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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific


Tentacle God
Jun 3, 2012
Reputation score
Jenny: HP: 60 EP: 1 PP: 30
The sheep were awfully anxious today, perhaps it was the cooling weather or perhaps it was one of the wolves again. Honestly with the winter nearing they’ve become surprisingly active... An uneasy thought especially with old age finally catching up to poor Archie. The veteran Crolian sheep dog still continued service as he rather slowly ran around the flock letting out the occasional bark, with all of these years the sheep likely listened to the old dog due to their little bond. Jenna smiled warmly as Archie gently nudged one of the younger lambs closer to others, he never in all of his years of service actually bit any of the sheep.

It was just another day on their little farm, mama and papa had gone on one of their routine supply and shop visits to town, leaving Jenna alone with the sheep for the day. Heck if papa runs into the Bronxin family again likely even longer. Jenna was used to her solitary life, both of her sisters no longer lived with their family. Christine had wrapped some poor suitor around her finger and Lina was away on her studies. Even though they were all born on the same day, the differences between them were astonishing.

The northern breeze gently caressed the girls brown hair as she kept a watchful gaze upon her little friends, it was going to be dusk soon. Best to get the sheep back before it gets dark or the forest stalkers show up.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny yawned it had been a boring day usually one of the sheep would have gotten themselves into some sort of trouble be it stuck on a thorn bush or fallen into a creek but today they had all been well behaved even with their sudden energy. Still it was time to get them back home. Raising her Sheperd Crook in the air Jenny shook it a few times letting the bells ring signaling the sheep it was time to head in. Walking back as the sheep and Archie gathered up Jenny vaguely wondered if papa would have her go to the high pasture by herself this year. He was getting on in age much like poor Archie but he was still spry and lively even at his age.

Crossing the summer pasture with her white fuffy friends in tow Jenny gazed over at the farm house to see if her parents had arrived yet from their shopping.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny lived in a rather small little house, the family hardly needed much. A water heater, a roof, a clean outhouse and a warm bed was more than enough for the family.

Unfortunately it seemed mama and papa weren't home yet. Not that much of a surprise, papa always found some excuse to bump into the towns brewers. Semed she'd have to dine alone once more. Though the house wasn't completely lifeless as a rather plump man stopped by dropping off some papers and a package, fumbling to lean back and bumbling something to himself. Though with all the sheep cries it wouldn't take much effort to notice the girl returning home "Oi~! Is that you Jenny?" the mans wide smiled was easily noticeable even from great distance as he waved happily at the brown haired girl. The plump man went by the name of Glenn Jenkins or just Mr. Jenkins, a kindhearted if a little wacky family friend always seen with a pair of oversized goggles on his head and probably the only one in miles to actually have a bicycle. Jenny tried to ride the darn contraption once, but she'll be damned if the thing actually agreed to keep it's balance.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny returned Mr. Jenkins wave and increased her pace. Usually Mr. Jenkins often brought letters from her wayward sisters and she could use a word or two from them she had been awfully alone lately. Getting closer Jenny could see Mr. Jenkins bicycle it was a strange device for sure and it had always captured her imagination on how it worked. However her one attempt at riding the thing ended up costing her mother her prized roses. Still the plants had recovered remarkable well though she was forbidden from every riding the bicycle near the home every again. Sighing wistfully as she eyed the thing Jenny instead gave Mr. Jenkins a hug. "Mr. Jenkins what brings you all the way out here? Im afraid my parents are still away in town." Waiting for the quirky man to answer Jenny realized she didn't want another dinner by herself this week. "Would you like to stay for dinner I can make some soup. I even got some of pa's special cider." Jenny smiled at Mr. Jenkins and awaited his answer.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"OH bugger and I thought it was some other beautiful girl coming to whisk me away" Glenn laughed merrily as he hugged Jenny warmly and explained his visit "Well that mail won't deliver itself dear, otherwise this old fart would've been out of a job a long time ago." the man listened out the girls request and his wide grin quickly saddened "I-I'm sorry Jenny, the wife would have my balls on her trophy rack if I missed dinner... what’s left them at least" Glenn once bursted out laughing "I'll make sure to give Terry a kick in his arse if I see him around. That should make him get a move on and get back to his girl." The plump man smiled widely at the promise of the switf boot to Jennys father behind and quickly went on to tighten the straps on his bicycle, seemed he still had quite a number of letters to deliver.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny frowned but quickly recovered though it looks like it would be just her and Archie for dinner again. "Mr. Jenkins did my sisters send anything? Last I heard Christine was trying for a baby." Looking over at the bundle of letters hoping for news from any of her sisters. Garbing any bundle or parcel he left Jenny gave a quick peck to Mr. Jenkins cheek. "Well before you go at lest take some fresh apples we can spare a few sense my sisters have moved off." Running to the store house real quick Jenny brought forth some red apples in small bag and handed them to Mr. Jenkins and waved him off as he went about his business.

