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Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Razzie's Ranch

Razzie's Mamono
Skeleton: Grade D
Mamono Level: 278
Life: C 147
Power: C 141
Intelligence: E 50
Defense: E 42
Skill: D 92
Speed: D 88
Loyalty: A(40)
Tech: C
Special Trait: Not affected by morale or status effects
Special Trait2: Once per battle session, if defeated, reanimates with 25% Life

Bone Toss
 	Pow 8

 	Pow 25

Kitsune-bi: Grade D
Mamono Level: 270
Life: D 120
Power: D 60
Intelligence: D 120
Defense: D 60
Skill: D 120
Speed: D 60
Loyalty: A
Tech: C
Special Trait: May possess either a friendly or defeated hostile mamono.
The possessed mamono is under her control, and gains some of her stats.

 	Mag 17

 	Mag 8

 	Mag 25
 	60% to charm

Zombie: Grade D
Mamono Level: 274
Life: E 55
Power: C 150
Intelligence: E 40
Defense: B 196
Skill: D 80
Speed: E 40
Loyalty: A
Tech: C
Special Trait: 20% chance on every attack to inflict Poison.
(Poisoned: Recieve 2.5% of enemy's Power in damage every second.)

Rapid Spitfire
 	Pow 17

 	Mag 25

Wooden Hammer
 	Pow 17

Razzie's Available Training Exercises
Basic Training
Domino: The monster tries to slam into domino slabs to knock them all down. Raises Power
Shoot: The monster tries to throw rocks at moving targets. Raises Skill
Study: The monster is taught by our own Inari instructor on magic and the ways of the world. Raises Intelligence.
Dodge: The monster tries to dodge our own elite squad of Rush Fairies. Raises Speed.
Run: The monster is put on a track with a cockatrice to chase her for as long as she can. Raises Life.
Endure: The monster stands in a powerful stream to try and endure for as long as she can. Raises Defense.

Razzie's Schedule
Food Expenditures and Weekly Cost
Akitsu: Milky Spirit - 50
Hana: Milky Spirit - 50
Dandy: Milky Spirit - 50

Mamono Training with: None
Sunday: Rest
Monday: Free
Tuesday: Free
Wednesday: Free
Thursday: Free
Friday: Free
Saturday: Rest

Venice says: "Exchange the Free slots with training exercises to build your mamono's stats, or leave them all Free to spend quality time with your mamono. And remember, there's a limit on how many mamono you can be training during a week, you must remain devoted to specific mamono!"

Razzie's Items
-Equipped Items-
Akitsu: Nothing

-Items in the Sack-

Venice says: "Items are extremely useful for expeditions, as your mamono have no chance to recover between battles. You can use as many items as you'd like when out of combat, but during a battle, your mamono may only use one item, which you equip to them beforehand. You must choose carefully, which item you want to give to your mamono, as a poor choice could mean their loss."

Available Expeditions
You must have three mamono in your Ranch before an expedition becomes available.
Red: Time Limited Errantry. (Will expire after due date, and if the Errantry is failed.)
Blue: Normal Errantry. (May embark whenever you wish, and repeatable upon loss.)
Green: Training Errantry. (Grants Mamono Skills and general training.)

Safely Deliver the Dead Girl: Razzie must safely escort the zombie Dandy to her parents.
Expires: Never
Recommended Level: 240

Razzie's Money: 4080G
Razzie's Rancher Rank: E
Time: Year 1, Month 2, Week 1
Last edited:
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

(Another situation of logs lost, so here's a really lame summary!)

Razzie showed up at her ranch left by a relative of her's who she didn't even know. Venice, who escorted her to the ranch, told her that the man who owned the ranch died. Upon investigating the ranch from outside, Razzie saw a pair of glowing red eyes from inside the house on the Ranch grounds. Going inside, she found a skeleton with a note. Trying to take the note initially, the skeleton became hostile, but when she introduced herself and gave her name, the skeleton handed over the note immediately. According to the note, the guy who lived here was a complete and utter failure, and had a bad case of depression, causing his only mamono to abandon him. He hung himself, leaving the Ranch to Razzie, and used a ritual that turned his bones into a skeleton mamono that would aid her.

Razzie named her skeleton Akitsu. It doesn't talk much.

