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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Just as Jenny reached out to move the blades aside suddenly a whirlwind picked up enveloping Kaliandra into a small tornado of sand, before vanishing taking the Lamia along with her. Yet in her place Jenny noticed there were 2 light red potions. One a minor flask, while the other appeared slightly larger... yet what the potion contents was unknown. A label would be too grand a luxury.

'Kaliandra has fallen!' the crowd kept their cheers and murmurs 'Next our challenges will face, the Grimy gang!' and with those words once again the gates to the arena came to life as they opened up only for several figures to rush in!

'What are those?' Riley approached Jenny, as the duo looked on to their next challenge - a pack of goblins! 6 goblins had entered the arena 3 of them bearing scrappy looking armor and weapons, as well as sand-scorn cloths, 1 goblin with an oddly large barrel on his bag and some strange eyewear and 2 females goblin girls, each one adorning an exotic dancers outfit and wooden staffs 'Alright ya goons. To the victor goes the spoils!' 'Oh! This is gunna be fun!' the females spoke up as the other males cheered out!

#1 Jenny
#2 GB
#3 GG1
#4 GG2
#5 GG3
#6 Riley
#7 GS1
#8 GS2
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Instinct told Jenny the big guy was trouble. Pulling frost she let loose a heavy barrage of fire hoping to down the trouble before it got started. "Riley focus fire and be careful!

Jenny uses Rapid fire (Pistol): 3 attacks each 1d6 +4 magic dmg. [Parry reduced to 2] on GB

Riley uses Arcane blast (Instant): on GB
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny uses Rapid fire on GB dealing: 10(crit) + 10 (crit) +10 (crit)= 30 damage! [Hate Gobbo bombers much, Jen? o_O]


Gobbo Grunt 1 uses Gobbo slash on Jenny dealing 7 (parried).
GG2 uses Slash on Jenny dealing 5 (parried)
GG3 uses Slash on Riley 4.

Riley uses Arcane blast dealing 7 damage.

Gobbo shaman 1 uses Blood Lust. All allies gain +5 speed and +3 attack on all abilities.
Gobbo shaman 2 uses unrefined Fireball on Riley dealing 9 damage!! [parried]

Jenny quickly pulled out Frost as she'd aim down and let loose 3 brilliant streaks of icy blue! Each one flew right past the armored gobbos and right to the one with the barrel! Though amazing each of the shots seemed to almost pin-point hit the exact same spot on the gobbo, even after the second streak slamming into him the poor thing seemed to start to collapse, but the third shot assure an excess overkill!

The girls success perhaps catching Jenny herself with surprise as Riley approached her with a surprise expression 'Wow...' the trickster smiled cheekily 'Cant blame me for the overkilllast round now.' Riley giggled only for the screes of the goblins quickly breaking the moment!

With Frost in hand, Jenny could do only so much to parry the blows as they rang out against the weapon yet each one still ate away at her stamina and health! 2 of the gobbos went for her, while 1 of the tiny menaces seemed to rush to Riley! The mage girl managing to avoid the brunt of the attack as well.

It was then both of the duo noticed the female goblins, as each one clearly controlled magic! One of them seemed to spur a spell that seemed to rush to the goblins at the girl seemingly increasing their size and intensity! While the other caster controlled fire?!

'Crap!' Riley saw the spell coming and threw out a quick arcane blast, but far too late as the mage seemed to rush a sloppy fireball at the girl blowing her back subtly as the trickster covered from the spell, the smoke dancing around her figure!

1st Jenny
2nd GG1-GG3
3rd GS2
4th Riley
5th GS1

Jenny HP: 18/30
Riley HP: 7/18

GG1-3: A-okay!
GS2: Really hurt
GS3: Peachy
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny could do little to help Riley at the moment, but the trickster was more than capable. Jenny however was taking the brunt of the foe's attacks. Reaching back she quickly downed one of the red potions she had taken, hoping that it was indeed a healing potion. Once that was done she quickly drew her blade. She couldn't take another beating like that, there was just to many. Instead she opted to charge the mages. Riley meanwhile seemed to shimmer a second, using her arcane prowess to some effect.