Corralling the sheep took a little longer than expected but with the help of Archie she got done well before dark and proceeded into the house. Setting the mail aside till after dinner at lest Jenny looked down at Archie. "Well old boy what will it be? Some potato soup maybe or vegetable sheep. I promise I won't make it ewe." Jenny laughed at her own bad pun while Archie just cocked his head not understanding.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Oh you know it's none of the mailmans business to look over others mail." Glenn smiled happily "But you may or may not have received a certain package from your sister Christine, a message from the town board, an invitation to the Smiths wedding and some raggedy letter from the town of Kings Coast, no sender..." Well for someone not looking over others mails he sure knew what the girl got, just a coincidence likely... Jenny raised a comical eyebrow at the man who just shrugged innocently in response.

"Oh no dear I have no room~" Glenn chuckled heartily at the girls offer, no, demand of taking some apples... still he had some room in bag after dropping of whatever the package and letters the family received so why not. With a bag full of apples and letters the plump man promptly got on his odd device and sped off, the round figure on the skinny contraption leaving Jenny boggled how the whole affair worked.

It was a calm evening; Jenny successfully got the sheep back and got the fireplace going, the gentle flames keeping the house warm. Honestly after dinner there wasn't much else to do, still that stack of the three letters and the mysterious package begged for attention.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny ignored the unnamed letters for now but instead opened up the package from her sister Christine. Her mind raced what could it be maybe a bridesmaids dress? Hopes high she opened the package to reveal its contents.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Unfortunately it was nothing grand like that at all. Jenny picked up the package and read the card attached to it "To my dearest family, Enjoy~ With love, Christine", quickly working the tightening off Jenny opened the box only to find... a fruitcake. Oh no... Christine was trying out her cooking skills again! That poor, poor man. Her sisters skill to turn wonderful ingredients into something horrendous was both praiseworthy and confounding.

Well at least maybe the cake was eatable, could make for a fine munchy-masher, but why was it not rotten or the like. A light tap on the cake would reveal why... somehow Christine managed to make the cake impervious to any means of cutting or even scratching the darn thing. The fruitcake was hard as a rock and pretty much impossible to actually eat. Jenny would have better luck using it as a thrown weapon than food...
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny sighed still she better at lest show her mother that Christine was trying to cook maybe Ma would send her one of her cookbooks to give the girl a fighting chance. Setting the brick cake aside Jenny relaxed into her Pa's chair and petted Archie letting the fire warm her awhile before indulging her curiosity once more. Taking the unmarked letters Jenny carefully held it up to the fire light to see what may be in side before breaking the seal to read the letter if indeed it was a letter.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny lazily opened the letter to see whats inside. It was the wedding invitation from the Smith family nearby. Seems they didn't even bother writing to whom the letter was sent, with their tight-knit community there honestly wasn't much need. There were at most 15 families living nearby and in town, so everyone knew each other quite well.

You are cordially invited to celebrate
The wedding of
Alice Stintan
Thomas Cade Smith
On Tuesday afternoon
October 14th
at four o'clock
The Smith 'tatters farm.
Bring gifts.


Only 2 letters remained, the clean from the town hall and the ruffled looking from Kings Coast.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny smiled and looked at Archie. "Well boy Alice is getting married to the smith boy." It was good news for Alice but not so much for her. To her last recollection Thomas was the last eligible man in town that wasn't some old pervert on his last legs. Still she tried to be happy for Alice at lest she has someone. Stifling back a sniff Jenny decided to see what the town hall message had in store and wasted no time in opening it up so she could see the mystery letter.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The letter had an official seal, so it had to be serious. Jenny quickly broke the seal and checked up what was the reason. Seems it was actually both good and bad news. The letter was a call for Jury duty for her father, seemed they law finally caught up with the rapist terorising the twon for the past two weeks. Thankfully the man only stayed in the city and hopefully rarely ventured further away. Even living a fair distance from town, Jennys family were still considered residents of Tinkun town.


By order of the circuit court of Tinkun town, you are hereby designated as a STANDBY JUROR. Please visit the town hall before after 7:30 AM on the date before service date.
An employee of town hall will inform you whether you need to report on the date and time at city court indicated below.

There was only one more letter left to inspect.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny resisted the urge to crumple up the letter and toss it into the fire. Jury duty at lest it was only her father not her mother so she would be left alone again. Looking down at Archie Jenny smiled "Not that your bad company Archie I just need a little human interaction." Sighing again Jenny placed the letter next to the brick cake and sat a little more.

Looking over at the last ragged letter Jenny pondered why it had been sent here with no name what so ever none even for a recipient. Still she should check it out as it was already dark meaning Ma and Pa would have to spend the night at the inn so no point in waiting for them to check it out. Getting up from the comfy chair Jenny proceeded to the cellar to grab a small jug of her fathers cider. Pouring a small cup for herself she quickly returned to the chair grabbing the last letter on her way back.

