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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The knock on the door did indeed silence the laughter from inside, seemed her bitter action worked just fine. Still walking away from the door, Jenny couldn't help but feel a clear sense of anger burning inside her. Anger not at the girls, but more so on her self-denial. Even if bitter and a tad angry, Jenny would do her inspection to full.

Walking to the end of this hallway, turning the corner to her right a new sight unveiled itself the right wall was plain without anything of note, however on the left wall there was only 1 double door. It's design significantly different from all the others she had passed by. The door seemed to have been made from heavy steel, with silver ornaments adding a certain regal feel to it.

At the end of this hallway there would be a turn to the right once more.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny sighed mostly at herself as she approached the door. Looking at it Jenny opened it a creak to see what was inside. If nothing presented itself Jenny would move on looking for her sister and friend. If they didn't turn up Jenny would get a worried look on her face and seek out Kain.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

As Jenny reached for the doors handle she couldn't help, but feel her anger and anxiety grow. Trying to open the door would send a chill across the girls body only for her to let go of the handle in a fit of coughing. It was locked and for some reason, Jenny was glad it was.

Her friends weren't here, spurring Jenny to move onwards. Turning to the right would reveal a set of even more cells/rooms. While the right side of the hallways had the same number of rooms as the living quarters Jenny came from. The left side however had significantly less rooms - only 4, all of them with their doors open and not even having any doors to begin with. Walking to the first on the left side would reveal it was substantially larger with far more beds.

Walking deeper down this hallways Jenny was about to peak into another room on the left a voice reached her "J-Jen?" turning around Jenny would see Lina with a few kids in one of the living quarters "JENNY!" she'd quickly dash out of the room and into a deep hug, squeezing her sister lovingly.

Lina was just as Jenny remembered, long auburn-red hair, a red-hue comfy dress, not unlike the kind Jenny herself prefered, and horribly rotten luck of being held captive or in trouble...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny returned the hug squeezing far tighter than her sister. "Im so glad your safe!" Breaking the hug Jenny looked around a moment. "Have you seen Grace? I need to speak with both of you." Jenny's heart soard at lest Kain had kept his word on that. Till they met up with Grace Jenny would ask about Lina's stay and how she was treated.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Unfortunately their search was far far shorter than expect "She's usually in the infirmary. Over here." only after another quick hug would Lina take her sisters hand and lead her towards the first room in the hallway "It was really scary at first... that old freak kept yelling, but their leader gave us a few and told us the rules here. It's not so bad... we get fed and can usually roam around the church, but..." Lina looked down sadly "Just not the welcome back I expected." she'd look up to Jenny and smile sadly.

Right then the two reached the infirmary, inside Jenny recognised a few certain faces instantly - the injured inquisitors. Thankfully, the three of them seemed to be asleep or resting. Besides them there were at least 3 other beds occupied. There were around 3 girls here tiddying up the beds and talking with each other, though one of them stood up right as the duo entered the room "Jenny? Jenny!" Grace called out and with a huge smile ran up to hug her, though after Linas hug it seemed all too light, but warm and loving nonetheless "By the gods, I'm so glad to see you again!".
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Returning the hug lightly Jenny smiled. Looking over at the inquisitors Jenny frowned wishing she had just left them be. Scolding herself mentally Jenny returned to the girls. "Im glad you two are all right. I have been worried sick about the both of you." Jenny frowned "Ive been trying to find a way to clear you two of any wrong doing but apparently you are guilty by association." Pulling them aside Jenny updated them on the current sitiation including the fallen one. "Had the inquisitors not intercepted Riley then the creature would never have been released. Their own zealotry is to blame." That part was still bitter in Jenny's mouth
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Her tale told Jenny actually got a mixed reaction. Grace looked on in absolute wonder to her "A fallen angel... that must've been terrifying." meanwhile Lina... a two finger bonk on Jennys head landed very soon after she finished "Why did you think messing with something clearly reeking of darkness was a good idea!" the sister crossed her hands and looked to Jenny explain herself, keeping bemused look. Still she wouldn't blame Jenny for what she'd done and instead only sigh deeply "That guy is going to be even more trouble for us, isn't he..."

"So you've helped your enemy in their time of need. That was so... inspiring of you, Jenny." Grace smiled kindly, much to giving Jenny seeming relief at her choice. Was it the ring of her voice or maybe just her warm smile, Jenny couldn't help but feel exceptionally comfortable near the priestess now "So... we're free to go right, Jen? I mean scratch their back, they scratch ours?" Lina leaned forward with clear curiousity.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny sighed heavily. "No Im afraid not. Apparently they would all rather die than let two innocents leave." This was said quite frankly and openly so anyone who would listen could. "I came by just to see how you two where doing and honestly Im rather surprised at how much freedom you have here." Still I shouldn't linger." Jenny lowered her eyes. "I still have much to do and I would enjoy the company if you escorted me out. The rest of the towns folk are ashamed of knowing me I can see it in their eyes.... it hurts."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Both girls eyes widened at the answer, where Grace looked down in silence sadly, Lina frowned and pinched her bridged clearly more angered than anything "For how horrible they seemed, we aren't under too much pressure here." Grace spoke up, looking to the Inquisitors resting "They aren't bad people. It's just they---" "Are keen on murdering us?" Lina interjected and sighed deeply actually akin to Jenny "So whats the plan then? You have something in mind to clear us out?" Lina paused and looked around the infirmary "Jen, I'd rather keep my head. While they're down we could make a run for it aswell." clearly unsure at this, Lina looked to her sister, though Graces expression clearly hinted she was not for this plan.

