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Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"I see..." Razzie muttered in response. Her mind was throwing up dozens of red flags, very rapidly. Knowing her luck, the girl would lose her composure soon and then Bad Things would happen. Not just bad things, Bad Things. This had to be rectified. "Don't worry about it." She petted the girl's head to calm her down a little. "Akitsu and Hana are like that too. We'll figure something out and things will be fine." Darkstar smiled, hoping she could keep the girl's mind off the issue. She only hoped that her potential lie wasn't as much of a lie as she suspected it to be. Mentally, the rancher cursed herself for not realizing something like that might happen. She still had a lot to learn, it seemed, and now she needed a quick crash course and an even quicker solution. She also wanted to know how much time she had. "How bad is it? Is it making you feel any pain, or something?"
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"No..." She shook her head. "It doesn't hurt... I just feel like I'm getting nervous... And I can't think straight sometimes..." she whined, her humanity as it were seemingly suffering as a result of the curse that allows her to live once more.

"Her parents wanted this," Akitsu said with an emotionless tone. "Let them see what they've asked for." she suggested.

"I'd rather we just fed the bra... Kid... So she stops complaining." Hana added.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"That... Sounds like a decent idea?" Razzie ventured. While her limited experience with mamono gave her some rather dreadful ideas on how this feeding would look like, it was probably better not to risk having the girl flip out during a meeting with her parents. "It'll be better if we fix this before we get to her parents. Any idea how we're going to go about this, though?" Darkstar wasn't quite sure whether she even wanted to know. Still, she had a price to pay for her carelessness.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"You can feed her yourself, or find another victim. Safest choice would be a man." Akitsu announced. "Though, if it's a man, we'll no doubt have to rape him."

"Obviously. I mean, who'd fuck a zombie?" Hana inquired.

"Someone very depraved." Akitsu replied.

"Sounds like a horrible person." Hana concluded, both undead spirits almost sounding like they were talking about someone specific, even though that couldn't be the case.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"Yeah, no." Razzie interjected before the conversation went further. "I don't know who you're talking about, assuming you are talking about someone specific, and I don't want to know." In her opinion, whatever tangent they were going on was best nipped in the bud. "Also, we're not raping people. That's just gonna cause way too many headaches for us later, I am sure. And besides, going off to find someone to rape is too troublesome." She finished. Though after glancing at Dandy, Darkstar immediately sighed. "As much as it sucks, we're gonna have to go with the former idea..." The rancher paused. "Crap, how am I supposed to start this? I never did this with a girl or while sober!"
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

At that, Akitsu stepped in to say a word. "Keep in mind, Razzie, that coming into this kind of contact with her could mean that you would become... Like us." she announced. "Or in her case, you could become a zombie. Your panties will never be the same again. Think about that."

After delivering her deep and insightful message, Akitsu left the final action to Razzie, while Dandy was resting, seeming to still be suffering.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"Hrrm." Razzie growled. Nothing could ever be easy, couldn't it? Try to help a monster, risk becoming one. Become a rancher, get left with assload of issues left by your predecessor. Try to work something out, put up with crazy skeletons, vampires and necromancers. "Exactly how much am I risking here?" Darkstar asked, eyeing Dandy with a hint of worry. "I can't bloody leave her like that, damn it. What if she attacks someone at the wrong time? We'll have to do it, no other choice." Something occured to her. "And hey, would another girl's influence make it more risky or would it reduce the danger?" She asked, looking at Hana speculatively.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Hana seemed to understand why she was being looked at. "I know I can possess you, but I'm not sure if that will protect you, exactly. I know I won't be corrupting you while I'm possessing you, but to call it protection... I'm not sure." Hana shrugged. "Could always give it a try, though~" Hana cooed, seemingly eager to jump in Razzie's body and do slutty things.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"Don't know till you try, huh." Razzie sighed, glancing at Dandy. "Ah Hell, let's do this. I'm not entirely sure how to go about it, though, so I'll be in your care, I guess." She spoke to Hana, giving her the go-ahead to possess her. "Seriously, I will appreciate any kind of guidance here..." That, and the rancher would likely have trouble getting horny enough for this on her own. Girl on girl was not something she had ever pondered, especially with children. And if it kept Hana happy, then it was fine. Kinda. Maybe? 'I am so gonna end up as a slut with this job, aren't I.'
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

"Alright then." Hana shrugged, before diving into Razzie's body and giving her the familiar rush of arousal. Her nipples stood on point, and her body heated with excitement that left her breathless. "This is how I live constantly, and you're always at your limit when I possess you~" Hana chuckled inside Razzie's mind before moving her hands, drawing her pants and panties down and tossing them aside before throwing her shirt away as well, leaving Razzie stark naked as Hana made Razzie's body stretch and take in the feeling of the wind brushing along her nude body while fluid trailed down Razzie's legs.

