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Day Job (Tiffanian)

Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

"Yea, an' she's gonna get 'er teef kickt in fer it" Tlech replied angrily, and when Bobby opened the window she quickly hopped up through it, managing to land pretty damn well all things considered. It was made out of some sort of tile that crackled and broke beneath her feet, clearly not intended to take her weight suddenly. Thankfully the structure beneath was still sound, even as the human boy joined her on it. He, of course, managed to hurt himself a bit, banging his knee or something, she couldn't tell. It wasn't serious though, thankfully, and he got up and ready to go without delay.

Now that they were outside again there were a couple of different things the two (or rather the three) of them could do from here. There were two paths to other buildings, one of them a small bridge of sorts over an alleyway that led to a building with a roof a fair bit steeper than this one, promising even more options but a potentially more dangerous route. There was another building relatively close, but it was still a long leap to make to cross the street, especially given how small Tlech was and the fact that she was still carrying the girl over her shoulder. Of course, they could also opt to drop down onto the empty street below and make a run for the forest... and after a couple seconds of thinking that was what the goblin decided to do. "o'er 'ere" she said, making her way to the edge. She wished it wasn't quite so far down... "Careful! It'll 'urt if'n ye dun land rite" she continued, dropping down and bending her knees slightly, bracing herself for the impact, ready to roll a bit if she needed.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 59/67, PP = 42, EP = 76/89, Status = Fine, Pregnant, Summoned, Fell Might X = 5, Upkeep = 1 HP 0 EP

Bracing herself, Tlech would land in the alley and let her knees take the brunt of the impact, playing it out gradually by bending them rather than keeping them straight so that it didn't cause any real harm besides a bit more pain. Bobby looked down at her, and at the drop, and gulped before following, rolling when he landed and slamming into a wall with an audible grunt of pain. He didn't seem to suffer any lasting harm from it, however, and the girl had seemingly fainted after she'd jumped off of the building. "Where'd they go?" a voice called from up above and behind, seemingly from the window they'd left only a few moments prior. "They can't have gone far! It looks like he's summoned a demon and taken the Miller girl! Spread out, we've got to find them quickly!" another voice answered. Tlech had seemingly bought them some time, but now she had to lead Bobby to safety somewhere, and decide how best to do it. The alley didn't have much in the way of cover up until the mouth, where a cart stand was sitting seemingly unattended, but she could try to dash across the street into the much narrower alley between another two buildings instead, or simply pick a direction out in the street. There didn't seem to be anybody ahead yet, but her field of view from her current location was too narrow to tell for certain.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech managed to land squarely on her feet, grunting quietly as her knees creaked. The dull pain was nothing to her, though, and she was more than ready to go when Bobby made the leap himself. He didn't do nearly as well as she had, though, hitting the ground off balance and rolling on the ground until a wall stopped him. He got right up, though, seemingly alright despite the pain, and with that they were ready to go. Thankfully the girl had finally shut up, and in fact wasn't fighting back at all anymore... From the feel of her she had probably fainted when the goblin jumped off the roof. What a weak little human she was. That was something they had going for them now at least, that they had a hostage who would no longer wail out their position.

The voices from inside the building the two of them had just come from were right behind them, though it didn't seem that they knew what had happened, or at least weren't bold enough to come out the window after them. That gave them a little bit of time at least to either try to hide, or to just put some distance between them and the mob searching for them. Tlech could see all the way down the alley, finding that it was open and empty except for an unattended cart of some kind close to the mouth of it, and that across the street there was another, narrower alley. Quickly she decided against going that way... Her pursuers likely knew the layout of their little city much, much better than she did, and probably better than Bobby given how useless he had been up to this point. Not only that, but any person they ran into was likely to react the way the girl she had slung over her shoulder had, and give away their position. "Follow. Gonna 'ead ter tha trees an' try ter git far 'nuff 'ey won't follow" she said, heading towards the opening of the alleyway and preparing to start dashing down the street in the direction of the forest with Bobby, hoping to put some distance between them and the people chasing them. Hopefully they could get out of this place without having to fight, but somehow she didn't think they would be so lucky.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 59/67, PP = 42, EP = 76/89, Status = Fine, Pregnant, Summoned, Fell Might X = 5, Upkeep = 1 HP 0 EP

Bobby simply nodded in response to Tlech's command, following her as she hurried towards the mouth of the alley. The forest lay in the direction of the alley across from them, but after pausing at the mouth and peering around the coast would miraculously be clear. "This way," Bobby said suddenly and scurried across the street, "if we can get over the fence here, we'll be out in the fields.... We'll need to keep low, but we can get away!"

He actually sounded hopeful, and rushed off regardless of what Tlech said. Luckily, his direction proved accurate, and after squeezing through a hole in a chain link fence through which the goblin would need to drag the limp little girl if she didn't want to leave her behind, they would emerge out into the fields on the edge of town. The people searching for Bobby didn't seem to be around, and he hurried off while keeping low, nearly completely out of sight, and Tlech would be able to follow however she wished.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech looked around once she got to the cart and found that, against all expectations, there was no one around. She hadn't thought that their little maneuver would have bought them quite that much time... Bobby recognized where they were and that they were close to the edge of town, and without any input from the goblin rushed across the street towards the little alley. That was just fine, it was the first initiative he had shown since he had summoned her. There was only a fence between them and the fields outside of town, and happily enough there was a hole big enough for the two of them to squeeze through. Seeing that there was no one around Tlech didn't think they would ultimately need this hostage she was carrying around, and she laid her beside the fence before getting through, following her summoner as he raced through the field, keeping herself at least as low as he did, though there was less of a pressing need for her scrunch herself down. They just had to get to that forest, she thought, and then Bobby would be able to hide and make his way elsewhere, somewhere he could get a fresh slate. Probably. Maybe.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 58/67, PP = 42, EP = 76/89, Status = Fine, Pregnant, Summoned, Fell Might X = 5, Upkeep = 1 HP 0 EP

Somehow, luckily, Tlech and Bobby made it to the woods without anyone apparently noticing them, and after hurrying through the brush for a little while he would sink down next to a tree, panting and wiping sweat from his brow. "That.... That was horrible!" he groaned, shaking his head, "th... Thank you! I'd have never got away without your help.... But... Now what do we do? They'll realize we got out of town eventually... I don't have any idea.... Where to hide."
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