Taking a few sips before she opened the letter Jenny let her mind race. Maybe it was an old dispatch to the family that had owned the land before they had or what if it was Death notice for some poor soldiers family that had long sense moved on. Frowning at her dark thoughts Jenny took a big gulp of the hard cider and opened the letter after all there was only one way to find out what was in it.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Unlike the other two letter this one was farily cumbled and in some cases dirty, obviously it traveled a long time before it reached the family. Jenny easily opened the letter and peeked inside. It was a piece of aged paper with only one hand written line on it:

I need help. Please find me, Jenny.

The letter did not contain anything else. No hints on when or who sent it, but Jenny could easily recognise her sisters handwritting, the way Lina wrote her "e" was her unmistakeable trademark... though what to make of it remained a mystery. Could it really be a letter from Lina? Wasn't she studying alchemy in the Academy? Even stranger still why was she in the town of Kings Coast...
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny read the letter three times making herself surer than ever that one of her dear sisters was in some sort of trouble. Still she couldn't just run off in the dark. What would her parents think if she just upped and disappeared they would be wrought with worry and panic. Still if they read the letter they would surely panic either way. Jenny was confused what could she do if she leaves her parents would panic if they read the letter they would panic. Jenny paced the floor her mind arguing point and counter point until she at last she came to a conclusion. Travailing alone in the dark would be foolish no matter what best to rest and wait for the dawn and her parents this was a family emergency not just hers. With her mind at lest maid up Jenny down her remaining cider before pouring another cup and downed that one as well hoping the alcohol induced slumber would be dreamless so her vivid imagination wouldn't terrorize her sleep. Putting the cider away and securing the door and fire pit so only coals would remain. Jenny made her way to her bed and called Archie in with her and did her best to drift off to sleep.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

There was something foreboding about the letter, was it the hasty hand-writting, the overall old nature of the paper used or the emptiness the letter carried with it. Jenny tried to catch some sleep, but it would not be so easy. The two short sentences haunted the girl through most of the night, but eventually she succumbed to exhaustion.

It was not a rooster that would wake the girl that morning, but a loud carriage and song right outside the house. Subtelty was never her pa's strong suit as he crashed right in to the shared bedroom, mumbling something barely audible. Honestly, while he was very good father and sweet man, his drunken stupors often caused the girl to get angry and slightly disappointed in the old man.

The bald man looked around and his mustache seemingly tensed up when he saw Jenny still sleeping. Sure she was already awake from the ruckus... perhaps if he hadn't tripped over some pots in the kitchen on his way here she might've been able to sleep. Still for his credit the old man tried his best to remain silent as he clumsily sneaked across the room and lied down on the couch at the further part of the room, looking away from the girl, knowing his snoring may wake her up.

Judging by the silent sounds in the kitchen her mother was cleaning up after her husband. Mama would likely take care of the sheep for the girl soon. It was liekly she slept far past her usual schedule.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny waited a few moments until her fathers snoring began. Then and only then did she get up and make her way down the kitchen to speak with her mother about brick cakes and family emergencies. Her mother was far younger than her father having married him when she was just barley a maiden he had been 16 years her senor but for some reason lost to the gods she had fallen madly in love with the drunken lout. She had black hair and blue eyes and despite her age of 38 she was still rather attractive. "Ma I think Lina is in trouble." On of Jennies flaws was she was pretty straight to the point but some would argue that was also one of her saving graces. Everyone knew she would be completely honest with them even if the honesty could be hurtful. Handing the faded letter to her mother Jenny sat by the coal letting their heat warm her.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Eliza snickered warmly at the presented fruitcake "She never gets this one right" mama had such a heartwarming smile, no mater what happens seeing her never failed to ease Jenny, but this time was different as the other note sat prominetely on top of the small pile papers.

Eliza looked over the note "Jenny, where did you find this?" the concern in her eyes was evident, which an explanation did nothing to relief. Jenny sat there silently while her mother inspected both the envelope and the note itself, giving the city name an extra long look "It's from Lina, I have no doubt about it... but she's such a proud girl. What could've happened to her..." Eliza eyed the note and sadly raised her gaze to Jenny "You want to go... don't you?" the heartache in the mothers face was evident, but knowing the bond the three sisters shared, she knew that this would haunt Jenny for a very long time.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked at her mother her eyes sad as well. Eliza had always been able to read Jenny well always knew when she was sad or trying to cover for her sister when they where younger and even now she knew that Jenny wanted to see what had happened. "Yes I do you and Pa are getting a little old to be going on adventures and shes my sister I need to know what happened." In all honesty the thought of leaving her quiet life scared her. Still Lina was her sister and she asked for Jenny's help specifically. "I just don't know how or where to begin."