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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Poor Seras I wonder if she made it out?" Jenny looked over at the crack in the wall. "Servo could you light that up please so I can take a better look?" Jenny took her time heading over there the sight of blood not comforting her one bit. "Please be dried please be dried."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Thankfully the blood was all dried up, by the looks of things for quite awhile now too... Jenny stood up and glanced over the area once more. It seemed so very desolate without all the students here... then again she hasn't seen a single body since she entered.

Still there didn't seem to be anything in this room worth of note. Except ofcourse the bookshelves and some of the items from the summoning ritual. Thinking back, she kinda knew how to do it. She'd only need one. A simple cone shaped stone with a red cristal inside...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny inspected the crack and dried blood seeing if both held any secrets when the though of summoning came to mind. It could really help her in a pinch though such things would be evil and she would have to pay.. for it later. Standing up Jenny went over to the summoning tools and grabbed what she needed for the summoning convincing her it was for a last resort. Looking about the desolate hall Jenny once more grabbed one of the books to see if it held any secrets that would help her if she encountered Rosa again.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny placed the small stone and some white banishing powder into Servos backpack and proceeded to inspect the bookshelf once more. Alright now it was guess work which color could relate to a succubus... A crimson red caught her eye. Bingo!

The girl pulled the book out and opened it up, numerous illustrations of demonic features Jenny was all too aquinted with. From spade tails to cock tails, from cicular to sharp horns. It was a beastiary book of the succubi... there was only one problem... it was in that dreaded arcane dribble. Jenny couldn't read a thing... but a book of succubi straight from a demonology class. Surely this book contained something useful.

Someone will be able to read, hopefully that someone will be Lina. Jenny stashed the book inside Servos backpack and gave the room a one look around. So that hellhound came from here... was it a remnant of that summoning class... does that mean Jenny can expect more demonic enemies around?
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked around sighing no doubt more demonic enemies abound here though most probably left when they fulfilled their contracts. Still it was something to keep in mind as she made her way out of the class and further down the large hall. Her goal was the large statue she had seen and who knew maybe another class room or two would show itself.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny carefully walked out back into the darkness, the flames from the demonology class extinguished once the girl left. There was indeed plenty still to check... the girl didn't know where the north west door lead to and there was one more door on the right side of the room she didn't check.

Actually since she was deeper into the massive hallway she noticed one more double door at the very south end of the room... whatever he case Jenny approached the statue in the middle.

It was a huge and multi-hero work of art. Each detail was obviously sculptured with great care and love. There was a total 4 heroes standing next to each other. In the middle stood a obvious warrior with a fine cloak and scarred armor, he adorned an odd facemask with 2 sparkling cristals for eyes. On his left stood a woman in a raggedy robe, she had a cold expression, some facial tatoos and a staff in hand... and no hair at all. To the warrios right stood a man with fractured clothing, he had a fairly well detailed goatee and a mischievious huge grin on his face. And there was only one more clear heroine here, a woman with wines running across her body and a warm smile on her face, she had long flowing hair... but her was hard to detail due to it mostly being crumbled away. There was insciption given, so Jenny had as good a guess as anyone who these people were.

Suddenly Jenny felt the pressure in the room shift as heard a loud ringing of a very heavy bell echo all loudly from upstairs. It rang a total of 6 times and after a brief silence, the atmosphere shifted. Numerous unrecognisable howls and screeches echoing from upstairs... and from one of the rooms to her left. The one she didn't check yet...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Oh frack that Jenny turned and scooped servo up in her arms and fled with all her speed back to the tear at lest there she would only have to worry about a few coming in at a time.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Numerous more different howls and grumbles echoed around Jenny as she dashed forward, the shadows seemingly twisting and turning around her. That bell awoke the academy in a big way... a big and horrible way. The heroine lunged forward when in range for the tear and landed comfortably on the rug. The soft classical music a complete contrast to horrors just outside the tear.

