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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Making what she will of Rileys words, Jenny would wipe off the last of her tears and be it giving a subtle weary, perhaps even sorry glance to the gobbo girl or keeping her eyes away from the sight rushed onwards!

The massive gates of the arena had been lifted entirely as the girls could finally continue onwards! "Wonder if this means we navigated the maze?" Riley looked back curiously to Jenny, though likely neither knew for sure.

Still as duo continued onwards, unfortunately the narrow familiar passage of the labyrinth returned.... yet before either could release a proper groan at the inescapeable maze, suddenly they'd come upon a dead-end?

With a subtle rumble and groan, the heavy stone wall infront of them would lift revealing a passage on the duos left, illuminated by far warmer light. The smooth aged stone giving way to much warmer colors beyond along the passage as if signaling a whole new layer of the painted world.

Though there was another passage - forward, one that seemed to continue deeper into the maze.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny eyed the path ahead before turning to the new one that seemed to open up. Not wanting to continue the maze she turned to the new area that opened up forsaking the narrow passage. "Lets got this way Riley Im tired of the maze.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The duo would onwards following the aged stone path, their route illuminated but still clouded by the unnatural darkness ahead... until finally "Do you... smell that?" Riley asked as unmistakenly the smell of quite luxurious and alluring perfume filled the air, only for the girls path to end with a pair of red silken curtains closed before them?

Riley would look to Jenny, likely just as confused by the sight as the heroine herself, as behind the curtain they could hear a feminine voice hum an unknown yet pleasant melody.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Pausing a moment Jenny boldly moved forward braving entering first. The hanging silks and pleasant humming reminded her of a happier time at Nico's. Oddly it seemed the silks though more exotic in colors appeared displayed in the same way. As Jenny crossed she spoke. "Sorry for the interruption."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Bracing herself Jenny would step forward and speak up not quite even getting a proper grip of the scene before her! The room had a clear luxury about yet its style was far different than what the girl was usually used to.

The walls seemed to be carved stone depicting numerous if not hunded similar figures all creating some sort of scene that Jenny could hardly fully comprehend for now, the statues around the room varried from golden cat statues to brilliant gold and blue human face statues with bright colors throughout!

Even the floor itself was not the usual marble, but what seemed to be a detailed and beautiful small tile art "Hum~ Visitorss?" a voice echoed out as right before Jenny a beautiful stranger stepped forward! The girl was clad in little else than an exceptionally revealing outfit, one adorned with the most exquisite blue and gold jewelry Jenny had ever the pleasure of seeing. Her body appeared rather tanned as well, while her legs were bandaged up in a style that almost made her appear as if she wore rather strange thigh-highs. The beautiful visage however intermixed with horror as Jenny could see a massive red snake slither from behind the woman around her legs in a wide coil and then act as a chair "You've passsed the maze? Interesting... It's been so long."
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny's eyes quickly narrowed. Was this an enemy? She knew of the maze, maybe this is who the Minotaur spoke off? "Greetings my name is Jenny. Please forgive my intrusion but I did not come here to disrupt your home. I only came searching for a woman. You may have met her, she has a giant red X across her chest." Jenny at least hopped that was the case. Their ... friend wasn't too clear on descriptions and she only had the one to work on from her encounter in the paint store.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The strangers eyes narrowed as heard Jennys goal and especially her targets description "She's here, under my care. What business have you with such an unfortunate soul?" she'd ask keeping an absolute air of authority around her, somehow the figure seemed far more defined and detailed than any of Jennys previous encounters in the painted world.

Riley for the time being followered Jennys lead, her eyes having explored the room previously and now were focused on the stranger before them.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny nodded pausing only a moment before speaking. "I won't lie. I was asked to destroy her." Raising her hand to stall the woman from the inevitable attack even taking a blow if it came to it. "But I no longer wish to do so. I need to know more as I'm starting to think I may be on the wrong side of this fight. If she is able I would like to speak with her." Moving slowly Jenny removed her weapon belt and offered it up to Riley. "Right now I just want to talk and find out more. Hopefully with one who will not attack me on sight.