It was incredible how easily Bobby and Tlech had managed to get away after that rooftop escape, with no one apparently looking for them anywhere near the spot they'd left the town. The two of them made their way into the forest, moving quickly until the human was satisfied enough with their progress and tired enough that he just sat down heavily against a tree, breathing heavily. Tlech had worked up a fairly healthy sweat herself, but she stayed standing, still on guard a bit. "Ehh... Ye coulda gotten 'ere yerself if'n ye didn't freeze up. Didn't 'afta fite er nuttin'. Ye gotta learn ta take care a yerself, I won't always be able ta come 'elp ye" Tlech replied to him, shrugging a bit when he thanked her for helping him escape and expressed that he had no idea where to hide. The latter part, of course, had the goblin stumped a bit as well. "Can't really 'elp ye wit wot ye do after 'is. No idea wot 'is area's like. Ye oughta go ter dat fae in tha water an' ask 'er, she mite know better'n me. If not, go find another town, an' don't let 'em know ye can do magic. I gotta go 'fore I;m late again. Dun wanna git whipt worse 'is time" she continued, and if he didn't have major objections she would return to Hell, though even if he objected she wouldn't stay long.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 76/89, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Bobby frowned, and then looked frightened, but eventually nodded. "Alright," he said, "I'll.... Go find Seraia." Though she hadn't taken her reward, Tlech would be allowed to end her contract there, and so returned to Hell to find herself.... Well, under a different sort of attack than the norm. While she'd been away, Irving had seemingly gone with her usual brand of mischief, this time with a rather obvious cause for the temptation.

Her dress had been pulled down to expose her large breasts, and her roommate's mouth was clamped onto one of them while the other was being slowly kneaded by one of her hands. Pleasured moans and the steady squeeze of her palms were certainly pleasurable enough, but the real stimulation came from the sensation of Irving's mouth sucking steadily on her nipple. Bursts of stimulation came as she felt milk being drawn from her sensitive tip in steady spurts, and as Tlech awakened from her summoning Irving switched to her other breast and began to drain it instead.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech had a strange feeling that Bobby wasn't going to last too awful much longer. To her he seemed hopelessly frightened and indecisive, prone to being simply overwhelmed by the circumstances he found himself in. It was a deadly collection of character flaws, especially if the townsfolk proved to be insistent in hunting him down. Still, there was a chance that he would shape up and turn things around, and perhaps the fae from before would help him to safety. The chubby goblin didn't hold out too much hope. Getting her reward for holding up her end of the bargain, though, was far from her mind at the moment. There were other things that had to be done, and this wasn't really a safe place or time for the human to pay up anyway. No, she would need to be on her way. "Call me if'n ye need, but try not ter need. I mite be too busy fer ta 'elp ye" she said in parting, and then returned her spirit to her body in Hell...

As before, however, someone had been busy with Tlech's body while she had been away... and was still quite busy. She felt before she saw that her dress had been pulled down, exposing her plump breasts, and that Irving (who else would it be, really?) was sucking on one and gently groping the other. It was, as always, a very pleasing feeling, but for some reason moreso than usual. She could feel that her breasts were somehow heavier than normal, almost... fuller? Yes, that was it. She was just coming out of the brief period of fog after re-entering her body when her roommate switched up her attention, sucking at the other stiff nipple while slowly and steadily kneading the soft orb she had finished with, and it was then that the chubby goblin realized just what was happening; there was a burst of pleasure and... relief as her roommate sucked a little spurt of milk out of her, the lovely feeling of that full breast being emptied a little at a time sending little jolts of pleasure up her spine. She couldn't help but let out a low moan, a hand rising up to rest gently on the back of Irving's head.

"Nnn... 'ow long've I been gone?" Tlech asked, having no way to tell for herself... though this was quite the distracting situation. She laid her head back against her bed again, letting out quiet little moans and sighs. "If'n ye make... me late... I'll punch ye" she said, though there wasn't the bite of a real threat behind it. She had never been pregnant before, had never given milk like this, and she was definitely liking it. Maybe she could let this happen just a little while longer...
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 89, Status = Fine, Pregnant

"Mmmm!" Irving gave a wordless moan in response to Tlech's question, her roommates lips never leaving the tip of her heavy breast. Rhythmic bursts of suction drew spurt after spurt of milk from Tlech's nipple, and Irving eagerly drew out every drop she could and swallowed it down while her tongue swirled around the sensitive nub. Irving continued on one breast, squeezing with one hand and drinking down her milk until it had slowed to a trickle, and then she simply switched to the other.

Irving was even more vigorous in sucking the milk from that half of Tlech's full bosom, letting her feel herself slowly emptied as an orgasm built. Pressure steadily rose in her belly, and when that pressure suddenly unwound a few minutes later her milk was briefly released in streams while waves of pleasure rolled through her body. Irving sucked and sucked and sucked until she was finally all but dry, and then, when she popped off, she smugly said; "Mmmmm, yummy~ You oughta get knocked up more often!"

She rolled off of Tlech, leaving her breasts still exposed. "To answer yer earlier question," she continued, "a while. Ye were already 'bout twenty minutes late when ye finally came to! Them big tits ah' yers got a lot in 'em!"
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Irving didn't bother to stop and answer Tlech's question, which by this point suited her just fine. She allowed herself to settle down into the soft bedding, closing her eyes and murmuring quietly as her roommate continued suckling at her breast, drinking down her milk. It came in little bursts, each suck drawing more and more of that pressure from her chest, leaving behind only tingling pleasure. The skinny goblin's tonguework around and against her nipple only enhanced the sensations, making her shiver and moan quietly... She could feel that her reserves were finally running dry after a few minutes, and when the steady spurts had become mere trickles of milk Irving finally switched over to her other breast, attacking it with her lips and tongue.

She was more forceful now, applying more suction to Tlech with each passing moment, drawing ever more milk from her heavy breast... and it was certainly taking its toll. While she had been quiet before the chubby goblin was soon moaning out lewdly, arching her back in order to push her tingling chest harder against her roommate, holding her head more firmly to ensure that she wouldn't just stop and pull away... It was a lovely feeling, and a warmth was quickly building beneath her belly, knotting up in her pleasure. It only took a few more minutes before that knot unwound, the heat exploding through her as her back arched further, her hands clenching the bedding and the back of Irving's head as she cried out loudly in orgasm. She could feel milk streaming out of her in a gush while she came, filling her roommate's mouth, making the usual feelings all the more pleasant. She came down slowly, still giving milk even as the pleasure ebbed away, and she settled down into the bedding again, easing the pressure she put on Irving, instead just stroking her hair gently and murmuring. It was really quite rare for the skinny goblin to go so far with her, and in fact it had been quite a while since the last time she had made Tlech cum. She certainly wouldn't object. Well, not without intervening circumstances...

