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Day Job (Tiffanian)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 89, Status = Fine, summoned

Tlech had been having a fairly ordinary day, all things considered. The life of a goblin in Hell was filled with dull routines, with only occasional bouts of random terror to spice things up. She had been busy fulfilling her usual function, cleaning the dessicated ruin that her mistress, a lesser demon lord of little importance, had taken as her fortress. It was a tiring and thankless task with next to no fulfillment for her, but at least served as decent exercise and lacked the dangers of being a goblin warrior in Hell, where her kind were more or less the bottom of the food change.

Then, the curvy young goblin felt a sudden tug, not on her body, but on her spirit. A call that she'd never heard but had hoped to hear for many years echoed through her thoughts, and one pure instinct she took a hold of that tug and followed. What followed as the oddest sensation that Tlech had ever felt, as if she were turned to liquid and squeezed through an extremely thin tube, but without any pain or even discomfort, before she was suddenly plopped down onto her feet on the mortal world for the first time. She had been summoned. At long last.

She felt her summoner's presence behind her, but standing before her were a trio of young human men. Or at least, at first she thought that they were men, but a moment's examination revealed that they were more like boys. The one in the center was slightly pudgy, but Tlech could see muscles tensing beneath the flab and knew immediately that he was stronger than he looked. On either side of him were a pair of thin, wiry young men that were slightly taller but not possessed of the middle man's muscles. All three of them looked shocked and frightened, and were gazing straight at Tlech. "Wh.... What? Who are you?" said a frightened voice from just behind her, also belonging to a young man, and when she glanced behind herself to view her summoner Tlech saw another young human man, slightly taller than the others and lanky, with short blonde hair and bright blue eyes.

"What the hell is that?" the pudgy boy exclaimed, flexing his arms aggressively as he stepped forward, coming within the reach of Tlech's fairly short arms. It wasn't stated explicitly, but some part of the goblin knew instinctively that she'd been called here to defend her summoner from these other boys. "It looks like a little girl... But it's got Mother Valdimir's tits!" the taller one on the left exclaimed stupidly while he ogled at her chest, but the other boy was gazing at Tlech with a little bit more fear and a trace of recognition. "She's a... A goblin! A demon!" he exclaimed loudly as he clutched at an amulet hanging around his neck and backed a step or two away from her. The larger boy snorted and said, "That thing? Just because it was conjured outta thin air don't mean it's a demon!"

He glanced over Tlech, who's head still barely came up to his chest despite the fact that he was the shortest one present, and glared at her summoner. "I always knew you were some kind of freak Bobby, but now you're really going to get it! When Mother Valdimir finds out that you've been using your tricks again, she won't be able to show you any mercy this time! And she'll probably reward us for bringing you to her! Now come quietly, or I'll knock your damned teeth out!" The boy behind her stuttered, "B..B... But I didn't do anything wrong! I haven't done anything... Why won't you just leave me alone!? I'm not doing these things on purpose!"
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech sighed heavily as she swept up another corner of the floor in her mistress’ “fortress,” if one could really call it that. It was a fortress only in the academic sense; it had once had sturdy walls, and there had probably even been soldiers stationed there once, out of the memory even of most demons. It needed constant sweeping to keep a thick layer of dust from accumulating on everything, which left the goblin to wonder just where all the damn stuff came from. She paused for a moment, leaning on her broom. It was taller than her by some bit, her standing just barely under four feet tall, and barely coming up to the navel of her mistress. Not that this was a bad thing; the piddling demon aristocrat didn’t like it when her servants looked her in the eye. No, it was better just to nod and say "of course, mistress" whenever she so much as glanced at you. All things considered, though, there were worse demons Tlech could have served; at least she didn’t get beaten very often, and she had a smidge of free-time to herself at the end of the day.

Still, the young goblin didn’t like her station in life much at all. It was all so very boring, this cleaning and sweeping, day in and day out, no changes in duties or break time activities. She hardly ever even got to have sex, though she did sometimes steal away into the kitchen during break time when she thought she wouldn’t be missed to service the cute cook under the counter. Every once in a while Tlech was summoned to the mistress’ chambers at night, but these sessions were quite rare; other servants were much more popular with the boss than she was. Maybe the mistress preferred more lithe partners. Whatever the case, it was of little concern to her. She didn’t like those nights anyway; the demon was a poor excuse for a lover. Idly she twirled a lock of pale blonde hair in her fingers, thinking that she might just pay that cook a visit today. It had been a long time since she’d had a nice load of cum in her mouth, and she was really itching for it.