Then, as Venice gave Razzie a week to adjust to her Ranch and to schedule her skeleton some training while ordering up some rather bizarre 'food' for her skeleton (it feeds on spirit energy), Valdis showed up and mistook Akitsu for a wild skeleton, and tried to steal her away; however, Razzie went to rescue her by punching Valdis. Valdis suddenly released spikes from her body and thus made Razzie think twice before taking on the necromancer. Given her newfound respect for her opponent, she explained that the skeleton belonged to her. At which point, Valdis returned Akitsu, before leaving.

Then, a young vampire showed up and laughed at Razzie's relative, mocking the animated bones and claiming it was a death he deserved. Faced with this vampire with a (wonderful) flat-chest, Razzie gave her reaction to the rude remarks about her relative, who's bones now served her...

(Note, all characters in MGI/MGR are adults, and any interpretation of them being sexy lolis are purely the fantasy of the reader. If Nunu ever asks, the young vampire is an 18 year old midget.)
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Razzie was, to put it midly, having a very, very weird and certainly infuriating day. She came to the ranch, finding it in a state best described as "falling apart". At that point, she quickly realized that perhaps she ought to do the smart thing and refrain from holding her frustrations in, resulting in a long string of obscenities hurled at the ranch. Said hurling lasted until Venice's visit, who managed to calm down the irate rancher and explain some facts to her, convincing Darkstar to take up the business. Said conviction was further strenghtened by the discovery of a lone skeleton and the note she was holding. Despite the rather morbid nature of the discovery, Razzie decided to do her best and get the ranch to a working condition again.

But first, she had to deal with the most pressing issue - namely, a rude little bitch of a bloodsucker in obvious need of having her head pulled out of her ass, as the girl observed. Giving the vampire a wide, wide grin, which somehow had nothing to do with amusement, Razzie walked up to her, standing in front of the mamono to make sure she had her attention. "Hello." 'You little shit.' "My name's Razzie Darkstar, and this is my ranch and relative you're insulting." One who knew about her little magical problem would notice she was, in fact, absolutely livid. "So, can I help you with something? Because if you have no specific reason for being here, I'd like to respectfully request that you piss off and go die in a ditch. Now."

(Also, in case you don't remember the schedule, it was two days INT training and three days DEF training.)
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"I came here to see how my last trainer, the miserable old fart, was doing. Since he's dead, I suppose the world can rest a little easier with one less waste of space." the vampire girl shrugged casually, before sticking her tongue out at Razzie and blowing, making a crude sound as she blew spit everywhere. "You'll hang yourself too before long! Later, loser!" the vampire girl taunted, before her vampire wings carried her off.

After she left, Akitsu approached and cleaned some of the spit off of Razzie with a rag, silent as usual.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

It was only the fact that the vampire flew away that stopped Razzie from indulging her desire to attempt murder. Instead, she just smoldered for a while, letting Akitsu clean up the spit. Some part of her idly wondered where the skeleton managed to find a rag - did she bring it from the house? Deciding not to ponder the question further, the girl tried to calm down by counting up to a high number in her head. Key word being tried. After a few attempts Darkstar finally relented and let loose a string of curses directed at the small vampire, stopping only after she ran out of breath.

Once that issue was dealt with, Razzie finally turned her attention to the ranch and her mamono. "Thanks, Akitsu." She replied, throat sore from all the shouting. With the various visitors (hopefully all of them) finally gone, she could finally get to unpacking her stuff (she didn't have many possessions, though) and most importantly, doing an in-depth check of the buildings, equipment and other things on the ranch. Hopefully none of them presented a lethal hazard - cleaning up alone would end up being a bitch, she didn't need additional issues. The girl turned to her partner and nodded in the direction of the ranch. "Come on. Let's get this over with."
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

There were only two buildings. There was a small house meant for a human to live in, and a ranch seemingly to have been poorly designed to house various mamono. Even a rocky room, it's walls shaped with rugged rock, seemed fit for something like a reptile. Both buildings were made of wood, and both seemed ready to fall apart if Razzie so much as screamed, the vibrations of her voice enough to pull the house down.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Razzie couldn't help but facepalm at what she saw. Sure, she expected the situation to be bad. She did, however, hope that it wasn't this bad. Sadly, it seemed that her new house wasn't suitable for... Anything, really, and living in particular. The mamono quarters weren't any better, quickly dashing any ideas of bunking there until the house was repaired. The whole place didn't need a clean-up as much as it needed even feeble repairs, something to make sure the whole structure wouldn't collapse from a sneeze. "... Alright." Razzie finally spoke after a long silence. "Akitsu, could you help me to look for something, anything we could use to prop all this stuff up?" The girl turned back to the skeleton after finishing the inspection. "Or make some kind of temporary shed? I don't think any of this is fit for use." From the looks of things, Darkstar would probably have to tear everything down and rebuild from scratch.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Akitsu found some wood, and worked diligently to help Razzie. And by their powers combined, they repaired the house into a much less miserable state. It was still incredibly shabby, but the health hazards and the gaps allowing the cold night air in were gone. That was a plus at least. Once the job was done, and the sun was setting, Akitsu stared at Razzie blankly.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

