x] 2 stolen mobile generators wired so we can alternate which one of them is working without losing power, cabling, stolen gasoline, and sound proofing.
[x] Moving in!
-[x] Assign 2 shadow clones
-[x] Cast gate L1
[x] Music for Ophelia
-[x] Assign 1 shadow clone
-[x] Steal a brand new laptop (and its accessories) still in a box from a store.
--[x] Connect laptop to public wifi at a library at night. we should be able to enter a locked library via shadow walking
--[x] Use internet to locate someone selling a mechanical record player, and find their address.
--[x] Steal mechanical record player
[x] Mana gathering
-[x] 7 shadow clones
-[x] Bribe the homeless with food/booze/money (stolen for last two) in order to have them willingly donate all their daily mana before they go to sleep every night.
-[x] For communication, have the shadow clones carry a letter you write to show the homeless, and offer them a beer with the letter to make them actually read it instead of running away screaming in panic.
No. of Votes: 3

plan Tentanarix
[X]Request Music for Ophelia: figure how to get electricity. 2 shadow clones
-Go tResearch:
--[X]Easy Mana Gathering: This is a thing. And a stupidly useful one at that. We want it. 3 shadow clones
-[X]Mana Battery MK1, Leigon Prime
[X]Mana Gathering: 5 Shadow clones
No. of Votes: 1

plan slpowerhouse
1 shadow clone - Music for Ophelia
2 Shadow clones- Gather Mana
2 Shadow clones- gather supplies

base actions
Bambi - research Magic Lessons
Ophelia - research element coating, build training room
2 shadow clones - research Easy Mana gathering
1 shadow clone- research Magic Science (detecting another's primary element)
2 shadow clones - research Alchemy is Hard
main body- learn shadow gate lvl 2, research Mana battery
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 4

Even Dice for this session!

Again a good showing, but nothing spectacular happens. Things have gone your way for the most part.

You look around you domain after the last week. You're not pleased with the progress you've made so far, but Rome didn't fall in a day. Bambi's magical training is already bearing fruit, though now she won't stop making her eyes, lips and tits glitter.

Still, nothing's gone wrong exactly. You're slowly gathering mana, Bambi's getting more useful (if as a mana source), and your girls are pleasantly content.

Bambi's magical training went slowly this week. Part of the problem is Bambi's low motivation, the other is that Ophelia isn't really a good teacher for that kind of thing. The fact that by having different elements, the asura has nothing to teach the girl besides mana manipulation may also be a factor, and has led to the two to becoming easily distracted.

Bambi's constant glittering has lost it's novelty to you, and you're certain she's wasting a lot of mana doing it.

Bambi's Magic and Mana has improved by 1 each.

One of your projects this week is to find out if it is possible to drain mana from the environment. Figuring it can't be too hard, you try and use your innate ability to drain mana from people and see if you can... eat the world?

"Yeah, that's it. Eat the world! Soon the world will be yours to devour! All the mana! BWAHAHA!" In the empty research room you laugh at the thought, before trying to force a drain on the area around.

Nothing happens at first, so you wait.

Still nothing. Nadda. No inclining that what you're doing is having an effect.

A thought comes to mind, relating to Bambu. Perhaps it is like trying to swallow a whole hot dog? Not easy or pleasant, but if you force it you can get it down. So you force it.

Nearly an hour you strain yourself trying to grab some ethereal ambient mana without any results. And then you feel it. Mana, just out of reach. Trying to grasp it is like trying to grab oil from a pool, but you manage to start tugging, but that is like trying to yank a tree-sprout from out under you fence. But you keep tugging!

Free Mana! You have it! You can taste it! If only you could get it loose you could-

You feel the metaphysical lurch as you absorb the mana. If this had been a physical action you probably would have ended up tumbling across the ground like a clown. You only get a small bit of the stuff, but you can tell that there's more around you. This isn't very easy to do, however. The mental effort is quite taxing, even for you.

Suddenly, you notice that the room is getting smaller, and twisting. It dawns on you what you've actually done isn't grab loose mana from the environment, but tugged on mana keeping your base stable in the Shadow Realm. You quickly try to put the mana back and try to stabilise the room, but you manage to do is reconnect to the flow of destabilisation structure and grab even more mana out of it!

