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Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"What." Razzie stared at the damage caused by the little girl. This was something she did not expect at all. Akitsu probably hadn't expected it either. At the very least, it answered the question how the skeleton got fragmented in the first place. It was actually fairly scary ability, at least at her current level. Still... It'd be cruel to put her out on the line during the hard fights, but perhaps some training would fix that. Dandy was a monster now, after all.

"Well." Razzie replied, regaining her composure. "That's actually quite impressive. But." She glanced at the little zombie. "You have to remember that if you want to fight, you're going to get hurt. You'll also need to train a lot, too." Darkstar figured it'd be best to be honest with the girl. "But if you can break Akitsu into pieces, you've got potential. Just remember, being a fighter is not an easy thing." Darkstar stood up. "So. Shall we go for that visit now? Then we can formally introduce you to everyone as one of us, maybe even throw a party." She glanced at the abused wall. "Just try not to shoot up more walls here... This place is damaged enough as it is."
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"Hurt?" Dandy inquired. "What's hurt? Like when something happens, you're supposed to make a noise?" she inquires. Then performs an example by pinching her undead flesh. Then, with a delayed response, "Ow." Dandy gestures with bad acting skill. At this point, Razzie may be aware that Dandy is in fact, dead, and cannot feel pain.

Then, with a quick agreement not to damage the house further, Dandy went about collecting various things to apparently use as 'weapons.' Not limited to the marbles, she also brought along what appeared to be a small wooden toy hammer for children to play with. Dandy demonstrated that she was strong enough for it to hurt more than a toy.

Next week, they'd get food in, or the equivilent of such, allowing Razzie's mamono to be well fed during their trip out. But it would also cost her money. To keep up the spirits of the undead around her, it seemed that this week's trip would cost her 150 gilorians.

Show Dandy's parents their undead daughter

[U]Fail Condition[/U]
Dandy is defeated

Dandy must be in Razzie's Party[/CENTER]
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Razzie watched Dandy attempt to mimic a pain response with bemusement. Perhaps her worries were unfounded after all. Perhaps the little zombie was more suited to fighting than she believed. With that in mind, Darkstar let her gather whatever "weapons" she believed would be useful. They looked a bit silly, sure. They still hurt a lot despite their looks.

The time for the mission had come, and with it another expense. Thankfully, this one was small enough to be affordable, and Razzie didn't mind shelling out the cash to feed her girls. A whole lot of things depended on the outcome of this mission, and she needed to complete it. She didn't want to let Rachel hog her bed any more than necessary - the old couch was not a comfortable place to sleep on at all. Plus, she really wanted to stay in a certain necromancer's good graces. The young rancher was willing to put in whatever she could to make it work, and didn't hesitate to procure supplies for it. She just hoped she'd be able to make up with Akitsu somehow, to avoid jeopardizing everything. And with that thought in mind, Razzie set out to gather her "forces" for the expedition.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Dandy, Hana, and Akitsu were all within reach of Razzie for collection as she wished. She could also attempt to swap one of them out for Rachel, though the vampire may not appreciate being a child's escort.

"Other mamono may be on the way." Hana noted. "Also, can we leave after dark? Leaving during the day just sounds exhausting." she complained.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"Sure, why not?" Razzie agreed with Hana's suggestion. "At the very least, there are some mamono that aren't nocturnal, so maybe we'll have less trouble on the way." Granted, there were probably others that would rather prowl around after nightfall, but then again. Trouble was something that'd find people without fail, no matter how well one would try to hide. "Well, I guess we'll meet up again and set out at dusk, then. You can do what you want in the meantime." Darkstar paused. "Oh, by the way... Akitsu, mind staying a bit? There's something I'd like to talk about."
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Hana floated off to go haunt something, and Dandy went back to her own designated space while Akitsu remained, staring at Razzie with the solid red glow which amounted as her eyes. She didn't say anything, appearing to be just as silent was when Razzie first found her as the skeletal corpse of the man in her distant family that happened to be attracted to her in the worst way.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"Hmm. Um." Razzie began. She was actually beginning to feel really, really damn awkward. That being said, the silent rage Akitsu was projecting was uncomfortable, and in the end the... Incident with Dandy was a result of her own screw-up. She didn't like leaving her screw-ups lying. "Well. I've been... Going over what happened when I was out and after I came back, and, uh..." Gods, this really wasn't her strong suit. "I'm... Sorry for laughing at you back then, and for leaving you alone to deal with Dandy. It was very irresponsible of me, and kind of a shitty thing to do, so..." She trailed off again, suddenly feeling unsure of herself. She should have controlled herself better, but recent events shook her up a bit. "Look, I'm sorry. If there's some way you want me to make up for it, just say it. I'll do whatever I can."
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"Wear the best pair of panties you can find, and wear nothing else." Akitsu offered her terms, remaining in place after the fact. "I will wait."
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"I... See." Razzie had to admit, this was something not out of the ordinary when it came to the skeleton. Her panty fetish was a scary thing indeed. Still, the rancher couldn't help but imagine the myriad of things that could easily go wrong with the scenario. "Ah. Just in case, maybe we should move somewhere we won't be interrupted by someone else? Like Dandy or Rachel? Gods know they could take it wrong, especially Rachel." None the less, she began to move to her room, to take a look at her underwear. Generally, she went for utility more than looks when it came to her clothes, but with Akitsu in the house, she had no doubt there would be something more unusual stuffed into her drawers among the usual stuff.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Indeed there was. Amidst all her normal sets, for every handful of normal pairs, there was one pair of unusual panties. One pair was a tight set that looked like a shorter version of boyshorts. The shorts as they were had the lower lines that went all the way up to reveal the undersides of her butt and molded well enough to her skin that her pussy might as well be in clear sight, able to easily identify the camel toe. Another oddity was a g-string, which barely did the job of covering her dignity while leaving her other hole as good as exposed, with only the string going over it. The final set was a white pair with frills that looked like one of her own sets, but with a higher curve that showed plenty of skin on the sides, and if one looked closely enough, they could see her genitals.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Razzie half-frowned, half-winced at the selection. The g-string was out from the get go, she decided. That left her with the frilly white number and the tight shorts. After a moment of deliberation, she sighed and began to undress, folding her clothes away as she discarded them, then finishing by putting on the first pair she pulled out. She liked her clothes black, not white, and frills were not her idea of decent clothing material. Sure, the shorts were so damn exposing it was almost as if she was wearing nothing, but the same thing could have been said about the other two as well.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