Jenny uses Hero slash on GS2
Riley uses Mirror image
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

[Free Action] Jenny heals for 13 with a Medium healing potion!
Jenny uses Heroic slash on GS! [Intercepted!] Heroic slash hits GG1 for 7 damage...

GG1 uses Gobbo slash on Jenny dealing 6 (parried)
GG2 uses Gobbo slash on Jenny dealing 3 (parried)
GG3 uses Gobbo Tackle on Riley, success! [5]

Riley is in a grapple!

GS2 uses unrefined fireball on Jenny 8 damage! (Parried)
GS1 does nothing.

Jenny HP: 13/30 HP.
Riley HP: 7/18, GRAPPLED!

GG1: Very Injured
GG2: Peachy
GG3: Grappling with Riley

GS1: Peachy
GS2: Very Injured

Luck being with her, the moment Jenny downed the potion she felt herself rejuvenated and refreshed! The aches from the taken hits subsiding. Though the brief moment of reprieve would be cut short as another clash was upon them!

Jenny knew the real threat - the casters! Drawing her blade for superior defense, the girl rushed towards one of the female goblins in the back, yet just as she attempted to head from the vanguard! 'Raaah!' at every turn the armored goblin seemed to jump right infront of her blocking any chance to reach the casters! One of the annoying gits even taking a hit for the caster in the back!

Meanwhile, Riley quickly focused her magic to create mirror images to distract the enemy, yet just as she was about to finish her cast 'Waaah!' 'm--aaah!' one of the goblins seemed to lunge at her and tackle the girl to the ground on her back! 'Hey! Let go asshole!' Riley growled out as the gobbo held her hands firmly and kept her pinned down with a dangerous smile!

While the scorched caster seemed to focus her magic to unleash a fiery, sloppy, but still painful blast on Jenny... the other caster seemed to not join in, as she instead seemed to casually walk towards where Riley was pinned! 'Wizz! Where yer goin'! I'm spent!' the injured girl protested loudly 'Relax! We got dis, I'm goin' to see what Stuart caught himself.'
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Quickly Jenny drank the second one before bring forth her gun. Eye's narrowing Jenny let loose with another rapid fire. One shot streaking threw the air its icy blue bullet gleaming in the light. Confident in her aim Jenny turned to the interrupting bastid. Two more shots rang out a red glint growing in her eye with a slight smirk as her darker side fed on the chaos around her. Meanwhile Riley was doing her best to struggle free before the gobbo female joined in.

Jenny rapid fire 1 on gobbo shaman and 2 on wounded gobo fighter thing
Riley attempts to escape grapple
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

(Free) Jenny uses Minor healing potion healing for 7!
Jennys uses Rapid Fire, 2 shots on the injured GG dealing 15,1 shot on GS2 dealing 6!

GG1 is KO'ed!
GS2 is KO'ed!

GG2 slashes as well dealing 8! (parried)
GG3 molests Riley dealing 4 WP damage... tis not very effective.

Rileys attempts to escape grapple: 15 vs 12 Failed.

GS1 uses unrefined Fireball on Jenny dealing 9 damage!

Bloodlust effect ends.

Jenny HP: 3/30
Riley HP: 7/18 WP: 46/50...

GG2: Peachy
GG3: Grappling Riley!
GS1: A-okay

Downing the second far smaller potion, Jenny threw it aside and hoped it did enough to keep her standing through her plan! Once again drawing Frost, soon enough the girl released brilliant blue streaks through the arena! First shot hitting the caster gobbo from before still sparkling subtly with Rileys magic, while the other two shots flying to the annoying gobbo fighter nearby!

The female goblin cried out and fell to the sand, while the gobbo fighter seemed to teeter on one of his foot, before toppling over as well! Two down!

Though the battle wasn't over yet! Jenny managed to parry, yet once again her pistol could only do so much as the other gobbo blow rang out and Jenny stepped back from the onslaught! One more of these bastards and only two others... they just might pull this off! The girls eyes hopefully darted to Riley, who still seemed to be pinned by the goblin!