The pudgy goblin sighed contentedly when Irving had finally had enough, having drained her full breasts almost completely dry. The orgasm was done, but there was still that pleasant tingling in her chest, and she had a feeling it would stick with her for some time now. "Nnn... Mebbe I will" she replied quietly, "feels nice so far." She thought briefly of that full day worth of sex she owed Gronn from the card game earlier, thinking that that would be a perfect time to do so... she was pretty sure she would be ready again by then, anyway. What Irving said next didn't register for a few seconds, and Tlech looked up at her with a blank look on her face for a moment or two before flinching in a brief moment of terror. She scrambled to her feet, her heart racing... Twenty minutes late? And how much longer had it been? "Fuck!" she cried out, "why didn' ye tell me!? Fuck!" She tried to pull her dress up to cover her jiggling breasts, but failed in her haste, and it wasn't terribly important right now anyway. "Overseer'll fuckin' wreck me!" She would probably be a full half-hour late, and that... generally didn't end well for the tardy one. Why hadn't she been sent for? Had they sent Irving after her again? This was not good, not good at all, and she was quickly stumbling past her roommate and out the door.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 89, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Irving's giggling followed Tlech out the doorway of their little corner of the goblin warren, the busty goblin's breasts jiggling freely and fully exposed to everyone she passed, which included quite a few goblins as well as a few other demons, most of whom simply grinned at her. Thankfully, by the time she arrived down in the depths, where she was set to work, she had passed only about a dozen souls all told, sparing her a bit of embarrassment. Unfortunately, she wasn't to get to work unnoticed.

"Ahhh, and what have we here?" an eerily soft voice quietly said from the shadow behind the arch, and much to Tlech's chagrin Shenk would appear, stepping out of the shadows. Of the overseers that she regularly had to deal with, he was by far the cruelest. Garruk, the one who had whipped her yesterday, was a wretched bastard and a braggart, but his bark was generally worse than his bite. Shenk, however, was more artful in his torments, and would often find any excuse to inflict them. His manipulations were even worse despite being fairly simplistic, and Tlech had learned the hard way that his seed possessed an addictive quality that left one's thoughts clouded and established an insatiable hunger for it. Two of her fellow goblins and even a full demoness had ended up fully enslaved to his will because of it, and she had been forced to go through the withdrawal of its effects twice now, each a decidedly unpleasant experience once the arousal had turned to cravings.

"Ahhh, you are working under me today, aren't you?" the demoin said, his dark gray skin letting him blend in with the shadows and his leathery armor, crafted from goblin and stalker skin, only made him even harder to see. "And almost a half hour early too! So eager to see me again, well... I suppose I can understand why~" he crooned with a lewd grin, and then glanced down at her still exposed chest. "Eheheh... Well, if you don't care to follow dress code... I suppose you've no need of clothes at all, eh? Take it off," he grunted commandingly, a shift lower in his tone suggesting that there was no room for her to disagree.

After watching Tlech disrobe with a glint of cruel mischief in his blood red eyes, the demon overseer would glance down into the tunnels beneath the fortress, the ones that Tlech would have to clean and help clear out. No one else was there yet, Rompra having not yet shown up and the rest of the shift as yet unaccounted for, and with the two of them alone an even more foul smile twisted the overseer's face. He calmly undid his belt and then his trousers, quickly leaving Tlech face to face with nearly a foot of thick, veiny gray cock. "I suppose you deserve a bonus for being so early... So why don't you pick how you take it? I remember how much you like using your mouth, but if such a good little goblin wants something else her overseer might be willing to oblige~"
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Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech didn't know why Irving was giggling at her as she raced out of their den, it didn't even really register in her mind that it was happening, which was unfortunate; it should have tipped her off that something didn't add up. As she rushed towards the tunnels where she was supposed to be working she tried to contain herself within her dress again to no avail, her breasts wobbling and jiggling about with no regard for what little modesty she possessed, and she didn't want to slow down to take care of it. She passed by a number of people along the way that she gave quite an eyeful, mostly goblins but also a few of the lesser fullbloods milling about, most of whom gave her a grin or a lewd leering as she ran past. She didn't care what they saw, a sense of dread growing within her as she approached the depths; how late was she really? Which of the overseers was she scheduled to work under? She didn't know the former and had forgotten the latter, both of which would have a profound impact on what was to happen to her before the day was done... As she approached the arch across the entrance to the tunnel areas she noted that there was no one around, which could be very bad indeed. Had she missed her shift entirely? Bad bad bad...

The sound of Shenk's voice made the chubby goblin's blood freeze. Of all the overseers she could have been late for, he was the absolute worst. Some of the demons, while sadists to be sure, used their position and authority mostly as fuel for their pride, to stroke their egos by lording their superiority over their charges and humiliating them. This one... no, that wasn't Shenk. Shenk was a truly vicious bastard through and through, the most cruel and unforgiving of them all, at least the ones Tlech ever had to deal with. Part of the proof of this was in the clothing he wore... It was a kind of leather armor, made out of the treated skin of stalkers and goblins. Tlech had known some of the people who had gone into the making of that armor, and the thought turned her stomach. If he wanted to, if he were in the mood, he could easily have her skinned too if she really had missed a shift. He was always looking for excuses, always looking to hurt or maim, testing out new and different tortures on his hapless victims. He wasn't always so straightforward, though... He also fancied himself a master manipulator, and though it wasn't really true he did have several advantages. For one, she had come to know by experience that his cum was dangerously addictive and had the ability to weaken the mind of anyone who drank it, to arouse them quite badly, and then to make them desperately crave more. He had a few personal slaves that she knew of, unable to stand the need for his spunk and unable to resist any demand he made of them. There was even a fullblood he had wrapped around his little finger because of it. Withdrawals were difficult to get through even though they only lasted a few hours, wracking the body and mind with pain and intense desire... She had known the feeling twice before, and was none too keen on feeling it again.

