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Day Job (Tiffanian)

"Sure I’m sure~" Tlech replied, quite fine with letting Gronn shoot off inside of her. They were going to be at this for way too long to fuss about making him pull out in all likelihood, and she was would almost certainly be too horny at some point or other to pause the action anyway. Besides, having been pregnant and given birth once it wasn’t too bad, and she didn’t mind the idea of having one of Gronn’s babies… As she settled onto his cock he gave her plump butt a rather hard smack, causing her to grunt and jolt just a bit with the surprise of it. Before she had settled again he seized one of her soft breasts, leaning forward to latch onto it and suckle gently. She let out a quiet moan as she began to give milk, his hand and lips working to draw out the nourishment meant for her daughter.

"Heh" she chuckled, "suckin’ me teat like a babe again are ye?" It was a pleasant and intimate sensation to have him at her breast taking milk, one that gave her pleasure beyond the tingly physical feeling. She had to keep herself leaned over Gronn as she rode him, but otherwise he hardly made a move and let her set the pace however she wanted, which she took full advantage of in the buildup. Of all the men she’d been with he was probably the most considerate, even hyped up on aphrodisiacs. Even if he did give her ass a smack or two from time to time.

"Ain’t gotta tell me twice" she replied as she began to really bounce on his cock, "gonna milk ye good!" He was sucking her tit so firmly now, drawing so much milk… and now he was bucking his hips back up at her just a little, keeping the pace she set. He was so long and thick under the effects of the graergek, stroking just about every nerve of her inner walls as they wrapped tightly around his shaft… She rode him as hard as she could, and she was quickly rewarded with a powerful orgasm! Her pussy quivered and clenched against him as if desperately trying to provoke his own climax, which she managed mere moments later.

The feeling of Gronn’s fat cock throbbing inside of her, releasing a simply incredible load of cum into her depths, scratched an itch she hadn’t even been aware she had. There was so much of it and it was so warm and thick inside of her, enhancing the pleasure she felt on a primal level. "Mmm… Ye gave me a ton" she practically purred as they both recovered from their orgasms, "Pond’s gonna be a big sis fer sure." He was still impossibly stiff, his cock throbbing and continuing to fill her with little spurts of cum from time to time. Graergek was an incredible thing; she was surely in for quite a lot more where that came from.

Mere moments later Gronn proved that well enough, grabbing her hips and starting to buck his hips up into her. There was an almost crazed look in his eyes as he started to fuck her, quickly working up to a feverish pace. For a little bit the pudgy goblin couldn’t match his movements, only able to sit on his lap and bounce and jiggle with his frantic thrusts, moaning and groaning in pleasure. She managed to pull herself together after a minute or two, leaning forward a bit more to steady herself and just doing her best to move in rhythm with him, getting there after a few moments of awkwardness. "Fuck yer good…! Aw fuck!" she cried, her whole body quivering in bliss. He went for her other breast then, grasping it and suckling hard, evening out the stimulation from before. She cradled his head to her chest with one hand, the other steadying her as she held on for the ride, more than content to allow him to do as he pleased in this case. "C’mon… nnnn! Fuck a load inta me! Yer gonna make me cum again!"
Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 89, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Pond: Fine, a few days old
Gronn: Laid. As. Fuck.

"Uuuugggghhhnnn.... Gnnnn.... S'way more where that... C-came from," Gronn panted back, albeit somewhat belatedly given that he was already pumping up into her again. He didn't bother to go slowly or gently at this point, rapidly hastening his pace until he was bouncing up into Tlech harder and faster than she'd been able to go when it was she who was doing most of the moving. He hardly needed the encouragement to fill her with more of his baby batter, but when she demanded that he cum inside her again, Gronn's grip on her hips tightened and he started pumping up into her even harder.

"Guhhh... Hnnn... Gonna cum in ya.... Gonna cum in ya... Hnnng!" After a few seconds his balls were slapping against her ass wildly, his rapid pumps driving Tlech to bounce and jiggle as he pumped her towards satisfaction. He didn't fulfill his promise immediately, but it didn't exactly take him long. About midway through his next rutting, Gronn released her breast, getting his chin covered in the last spurts of her nourishing milk in the process, and from then began to pump up into her ever harder if anything. True to form, his next nut into her was even bigger than the last; he bucked his hips one final time and delivered spurt after spurt of cum right into her, flooding her fertile womb with even more of his seed and ensuring that she had yet another powerful orgasm right along with him.