Riley actively attempted break the green menace grip clearly angered by the pin-down! 'Let... go!' yet her efforts seemed to do little as with a sudden shift the goblin locked both of her hands above her head with a single hand,while other... 'RIIIP!'

Rileys face ignited in a blush as with a jiggle her marvelous bust was revealed! The tricksters luscious outfit unwounding though wispy purple trails, as if burning away 'Oh~!' the goblins eyes lit up as it squeezed the girls cups tightly!

'Ain't that a peculiar use for magic.' a nearby voice echoed out as one of the busty goblin female casters approached with a dark smirk on her face! Yet as Jennys shots rang out coupled with the feminine cry, the caster quickly turned around 'Jinx! You! You'll pay for that!' she'd rush away from Riley to aid the remaining gobbo with slam of fiery magic at Jenny!

Jenny breathed heavily as she recoiled from the blow subtly smoldering, her sight keen to fade more and more... yet she couldn't give up! A seeming darkness passing through the girls mind - or could she?
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny did her best to block the strikes heading her way but a gun was not designed to block attacks. The gobbo's rusty blade pushed her back right into the path of the shaman's fireball. Striking her hard she almost fell to her knees vision blurring she wobbled a moment before finding her feet. She couldn't take much more. Battered and bruised a darkness inside of her welled up. A beast that was equal parts aroused and anger. It would not willingly kneel to these lesser creatures. Eyes a blaze with a red tint Jenny slashed her hand out at the Gobo shaman.

Jenny uses Darkness whip: The succubus summons a shadow whip to lash out at an enemy for 1d6 + 10 damage. If parried, disables parry for the next turn.

Riley attempts to escape grapple adding 1d6 desperation die
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

(Special) Jenny uses Tap into Darkness.
Jennys taps into her succubus side, gaining new abilities, 10 HP, drains 10 WP per turn for the duration it is active. Characters loses control if reduced below 0 WP.
Known abilities:
- Essence Drain: Jennys summons a Shadow whip to rip apart the enemy essence dealing 1d6 + 12 damage. Heals Jenny for half damage dealt.

- Succubus Kiss: Jenny pulls an enemy into a whip, dealing 3d6+6 WP damage. Heals Jenny for half damage. Enemies reduce to 0 WP are charmed.

Jenny uses Essence drain dealing 17 damage to GG1.
Jenny heals for 8.

GG1 is KO'ed!

GS1 uses Unrefined fireblast dealing 8 (parried)

GG3 deals 10 WP damage to Riley!

Rileys attempts to escape: 13 vs 15 FAIL

Jenny HP: 13/45; Transformed to Succubus
Riley HP: 7/18 WP: 36/50

Jenny couldn't lose here!... not to these lesser beings! Anger, pride and even the subtle sight of her companion potentially being raped next to her absolutely swirled within Jenny, as the girl vision dimmed to dark over and over, up to her vision going black and replaced by a visage of a brilliant white orb cracking and breaking apart!

Jenny fell to her knees as the very air around the girl shifted, the sand beneath her swirling all around her as winds rushed around the girl soon enough becoming ebony black?! A moment later the winds seemed to pause, before a subtle blast wave echoed out as behind Jenny a shadowy skeleton of greater wings appeared spread out to their full length!

When next Jenny stood up, the girl looked to her hands as dark wispy trails rushed all along her touch and skin and as she saw it, utter contentment filled the girl. The feel of the dark finally released feeling nothing short of dark ecstasy!

Her embery eyes locking onto the goblin nearby the girl moaned out subtly in an all too sensual fashion, as her blade crawled over by darkness turning it into a whip as she didso. With an effortless motion, Jenny lashed out into the goblin! The dark whip coiling around his body and tightening making the poor creature cry out, before it was flung away!

Though the girls newfound power was shortly interupted as another blast hit her! Jenny blocking it with her greater shadow wings... the shaman gobbo! 'W-what are you?' the gobbo girl almost cried out with rather cute and utterly fear stricken eyes. Infact, looking at her now, Jenny noticed that she certainly had quite the spectacular body! Between her cute features and far oversized bust for her size...