As if sensing that Razzie was ready, Akitsu stepped into the room and observed Razzie's choice. As always, she displayed no emotion. It was unclear how she felt. But after a moment, she gave Razzie a thumbs up. "Sometimes, good panties may not be the most obvious choice. A shameless girl with panties is just a whore for attention, as it's not only the panties, but the girl who's wearing them that makes it truly worthwhile..." Akitsu nodded. "But... I sense something." Akitsu noted, before inspecting Razzie's clothes off to the side.

"... I smell semen." she announced. Then, Akitsu looked to Razzie. "... Logan?" Akitsu inquired, right on the mark.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

'How the fuck did she smell that?' Razzie blinked. She sincerely hoped this sort of sense was not that common among mamono. "Well... Yeah." The girl admitted, feeling a little embarrassed by the setting. "He needed my help with one thing, it turned out really stupid, so we went and got drunk. The rest is kind of a blur, but you're probably on the mark here." She sighed. "For the record, he has a pack of strong monsters who are very much attracted to him. In case you're planning to retaliate, you might want to reconsider."
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"Retaliate?" Akitsu inquired, before her eyes shined. "This information is actually rather delicious." she revealed. "Let's postpone this punishment play until after we come home... I just thought of something wonderful." Akitsu claimed, seeming as if she'd be smiling if she had the facial control to do so.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"Uh..." Oh, that did not sound good at all to Razzie. Whatever Akitsu was planning, there was no way in Hell it wouldn't end with something horrible happening, she was sure of it. "Right. If that's the case, I think I'm gonna put these back on and get everything ready for the road." Darkstar moved to pick up her clothes. She just hoped that whatever awaited her in the future wouldn't be too much of a horror.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"Keep wearing that pair of underwear... Only take them off for calls of nature..." Akitsu instructed Razzie. "For my purposes, you will require a set of panties thick with your scent. Be obedient through my whims until the end, and I'll be more than just forgiving of you." she promised, as if assuring Razzie that Akitsu also had planned more reward for Razzie if the blond girl went with the skeleton's perversions.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"... Riiiiight." Darkstar dressed herself, leaving the tight panties on. She really didn't want to know what Akitsu planned to do with those panties, but she sincerely hoped she'd be able to run some kind of damage control. Still, the way her mamono implied there might be some reward at the end was slightly worrying too. Razzie had little doubt that the skeleton had a different understanding of what a reward is. Shaking her head, the girl moved to prepare herself for the evening journey.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

The undead had little to do for preparations, and so it was merely a waiting game until the sun had gone down, with Razzie presumably getting lots of sleep/rest beforehand so that she was ready for the trip.

Once on the road, Hana would eventually approach Razzie after about half an hour of travel. "Say, do you want me to possess you?" she inquired with a grin. "It'll be fun. You can even fight as if you were a mamono!" she promised.

(A kitsune-bi can possess other mamono to boost their stats, but a kitsune-bi can also possess a rancher to use the Rancher's parameter values to alter their stats. Said parameter values can be determined for Razzie by using Hana's Grade Structure as a base, and changing the grades on a 1:1 basis. Ergo, raising Life from D to C could be done if you lower Defense from D to E.)
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Refreshed from the nap she had taken before hitting the road, Razzie took a moment to consider Hana's idea. "You know... That doesn't sound too bad, I suppose." Sure, she knew that monster fights could get brutal, but this was a simple mission. It was unlikely it'd get that bad, or so she assumed. And it's not like she was alone. Besides...

She still could recall the surge of power she felt when Hana possessed her last time. Darkstar had to admit, it was something she felt almost envious about. Having a chance to experience that sort of power again was something she would gladly accept. "Sure, it's worth a shot. Just don't make me run off without warning like the last time. And remember, it's my body, so I'm still calling the shots, right?"

((I still get Hana's attacks to use as my own, no? Cause if that's the case, I wouldn't mind jacking one rank from Power to boost Intelligence.))
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Hana giggled, and her reply was simply diving into Razzie and making some room inside of her body for her own presence. Her head felt a little stuffy at first, gradually passing overtime, but eventually turning into a headache over the next hour and a half.

"Looks like your body can't handle me for too long." Hana observed. "Understandable. It's just a human body after all. Not much I can do with it~" she giggled, making fun of Razzie.

(While merging a kitsune-bi has it's merits, it also has it's demerits. Injuries mamono sustain are only bad if considerable damage is done. An incapacitated mamono (when Life=0) only runs a risk of injury. If Razzie's Life drops to 0 while possessed by Hana, she will be greatly injured and will need to receive medical attention. Ideally, Razzie shouldn't try to take little damage while Possessed. She may be powered up, but she's still human.)

After the headache went away, it became clear that it was halfway into the night. In a handful of hours, they'd need to take shelter from the sun. But before that thought could linger long, a mushroom mamono suddenly sprung up from the ground!

A matango appeared!

"An ugly mushroom. Shall I purge it?" Akitsu inquired.
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