He wasn't done yet though; graergek was known to drive men into a mating frenzy, and Gronn had seemingly succumbed to that. While Tlech was still recovering from being filled with his last load, Gronn rolled her over onto her back and pushed her legs into her shoulders, pinning her in a mating press. "Gnnnn! Gruhhh! Hurggg... C-can't stop... Nnn... Too good!" he groaned, having remained balls deep or nearly so throughout his repositioning and keeping buried to the hilt into her for a few seconds while he planted his knees and re-situated himself to get back to work. She didn't get much of a break, but it'd be her last for a good long while.

For the next hour or so, Gronn fucked Tlech like a beast in a rut, delivering a proper goblin mating the likes of which she had perhaps rarely if ever been able to experience given that Pond was her first offspring. Her ass was beaten like a drum, producing a steady PAP PAP PAP PAP as he pumped his ever-throbbing cock into her sopping cunny. He never even bothered to ask if she wanted him to pull out at that point, and by the time Gronn's stamina finally ran dry, Tlech's womb was completely filled with his sperm, ensuring that she'd been seeded with his child by way of flooding her entire reproductive system with his swimmers and leaving nowhere for her egg to hide. It took a prolonged string of orgasms and five more deliveries of his cum into her pussy to get there though, and while she might be a sweaty mess lying in a small pool of cum by the time he was done, she was likely anything but unsatisfied.
Tlech’s encouragement only made Gronn fuck her harder, slamming his hips up into her far more vigorously than she could have managed on her own… and he only increased his pace as she cried out for his cum, pounding away at her wildly, almost desperately! It wasn’t long before he gave her what she craved, his cock throbbing before pumping an even bigger load of cum into her, filling her so full that some was already spilling out here and there… She came hard with him, groaning in pleasure as her pussy milked him for all it was worth, her back arching as the last little bit of her milk dribbled from her stiff nipples.

That wasn’t nearly enough to satisfy Gronn, though… The graergek had him in a frenzy, and nothing she could have said or done would’ve stopped him from pounding her again. He recovered from his orgasm before she did hers and rolled her over onto her back with his cock still in her, grabbing her legs and pushing them up against her shoulders. She wasn’t exactly the most flexible, but the mild discomfort couldn’t possibly mar the feeling of his cock stuffing her pussy. She wrapped her arms around her knees, holding them tight as she looked up at him and grinned. "Don’t ye dare stop" she demanded, "not till yer balls’re gud n’ empty!"

It was a demand Gronn happily acquiesced to. A man’s seed had never taken root inside of Tlech before, but then it had been absolutely ages since she’d cut loose and let one really take her like this, pounding into her with reckless abandon. She couldn’t be sure how much of it was due to the aphrodisiac she had drank, but it felt good to let him breed her, to lay back while he gave her all he had. Over the course of an hour or more he fucked her, the sounds of their hips wetly slapping together, his grunts, and her increasingly hoarse moans and cries of bliss echoing from his little room; certainly there were few in the warren who didn’t know what they were up to. He gave her more orgasms than he got, her body growing more sensitive with each one, easier to bring to climax… though he pumped five more loads into her, ensuring that his warm seed filled her completely with more drooling out to pool at her crotch with her juices.

The chubby goblin was utterly exhausted, drenched in sweat and their combined fluids, but she was thoroughly satisfied. "Nnnn… fuck…" she groaned quietly, "ye didn’ give me a break one. Me puss’ll be sore. Felt fuckin’ great!" She looked over at Gronn with a little grin then, asking "feel like ye got yer five credits? I’m promised ter ye fer long as yer off, but I needs ta rest fer a bit if’n ye want more."
Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 89, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Pond: Fine, a few days old
Gronn: Laid. As. Fuck.