It was a risky gamble. Unarming herself and leaving her vulnerable and at the mercy of their "Host" Not to mention the woman may very well be hostile anyway.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The stranger wouldn't attack, instead she'd keep her eyes sharp as she looked over Jenny and Riley "I see no harm in it, you'd not be able to harm her even if you tried." she'd raise a single finger pointing over Jennys kit, including the paint bombs "Place down all of your weapons and gear on that table over there, then I'll allow you to see her." the stranger would motion Jenny to a rather elegant and golden table, its surface engraved with scripture and images the girl had never seen before. add "Be warned however, there will be no conflict or violence in my presence." there was something about the female that absolutely stood out, where the minotaurs and the naga girls from before were similar to this stranger... the woman had an overwhelmingly dangerous and potent aura about her.

Riley would look to Jenny, before the stranger spoke up "That includes the use of magic, illiusionist." she'd give the trickster and knowing smile. Still if Jenny and Riley both disarmed the hostess would stand and motion a single finger for the duo to follow "She's come to this world in search of safety. Seems the poor girl is hunted by some creature. One keen to wipe out her very existance." the woman would glance back with a smile "I imagine it's the same being that sent you so well-armed to my home."
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny did as requested, though setting down her weapons did lead to a slight sense of vulnerability. The woman was powerful and even if Jenny had her kit it would have been a tough fight, but now without it. Well it wouldn't last long if a conflict arose. "No worries I only seek the truth of the issue right now." Unarmed Jenny followed the woman to her goal. Hopefully this one could answer some questions.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

It wouldn't be long until the duo reached the entrance to a room, a few curtains acting as the door "She's inside, but she's very fragile. Do not upset her." their guide would stand aside and look on how the duo would act, yet her gaze was so piercing that Jenny felt any wrong move would instantly be spotted!

Yet it was unlikely the heroine had any ill intentions as she's part the curtains and peek inside. There among the rich red silk furniture, the golden filigree and fine paintings covering the walls sat a lone dark figure.

Her colors seemingly muted to little more than grey and black, a girl similar to the one Jenny had encountered in the gallery before seemed to be curled on the chair looking away.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Hello there... my name is Jenny." She looked about unsure on how exactly to proceed. What she had come to ask was no doubt painful for the girl. "I know its hard for you but can you tell me why you are here and what happened?" Jenny attempted a soothing voice much as she had done with the baby sheep when she had to care for them. This was probably her best chance to hear the story from the other side.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Slowly the figure seemed to turn "W-who are you? Don't look at me! I'm ugly..." she'd speak in a careful, trembling tone. Though even after Jennys introduction the girl remained quiet.

Riley would carefully step forward as well, keeping a careful eye on the figure as she'd lean in and whisper to Jenny "Try one question at a time." before the trickster would back off as well, if only not to scare the figure even more.

"I'm here... I'm scared of dieing... scared of him." the girl spoke, only to finally turn to Jenny to reveal a rather beautiful pale face, one tarnished by a massive thick red X extending across her face and even shoulders "H-have you seen the others? Are they alright?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"I've met only one of your sisters and last time I saw her she was safe if a little.... violent. I did no harm to her." Jenny sat down as to no be imposing to the girl. She didn't find her ugly at all with the only blemish being that red mark. It did strike her that while the first one was angry and hostile this one was scared and seemingly helpless. "Why dose he want to hurt you?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Because we're ugly... imperfect... abominations!" the girls voice seemed to ramp up with each word she spoke, before she'd once cry out and once again look away "W-we've never done anything wrong... why does he---"

The girl turned to Jenny "We all ran, some couldn't make it. Please, are the others alright?" seemed the girls speech patterns and thoughts appeared slightly jumbled, unclear and unsure.

Still in the brief pause, Riley would approach Jenny and tug on her hand lightly to attempt to take her away briefly "Doesn't feel right... Jen, she looks less like the enemy and more like the victim." the trickster shared her thoughts on the matter.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Calm be calm." Letting Riley pull her away Jenny nodded in agreement. Leaving the woman for now Jenny walked away abit and spoke with Riley. "Its clear that at least this one has only fought for her survival. We could continue to check for more or we could confront what his face and refuse this task. Or try to fix it. Though Im not sure what we can do besides try to convice him that they are no threat.