In seconds it collapses, sending you sprawling into the Throne Room to a stunned Bambi and Ophelia. "Boss!" Bambi cries out as you get your feet.

"I'm fine," you reply, "Just an experiment gone wrong." Ophelia looks worried before nodding, where as Bambi starts doting on you.

Hang on. Did she you call you 'Boss'?

Project two of the week; Elemental Affinity Detection.

Most of your books mention that you can feel someone element if you are close enough when they actively mold mana and try to cast a spell. Assuming you've experienced the sensation of the different elements, you'll be able to recognise what you're feeling. This is fine for mages trying to teach an apprentice, but for you who's trying to figure out someone's element without teaching them you want something a little more active.

Which is why you're sitting in on your throne with Bambi and Ophelia, trying to project your mana into them and feel out their element while they refrain from using their own.

"Ugh, boss, this is boring," Bambi laments from her seat. Not three minutes in and she's complaining.

"Spell invention is a difficult and time consuming process, girl," Ophelia replies for you. You'd rather speak for yourself, but you're concentrating on projecting mana into her at the moment. "I'm certain our lord will reward you for the arduous task of helping him.

The woman huffs, and readjusts herself in her seat before suddenly getting an idea. She switches how she crosses her legs, intentionally flashing her bright pink panties and shuffles forwards to lean back a bit more. Once you turn her attention to her, she reaches up and starts unbuttoning her blouse. "I'm sure our boss would love to get his own reward for completing his research.

"Success is it's own reward, Bambi. Stay dressed," you command. Despite that Ophelia is technically already topless, you don't want Bambi's stripping to distract you. Plus the look on Bambi's face when you turn her down is always priceless.

In the end you manage to invent a spell that will allow you to scan someone and figure out their element. It is a bit more costly than you wanted, but

How do you sound proof a room? Thick building materials, heavy padding, and extra layered construction. You can easily accommodate those things cut down the noise of gasoline generators from polluting your realm.

Now what about the smell or the fumes? That's going to take some effort to control. As you understand it, you're domain is a sealed environment held open by magic. If you start burning fuels in here you'll quickly replace all the air with stuff you don't want to smell, and that Bambi can't breath. You're not sure how Ophelia would react to it either.

Still, your basic empty room with a few modifications can hold up to four of gasoline generators you've been thinking about, you can make the ceiling extra high to handle the exhaust for a while, and a modification to the door should cut the sound right out. Actually, if you make the room big for only two generators, you can make the ceiling go much higher. That will mean more fumes can gather up there before you have to deal with it.

With a shadow gate open, it doesn't take long for you to empty Bambi's apartment and get all of her stuff into her room. A few things you leave behind, like her bed frame and old mattress, but for the most part you strip the place down to the carpet.

"Hmm... thanks for all this, Boss," she says, grinding her crotch against yours. "I really didn't want to lose some of these things."

"This device, what is it?" Ophelia asks, a bit curious about the high end laptop you've gotten her. You are surprised she's unfamiliar with technology, but then again most demons don't interact with the human world except to cause trouble, or in the afterlife supposedly.

"It is a general purpose entertainment and work assistance device," you explain. "It can do many things if given the programs to do so. This one is set up for a bunch of things (most of them useless), but there's one in particular I know you're interested in."

After a explain how to use a peripheral mouse, you show Ophelia how to get the music player up playing the kind of music she likes.

"What amazing sorcery! What else can a laptop do?" Looks like Ophelia likes technology.

Finding a clockwork record player on the internet turned out to be bit harder than you thought. You still found over a dozen of them for sale. You fail to find the addresses for half of the sellers, and most the ones you manage to track down were given to whoever bought them by the time you got there. That left three that were available, and one of them required too much work to restore that you didn't bother getting it.

The next remaining player was located in a mansion in a distant part of the city. You would have burglarised it, but the presence of a magical ward stopped you. Lightning element, tied an alarm component. There was sorcery afoot! Is the home of a wizard? A magical girl? You didn't get that impression from the woman's profile on the internet.

The last record player you managed to steal from a deaf old man's storage room at a retirement home. You're not sure why he was selling it now of all times, but it's yours now.

Ophelia is very pleased to see this record player, and immediately puts on and starts dancing.