This was the man that Tlech found herself standing in front of, her breasts hanging out of her dress. Her fear dissipated just a bit at the next thing he said, though, replaced briefly with confusion... Half an hour early? She blinked as he looked at her with a grin that suggested that he was going to take advantage of this extra time, use it for his pleasure, if not hers. Irving... that little shit! That was why she had been giggling, this was one of her stupid jokes! The chubby goblin didn't appreciate it, and she vowed then that her roommate would get hers some time soon. She was even more annoyed when Shenk ordered her to strip naked, because she knew that thanks to Irving's earlier attention to her it would look for all the world like she really was eager to see him, when nothing could be further from the truth. She wordlessly complied; she had always found it easier not to speak to this particular demon unless told to, because he would only use her words as ammunition against her some way or other. She bent over to grasp the edge of her dress, the backside still stinging her rump as it rubbed against it from the whipping she had received earlier, though not much, and pulled it all over her head in one quick motion, leaving herself bare before the overseer's leering eyes. She was still wet, her lower lips glistening with her arousal, some having trickled down both her thighs, which certainly wouldn't escape his notice.

The demon unclasped his belt and untied his pants without delay, bringing out what was, at least to Tlech's eyes, a simply enormous cock. Almost a full quarter of her body length and quite thick to boot, almost right in front of her face as she gave her dress a quick fold and dropped it beside her. He was going to use her... but oddly enough he was giving her a choice as to how. It sort of took her aback, and there was a tiny bit of quick thinking to do... but the answer was pretty obvious. She had never had him take any hole but her mouth before, and while that presented the risk of addiction it was also likely to be the most pleasant. There was no way she was going to volunteer to have him fuck her ass, shuddering to think how much he could make that hurt if he really wanted. There was also no way that she could fit a dick of that size inside of her pussy, at least unless he battered his way inside of her womb, and maybe not even then... A particularly undesirable outcome given that she was pregnant. Of course, then again it might be dangerous to let him cum in her mouth at the start of a shift... She had been able to resist previous cravings for his seed in large part because he hadn't been readily available, but it was quite possible that he would badger her again while her head was still clouded with arousal, her belly burning with need for more. It was a dilemma, certainly, though after a few moments she replied "mouf's fine. 'less ye want me tits" giving him his own option. It couldn't hurt. Probably.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 89, Status = Fine, Pregnant

"Eheheh.... How about both?" Shenk grunted, stepping forward to thrust his length into Tlech's face, "go ahead... You've certainly proven yourself able in the past~" She had plenty of cock to work with, but Shenk seemed to be growing impatient for stimulation, and if she didn't get to work soon she would find the overseer's hand on top of her head guiding her to line up with his rod, which he would simply shove roughly into her mouth without any preamble, cramming as much in as possible before he started to simply thrust.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech managed to keep from grimacing as the overseer took a long step towards her, his obscenely large cock bobbing just in front of her face. She hated that she was in this situation, but there was nothing to be done about it now... She needed to summon up as much enthusiasm as she could manage to please him, because failing to satisfy him would likely be even worse than mere addiction to his seed. Of course, part of what annoyed her is that she knew that she wouldn't have to fake it before long... without delay she leaned just that little bit down, sucking the tip of his dick into her mouth and quickly swirling her tongue around it. She was almost the perfect height for what the demon wanted from her, just barely tall enough that she had to stoop a little bit. That changed, though, as she grabbed a breast in each hand, angling his dick upward using her lips and squishing her soft orbs together around the base of his member. She had no real intention of trying to take Shenk's entire length into her throat, there was just far too much of it... but she had no intention of a significant portion of him untouched. She quickly began to stroke the bottom half of his cock with her tits, both together in the same rhythm at the start, though her lips didn't move from their spot. She was still focused on licking over every inch of that tip, of giving him the very best, most thorough tonguework she knew how. While he wouldn't necessarily "appreciate" it, he would certainly have something to say about a half-assed job on her part.

The chubby goblin would carry on like that for a little while, perhaps a couple of minutes (unless the demon got impatient before then), before switching things up. Her lips began to slip down the length of his cock, not stopping until the tip of it prodded against the back of her throat and made her gag softly. Staring down that member it still seemed such a long way to his crotch... an above average goblin's cock could have fit easily between her lips and her breasts at that moment. She pulled herself back then, her tongue still lapping against the underside of Shenk's dick as she drew back, before plunging down again to the same spot, ending in a slightly louder gag. Like that she would begin to bob her head at a steady, somewhat brisk pace, using maybe the first quarter or so of the demon's length. At the same time she would begin to vary the stimulation she gave him with her breasts, sometimes stroking one of them up towards her lips and the other down towards his crotch, ensuring that very little of his member was untouched at any given moment, and at others pressing her chest together to swallow as much of him into her soft, warm cleavage as she could, giving him a few pumps with her heavy orbs before switching things up again.

Tlech knew that even this, however, wasn't likely to satisfy him for long... for that she would need to go deeper. Finally she would gag on the tip of the demon's cock and just continue to push herself down, feeling first that somewhat slender tip, and then more of his thicker girth slip into her tight throat. She would only be able to get about halfway down his length before stopping again, hazarding a glance up towards him with a little hint of involuntary tears in the corners of her eyes. She could almost feel her throat bulging, and she felt sure that anyone watching would have been able to tell more or less where his tip was inside of her. She kept herself there for a moment, struggling to bring air into her lungs around his tremendous girth, before pulling drawing almost all the way back once more and then lunging herself forward, taking him as deeply as she could in one motion. She wouldn't try to get much more than halfway down his member, though, instead offering the lower half of his cock a firm, rapid stroking with her tits. The pudgy goblin would carry on at a fairly rapid pace, doing her best to bring the demon the pleasure he demanded of her, and would keep at it in this way until either he came or ordered her to do something different.