Yet even as it all went on, the gobbo on Riley seemed to absolutely ignore it all! With the tricksters marvelous bust revealed and under his touch, the gobbo squeezed tight and lunged in to suck at the girls nippies in a rough fashion! 'Aaah!' Riley cried out her blushing intensifying it! 'Quit it, you green bastard!' though her steely resolve seemed to take quite the hit... not to mention just as her clothes dispersed more, so did the gobling subtly shift his own armor away!
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny breathed in the darkness final free of its prison ran rampant, flushing her skin with its dark energy. Ever fiber of her being seemed to resonate with lust and desire. Even the previous foul gobbo's seemed to peak her interest. "What am I... I'm your goddess." Stepping forward her hips swaying sensual Jenny lashed out with the whip to ensnare the cute gobbo girl and draw her in for a kiss. "Just let me show you what I mean."

Jenny uses Succubus Kiss on GS

Riley attempts to escape again at +2d6
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny uses Succubus Kiss dealing 14 WP damage!
Jenny heals for 7 HP.

GS1 is Grappled by Jenny!
GS attempts to break out: 11 vs 25 FAIL

GG3 titfucks Riley dealing 14 WP damage!

Riley attempts to escape the grapple: 20 vs 15! Success!

Jenny HP: 20/40; WP: 0/20
Riley HP: 7/18! WP: 22/50

GS1: A-okay, shaken will.
GG3: Blue-balled, but peachy

Jenny has lost control of herself!

Jenny wasted little time to smirk darkly at the quite delicious looking green girl, so much infact that the moment the succubus stepped towards her the gobbo attempted to dash away! Though the attempted dash away made Jenny enjoy what came next all the more...

With a swift strike of her whip, instead of knocking the gobbo out, Jenny coiled the dark weapon around the girls body and tightened it! With the girls hands trapped through the coil around her waist, the gobbo girls cute charms stood out all the more...as well as her assets! A wicked snicker later, Jenny would pull the petrified looking girl closer to herself and into a kiss!

A dizzying taste Jenny had not feasted on in far too long, the sweet delicate sensation of another beings essence! The sheer taste reinvigorating Jenny once again in a dark almost sensual thrill... Jenny couldn't help, but lick her lips as she leaned out and looked on to the much more relaxed Gobbo girl trapped before her. Yet Jenny hungered for more!!!

As this all was going on, Riley could hardly really see or cared about it at the moment as the girl blushed in a far more noticeable fashion feeling the goblins rough tongue and lips lick, tease and suck at her exposed nippies! 'W-when I get out... you'll---' Riley began her threat though was cut short, as the goblin had finally relaxed his pants and gripped his far oversized cock in-hand!

Mounted comfortably around Rileys waist, the goblin would chuckle at the shocked girls expression, before letting her hands go entirely to grip each soft mound before him! 'Aaah!' Riley cried out sharply only to have her cups squeezed together, moments before the green cock slammed between the tight fit!

'Raaah!' The goblin cried out in a sheer as it began to fully titfuck the mage in the middle of battle! His body slamming against the squeezed silken cups as it plowed his cock at a steady pace back and forth! Yet even if molested and now humiliated, Rileys will hardly faltered as she'd flinch at ever appex... yet with her hands free, she'd finally be able to escape!

Jenny eyed the gobbo girl with deep hunger, only for the nearby poof of arcane power to echo out! From a smoke cloud nearby, Riley jumped out her outfit little more than her stockings! The trickster blushing seemed to shudder and growled out subtly, quickly working to resummon her magic... only to note Jenny? 'Eh? Er... I miss something?' she'd blink only for the scree of the cock-blocked goblin echo out from nearby!

For Jenny however Rileys arrival was less of a relief... and more of another opportunity to sate her hunger... Riley would be quite the treat indeed, yet perhaps it was time to try a more exotic cuisine.