This week, you try to trade from the homeless mana in exchange for (stolen) food, booze and money. As it turns out, only the most desperate or depressed people will give youma the chance to communicate. On top of your unearned reputation as a soul eating fiends leading people to running in screaming terror, most people outright refuse to deal with you anyway since the shelters provide all they need to get back on their feet and the Super Pastry Chef Girls are often out with tasty meat pies and jelly buns when they're not battling your kind. (Your cabbage soup doesn't compare against their jelly buns!)

Still, you manage to convince two people to give you their mana for a few days in exchange for a case of good beer before having to go back to your previous strategy.

One is an old woman who's insomnia has ruined her life, and she hopped getting drained would let her get some extra sleep. It didn't, she managed to shuffle around extremely dazed for several hours instead of passing out like a normal person would. After a few nights like that she said she'd rather go to the shelters instead of dealing with you. "Thanks for the beer." *shuffle*shuffle*

The other was a deranged and paranoid old man who only agreed to let you have the mana because you gave him beer and he didn't want the faceless spooks from the government to steel it for themselves. He didn't show up again after a few sessions.

(Sunshine and Rainbows means that there is not many chances for people's lives to get so off track that they become desperate enough to want to deal with Youma. Even a Mediocre World isn't so bad.)

You sit on your throne and ponder. The past week has been up and down. On the one hand you've come up with a couple of new spells for modifying your domain. On the other, Bambi's magical lessons have stalled, your mana gathering scheme has flopped, and you've destroyed your lab. You did manage to get get all of Bambi's stuff into her room, and Ophelia seems very happy with her new headphones and laptop.

Resources: Cabbages.
Mana Math: Battery 151, Upkeep 91, Expenses 140, Income 303
5x2 Element Scan, 3x10 Shadow Trap, 1x100 Shadow Gate Level 1
168 from Mana Gathering, 65 from Bambi, 70 from two Hobos
40 from botched Mana reclamation
All your youma have full mana and you have 263 in a Mana Battery
Forces: 10 Shadow Clones

What should Bambi's pet name for Legion be?
[] Boss. Boss-man. Bossness. Big Boss.
[] "You will call me daddy."
[] "My lord," just like Ophelia does.
[] Write-in

So what's the plan this week?
What? Where? How many?
-[] Mana Gathering
-[] Information Gathering
There's always more to learn.
-[] Write-in
Legion, Ophelia, Bambi each get three
-[] Research? How?
-[] Cast a spell!
-[] Build a thing!
-[] Learn something!
-[] Write-in

The Lost Tapes:
Bambi feels that she may not have gotten the best deals from her previous porn shoots and wants a bit of revenge. Retrieve the original materials such as camera memory cards and film negatives. (0/10)
Hunger for Battle: Ophelia wants to go to a sporting event to feed. While mana from Bambi's blood is fine, mana from acts of violence or competition is better. Learn Shadow Gate Level 2 and send her out on a mana retrieval mission at a sporting event.
Time to Duel! Ophelia also wants to fight a magical girl. That will require sending her out on a mission and hoping for an encounter.
Training Room: Ophelia is happy with her bedroom but wants a different room to practice fighting in. Build her a Training Room. You could build one now if you had 600 Mana. Or you could send out your minions and use a Shadow Gate to steel stuff. The room would only take 200 Mana and another 100 for the Shadow Gate.
Research Room: You screwed up a spell and destroyed you testing chamber. Luckily you keep anything in it, but you also don't want to be practising magic or something else dangerous in a room with important stuff in it. It shouldn't be too hard to recreate an empty room.

New Spell Known:
Sense Element - 2 Mana
- Can be used in combat, allows the caster to determine the target's primary and secondary elements. Can be resisted, and then the caster rolls Magic vs Elegance, failure means the caster learns nothing and wastes an action. This spell deals no damage.

New Architecture Known:
Reclaim - 00 Mana -
Collapse a room or construction to reclaim mana. You'll get back up to 80% of the mana used to make the hole in the shadow realm. Be sure to store any important items somewhere else or you'll lose them.
Generator Room - 200 Mana - A room modified for holding gas powered generators. Run a few cables out and you'll have electricity throughout your domain.

New Line of Research:
Easy Mana Gathering:
Is there a way to gather mana from the environment? Trying to force mana draining in your domain could cause it to collapse, but what if you did it on the material world?

You have a feeling you have drawn someone's attention.