"Gnnnn.... Eheh, ye ain't had enough yet? We got some hours left," Gronn replied glibly, giving Tlech a few more minutes before letting her get back to sucking him off to start with their second, more sedate bout. He would make the best of his favor, but eventually would have to go to work his shift, giving her a chance to rest off the marathon session that he'd just put her through.

By the time she was supposed to go for another shift clearing out the lower ruins, Tlech had recovered enough to be sore but capable. It was a boring shift under a boring overseer, mostly hauling things around and filling bins with dust and rubble to be hauled. A more severe overseer like Shenk might have punished her for working slower than usual, but this one seemed distracted and often muttered to themselves about apparent nonsense. By the time she was done with work, Tlech's belly had already grown a bit, and she was given off her next shift - at a grumbling Irving's expense - for an extended rest. That left Tlech able to take a whole two days off of work!
"Heh… I ain’t exactly beggin’ fer more, but I’ll give ye as much as ye want" Tlech replied, chuckling a little bit as she laid back and rested for a while. The two of them laid together for a couple of minutes to recover before she moved to give him another blowjob, kicking off another long but more casual session this time. Eventually it was time for Gronn to head off to his shift, leaving a sore and tired Tlech to waddle back to her room to rest up for her own shift, a pretty typical and boring time moving rubble from one place to another. She was a bit slow and lethargic, which she thankfully wasn’t punished for by the equally lazy overseer… and in any case the excuse for her lack of enthusiasm for the work became apparent by the end of her shift; she was already obviously pregnant with her second child. She would be allowed to take some time off work, and she was determined to milk it for all it was worth… though that didn’t mean she was going to lay about in her room all day. The first opportunity she got when she wasn’t taking care of Pond she decided to take a trip around the warrens to see what was up.
Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 89, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Pond: Fine, a few days old
Gronn: Working
Tyduk: Working
Ab: "Sleeping"
Irving: Working Tlech's shift
Dorpina: Relaxing, watching Pond

Shenk: Overseer, cockbag, possibly thinking to make Tlech into a mindbroken walking power source
Gorruk Khan: The other overseer, also kind of a cockbag. Likes to use the whip.
Reiak the Unbent: Mistress.

With her housemates and friends covering for her responsibilities, her belly gravid with Gronn's offspring, and an excuse to take some time off, Tlech would be able to take a walk around the warrens. Most of the fortress's residing goblins were working, but a few were around.

Ongbra was telling tales of battles he had fought in, the experienced sorcerer having been a servant of many a demon lord. Too old and wounded to be put to work, he was tolerated by their mistress for his experience and magical expertise, and spent much of his time educating the younger generations of goblins. Dorpina, who had volunteered to watch Pond in her time off, was among those listening to his current ramblings.

Ab was in his chamber, supposedly sleeping, and while Tlech's deal with him had only required that she blow him when he asked for it, if she felt like giving him a pleasant wakeup, a glance inside revealed that he was half awake in something of a delirious state, stroking his own erection. Were she so inclined, it would be easy enough to get another taste of his pleasantly thick, jelly-like semen if she wanted it, and as he hadn't gotten her to do it in over a day due to conflicting schedules, his built up load would likely be huge....

She could also go and eat, and the cook would undoubtedly offer his usual special condiment for her mashed worms at the usual price that she do some of the work in sucking it out of him. The mess hall was a short way from the warren, requiring that she go through very little of the fortress not essentially controlled by goblins.

Some of the off-duty goblins were taking the opportunity to work on the warren itself, fixing it up where the structure was damaged and expanding it into adjoining chambers, and Tlech could go and help with that if she felt like doing something more active. Given that their population was on the rise - thanks in part to Tlech herself - more space was needed, and the areas around the warren that had been cleared by their own labor could now be turned to use for their living spaces.

Alternatively, she could look further afield, wandering more of the fortress as a whole rather than sticking to the goblin warrens. It might put her in contact with the more obnoxious inhabitants of their little corner of Hell, but it would offer more potential distractions for her time off.
The first thing Tlech came across as she left her room and stretched was a gathering around Ongbra, who was regaling them with tales of his exploits when he was younger. While the stories were interesting (and he sometimes conveyed useful knowledge) she was old enough and had been interested enough to have heard pretty much all of them before, many of them multiple times. She had even pestered him to teach her some magic when she had first started down the path of being summoned, but either he hadn’t been much of a teacher or, more likely, she simply didn’t have the mind for his sort of magic.