[Jennys darkness demands!
Choose Rape target:
- Goblin shaman(s)
- Riley
- Male Gobbos

Can attempt to continue combat.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny Grinned her eyes aglow the taste how she missed it. Leaning back down she just had to have some more. With the tasty shaman at hand she saw no need to chase other prey besides Riley might want to have some fun of her own. Reaching down Jenny attempted to pull what little protection to goblin Shaman was wearing away from her treasure. With an all to sensual moan Jenny grew her cock and readied to penetrate the goblin woman.

Riley meanwhile had her own issue to deal with. It seemed Jenny had lost control and was intent on raping the woman she had caught but the Goblin warrior was no doubt looking to finish what he started. She needed time.

Succubus Jenny is attempts to shift her foes armor

Riley uses Mirror image.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

[Escaped grapple initiative boost] Riley casts Mirror Image! 3 illusions created!

Jenny gains knowledge of a new succubus form ability:
Sensual arts (passive) - Jennys starts sex-related grapple acts at 3d6.

Jenny strips and prepares to penetrate GS1 dealing 12 WP.
Goblin shammy attempts to escape Jenny: 12 vs 25 FAIL...

GG3 attempts to Tackle Rileys illusion 1.
2 Illusions left.

With her escape successul, Riley wasted little time to finish her spellcast from before! With a swift motion suddenly the very air around the girl seemed to warp, as 3 more identical copies of the girl appeared! 'Lookin' good...' one of the copies spoke up cheekily 'Shush, you got molested too!' 'Alright, lets fry this rapey bastard!' 'Aye!' the girl exchanged words and turned to the goblin, who'd not even bother getting his pants fixed as still lust-crazed he'd leap to attempt and tackle Riley back down for something far more!

Yet his leap would only end him by jumping through an illusion, who'd snicker and disperse! While the other three prepared to end the fight!

Meanwhile, Jenny hardly cared for the ongoing battle as she'd look to her little treat with dark delight. T
The gobbo was relatively short, but absolutely adorable! The girl had oversized orange pink tails and a bust far too large for her height... she'd be perfect.

'Y-you know I always said I liked d-demon look---AH!' before the gobbo could finish her appeal, with a swift motion Jenny tore the girks robes right off her! The sudden act revealing her body with a wonderful jiggle and absolutely ignited dark green blush!

With the whip still tightly around her, the gobbo attempted some semblance of escape... to little awail. When next the green girl looked to Jenny, she'd be met with a sultry moan and a slow rise of a most grandiose cock!!! 'T-that a-ain't gonna fit...' the gobbo girls eyes grew wide, as Jenny felt the girls surge of excitement, intermixed with subtle fear. A surge that grew all the more prominent as Jenny aligned her cocks tip to the dark green petals of the luscious prey!
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Sensually Jenny lowered the girl onto her throbbing demon cock. Shuddering as she felt the goblin girls folds part for her. She didn't hear the protest from the goblin shaman, in fact the roar of the crowd seemed to stop dead as she pushed deeper and deeper into the woman. Riley meanwhile had decided to end the goblin bastard as quick as she could so she could tend to Jenny... something had gone terribly wrong with her friend.

Jenny: Starts to rapy the shaman
Riley: Arcane Weapons on Goblin Grunt
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jennys screws the Gobbo shammy, dealing 14 WP!

GS submits!

Riley is interuptable and casts Arcane weapons dealing: 5+5+5= 15 damage!

Gobbo grunt is KO'ed!

Combat end:
Jenny and Riley are the winrars!

The gobbo proved to be a deliciously tight fit! Jennys grip tightened around the busty green girls waist as she'd perhaps for the first time in a very long while cared very little for her partners wants - Jenny was going to get her cock soaked in the exotic girl, whether she liked it or not!

With that thought in mind and a devlish smile on her face, Jenny would forcefully and strongly push the goblin downwards, forcing her massive cocks tip to slide right between the dark green petals! "Kkkhaa~!" the shaman cried out cutely, her teeth gritted in a shocked and awe-struck expression!

It wouldn't be long, until Jenny forced her lower and lower down the cock enjoying the sheer elasticity of the rather cute girls body! Each slam soon enough bottoming out and echoing out all too wetly!