Of course, she could already feel her legs wobble a tiny bit from the first moment she took Shenk's length into her throat... While she had been wet from the start thanks to the milking she had received from Irving earlier, she was moreso now, a little trickle of her arousal dribbling down her thigh to join the dried leavings of her last orgasm. She was starting to enjoy herself despite the wretchedness of her "partner," despite the spot of danger she was in, and she inwardly cursed herself for it. A part of her mind drifted back to her previous encounters with the overseer, to the taste of his cum, and the desire to taste it again began to creep into her. Perhaps it was a lingering side effect of times past, perhaps simply a personal weakness gnawing at her, but either way she was going to be in a difficult position later, and she knew it. That didn't stop the growing arousal within her, that warm feeling of need building within her, far from it... It was very possible that she was going to cum herself, maybe even before the demon at this rate, depending on how much self-control he wanted to exercise and how long he wanted to drag out her "reward!"
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 89, Status = Fine, Pregnant, Horny

Tlech takes 13 Resistance damage and becomes Aroused. Except because she has Easily Aroused, she gets Horny instead

"Ahhhhh!" the overseer grunted happily as Tlech leaned in and kissed the tip of his cock, her first sensual lick over its domed surface causing it to twitch excitedly. She knew from prior experience that Shenk greatly enjoyed her tongue lapping against his tip, and just as she lifted her breasts to start rubbing them against his base she got her first taste of his precum. Even the minor taste of his oddly sweet semen hit her hard, a rush of strange euphoria making her mind go blank with lust.

The combination of her early efforts with her tongue and breasts earned her a few more droplets of the demon's pre, every taste briefly lapped up by her swirling tongue causing the goblin's thoughts to dissolve into a blind hunger for more. “Nnnnn... You like the taste?” he grunted softly as she began to move a bit more, shifting her lips back and forth while using a few alternations of employing her breasts to pleasure him. She would get a few more dizzying bursts of that minty, spiced flavor that left her whole body reeling with a need for more before they ended without warning, leaving her craving more of it and encouraging her to suck on it further.

As her arousal rose from having the demon's immense cock plugging her throat, Tlech felt her essence drained in an all too familiar manner. As much as Shenk too advantage of her gathering sexual energy, however, he seemed at that point more intent on enjoying her attention than feeding, leaving him siphoning off only what he could easily draw out from her as her spirit generated excess energy. The more she worked, the more her own lust would rise, and Shenk would watch her progress with a grin as malicious as it was amorous. "Nnnmmm... Don't stop," he purred with a grin as she picked up her pace on his full foot of cock, and as much as he seemed to enjoy it physically it seemed that the taskmaster intended to draw things out.

Tlech came first, and despite that she had no great lover for the sadistic demon and had received no direct stimulation she came hard, the pleasure that suddenly rolled through her amplified by the demon's draw upon her defenseless soul and the composition of his aphrodisiac pre. When her peak began, he grabbed her suddenly by the hair and began to thrust his cock forcefully into her mouth, stretching her throat more than ever and using her mouth and breasts like his own personal orifice. It wasn't enough to make him find his own peak, however, and when Tlech had descended from her peak he would stop using her and release her scalp.

"Came just from sucking my cock like a good little slut.... And a rich soul too, it's too bad you were born a goblin instead of a true demon!" he grunted, grinning. Luckily he hadn't planted any hooks onto her mind or spirit, and though she would nearly work herself up to another orgasm in the process Tlech's efforts would be able to fulfill the demon's stated desire. His first eruption of sperm came without warning, but as it flooded down her throat Tlech's entire body was made to shudder with arousal, and after a delayed grunt the true flood of the demon's seed began. Tlech had no choice but to swallow every drop she could, both because her body demanded it and because her overseer grabbed her head and prevented her from pulling fully away. It was hardly something that she wouldn't enjoy, however, as the flood of thick, gooey cream filled her mouth to the point that it overflowed completely.

Shenk's last few spurts ended up being drooled out around his cock, dribbling out onto her chin and even down onto her breasts. Only when he had forced the last few dregs out with a few quick thrusts would he pull away from Tlech, allowing the goblin to swallow and breath again. Her body was on fire with arousal and euphoria by that point, the drugs in the demon's semen hitting her hard and making her feel like she was floating. Concentration was impossible, the only things that the lesser demon could think about revolving solely around physical experience, and her overseer's still erect shaft was standing temptingly over her. "Good slut," Shenk grunted as he glared down at Tlech maliciously, "go ahead and clean yourself up before you... Get to work."
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Even just the first little dribble of the overseer's precum was enough to dim Tlech's thoughts, that sweet-tasting liquid running down her tongue and lighting a fire in her belly. She wanted more, and every little drop was quickly lapped up, conscious thought pushed more and more into the background of her mind, leaving only an empty desire to pleasure the demon, to get more and more of that seed onto her taste buds. By the time he asked her if she liked it she could only pause for just barely long enough to nod her head, his cock still between her lips. The more her efforts to stimulate Shenk increased the more her own body reacted, her arousal growing each time she pushed his length into her throat, getting a little bit wetter with every little gag. She could also feel him starting to drain her soul, though he didn't touch its source, not yet. Her pleasure was generating energy, as it always did, and he was skimming it off the top, a feeling that made her tingle all over. It was a dangerously pleasant thing to be drained even when thinking straight; in her current state the chubby goblin could only want more, powerless to resist the sensations that assaulted her.

It was, in fact, too much for her. Though perhaps if he had wanted to allow it she could have made Shenk cum at the very least close to her he was definitely holding back, whether to savor her attentions or to play with his little toy impossible to determine. Whatever the case, the combination of his powerfully mind-altering precum, his stealing of her soul, and her own oral fixation caused Tlech to reach her orgasm well before he did, the feelings of pleasure welling up inside of her until she could hardly stand it, and then finally boiling over. She let out a muffled groan of bliss around that thick cock, her entire body shivering, her legs starting to wobble a bit. The cruel demon could sense that this was the beginning of her climax, and without warning he grabbed her long blonde hair, holding it tightly in his fist and beginning to forcefully push her head down his length and then pull it back, thrusting into her throat and through the valley of her breasts without mercy. It was just... unfair how good this was. The goblin's knees buckled together as her juices began to gush down her legs, and she squeezed her breasts as tightly around the demon's dick as she could, her fingers pressed firmly into the soft flesh. The only thing holding up her bliss-wracked body was Shenk's grip on her hair and his dick in her mouth, and at this point the latter was the only think she could manage to think of.