Before Jenny could react a stranger peeked inside the room, her luscious forms clear even through the brown tattered robe she had on "Hello?" Riley peeked inside looking to known voice, before locking her eyes on Jenny "Jenny!" with clear relief the trickster ran inside for hug, which would actually suddenly turn to a deliciously sweet kiss "Gods, I'm so sorry!"

While Grace seemed utterly stumped at the sudden strangers appearance, a sudden kiss no less. Lina would giggle warmly and cry out "Hey Riley~!" laughing the two girls, right after Jenny released the trickster would hug it out with clear smiles on their faces.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny kissed Riley back before turning to her sister and Grace. "I won't lie the thought had occured to me but.... Kain has delt with me fairly and I will do the same. For now hold tight I have a plan.. I just need more time for a better one." Jenny's face darkened slgihtly as she thought about her plan. If she shared it then well Lina would object and honestly Jenny didn't want to die if she didn't have to. Turning to Riley Jenny smiled. "No worries Riley what happened happened it can't be undone now even if the high and mighty here don't realize that they had a part in this as well." Jenny hugged the trio enjoying the moment with them. "Also girls Ive decided Im not hiding anymore. The towns people already hate me so no point in worrying about what they think now." Realeasing her concentration Jenny let her wings grow and strech. "They either accept me for who and what I am or they don't."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Jen! No!" Lina stepped out and looked to her firmly "They'll think you're a fallen angel." the mage nudged towards Jennys black raven wings "And if you tell them you're not, then what? People are scared of things they don't know the most." Lina stepped back and looked to the other two "Don't these people know Jenny. They should know she's not a fallen angel... right?" the mage crossed her eyes on Rileys defense "Or confirm any suspicions they had, that she was involved in this. Mob mentality can turn the nicest people vile." the trickster paused and looked to Jenny clearly not sure about this.

"What if we go together?" Grace spoke up with a warm smile, catching the gazes of the trio "Though I was forbid from showing my wings..."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny thought a moment and was about to do it anyway when Grace spoke up. "The inquisitors forbade you to show your wings Grace?" Jenny frowned if that was the case Jenny would halt her own effort reverting to a more humaniod apperance. "I do not want you punished for my foolishness Grace. There maybe a time and a place to show your wings but right now I want you and Lina safe." Jenny smiled at the girls. "Come on Nico is probably worried sick will you two see us to the door?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Ofcourse the girls wouldn't refuse it, while Grace remained optimistic, Riley kept silent clearly a tad guilt-ridden at her failed trip, Lina seemed the most distraught of all four "Jen, they'll go through with it." she spoke up, killing the fairly merry mood the girls had at their reunion "But if you got a plan, I'll trust you on this." the mage cracked a forced smile as they went back up the stairs.

The townsfolk they passed shared smiled kindly upon sight of the two girls, though others would whisper between them. Kain was here on the main grounds as well, discussing something with a few townsfolk including the blacksmith.

Still with their goodbyes done Jenny and Riley would step outside to a fairly chill welcome, the weather had weather outside had cooled significantly by now. The sun soon to set "Crap! Jenny! Remember, the mission!" Riley looked to Jenny urgently. Still where Jenny went was up to her, be it to Misteys or elsewhere.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny placed a hand on Lina's face. "Don't worry I won't let them hurt you." Jenny smiled faintly before looking at Kain a frown on her face. Heading out to the cool weather Jenny frowned. "Okay Riley lets do this work your magics as soon as we are out of town. Im gonna be bait make sure Nico and the girls are ready."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley blinked at Jennys rush to action "er.. We should probably go see Nico." she'd smile sheepishly "The plan isn't that simple. Not to mention she might want to know about the dark cage we found." the trickster smirked confidently and if Jenny allowed would actually be the one leading her back into Misteys alchemy shop.

The duo would enter the shop as always, though they'd even pause seeing 2 unknown people in the store just browsing its contents with Mistey at the counter just like before everything went to heck "You're back!" the alchemist called out with a huge smile "Er... your order is downstairs. I'll be there shortly." she'd smile sheepishly. Of all things, Mistey may have talent with constructs and alchemy, but lieing was not her forte.

Still unless objected by Jenny the two would go behind the counter and into the back area, before making a familiar turn to the basement.