Meanwhile Riley continued her battle, the Trickster summoning blade after blade suspended mid-air and composed of her concentrated purple magic! Yet as much as the grunt jumped, tackled or attacked the numerous Rileys as he'd strike the last one... it was too late "This is for not learning the meaning of 'No!'" the girl announced with a cheeky smile as she'd move her hand and let loose the summoned blades!

When next the blades dispersed Riley stood victorious, her confident smile not fading "Geeez.... Grabby little bastard." she'd comment motioned her hand over her outfit to fix it once again and turn to Jenny... "Jen---ny?"

The Trickster blinked at the sight as Jenny was fucking one of the enemy female casters utterly silly! The gobbo shaman eagerly holding onto the demonic girl as thrust after thrust of the massive cock plunged into her, enough for subtle outlines of it to be visible!

The act continueing up to the final thrust, spurring the gobbo over the edge entirely as she'd orgasm HARD and cry out one final time, before collapsing on the cock. This sending an absolutely empowering thrill through Jenny as she'd close her eyes in ecstasy, only for the overpowering darkness to fade... her senses returning to her.

It would be a brief moment, before Jenny had gathered enough presence to speak, much less get a proper look around... only to see the furiously blushing Riley cutely fiddle with her fingers nearby "Y-You know, really could've used your help with g-grabby mitts over there. Didn't realise you were..." she'd glance aside cutely, silening the last part.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny's eyes rolled back into her head as the Gobbo Shaman screamed in part pain and ecstasy. The shadowy wings spread out behind her as the woman submitted to Jenny's supreme demon cock. Struggled cries turned to cute moans and whimpers as the duo began to fuck each other in earnest. Jenny controlled the pace taking her enjoyment first as she ruined the gobo for any other lovers she may have in the future. Biting her lip she sped the duo up faster causing the gobo's tits to bounce rapidly and not letting her catch her breath. In that moment as her climax reached she felt the gobbo give in her body utterly exhausted and drained of the will to fight. Pulling down hard Jenny let loose all her repressed sexual energy into a massive explosion of cum absolutely stuffing the poor gobbo to full before she slipped off and Jenny fell to her knees dazed the darkness ending. It took a moment but Jenny looked over at Riley before she started to whimper softly the memory of what she had just done overcoming her in that moment.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley blinked in seemingly surprise quickly looking around the arena, as the cheers still echoed out, but not enough for the trickster not to hear Jennys... despair? "Jen?"

The trickster quickly rushed closer and picked her up "Whats wrong?" Riley smiled sheepishly clearly lost at the moment, she knew this wasn't Jennys usual after-sex behaviour! Not at all!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"I.. I didn't want.. I I didn't mean too...." Jenny began to sob slightly tears forming on her eyes. "B-but I did and... and I liked it...." Riley had never experienced the moment in Jenny's life where she found she was a monster.. a monster that needed to have control or else great harm could be done. In that moment that one moment to help her friend Jenny had succumbed to the dark in her and it took its price. Jenny now had to deal with the cost.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Suddenly Jennys thoughts of self loathing seemed to be stilled as she'd feel gentle hands on her cheek, Riley had lifted the girls eyes up guiding her gaze to her own... "Jen, what sort of world do you believe we live in?" the question would ring out simply and with some empathy, as Riley would look to Jenny for the meaning to sink in "It's a pervy world around us, sex happens and in a large variety of ways. Why are you shedding tears?"

Riley would wipe one of the tears away and lean out letting her go, beaming the downed girl a smile "Besides~ I'd say she looks like she enjoyed herself." the trickster looked to the Gobbo girl who still rested in an ecstasy stricken state nearby... "A bit~ Too much even."

It would be then that the gate would open once again, yet this time it would no close. Seemed the girls were free to continue onwards! "Hey! I think we did it!" the trickster cheerfully called out, leaving Jenny with a fair few thoughts. t
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Rily was trying to comfort Jenny she knew but.. Riley had spent a good portion of time under the magical influence of a rapist monster. Her perception of normal was colored differently than Jenny's. Still the trickster was right and Jenny struggled to her feet no looking at the Gobbo girl and quickly made her way to the open doorway and deeper into the structure.