"I'm telling you, I felt something Evil coming from this apartment."
"And I'm telling you that it's empty. There's nothing here."
"That's suspicious! Apartments are supposed to have people living in them."
"Whoever lived here probably moved out. C'mon. There's a new movie I want to see."
Re: Dark General Quest: Corrupt the Word!

What should Bambi's pet name for Legion be?
[X] Boss is fine for now.

Day 1
Rebuild Research Room 10 Shadow Clones
Main Body and Ophelia: Build Training Room

Day 2
Leigon Prime -[X] Research Shadow Gate 2
Bambi [X]The Lost Tapes: Take 10 shadow clones with her
Ophelia: -[X] Train.

Day 3
-[X] Legion Prime: Teach Bambi magic
-[X]Hunger for Battle: Ophelia (only if we manage to successfully learn SG2. Otherwise continue training.)
-[X] Mana Gathering Ten Shadow Clones

Day 4
[X] Legion Prime: Research Easy Mana Gathering
-[X] Bambi and 5 Shadow Clones Information Gathering
-[X]Ophelia and 5 Shadow Clones: Mana Gathering

Day 5
-[X] Leigon Prime: Research Easy Mana Gathering... If at first you don't succeed...
-[X] Bambi and Ophelia: Study Magic
-[X] Gather Mana 10 Shadow Clones

Day 6
-[X] Leigon Prime Learn something! Shadow Gate 2 (See Day 5 :p )
-[X] Gather Mana Bambi, Ophelia and 10 Shadow Clones (Leave calling card for pastry chefs >:3 )

Day 7
-[X] All three and all shadow clones: Gather Mana- time for a show down.
Re: Dark General Quest: Corrupt the Word!

What should Bambi's pet name for Legion be?
[X] Boss is fine for now.

Day 1
Rebuild Research Room 10 Shadow Clones
Main Body and Ophelia: Build Training Room

Day 2
Leigon Prime -[X] Research Shadow Gate 2
Bambi [X]The Lost Tapes: Take 10 shadow clones with her
Ophelia: -[X] Train.

Day 3
-[X] Legion Prime: Teach Bambi magic
-[X]Hunger for Battle: Ophelia (only if we manage to successfully learn SG2. Otherwise continue training.)
-[X] Mana Gathering Ten Shadow Clones

Day 4
[X] Legion Prime: Research Easy Mana Gathering
-[X] Bambi and 5 Shadow Clones Information Gathering
-[X]Ophelia and 5 Shadow Clones: Mana Gathering

Day 5
-[X] Leigon Prime: Research Easy Mana Gathering... If at first you don't succeed...
-[X] Bambi and Ophelia: Study Magic
-[X] Gather Mana 10 Shadow Clones

Day 6
-[X] Leigon Prime Learn something! Shadow Gate 2 (See Day 5 :p )
-[X] Gather Mana Bambi, Ophelia and 10 Shadow Clones (Leave calling card for pastry chefs >:3 )

Day 7
-[X] All three and all shadow clones: Gather Mana- time for a show down.

I agree to this plan and vote to try and capture one of the pastry chefs if a show down happens
Re: Dark General Quest: Corrupt the Word!

I agree to this plan and vote to try and capture one of the pastry chefs if a show down happens

That plan doesn't work, it gives people actions every day.

My rule is one mission per body per week, or three actions in the base per body.

This is an example of what I want to see.

mrttao said:
[x][Name] Honey, sweetie, sugar.

[x][Plan] under the bed
-[] Rebuild Research room
-[] 3x Train Bambi
--[] Assign legion prime
-[] Rest
--[] Assign ophalia
-[] Mission - The Lost Tapes
--[] Assign 5 shadow clones
-[] Information gathering - Stake out the manor of the suspected wizard to try to determine what kind of caster lives there.
--[] Assign 1 shadow clone. Run if detected.
-[] Harvest mana
--[] 3 shaow clones
--[] Pretend to be the monster under the bed to steal the mana of sleeping children in the suburbs.
-[] Research
--[] 1 shadow clone
--[] Design Smithy. You can conjure molten iron that lasts forever, with the right tools you will be able to craft a lot of permanent things from cast iron.
--[] Learn gate 2
--[] Learn avatar

Alright, so bribing homeless plan was a bust. I am tempted to try and raid a homeless shelter and take their poiwer by force that way. But that will be next turn's scheme, this turn I am gonna aim at pretending to be the monster under the bed and drain sleeping children of mana.