Of course, then Tlech felt a strange tug on her spirit. A surge of joy flowed through her; for years she had been trying to do something about her lowly station in life, improving herself. She had always dreamed of getting out of the dreary confines of Hell, if only for a while, and the only way to do that for a goblin like her was to be a warrior, worthy of being summoned into the mortal world. Her free time had been spent mostly in training in the ways of hand-to-hand combat, up until she realized that someone like her would never be able to match almost anything else in a fistfight. There was, however, a way of fixing this… demons and their followers sometimes used a form of spirit magic that would allow her to shoot fire and lightning from her fingertips, in addition to greatly increasing her physical strength. She could even grow a cock with it, or put one on someone else… This she spent long, sleepless nights attempting to master, and had only just recently got it reasonably down. Now it seemed like all that work was paying off…

Tlech waited a moment, to make sure that she wasn’t mistaken, but there it was again, that tugging feeling, along with a call in her mind. Instinct kicked in then, and her spirit latched onto the tug and allowed it to pull her where it would. What happened next could only be described as utterly bizarre. She felt as if she were water being sucked through a straw; it wasn’t the slightest bit uncomfortable, or even unsettling, it was just… really weird. At the end of it she felt herself standing up on her feet, looking out into the sunlight of the mortal world for the first time. It felt oh so good and satisfying, validating all her hard work to get there. She found that, oddly enough, her set of snug-fitting leather armor was strapped on over her sackcloth dress. It must have happened somewhere in the process of being summoned.

Tlech could feel that the one who had summoned her was standing somewhere behind her, but her large green eyes were focused on the three men in front of her. They were human, or at least she thought they were human. She had never seen one before, and knew hardly anything about them. The goblin knew embarrassingly little about the mortal world. Her long ears twitched as she set her feet firmly in the ground. They seemed young… or at least she thought so. Something about them seemed immature, somehow. One of them was fairly pudgy, much like her; she had tried to do something about her figure, but though her job was tiring, it could hardly be said to be physically strenuous. That, combined with her being perhaps a bit over-fond of food, had made her a touch overweight, which showed some because of her diminutive height. Even still she could see that underneath the boy’s flab he had muscles, probably more than she did, so she couldn’t underestimate him. The other two were just a bit taller, much thinner, and looked as if they had no upper body strength to speak of. It was strange, none of them really looked like fighters. They didn’t seem to be armed, either. Maybe they were mages?

Their fearful gaze seemed to dispel that thought. The boys almost certainly weren’t real warriors. Tlech sighed at the very real possibility that she had been summoned to settle a children’s fight. She heard a voice from behind her, filled with the same sort of fear the boys in front of her were giving off, asking who she was. The goblin turned to look at him quietly, her dark green eyes roaming from his head to his feet. He was taller than the others, and thin in an awkward way. He was certainly a child, that much she could tell, because his body seemed quite ungainly, as if he hadn’t quite grown into it yet. He had short hair just a little darker blonde than hers, and blue eyes that shone despite his fear. "I’m Tlech" she started, but she was cut off by the overweight boy’s exclamation. He came forward, and her head snapped back to give all of her attention to him, her fists raised defensively as he got within striking distance.

Tlech could tell now that she was there to defend the boy behind her from the three in front, and she started to prepare herself; as she drew on her spiritual reserves her muscles began to ripple and tense, though it was barely outwardly noticeable. The familiar pain of the exercise came to her, but that was hardly of any concern to her. One of her opponents was simply gawking at her huge breasts, a dumb look on his face, while the other was still quite fearful. It soon became apparent that he knew her nature, yelling out that she was a goblin, a demon. That gave her a little bit of pause. She supposed she was a demon, after a fashion. A lesser demon, very, very much beneath the rest, but a demon nonetheless. The pudgy one didn’t seem impressed, however, and she glanced up at him with a tinge of annoyance in her big eyes; she had never liked how she had to look up at any reasonably sized bipedal creature.

The boy was looking past her now, glaring at her summoner and making threats against him. The goblin considered punching him hard in the nose, but she held back for now. When the one called Bobby stopped talking she suddenly shouted "Enough! I’m a goblin, awright, an ye won’t be knockin ‘is teeth out if’n I ‘ave anything to say ‘bout it. If’n ye don’t wanna get popped, go ‘ome." She got into a defensive stance, waiting to see if they would follow her instructions or if she would have to knock some sense into them. Or maybe Bobby would have some orders for her. Either way, she was ready to get this over with; this surely wasn’t going to be a real fight, and the young boy behind her seemed a suitable enough cure for her craving for cock.

Fell Might, X = 10. She’ll have 94 dodge, 47 grapple, and 41 Resistance. Overkill, I know, but fuck that kid, he thinks Tlech isn’t a demon. She’ll show him good! Also, I apologize for the hodgepodge of dialect bullshit I’m always throwing at you, I’ve been reading too much lately.
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Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 60/67, PP = 42, EP = 71/89, Status = Fine, summoned, Fell Might X = 10

Fell Might X = 10!