Looking around, she was still alone in the room. Hopefully the girl will be safe here for the time being.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Breathing heavily Jenny was thankful she was alone at lest for now. "You okay Sir?" Jenny set the little goluem down and inspected him for damage. Satisfied Jenny turnned her attention to the rift. Someone would come through here eventually and Jenny just hopped they where in a talking mood.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Servo quickly looked up at Jenny and nodded firmly. Honestly seemed most of the foul creatures just ignored the little golem. The heroine turned to the rift dreadfully, with the academy awake perhaps the master of this room will make his or her appearance. For the time being Jenny just sat down on one of the chairs keeping an eye on the rift.

Noone would come... honestly this was easily and by far the most comforting locale in the whole academy. The very light incense, coupled with the luxury and calm music made for the perfect atmosphere.

Looking around Jenny doubled checked what the room contained. There was the mirror part of the room, the exceptional bed, real leather sofa, some tea on the tea table, the work table and quite a few paintings in golden frames. Most containing people Jenny never saw before, except for one... which was more surreal and the persons painted face was just a skull. A rather grim sight in an otherwise very comforting room.

Resting location.
For the journey so far Jenny gains 6 xps
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny sat watching the rift for a good while. She hardly noticed her eyes get heavy as the exhaustion from all her sexual activity started to catch up with her. It was so hard to stay awake she tried to rouse herself but her body refused and she slipped deeper and deeper into sleep.

Seras/Jenny moaned as the thick Demon cock plowed into her filling her tainted body with its fluids. It had been hours sense the accident that freed the demons of the controlling magics. Hours of her demon lover mating her again and again to make sure his seed was well planted in her womb. There had of course been changes her frail body twisted to the demons desires. She had no idea where the rest of her classmates or teachers had gone nor did she really care all she wanted was more of her masters demon cock. Her crimson robes where long gone shredded by her lover and her large breasts swayed to and fro with each thrust of the glorious cock. If only Seras could see herself see all the wonderful changers she had under gone. "Are you ready slut? Ready to take your final steps into darkness." Seras'/Jenny thrust herself back on the tool. "Just fuck me already!" Deep demonic laughter filled the room as Seras/Jenny impaled herself on the tool. "Yes I think you are ready. Ready to be reborn as a demon slut!" Seras/Jenny felt her masters cock swell inside her before it unleashed its potent and corrupt load. The tainted spunk short forth into Seras perverting her very being tainting her soul and washing away her humanity forever. "YESSSSSSSS!" Knowledge of her new role filled her mind as most of her human knowledge was erased to make room for her new life as a succubus.

Jenny awoke with a start her hands playing with her dripping snatch. Stopping herself Jenny tried to calm down. Hopefully it was just a nightmare and Seras managed to get away from such a fate.

Jenny spends 6xp on succubus magic
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny awoke from her dream, breathing deeply, her hand seemingly stopped midmotion in her soaked pussy. Whether from shock or decency the girl quickly stopped herself and sighed with relief. Such a vivid dream... it all felt so real, the cock felt so... Jenny shook her head of the stray thoughts. Not now!

Looking around the room was still empty the music had been calmed down to a very silent a soothing melody, perfect for her nap. Servo was in the middle of the room facing away and in alarm mode.

Actually it looked like the little guy actually carried her on to the sofa, a cup of warm team near her... aswell as well as the backpack nearby. The summoning stones red glare catching the girls eye...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny for reasons unknown was drawn to the stone. Getting up from her seat she moved to it and reached out grabbing it firmly. "No Jenny only emergencies." Jenny let the stone go and placed it back in the bag. Once more trying to calm herself. Wiping sweat from her face Jenny sighed. It was harder and harder to ignore her urges in this place. Maybe it was the magic or taint in the air but Jenny was beginning to wish she had taken Grace with her even if as nothing more than a moral anchor. Still whining about it wouldn't help and she needed to see if it was all clear. Taking a moment to steady herself Jenny approached the tear and passed threw quickly finding cover to take a look and listen if things had finally calmed down.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny quickly got her urges under control and got off the sofa. Sir looked behind him at the motion and approached the girl once more eyeing her happily. Although the cristal never changed form or light, Jenny somehow started to be able to read the lil guys mood... or maybe it was just her imagination.