Before Jenny even finished opening the door, a hand would quickly pull her inside and into an embrace. Without even a word uttered the girl found herself tugged into a mid-air kiss with Nico, the elder succubus lips dizzying effect only accentuated by Jennys hunger. Holding her firmly against herself Nico, kept one hand firmly around Jennys waist, her other running along her cheek.

"Ahem..." Riley fakely coughed and looked to the succubus clearly annoyed at the action. Only then would succubus break her utterly blissful kiss "I've heard... everything. I'm so glad you're safe, little sister." Nico smiled ever so warmly, her eyes ever so kind and alluring.

The two would land at the bottom of the cellar, near the open stairs. Honestly Jenny missed the sweet fragrance of the incense inside, their liberating and alluring effect drawing a smile on Jennys face "When Sir came to us alone, we were so scared. Tell me, everything. I have the reports, but I need to know in detail." wasting little time the succubus seemed very keen to learn everything that happened over this one day.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

It was almost to much and it brought a slight tremble to Jenny. Thankfully Riley coughed slightly and broke the mood. Still trembling slightly from her hunger Jenny decided to sit. "Starting out Jenny explained the things that she found and the creature she had released and the subsequint meeting with Kain. What she kept to her self was her backup plan in case it wasn't enough that they stop the demons.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"You opened it?!" Riley leaned forward in surprise "Well with sirs demons-bad at your heels... I guess you had to do something." at least the trickster seemed to understand Jennys actions somewhat. Nico meanwhile remained silent and in thought "Gods, such things burried right next to us." her voice carried a clear concern as she lingered in thought.

Suddenly the door from upstairs slammed open as Jasmine bursted in, not even fully going down as she was catching her breath "Ni-- Nico!... There's movement from the forest. Only--- one..." the succubus had to pause to catch her breath "What?" Nico stood up from her bed, looking to her scout "It's Rosa."
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny jumped to her feet her shakes forgotten. "Are you sure?" Jenny looked at Amber but there was no denaying it. A mix of emotions flooded threw her anger, hate, even guilt. Unstrapping her sword Jenny set it on the table before heading up. "Take me to her but keep an eye out. Nico you should stay hidden I will talk to Rosa." Jenny looked to Riley and to Nico it was clear she hungered and she had doubts about facing Rosa in a weakened state.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jasmine uses Commune with Nature
A silent nod from Jade would indeed leave little doubt. Jenny would spur to action only for the doors from the infirmary and living quarters to slowly open. A small pile of boxes stacked onto the other slowly stumbling in. Looks like Sir made it back safely!

"Wait! You sure you don't need help?" Riley would interrupt Jennys rush and looked to her briefly "Jasmine, take Jenny. If you can bring her here and avoid being spotted at all cost. We don't want anyone trace demonic activity to here." Nico would speak in a clearly commanding "Wildcat, I need an expert on runes here now. If it's really Rosa, our plans will change severely." Riley looked to Nico with slight annoyance and then to Jenny "Hey I'm a big girl, I can handle it." Jenny smiled to her companion encouragingly.

Sir would look from behind the boxes and drop them upon seeing Jenny, rushing next to her "I'll have Sir watching us." with a firm nod to the two rival, Jenny would follow Jasmine out through the backdoor.

"Hope you don't mind flying." the huntress succubus smiled confidently and released her wings taking to the sky and a nearby roof "Follow me!" Jenny would follow in suit and soon enough the two...well three including the slightly slower ever so loyal Servo, would reach Nicos hotel remains near the border with the forest. The roof was mostly gone, but there was just barely enough here to stand on.

Jasmine would land first and motion for Jenny to keep low. Hopefully being as cautious as Jasmine on the brittle roof the two would near the edge and look on to the forest.

There didn't seem to be anyone here. Jenny would turn to the succubus to speak only to note the huntress eyes were closed. It would be then Sir would finally catch up to the two, looking at the barely there roof the construct would decided to instead silently float and remain behind the two.

"There!" Jasmine suddenly opened her eyes and looked straight ahead "She's coming. Be ready..." the huntress would pull out her bow, but not ready it. The action a seeming precaution for now.

Jenny would join in scanning the area the huntress pointed out, though she'd not see any movement for now... until. A figure would appear in the distance from between the trees, at this distance it was hard to tell who exactly it was or whether she was armed "Rosa..." Jasmine uttered silently, a clear hint of sadness in her voice.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny scanned the area revealing little to her. Watching a moment longer Jenny caught sight of Jasmins quarry. "How did you see her?" Jenny was no lazy eye she had spent many a year keeping an eye out for wolves in defense of her sheep, but Jasmin's skill seemed almost supernatural. Then agian she was a succubus manhunter or some such. "Is she armed and dose she have company?" Jenny would wait for her answer before speaking again. If Rosa was unarmed she would head down to meet her at a long distance well with in bow range of Jasmin if things got dicy. If she was armed then Jenny would seek Jasmins counsul before acting.