Anyways, this plan has MC train bambi again since ophalia is not very good at it. Ophalia is gonna rest to save up on mana, hopefully we could afford the 300 to make a training room next turn.

I want to assign a clone to spy on the suspicious manor to see if it is a wizard or a magical girl. I am hoping the latter because if we can ambush her and kidnap her then we will finally have our first magical girl!

Doing half of bambi's mission to steal her old porn masters. It is not urgent, but it should make her happy and presumably help with income. Moreover, I don't want to overly invest clones into yet another failed mana gathering scheme. We might as well focus the clones on doing productive stuff instead until we can find a successful mana making scheme, and then assign a whole bunch of clones to it so we can gather enough mana to start expanding
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Re: Dark General Quest: Corrupt the Word!

Tally Results
Vote Tally : [NSFW] - Dark General Quest [Multicross Fusion] | Page 5 | Questionable Questing
##### NetTally 1.7.5

Task: Name

[x][Name] Honey, sweetie, sugar.
No. of Votes: 1

[x][Name] Boss. Boss-man. Bossness. Big Boss.
No. of Votes: 1

Task: Plan

[x][Plan] under the bed
No. of Votes: 4

[x][Plan] Tentanarix
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 5

Event Dice!

I disqualified 'Master' as a suitable pet name for various reasons, the biggest being that it doesn't make sense for the current character list. If we had gone with concubines or pets, then it would have been appropriate. I also have trouble making 'Master' sound right in my head. To me it sounds like the way a padawan talks to their teacher, so having a sex-pet call me that doesn't sound right.

Next is the dice. They work together like the way other QMs use a single percentile to demonstrate success, but because there are three of them there's a significant bell curve. I don't want a single good or bad roll to get away from everything.
In addition, each dice works separately to generate events. They marginally affect the results of your choice in actions (there are other secret dice :cool: ), but primarily they generate events on their own. In this case, enemy interfere with something (1), but something nice happens too (27).
Your attention level is a hidden value that interacts with both forms of these dice.

You decide the first thing to do is rebuild you Research Chamber. It's it just an empty room, but that fact is what makes it so appealing. If you had anything else in the last one when you accidentally reclaimed it, you would have lost everything. Easy to fix. Boom! Done. One empty room to safely practice new powers in.

You decide to take up teaching Bambi, letting Ophelia take a break for the week. Of course, now that she has her things she decides to wear a different outfit for her lessons; large tube socks, an all-too-short pleated red-plaid skirt, a purple v-neck sweater, a tight white blouse, and a big red bow. Her hair done up into a side ponytail, and she used magic to make her ornamental tie glitter. "Like my old uniform, boss? I wore it in high-school and it still fits." She poses cutely, putting a sugar sucker into her mouth with a pop. It's obvious her blouse is straining against her fully matured growth in the intervening years. You decide to have some fun with her first.

You cross your arms and cock your eyebrow. "You really should take this more seriously. I do have other things I can do with my time."

In response she saunters up to you, twirling the wet sucker between her fingers, "Ah, c'mon boss. I just want to make it more fun."

You stalk towards her, almost growling out "If this was school, you'd be failing." Her eyes widen in fear and confusion. "From the cost of your tuition, I expected more professionalism from my student, Mizzz Jones," you draw out the last part as a whisper in her ear, making her shiver.

You step back, giving her room to begin protesting and prostrating. "Ah, I'm sorry professor-" "Doctor." "I'm sorry D-d-doctor Legion. I'll try harder from now on, I promise."

But you shake your head with fake apology. "I'm sorry Miss Jones, but even if you aced every test and project from this point on, you will still fail."

Bambi bites her lips before leaning forward. "Ah but there must be something I can do to recover my grade. Maybe some extra-credit? I'm willing to do anything to get my grade up." She punctuates the last statement with stroke of the front of your pants.

"Well, Phys-ed is you best subject," you muse with an exaggerated look over her body. She giggles under the attention before kneeling in front of you, reaching for your belt. You shoo away her hands with her own, undoing it yourself. You flaccid dangler falls out into her waiting hand, barely catching a breeze before she greedily sucks it into her mouth.