She didn’t feel much like sitting around listening today for other reasons, of course. She certainly had a more robust appetite than the average goblin, and her pregnancy was making her even hungrier even more often. It had been a little while since she’d had the time to really sit and keep company with the cook as well, so she was looking forward to having an unhurried chat in her time off. And of course give him a little bit of help spicing up her meal…

Along the way the chubby goblin looked around and peeked in the various chambers of the warrens. Many goblins were working at this time, but some were doing their own thing. Most notably as she passed Ab’s chamber he was… well, it was his time to sleep it seemed, but to say he was restless was an understatement. Though he was clearly asleep (or at least in some state less than awake) he was tugging on his erect cock in an uncoordinated fashion that… probably wasn’t going to get him anywhere, at least not for a while. Tlech wasn’t obligated to suck him off unless he asked her to, of course, which he was currently incapable of… but it had been maybe a day and a half since their schedules had worked out, and she stood in his entryway watching him jerk off for a little bit as the temptation grew.

“Aw fuck it” she mumbled under her breath as she stepped into Ab’s room, taking up a position in front of him and grunting as she lowered herself to her knees. Being pregnant made everything just that little bit harder. She watched him up close for a little bit longer as she took her breasts, swollen and heavy with milk, out of her dress… and then seized the base of his cock, leaning forward to take the tip of it into her mouth and lick it, sucking gently until he woke up.

"Oi. ‘ow ye ‘spect ter git gud sleep wit balls dis ‘eavy?" she asked after pulling back just a bit, a teasing grin on her face. "Ye jus’ relax an’ leave it all up ter me. I’ll take gud care’a ye." With that she brought her lips back to his erection, wrapping them around it and starting to bob her head on his shaft. She wasn’t slow or gentle, steadily building to a rapid pace as she looked up at him… if he was horny enough to jerk off in his sleep this probably wouldn’t take all that long, and she didn’t feel the need to prolong it and make Ab wait for his release.
Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 89, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Pond: Fine, a few days old
Gronn: Working
Tyduk: Working
Ab: "Sleeping"
Irving: Working Tlech's shift
Dorpina: Relaxing, watching Pond

Shenk: Overseer, cockbag, possibly thinking to make Tlech into a mindbroken walking power source
Gorruk Khan: The other overseer, also kind of a cockbag. Likes to use the whip.
Reiak the Unbent: Mistress.

Ab's cock twitched against her lips as Tlech settled in, massive bust pancaking against his floor, and his hand's stroking sped up just a little. Her first lick and bout of suckling earned Tlech an immense glob of his precum, nearly as thick and jelly-like as it was when he hit full release. It would take a couple flicks of her tongue for him to properly awaken, and he gave a bleary eyed look down at her as she worked his cock. "Uggghhh.... Ghn.... Uhhh.... Hi," he muttered, visibly confused for a moment before his brain started working again. "Uhhh.... Heheh, nnnn... Ffffuuuuck that mouth is good..."

He settled his head back as Tlech got to work, looking down at her as she bobbed onto his cock. There was no need to tease at this point, and the familiar sensation of the workman's rod filling her mouth soon had Tlech riding an all too familiar pleasurable high. Having already been fairly far along, it wasn't long before Ab's cock was throbbing between her lips, and not much longer than that before that he graoned out; "Uhhhhhh fuck, guhhh.... G-gonna cum! Uuughhh, ughhnnnn, hnnnngg!!!"

Ab's load was huge, unsurprisingly. His balls seemed to be increasing their production, with how often she was sucking him off, and his cock spat up a dozen and a half solid globs of his thick, jelly-like semen, more than enough to fill her mouth and then some. As usual, it was so dense that she could practically chew on it, and incredibly flavorful, and after a few moments spent recuperating he grunted; "You can gimme that wake up all the time, don't worry 'bout askin! Eheheheh.... Balls have definitely got another one in 'em for ya, why don't you go ahead and suck it out? Will help me get some sleep!"