With a groan, Razzie stretched a few times to loosen up her joints, her body still burning a bit from exertion. Sure, she was fit for someone her size and build, but this kind of physical work was more exhausting that one would think. Still, the results were worth it: with Akitsu's help, the young rancher managed to patch up her house to a not exactly presentable, but functional state. Sure, it took most of the day, but at the very least the whole thing wouldn't end up falling on her head while she was sleeping.

"When in doubt, improvise." Darkstar did one last stretch before admiring the repairs, not that there was much to admire. Still, the fact that she did that with her own hands brought a small smirk of satisfaction to her face "At least it's inhabitable. And not a damn moment too soon..." She trailed off, frowning, only now noticing how late it was. True, there was still much to do, but she could put it off for another day. For now, she had to finish unpacking and moving in, then get some well-deserved rest.

Turning back to Akitsu, Razzie once again smiled. "Thanks a lot, couldn't do that without ya." She praised the skeleton with a small chuckle. Her mamono didn't seem to have much in terms of personality, but she was willing and ready to help out as much as possible, a trait Darkstar was beginning to find invaluable in her current position. "Alright, time to break in the household." She said, picking up whatever bags she brought with her when arriving. "Not that it hasn't been used before..."

Beckoning Akitsu to follow her with a movement of her head, Razzie got inside the house, idly noting that while repaired, it was still in need of some cleaning. Oh well, she'd take care of that tomorrow. The task was added to Darkstar's mental checklist of objectives: clean house, obtain mamono, get the business going, kill the bratty bloodsucker from earlier dead... Though maybe a little cleaning today wouldn't hurt, if only to ensure a comfortable night. The girl suddenly stopped mid-step (and mid-thought) when something occured to her. Turning to Akitsu, she gave her partner a scrutinizing look. "You do sleep, don't you?" She asked, aware of her significant lack of knowledge regarding undead.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Smiled at and thanked, Akitsu merely stared at her. As Razzie went on, Akitsu stared at her. Then, asked if she slept, Akitsu stared at her, and shook her head slowly.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Razzie opened her mouth to speak, then paused. 'Well. At least that got a reaction out of her...' As helpful as Akitsu was, the rancher began to suspect she'd need to find an additional partner with a bit more personality, before she started driving herself insane and wasted time on attempts to get Akitsu to show more emotion that would most likely end in humiliating failure. "I see..." Darkstar finally managed. "Is there anything you'd like to do during the night, then? I'm kinda planning on crashing early, you know..."
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

In answer, Akitsu suddenly leaned forward, and kissed Razzie on the lips. Akitsu's cold, structured lips seemed to steal the warmth from her face in the moment that their lips touched, as if she were draining something out of her.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Razzie's eyes went wide as her brain suffered a meltdown, the fleeting remains of her sanity focusing on processing the event that was happening. The girl simply wasn't prepared for such something like that - she simply didn't expect Akitsu to suddenly kiss her. Perhaps she misjudged her mamono? And why would she even do that? Darkstar tried to process that question while dealing with two other issues. First, Akitsu was cold. Really cold. Second... Well, she wasn't bad at kissing. Probably. It wasn't horribly unpleasant, at least. Still, the weird sensation that accompanied the act forced the girl to tear her attention away from the observation and back to what was important: namely, to what she had been told by Venice earlier this day. Akitsu was most likely feeding. And with that, Razzie didn't know what to do further. Her mind tried to give her a list of options: abort, retry, ignore, stick it in, all of the above. It's just that she wasn't sure what to choose, especially with someone in her face for the first time in her life.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