She quickly find her rhythm, sucking and licking, while stroking you off with one hand, humming in delight with your eyes close. She holds her sucker in the other hand, and you take it from her in one swift motion. You look right into her surprised eyes and t'sk at her. "Bringing candy into class," you chastise as you grab hold her ponytail, "what a delinquent." You don't force her to move, just grip her hair. You put the candy into you grinning mouth as she starts sucking you off again.

It doesn't take her long to make you cum. She recognises the signs without your prompt and dutifully takes everything you give her. "Ah! Sooo good," she exclaims once after swallowing everything. She stands and rubs up against you as she pleads into your ear, "Is that good enough for an A, Doctor Legion?"

Your squeeze her ass with both hands, grinning into her neck and savouring her scent before telling her at this point she might be able to pass if she puts more effort into her schoolwork. Appalled, she pushes you off, "What? You ass! Doctor Legion, I don't suck cock for just an-"

You shove the sugar-sucker into her protests and grapple her shoulders. "Well, you little whore, if this was sex-ed I'd give you an A+." She mewls as you turn her around and press her up against the wall, then rest one hand on her neck to hold her there. "But it isn't, so you get the D. Now lift your fucking skirt." She obediently grips the cloth that barely covers her behind and slowly lifts, revealing her dripping mound. "My my. No panties Miss Jones?" you tease with your voice as you use your two other fingers to tease her slit open. "Did you plan to seduce me," you ask, suddenly smacking her pert behind and causing her to yelp, "or did you do this for your boyfriend."

She tries to speak, but between the sucker and her face being held to the wall it comes out as "Ma boffrend."

You slowly slide you hand up her ass and around her hips and reach around to spread her pussy again from the other side, making sure to twerk her nub a couple of times on the way. "Don't lie to me, Miss Jones. You're not going to see him for hours. It's just me, your teacher, until then. So why didn't you wear panties?"

You press your the tip of your cock and slowly slide it up and down her entrance, while a third finger curls up and tap her clit ever so slightly with the top of your nail. She shivers and archers her back, moaning and dropping her candy. "Is it because you're a slut?" She moans even louder and tries to shift her pelvis to get your dick into her, but you pull back to keep her barely in contact. "Well, that would explain why you can't get any work done."

"IT's true!" She yells back. "I'm a dirty slut who's too horny to learn anything, and my boyfriend doesn't fuck me enough! Now please stick you fat cock in my pussy and fu-UCK! Ohyesyes!" You stop holding back when she starts talking dirty, grip both hips, and thrust madly into her sopping wet hole at a furious pace.

After her lessons, Bambi's Magic increases by 1 point and becomes 8. She's reached the peak of human ability (which is 4 points higher thanks to the Moon Goddess) and is quite exceptional. Bambi's Mana Capacity and daily generation increases by 3 points to 17, which shouldn't be possible for a normal human.

Meanwhile, Ophelia sits in her room, laptop in hand while her ears are filled with bells, hums, clacks, whistles, and dings. "Yoink... Left... Right... Left... Left... Left..Left.LeftLEFTLEFTLEFT! NO!!! So close. Stupid game. Why is there enough room for the ball to fall between the paddles? Curse you Space Pinball!"

Breaking into porn studios isn't difficult, especially since with a bit of effort and planning your shadow clone bodies can appear in spots lacking significant light. The hardest part was not stumbling into an ongoing shoot. Really, indoor sets with indoor windows with indoor lighting can support night scenes during regular working hours. Don't these people have social lives?

Since everything it itemised and archived with time indexes, you easily find everything your sex-pot has been in. Everything. You didn't realise she was so popular. Or how many takes they had to do get a scene just right. You make off with several tapes and SD cards featuring your corrupted starlet from almost a dozen studios in a couple of nights before something usual happens.

You can feel a faint magical aura as your clones manifest in the twelfth studio you plan to burglarise, and barely make out the cackling laughter. When you can finally see, you spot a gaunt man laughing as he's messing with one the cameras. You aren't sure what he's up to, but you can feel he's doing something supernatural to that camera. Then he suddenly pauses and skittishly looks around. You can spot the nostrils of his big nose flaring with every breath from you hiding spot. Did you make a noise? You know he can't smell you, shadow clones have no scent.