The almost violent way the overseer was using her face only served to get Tlech off harder, and her orgasm seemed to go on forever... When it finally subsided Shenk let go of her and she almost crumpled to the ground at his feet, though she managed to stay up just barely. Despite the powerful pleasure she had felt, the goblin wasn't satisfied yet, not nearly. The best part was yet to come! She wanted his orgasm, to taste the bounty of his incredible seed. Even just tiny spurts of precum were enough to set her body alight with pleasure and need, so surely the real deal would be even better, would make her so sensitive and aroused that even the slightest little touch would feel incredible! If she had been thinking properly this would have set off all sorts of alarm bells, but she was most certainly not thinking... She had to take a few moments to ready herself again, to catch her breath after having her throat stuffed full of cock for so long, to get her legs properly under her, before she could start in on pleasing him again.

She found, unfortunately, that the demon was still holding himself back, making her work for her reward... The chubby goblin started to become almost frantic with her motions, bobbing her head at an increasingly rapid pace, pumping the lower half of his length with her breasts wrapped as tightly around it as she could manage. The look in her eyes was almost desperate as she felt her own pleasure building once more. She couldn't cum twice before he did once, she just couldn't! She needed that hot, sweet, tasty cum... And then, without warning, it began to flood down her throat. Shenk's only acknowledgement was a quiet grunt after the fact and a firm hand to the back of her head, holding her in and making sure she couldn't dodge his load. At that moment, of course, there wasn't anything in Hell that could have convinced her to try. His cock pulsed and throbbed as it delivered her the reward for her work, some of it directly down to her belly, but some mercifully blasting against her tongue with force. Tlech tried her best to swallow all of his offering, but it became increasingly difficult with each powerful spurt, her noisy gulps not even close to keeping up with his volume. She was in a state of ecstasy, the aphrodisiacs in his seed making her every nerve tingle with heat, so sensitive to even the slightest of touches.

By the time the demon's orgasm was finished thick, creamy cum was drooling plentifully out of Tlech's mouth, running down her chin to be caught by her large breasts. Her addled mind vaguely cursed herself for not being able to swallow it all down, drinking it somehow more important to her than the fact that she hadn't been able to take a breath since the torrent had started down her throat... When Shenk pulled out she managed to gulp down what remained in her mouth and then take in a gasp of air, letting go of her chest now that she had finished stroking the demon and letting them jiggle to a rest. The addictive, aphrodisiac cum was having a profound effect on the chubby goblin, her body absolutely burning with need and desire but at the same time feeling almost light as a feather, unburdened by the need for thought. She heard the overseer's words only with some difficulty, the sounds reverberating through her head as she stared dumbly up at his cock, which was still so very stiff. Slowly she began to comply, a hand moving to her chin to wipe the excess spunk off it, and then to her mouth, where she equally slowly sucked the tasty treat off. Next were her breasts, wiped carefully with her fingers, searched to ensure that not a drop of the overseer's cum was wasted, and again those fingers went to her mouth to be cleaned by her tongue, the goblin shivering slightly at that taste... She had heard him tell her to clean up, but had he just meant her? She didn't know, but it wouldn't have made sense. His dick was right there, almost touching her lips already, wet with her saliva but also with the proof of her failure, the leftover cum that had washed back out of her mouth. It was more than just tempting... it demanded her attention, and she wasn't nearly strong enough to resist. She leaned forward, taking the tip of the demon's member into her mouth and sucking it clean, slowly pushing herself down to ensure that no spunk would be left on the overseer's member. From there... well, it really depended on what he told her to do. She didn't have the initiative at the moment to do much of anything but continue to idly suckle at his dick, her mind was just a fog of only cock and cum and pleasure.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 1/89, Status = Low on Energy, Pregnant,

The demonic overseer grinned and cooed with pleasure as Tlech leaned forward and took his cum coated cock back into her mouth, cleaning the last leftover's of his seed. Every drop made the haze of arousal claiming the goblin's mind thicker, made her lust more intense, and she couldn't do anything but swallow it down. "You want another nut, slut?" he grunted, and then pulled back until his cock popped free of her mouth, "come on then... Come and work for it!" He backed up and set down, leaving his rod in even easier reach, though she would have to go and get it.

From there Tlech was free to work out his next orgasm however she liked, though if she tried to use anything other than her hands, breasts, and mouth the overseer would halt her actions entirely and direct her to do keep to the one sided foreplay, though he wouldn't prohibit her from playing with herself if she had the free hands. Shenk would be considerably less aggressive this time, keeping largely still while she worked to get another load out of him in whatever manner she wished. At one point he would speak to someone she couldn't see, saying something along the lines of "get to work," but by that point she had tasted his pre again and the haze in her mind led her to ignore it. Eventually, after another orgasm and a build up that saw a third coming with his semen, she would get to drink another one of Shenk's glorious loads. Once again some of it would inevitably end up splattering down her chin, his volume too much for her to handle no matter how much she swallowed. It was as delectable as the last, and the second hit of his drugged seed only increased her craving for more of it.

The fire in her belly cried out for attention still as well, but even though she was by now well into the time when she should have been working Shenk apparently wasn't done. He let her clean him until every drop of his sticky seed had been lapped from his body and from her own, but when she was finished he suddenly rose and casually flipped Tlech onto her back, pushing her legs up until her knees were near her chest. Then he squatted over her, letting his immense rod settle over her drooling slit so that his shaft was grinding against her petals and exposed clitoris. "Heh, already pregnant eh?" he remarked after teasing her for about a minute, "that's alright... Once that one pops out, I'll give you a few of mine! You'd like that, eh little slut?"

He shifted until his tip was lined up with her slit, and Tlech saw his shaft shrinking so that he could fit into her as he continued to rub the head of his cock against her petals. Only once she'd answered, and if her answers suited him, would the cruel demon slam into her needy folds, stretching her like no one ever had before despite his reduced size. The head of his cock pushed roughly against the prone goblin's cervix, and through the spike of pleasure she felt a wave of her essence sucked out of her. The overseer had fed on her throughout her second round of oral treatment, but only as he had through the first. Now he drank deep of her, tendrils of his spirit drawing energy directly from her soul's core in addition to what she naturally generated from her arousal, and as he began to pound her relentlessly the waves of incredibly intense pleasure left her soul all too easy to feed upon.