After their lips touched, Akitsu seemed to stay there for a moment, her glowing red eyes staring seemingly into Razzie's soul. Only when Razzie would start to feel faint did Akitsu stop, her bony arms around the girl's back, holding her up to prevent her from falling over. Holding her like that, Akitsu quietly stared at her.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Razzie couldn't help but stare back into Akitsu's eyes, the blood-red orbs alight with an eerie glow. Now that she could observe them from such a distance, she couldn't help but feel a shiver run down her spine as she was able to appreciate the full extent of their ability to appear absolutely horrifying. Though perhaps the sensation of being physically drained also helped reinforce the effect somewhat. Eventually, the skeleton stopped - and only then did Darkstar realize how weak she was. Were it not for her partner, who held the girl in her arms, the young rancher would have likely stumbled and fell. Her breathing was somewhat laboured, both from oxygen deprivation and this new feeling of weariness adding itself to all of the day's exertions. "I... Think I should probably lay down for a bit." The girl finally managed, her usually boisterous tone gone. Now, she sounded subdued. "Care to help me get to the bed?" She chuckled weakly. "I can walk... Just don't want to trip on the way or something." Gods, did she feel helpless. This was a feeling she didn't like at all.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Without a word, Akitsu did as Razzie asked. She was taken to a shabby bed with an equally shabby blanket, and laid down. There, the skeleton stood over her, staring down at her with those eerie red eyes, unmoving, as if awaiting her next order. So unmoving was she, that it seemed certain that Akitsu would stand there all night if not told to do otherwise.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Laying down on the bed, Razzie couldn't help but wonder what to do. It didn't exactly seem... Right, for Akitsu to just keep hovering over her at her beck and call. Plus, it was kinda creepy... Endearing, but creepy at the same time. Her earlier attempt at dealing with that didn't work out that well, but maybe there was another way to phrase it. "Uh, Akitsu?" She spoke again, hoping it'd work. "You don't have to stand there all night... I mean, if there's something you need to do or want to do, it's ok." She sighed. Seriously being this obedient... Suddenly, something occured to Razzie. "And, by the way... Can you speak?"

Seriously, this better not be one of those "permission to speak" things...
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Asked if she could speak, Akitsu seemed to think deeply. Her skeletal hand reached up, and touched her cold lips, which parted, and released a youthful, eerie tone. "Haaaah..." she breathed. "I... can talk..." Akitsu revealed, seeming surprised, as if she did not know this herself. Her tone itself though would only be liked by acquired tastes. She sounded youthful, but also very cold. It was as if her very voice would send chills through Razzie's spine. Whether that was pleasant or not was up to her to decide, but either way, she spoke like a truly dead girl.

Then, Akitsu seemed to perk up when asked what she wanted. Following up, Akitsu leaned forward, putting her hands on the side of the bed, before suddenly crawling onto where Razzie laid, flipping one leg over and straddling her. Sitting up at first, Akitsu merely stared, but after a moment she fell forward, and wrapped her cold bony arms around Akitsu, hugging her as Razzie found her embrace to be that of life touching death itself, a sensation that would make all that was alive in Razzie shudder.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Razzie wasn't sure what to think. On one hand, Akitsu wasn't so hopelessly obedient that she wouldn't speak without permission. Probably. On the other hand, the fact that she was apparently unaware of her ability to speak didn't bode well either. Then there was also the matter of her voice. It wasn't unpleasant to listen to, it was just so... Dead. Definitely needed some getting used to. Still, it was nothing the rancher couldn't deal with, as long as the skeleton chose not to suprise her by suddenly speaking up while her attention was directed elsewhere. Being startled like that wouldn't help her nerves at all.

Of course, all of this was nothing compared to the sensation of being actually hugged by Akitsu. The skeleton probably found the sensation enjoyable, being close to a warm, living being and all. Razzie? Not so much. She actually felt herself shudder as her senses screamed how wrong it felt. The girl tried to calm herself down, last thing she needed was a heart attack after such a tiring day. She doubted she'd ever get used to this feeling, but seeing as she was forced to live with Akitsu... She'd have to try. "That's..." She stammered out, letting out a breath she was unconsciously holding. "This is a new sensation." She muttered, trying to remain motionless, nearly frozen in place by the feeling.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

After hearing Razzie say that, she'd see the red glow direct itself towards her, Akitsu's red, dead gaze looking back up at her. "It's... Unpleasant... Isn't... It?" she inquired. "I carry... His last will... And... His love..." Akitsu said as if reminiscing, as if recalling a pleasant memory. Then, she suddenly added:

"He was a pedophile... His memories of you... When you were young... Are cherished..."