[][Creep] Attack! It's just one guy. Knock him out and steel his energy. That was you modes operand for the past two weeks, so people will assume it's just another random attack.
-[] Capture him Husbando mode disabled.
[][Creep] Scare him away! It's just one guy. If he's smart, he should bolt as soon as he sees a Youma. Takes no effort, and then the archives are yours for the perusing.
[][Creep] Stay Hidden. He'll probably chalk it up to paranoia, finish what he's doing and leave.
[][Creep] Run away It might be a magical girl! (lol jk) You can always try to get Bambi's materials later. (Will gain 1 less progress for this request.)

You decide to spy on the warded mansion. A bit difficult to get a view of the people inside considering the the layout of the street, but you eventually spot some bushes across the street behind the gated wall in front of an upper-class apartment complex blocking off access to a little parkette. Days go by, but you get a good idea that the home is owned by the wealthy woman that was selling the mechanical record player. She has a daughter and only one servant, and none of them set off your magical senses coming or going. (How she keeps such a big house clean with only one cute maid eludes you.) You eventually get a Sense spell on all three and determine their primary elements, and figure out that none of them are the mage that set up the ward.

During sunset of your fifth day of spying, a young girl's voice calls out from behind you. Your clone can barely hear it, but you're pretty sure she said, "Hey, is someone there?" You can't see very much from your side of the bushes since you set up to spy on the house not the parkette, but can make out a pink dress of some sort, and long blonde hair. You can make out a fair amount of magic coming off her, of a different kind than who ever set up the ward. What do you do?
[][Girl] Scare her away
It is just little girl.
[][Girl] Attack! It is just little girl, she should be easy pickings.
-[] Capture her If we win the fight, we can use Shadow Gate Level 1 to kidnap her. A normal human can be corrupted in one day, so we don't need to lock her up in a dungeon.
[][Girl] Stay hidden 'I am just a harmless moth hiding from sunlight!'
[][Girl] Run away It might be a magical girl, plus she sort of snuck up on you.

Your latest Mana Gathering scheme was pretty clever, or so you thought. Use your clone's shadow walk ability to sneak into houses, hide under the bed like a monster, (try not laugh like a loon,) and when the kid goes to sleep pop out and drain them of mana before sneaking into another house and repeating the process.

It went pretty well until the Magical Girl showed up. . How she found out about your plan, you have no idea. But you were preparing to strike on an unsuspecting slumber party one of the kids was hosting when she showed up.

The battle went well in your favour at first, and for a minute it looked like you would dominate the encounter and the chef girl for the rest of the night. Sadly it wasn't to be. Once she started flinging scalding hot fondue and everywhere she made quick work of your clones. You're certain that the girl was nearly tapped out herself but that was likely due to your luck early on in the battle. In the end all your Clones were defeated, though you managed to have them all escape her Cheese Wire Guillotines.

You made off with a 240 Mana from a bunch of kids. The battle with the Magical Girl lasted 6 minutes and 36 seconds, drew attention of police, and caused §360,000 in damage due to magical cheese fondue. Interestingly, when you scanned Kiwi you found out that her primary Element is Light, and her secondary element is Fire, but her hot fondue attacks were water element. If she had used Fire or Light magic she would have easily destroyed your shadow clones.

(Kiwi had 2 Stamina left when she took out the last shadow clone. She also used up all her Mana, so defeating her would not have gained you anything but bragging rights.)

Smithy. Smithy. What the hell do you put in a smithy? You aren't sure what to do. You never took up smiting, and though studded leather was the coolest armour (despite according to the nerdiest it isn't even real armour). You'r pretty sure you know what an anvil looks like, but you're also certain that there's way more different types of hammers than the ball peen one you had to use to fix that door frame the one time. Is it like a sledge?

You take off and raid a public library for some books on blacksmith. At first you're horrified to learn how much effort it is going to take to get anything made, especially since your only available material is pure molten iron. Cast-iron has few modern uses, and less so in weapon or armour. You would have to take it up full time instead of a part time hobby to be able to get anything out of the skill, which would be an issue if you were only one man...

But you're not. You are Legion. You have more man hours of activity than anyone has any right to. You laugh manically (or as best you can manage with a Shadow Clone) and get to work designing your new workshop. Without care for limiting your designs based on your current skill, you put together a blueprint for a facility that will house everything you could need to make anything.