An orgasm rolled through Tlech before they'd even gone five minutes, but Shenk's thrusts continued unabated, hard and fast enough to make her plump rear jiggle constantly and her breasts shake while trapped between her knees. Her next peak came as quickly as the first since he'd started pounding her pussy, and a third... And a fourth, quickly chaining to the point that she could no longer keep track of how many times the foul demon made her cum on his cock. By that point a river of her juices was running down the crack of her ass as Shenk pounded her brains out, and her spirit had been reduced to a husk of its former self, a spark where there had once been a flame. Only then would Shenk suddenly grunt, letting his cock erupt without significant warning to begin pouring his seed into her depths to the point that it overflowed. He pulled out midway through to paint her from her crotch to her face, ropes of cum landing all over her body, and when he'd finished he shoved it against the exhausted goblin's face and said; "Clean me up... And then get to work! You're late to get on task!"
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Even just the leftovers of Shenk's load were taking a heavy toll on Tlech's mind, her thoughts receding further and further into the background the more she lapped off of him. He was perfectly fine, unfortunately, with the idea of giving her another. He pulled his length out of her mouth, coming free with an audible pop followed immediately by a little whimper of needy lust from the goblin, and she followed him step for step as he backed away. He sat down on the ground in front of her and in a moment she was on her knees, staring at that massive cock of his. This time she didn't have the presence of mind to try to take things slowly, didn't have nearly that sort of willpower... Instead she wrapped her lips around his tip and began to bob her head up and down his shaft at a rapid pace, both hands reaching down to grasp him at the base of his member and pump him in time with her mouth. Her only thought was the demon's cum, getting it onto her tongue and into her belly, and the pleasure that doing so would bring her...

Unbeknownst to the chubby goblin, things were starting to happen around her while she was in her own little world, her fellow goblins coming in to work now. The overseer spoke to them commandingly, but she hardly heard it, it hardly seemed important. How could anything but what she was doing at the moment be important? Little dribbles of precum started to hit her tongue again, spurring her on, thickening the fog that hung over her mind, building her desire to higher and higher heights. Anyone walking in behind her would easily be able to see from such an angle that she was so intensely aroused that by now her juices drooled out in a slow but steady trickle, the inside of her thighs thoroughly drenched and glistening... And then she received her second orgasm, her untouched pussy spasming and gushing as she let out a muffled groan, the pleasure hitting her hard, making it difficult for a moment to keep up her rhythm, although Shenk didn't get aggressive with her over it... somewhat unfortunately. She still had work to do, though, still wasn't nearly satisfied, she needed that cum!

Tlech was acting on something almost approaching instinct now, her hands stroking the bottom half of the demon's cock almost feverishly, her lips slipping up and down his length with abandon, her desperation growing the closer she felt him get to his orgasm. She too was building up to yet another... and this time the two of them would peak together despite the entirely one-sided focus of the act. Her juices squirted onto the ground below, splattering against the cold stone floor as she greedily gulped down mouthful after mouthful of the delicious spunk her demonic overseer provided. No matter how fast she swallowed, how hard she tried, it simply wasn't enough, and a fair bit of it began to overflow, running down her chin to coat the hands that still stroked his member furiously, milking it to the best of her ability, and finally onto his crotch. The chubby goblin could feel that this second load of cum in her belly was only making her want more, her desire growing rather than being sated... if she had had half a mind at the time it would have worried her. She could also feel her body growing yet more sensitive, her arousal still a fire burning deep inside of her despite having already had three orgasms already in such a short span of time.

When Shenk's orgasm had subsided, the last few spurts of cum dribbling out onto her tongue, Tlech began instantly to clean the two of them. Her hands were first, thoroughly licked until not a speck of the sticky cum remained, and then she moved on to his cock, her lips sliding down one side of his shaft and then the other, her tongue flicking out to leave him coated with her glistening saliva and nothing else. Finally the chubby goblin would lean in against his crotch, her face nuzzled up against his still-hard cock, her tongue busy lapping up the last drops of the demon's incredible seed. He wasn't done, though... not by a long shot. As soon as she had finished cleaning him he stood, in the process shoving her over onto her back. She hit the cold stone ground with a little wet noise, a reminder of just how powerful her arousal and pleasure had been up to this point, and she could only stare up at him with a look of dull expectation, her mind still in an utter stupor, perhaps even more so than before now that the second load of his mind-altering cum was sloshing around in her belly. Her lusts were overwhelming, and even in the state she was in she had a vague idea of what he wanted to do to her. The overseer had never fucked Tlech before, partly because she had desperately tried to avoid letting him do so, taking most any other option... She had been afraid, knowing of his sadistic tendencies, that he would use that massive cock of his as a weapon, battering her insides for his pleasure while causing her the pain he seemed to so love causing. She couldn't object now, and that was just as well, because she in for a treat the likes of which she had never had before.

The demon quickly grabbed her legs, pushing them up until her knees rested to either side of her hefty breasts, and without being prompted she hooked her arms around them, dutifully holding herself in the position he seemed to want. As he squatted overtop her she shivered, looking down when she felt the underside of his member come to rest against her lower lips, puffy and pink-ish with her desire, so very wet that the bottom of his shaft would soon be coated. Just that touch lit her nerve endings on fire and caused her to let out a whimpering moan, lightly grinding her lower body up against his length to feel him rub against her engorged clit. It was the first time her pussy had been touched thus far, and with the potent aphrodisiacs the overseer had pumped her full of it felt tremendously good. What would it feel like to be penetrated? Could she even handle it? It didn't seem that Shenk was going to test the helpless goblin for a minute that seemed like much more, just grinding himself slowly against her sex, the teasing making her hungry for so much more. His question to her barely registered, and in fact Tlech didn't understand what he had said. He had said something, though. Had he been asking her a question? Her brow furrowed for a moment as she strained hard to think, even as she was distracted by the sight of the demon positioning himself properly to penetrate her, that huge dick shrinking to a size that was much more manageable. The way he was glaring down at her expectantly told her that he was looking for an answer from her, and almost certainly what he wanted was "yes." The chubby goblin opened her mouth to speak, but only a whining mumble came out. Fuck. How did words work again? Her mouth closed again, and she slowly nodded her head in assent to she knew not what, unable to muster the ability to do anything else.