At any rate she would attach the backpack to her lil companion and both of them proceed onwards. Rested up and ready for action once more.

Jenny got out the tear and quickly ducked behind one of the pillars, giving her eyes a brief moment to adjust. Thankfully whatever it was had already calmed down, though unfortunately seemed it drew some unwanted guests to scatter around. Looking through the hallway Jenny noted 2 of the meat puppets made their way here, but were thankfully on separate sides of the huge area. She should be able to take them out one on one and, if lucky, without alerting the other one.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny motioned to Sir to stay quiet as she approached the closest puppet from a blind side. Drawing the blade she looked for the perfect spot to end this horror before it could react.

Sneak attack the closest meat puppet.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny HP: 50/70 EP: 35/35 PP: 35/35
37 vs 46 FAIL [dem rolls]

Jenny attacks the puppet!
24 damage!
Meat puppet gains weakened!
Gravely injured

Meat puppet attacks!
20 damage!

50/70 Left

Jenny notioned to Sir to stay silent and drew her blade. The puppet was standing aimlessley in between the two entranced at the left side, should be a piece of cake.

The girl quickly darted out from behind the collumn and crouched down approach the creature. Perhaps she was a little too loud or maybe just flatout bad luck, but slowly the creature turned around to her and spotted the approaching girl.

It was far too late to back down now, maybe it'll fall in this one attack! Jenny lunged her blade forward right through the creatures head as it screeched out loudly, the blade still in it! The creature seemed to about to collapse, but suddenly a massive blow hit the girl as it flailed wildly at her. Each blow landing painfully against the girls exposed body.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny wasted no time and pulled her blade free ending the creatures life before it alerted the other one. If she was successful and the other meat puppet was left unaware she would repeat the process hopefully this time the thing wouldn't catch her.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny attacks:
It's dead alright...

Jenny quickly makes her way to the other one:
57 vs 43 WIN
52 damage!

Puppet never saw it coming

Jenny twisted her blade and tore it out of the creatures head, leaving a huge gaping hole across half it's head. The black ooze from inside spilling out and it falling sideways lifelessly.

The heroine looked to the other creature still wandering blindly, this place was in utter darkness and thankfully this thing didn't seem to hear her feats just now.

Jenny quickly approached the creature from behind and with a single swipe, separated it's head from the body. It not even reacting to her presence at all. In the distance from the stairway Jenny could hear more shuffling of feet approaching or perhaps passing by the stairway. She was near the demonology class now. The locked room was to her north with one door deeper in to her right and another unexplored door on the far side of the room. It's right side.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny moved over to the door on the far right to see what was in it. Moving swiftly she listened at the door to make sure no more surprises waited for her beyond the door.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny HP: 50/70 EP: 35/35 PP: 35/35; Hidden, lightly bruised

Jenny shuddered lightly as sheswung the black goo off her blade, such disgusting creatures. Looking around there didn't seem to be any of the foul cratures around at the moment, though the shuffling of feet from upstairs did echo through the staircase.

After a brief once over, the heroine decided to inspect the room adjecent to the destruction class. As she neared it Jenny reduced her speed and listened in...

Sharp breathing could be heard from behind the door, it was one of these abominations and by the sounds of it. This thing practically right beyond this door. Jenny inpsected the hinges. The door opened inside, meaning it would likely stand in her way if she tried to enter. Though the question if more of them lied inside was one the girl had to adress.

Out of curiousity Jenny glanced for the small plates naming which faculty this was and indeed it was nearby "Necromancy"... great...