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Darkfire's (and then some) Abridged History of the ULMF Fourums

Re: Darkfire's (and then some) Abridged History of the ULMF Fourums

That would imply that he qualifies as a person. I'm thinking more along the lines of a rat.

Would the term 'parasite' fit?
Re: Darkfire's (and then some) Abridged History of the ULMF Fourums

What did beppo do wrong?
Re: Darkfire's (and then some) Abridged History of the ULMF Fourums

Apparently some people can't appreciate fine humour when they see it.
Re: Darkfire's (and then some) Abridged History of the ULMF Fourums

Who's beppo? I jus went with stuff I knew, which really wasn't a lot >,>;
Re: Darkfire's (and then some) Abridged History of the ULMF Fourums

Wow, I'm sad I missed so much. I came in just before...... uh... *thinks after reading through* Hettie arrived! X3 Still that was an epic day.
Re: Darkfire's (and then some) Abridged History of the ULMF Fourums

I can proudly state that I am in no way a significant or even noticable part of the proud history of this forum. I just came here for all the porn.

Heck, I'm even too lazy to reupload my sig pictures after tinypic took them down for being blatantly pornographic.
Re: Darkfire's (and then some) Abridged History of the ULMF Fourums

have you consided just uploading them to your album here?
Re: Darkfire's (and then some) Abridged History of the ULMF Fourums

But on a more serious note, I disagree in principle on including deminies, at least this soon. It's giving him the attention he so strongly wanted. Give it a year or so, then add it in if it still feels important. Afterall, we don't have youngmike's basically identical ragequit in there, do we?

Heeeeeey! What... *sniffle* what about my ragequit?
Re: Darkfire's (and then some) Abridged History of the ULMF Fourums

Most of that made me laugh. Too bad I can't rep you for it...

I'm glad I didn't make it into the anthology.
Re: Darkfire's (and then some) Abridged History of the ULMF Fourums

Sup, WJ here. I pop by to lurk from time to time because this community is interesting (and I'm intrigued by that Jungle Girl remake project) I just figured I would take this opportunity to set a few things straight.

According to some people, WJ was actually underage, which is why he left. I just like mentioning him because it's hilarious how even though he was the first mod, I'm almost certain he did absolutely nothing.
Some people were correct, back on the first forum I was under-age and got found it. While this never went beyond PM's, I decided that I should leave as it just seemed appropriate when the secret came out. Although I'm of the legal age to be on the forum now at least. Assuming you're willing to take my word for it that is.

Also, I wound up becoming a mod just because I was active at the time really, no idea what the administrator was thinking when he made that deciscion. I didn't do much with my mod powers either, I remember that was one time where I had to delete a few out of place gore images and that was about it.

Good to see somebody still remembers me ;)

in before ban for former underage user
Re: Darkfire's (and then some) Abridged History of the ULMF Fourums

...seriously, who the hell is WJ
Re: Darkfire's (and then some) Abridged History of the ULMF Fourums

...Holy fuck. WJ. I think I read a whole one of your posts, once, while I was lurking the first forum (before lurkers got restricted to the PBP section only). Welcome back, man.
Now all we need is Battle Jesus to go over-age... *Coughs*
Re: Darkfire's (and then some) Abridged History of the ULMF Fourums

... I just nostalgia'd. Good to see you're still around. Don't be a stranger now!
Re: Darkfire's (and then some) Abridged History of the ULMF Fourums

Ha Ha... mathematics.

seriously though i can't retroactively ban people, as cool as that would be.
Re: Darkfire's (and then some) Abridged History of the ULMF Fourums

Reading brings back memories of the old site, I missed it... also HI GUYS!
Re: Darkfire's (and then some) Abridged History of the ULMF Fourums

...And you are..?
Re: Darkfire's (and then some) Abridged History of the ULMF Fourums

Oh good, it's not just me.
Re: Darkfire's (and then some) Abridged History of the ULMF Fourums

I remember, i remember every thing.