For the rooms themselves, it will take 400 Mana to make the empty space. Then you'll have to make an Iron Transmutation Circle to get molten iron for an anvil and other items, and using conjured iron and water to cast and cool the permanent iron will take 3000 Mana, 3400 in total. However, once you have the first facility created, proceeding workshops will only cost 1500 Mana to create as you can spend time making tools and devices yourself afterwards. You'll still have to beg, borrow and steel for some items and materials to keep things running, but since you can make unlimited molten iron from Mana, you're already ahead of medieval society.

Trying to learn Shadow Gate Level 2 with a Shadow Clone should have been impossible, and yet you managed to do it. For twelve seconds you had an active Shadow Gate open that you could toss cabbages out of your realm with. You even managed to get half of them into the dumpster! With a bit of practice you could probably play golf with a couple of portals like this. World Record for Farthest Hole-in-one, here you come!

You aren't certain you learned the Avatar Clone spell correctly, but considering you were testing your attempts using a Shadow Clone and a crash test dummy wearing a wig and lipstick, that shouldn't have be a surprise. The spell requires a huge amount of mana, your fleshy body, and a human woman. Still you're confident you have the principles down. Now you just need a woman to test it on. Like Bambi, or a magical girl.

Or Ophelia? "Absolutely not, my lord." Not Ophelia then.

Still, you are going to need a lot of mana to do it, and a lot of mana capacity to channel that much mana.

Resources: Dry Cabbages. Ew
Mana Math: Battery 263, Upkeep 67, Expenses 28, Income 165
4xSense, 2x10 Shadow Trap, 100 for Research Room
240 from Mana Gathering, 85 from Bambi
All your youma have full mana and you have 393 in a Mana Battery
Forces: 10(?) Shadow Clones

So what's the [Plan] this week?
What? Where? How many?
-[] Mana Gathering
-[] Information Gathering
There's always more to learn.
-[] Plan to Capture a Magical Girl
-[] Write-in
Legion, Ophelia, Bambi each get three
-[] Research? What? How? Why?
-[] Cast a spell!
-[] Build a thing!
-[] Learn something!
-[] Sexy time!
-[] Write-in

The Lost Tapes:
Bambi feels that she may not have gotten the best deals from her previous porn shoots and wants a bit of revenge. Retrieve the original materials such as camera memory cards and film negatives. (0/10)(?)
Hunger for Battle: Ophelia wants to go to a sporting event to feed. While mana from Bambi's blood is fine, mana from acts of violence or competition is better. Learn Shadow Gate Level 2 and send her out on a mana retrieval mission at a sporting event.
Time to Duel! Ophelia also wants to fight a magical girl. That will require sending her out on a mission and hoping for an encounter.
Training Room: Ophelia is happy with her bedroom but wants a different room to practice fighting in. Build her a Training Room. You could build one now if you had 600 Mana. Or you could send out your minions and use a Shadow Gate to steel stuff. The room would only take 200 Mana and another 100 for the Shadow Gate.

I think I'm getting the hang of the voting program.
My truant muse is pain to deal with. She needs to be chained to wall or something.
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Re: Dark General Quest: Corrupt the Word!

Creep [X] Scare away. There's no point to waste energy on this loser. We have nothing to gain by attacking or kidnapping his ass.
Girl [X] Attack and Capture. Might not be a magical girl per se, BUT she does HAVE MAGIC. Who knows, maybe we could make a dark magical girl out of her. (Please no Yu Gi Oh jokes or references.)
[X]Mana Gathering - 3 Shadow Clones
[X] Information Gathering "Interesting People" ;) - Bambi
[X] Lost Tapes - 3 Shadow Clones
[X] [Cast Spell] [Shadow Gate 2] [Big Shadow Trap] Hunger for Battle - Ophelia. We have Shadow Gate 2 now! Let's use it. Besides Ophelia needs a way to blow off steam and we need a way to garner more mana.
[X] Plan to capture a magical girl. We came DAMN close to snagging Kiwi! So if we send in 4 or 5 clones, Ophelia and Legion Prime, we should be able to handle her easily. Or on the off shoot we get another Pastry Chef or Dino Roar even; I propose we set up a Bog Shadow Trap in the general area in advance.
[X] Learn Avatar or Hentai Clone Youma. But this is only in the event we capture magic rich girl or a magical girl.
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