"Aaaah~" Razzie moaned happily. "I don't know how you can stand being cooped up in all those clothes!" she giggled while her spectral ears and tail twitched as Razzie gave a lewd grin. Slowly, she touched her fingers against Razzie's breasts, running the tips of her fingers over Razzie's nipples and causing more pleasure to rush through her mind. "Oh my, Razzie~ I forgot how perky your body was~" Hana cooed, while Akitsu showed that she rescued her clothes, and was gazing at them longingly, not seeming to care about what was happening to Razzie now, or that she was naked. Hana made Razzie's hands go down until Razzie felt two digits slip into her pussy. "OooOOh! Razzie..." Razzie heard herself coo, before a voice echoed in her head, Hana. "This feels like it's been recently used~" she hummed with interest.

Then Hana stopped as both she and Razzie felt a draining sensation coming form her leg. Turning, they saw that Dandy had her lips around Razzie's leg, and was sucking with her mouth. Her spirit disturbed from the pleasure and from Hana possessing her, Razzie felt Dandy easily sucking away at her spirit. This continued for several seconds, until Razzie felt light-headed, and Dandy let go, looking much brighter. "Yummy!" Dandy declared happily.

"... Guess sex isn't required?" Hana said with Razzie's mouth.
Re: Darkstar's Ranch (Cross Grave)

Razzie groaned involuntarily as she felt the kitsune spirit enter her body. Each time Hana possessed her, she'd become more and more aware of the ghost's urges. It was a strange feeling, as if getting used to her presence let the girl experience the sensation more clearly. Or maybe it was because of her own escapades, getting in touch with that part of herself? Either way, Darkstar shuddered as she felt herself pushed from zero to full heat in an instant. She did her best to focus and keep the feeling under control, almost missing the moment when Hana undressed her body, leaving her exposed to the world. She was mortified, yes, but she was too startled to object as she realized the arousal she felt from Hana mixed with her own emotions, leaving her confused and, whether she liked it or not, excited to a degree. The fact that her body felt ready to be fucked, as her leaking pussy showed, didn't help matters.

Powerless to stop Hana, Razzie could only sit and stew as apparently the spirit was set on doing whatever she wanted now that she had the rancher's permission to take over. The girl tried to focus and maintain her mental balance, but her efforts were seriously screwed with by Hana's actions, who seemed to take to toying with her body. She felt weird, with physical pleasure assaulting her from one end and a strange tension coming from not being in control on the other. When the ghost made Darkstar reach into her pussy, the girl did a mental equivalent of letting out a breath she had been holding in as she realized that this time, she had been anticipating that as soon as she felt her hands move down. And if she were to be honest with herself, the jolt of pleasure was not... Unwelcome.

Of course, those thoughts rapidly got showed to the back as soon as Razzie heard Hana's voice comment on her pussy, the implication recieved clearly. 'And it's none of your damn business.' She mentally growled at the kitsune, unsure whether she'd be heard but not quite happy about having her pry into her sex life. Especially since Darkstar's sex life had been a product of accidents thus far. However, before she could she could start a rant the rancher felt a strange, draining sensation. A quick inspection revealed that Dandy had finally come to feed, and was happily sucking in her energy until she felt satisfied.

'Guess not.' Razzie replied to the fox, the sudden light-headedness making her continue in mental speak rather than try to say anything physically. 'Damn, I feel... Tired. And cold. Hana, I know you wanna have your fun now, but I distinctly recall talking with you about that and we've decided to do that after coming back, right? The stuff with Akitsu and whatnot.' Darkstar continued, trying to shake off the phantom fatigue. She hoped the ghost would comply, she was capable of using the girl like a puppet normally and in her weakened state, the rancher would likely be unable to assert any sort of control by force. 'I think I should probably rest now or something, we still got a job to finish after this.'