That seemed to satisfy the overseer, and a moment later he forced himself into her with a single powerful thrust, and Tlech was relieved of the need (and indeed the ability) to think once more. Even though he had shrunk himself down to fit her his was certainly the biggest cock she had ever taken in her life; the tip pounded against her cervix, hitting that barrier with the force of a ram, and his girth stretched her in ways she hadn't thought could even be pleasing. And yet, just that first thrust was an intense pleasure! Her body shuddered, a thrill running up and down her spine as she let out a lewd moan. It was made all the better by the feeling of being well and truly drained... Whereas before the demon had stolen the excess of energy her soul produced from her pleasure, now he was digging in, pulling directly from the reserves of her soul itself. It had felt wonderful to be emptied of her milk earlier, but to be emptied in this way, though normally tinged with a bit of fear and distaste, was exquisite to the pudgy goblin her in current state. Quickly Shenk started to thrust powerfully, his heavy balls slapping against her ass at the end of each motion, his cocktip slamming her cervix mercilessly, pounding her into utter submission, every single thrust bringing such bliss to her hyper-sensitive body that it was almost painful.

It didn't take long like this for Tlech to come to an incredible orgasm, letting out an almost animalistic howl of sheer ecstasy as her inner walls weakly clamped around the dick that was spreading them so wide, her juices gushing out against the demon's crotch and then down the crack of her ass, pooling on the ground beneath them. He didn't relent even while she came, thrusting away so as to extend and deepen the pleasure she felt, her body shuddering and convulsing with the strain. Slowly she would come down from her high, but she could tell that that wouldn't last long the way he was treating her... Her large breasts jiggled and rolled about, framed by her knees that squeezed them slightly inward, and even this little bit of friction felt like a blessing to her. Even the feeling of her back rubbing against the ground could qualify as nice... It seemed like barely any time at all before the demon had her cumming again, her toes curling as she let out a primal scream of bliss. Again he didn't so much as slow down, continuing to batter away at both her cervix and her soul, seemingly taking a deep gulp of the latter during her orgasm.

The chubby goblin was beginning to weaken as the pleasure became more intense, the waves crashing over her and threatening to wash her away. Orgasms came closer and closer together, a third and fourth hitting her harder than any whipping she'd ever received, any punch she'd ever taken. Shenk's every thrust was accompanied by a lewd wet sound as his cock displaced her copious love juices, forcing them out of her, a puddle spreading now from beneath her, her jiggling ass glistening, soaking wet. Her eyes slowly rolled up into her head, her mouth hanging open, and the pudgy goblin began to drool down her cheek, climaxes chaining until they were more or less continuous. At some point the demon had finally had enough to have his turn to cum again, and without any warning to her Tlech felt a flood of his hot seed spurt into her womb. It almost seemed a terrible waste... He just kept thrusting away, more and more of it gushing into her, filling her more than full until finally she could hold no more, and it began to overflow down her ass, a few more thrusts making it squelch out around that tremendous cock.

The demon pulled out of Tlech well before his orgasm had subsided, a spurt of cum blasting against the outside of her sex, a few more splattering onto her belly, her breasts, and then a final shot that coated her face. She was still cumming even when he slapped his cock down onto her lips, her eyes mostly closed as she let out a long weak moan. Her feet twitched in the air, toes curling and uncurling again, her chest heaving from the exertion Shenk had put her through. Even as the pleasure ebbed away she didn't have the capability to follow her overseer's orders, her lips still open and drooling beneath his cock even though she wasn't really even aware of it. She was utterly and completely exhausted, her soul all but sucked dry, and it seemed for a few moments at least that he had well and truly fucked her stupid. Slowly she started to come to, feeling incredibly warm inside and out as the demon's cum settled into her cleavage, pooling in her bellybutton, dribbling off her onto the ground. She began to lap the excess cum off of Shenk's dick, moving slowly in the fog that hung over her mind, and as she did little aftershocks of pleasure hit her, her body convulsing briefly while a little squirt of her cum and his shot out of her well-fucked pussy. There was one more such miniature climax in store for her before she had completely cleaned him off, and once there was no more spunk to be had off of his member she finally released her legs, letting them fall to the ground.

Tlech couldn't possibly have started working just then, not least because she didn't know what the overseer had commanded of her. Slowly she started to wipe the cum off her exhausted body, funneling what covered her face into her mouth and swallowing it down eagerly. Her breathing still hadn't returned to normal, her heartrate was still up sky high. Another little aftershock hit her, her belly clenching as another squirt of mixed juices gushed up out of her. How could she even hope to function while still in such a state? The drugged cum had her in a state of pure euphoria, warm and happy with her belly nice and full of that seed and with even more still available. She began to slowly scoop the spunk out of her cleavage, off her breasts, off her belly... Sucking it down greedily, shuddering as that addictive substance slid down her throat. Her fingers started to scrape against her pussy, feeling it sore from that rough fucking, making her moan out softly as she brought the excess cum to her lips and licked it up. There was only her ass left, and once she didn't feel any more cum to drink down staining it she slowly, carefully rolled to her hands and knees, her legs too weak to support herself just yet. There was cum... on the ground. She stared at it for a moment, starting to drool again before leaning down. It was just too precious to waste like that! Her tongue darted out, licking that sticky seed directly off the cold stone ground of the cave, hunting for every last speck before she was satisfied with the job she had done. Only then would she slowly get to her feet, having to spend some time holding herself up with her hands while her legs wobbled, and then looking at her overseer with a dumb expression on her face, her mouth still hanging open slightly. What did he want her to do again? She didn't know. Maybe if she focused she could understand him this time...
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 20/89, Status = Not Fine, Pregnant,

Her drained soul slightly repaired itself as Tlech cleaned off Shenk's member, her arousal allowing her to generate a bit of energy, but Shenk ripped it all away as she suffered her miniature orgasm, claiming it to feed his hunger. Her body was flushed with euphoria from his drugged cum by that point, and not a drop was to be wasted. The overseer watched as she spent the next several minutes cleaning up, first cleansing her body of every drop and swallowing down each drop of the precious liquid, her body flaring with renewed arousal with every mouthful, and at least her growing arousal let her battered spirit renew itself some more. Once what coated her was gone, she began to clean the cum beneath her, lapping it up off of the floor much to Shenk's pleasure. She could hear the demonic overseer chuckling behind her, and his hand came down to clap roughly against her ass midway through her efforts, though he did nothing further to disrupt her lewd behavior.

Once she was finished, and stood staring up at him expectantly, Shenk simply gestured towards the halls she was supposed to be cleaning and said; "What are you waiting on? You're supposed to be cleaning up these tunnels... Get to work slut! Get to work, or no more treats from master Shenk~" The demon's cock had been put away while she was cleaning herself, and though Tlech's body still trembled with the high from his seed burning in her belly she had been given enough of it that her addiction was sated.... For now.