Tlech then pops Bobby in the mouth. You'll have to pay the upkeep though~ Total cost over two rounds: 18 EP and 7 HP.
He drops like a lead weight off a cliff, I don't even have to roll anything.

Also, I like the different dialects. It keeps Star Trek syndrome at bay.

The pudgy young man snorted with laughter when Tlech raised her fists, too stupid or too inexperienced to see the strength hidden in the curvy goblin's frame. Though inexperienced with humans in general, her reflexive estimation of him didn't mark him as a particularly impressive fighter, and she was proven correct in that guess shortly. Stepping forward, the boy loudly said; "I don't care what you say you are! You're just a fat little girl, no matter how big your tits are! Now get out of the way so's I can drag that weirdo back to Mother Valdimir so that he can finally get his comeuppens!"

He didn't wait for her to respond before aiming a slow punch at her face, one that Tlech could have dodged in her sleep. Bobby let out a startled gasp from behind her as the fight broke out, and repeated the strangled sound as Tlech easily sidestepped her opponents awkward attack. What followed next came naturally: She punched him in the face, her blow delivered expertly and with enough force to crush the boy's nose and send him flying backwards between his two companions. The two skinny boys looked startled and horrified, and the one that had called her a demon glanced up at her before turning around and bolting away as fast as his legs could carry him. The other boy glared at him and shouted; "Evan you coward! Get back here!"

Despite his words, the boy visibly quaked when he turned back to Tlech, his eyes frightened and obviously expecting a blow like the one that had so easily felled his comrade. If none came, he grabbed the now unconscious boy under his shoulders and hoisted him up with a grunt of effort, dragging him off in the same direction that his fleeing friend had gone. That gave Tlech an opportunity to survey her surroundings, which turned out to be an alleyway with stone paving and stone walls on either side, a high archway hanging over them but not completely blocking out the fading light. She had never seen the sun before, but had heard stories of it, and the reflected light from the wet stone beneath them was an unusual but not unappealing sight. Why the ground was so wet was another mystery to Tlech, as it never rained in Hell.

Her summoner spoke suddenly, breaking Tlech from any thoughts she might have had on the unusual aspects of the mortal world; "Y.... You hit him.... I thought.... Who are you? What are you? I've never heard of anyone being saved by a demon, so you can't be what Evan called you...." He trailed off just a moment before shouts started coming from beyond the mouth of the alleyway, and he grabbed her by the shoulder and started pulling her in the opposite direction, "They'll be after me for sure now! I'm really gonna get it.... C'mon, we've got to try and hide!"
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Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech could tell by the pudgy boy’s laughter that he was underestimating her badly, and she grinned slightly. She was about to make him pay for it, too. Especially once he called her a fat little girl… Her long ears burned with anger as she heard him insult her like that; she didn’t like to hear about her weight, and she sure as hell wasn’t going to take it from this fat fuck. He gave her the chance to give him his due immediately, stepping forward and letting loose with perhaps the slowest punch the goblin had ever seen. She knew maids with better technique and speed than this pudgy teen. She heard Bobby gasp, startled by the start of the fight, and sighed inwardly as she side-stepped; in a way it was kind of degrading, this first summoning. Still, it was better than nothing. And as she launched her own punch it was all worth it.

It felt good when Tlech’s fist impacted the boy’s nose, smashing it with a satisfying crunch. The fight was over as soon as it had begun, the kid flying backwards several feet from the force of her blow, unconscious before he even hit the ground. She let out a laugh, smiling wide as she looked at the other two, daring them with her big green eyes to come at her. The one who had recognized her for what she was seemed terrified, and after a brief glance turned and ran as fast as he could. This seemed to make the other one mad, but as he turned to face her the goblin could see the fear in his eyes, the way he shivered not-so-subtly. She stepped forward, trying to look intimidating, though she didn’t make a move to attack him. It was almost unsporting to fight such ill-prepared, unskilled opponents, and she didn’t think she would need to fight him in order to protect Bobby anyway.

The boy proved her right quickly enough, picking his unconscious, pudgy buddy up and dragging him away with some effort. Tlech put her hands on her hips, grinning as she took a moment to take in her first victory, such as it was. It gave her a chance to look around, too, for the first time in the mortal world. She was in some sort of alley, a relatively small space, with a paved stone street and walls made of similar stone to each side, with an arch overhead. There was a dim light coming from up above, which was doubtless the work of this “sun” she had heard so much about. It was one of the reasons she had so wanted to get to the mortal world; she had always desired to see the sun and to bask in the more natural-seeming lighting. The pale, hard light of the magical aurora that lighted Hell had always seemed sickly to her, so obviously fake. It was perhaps less amazing than she had expected, at least from this vantage point, but it was still quite pleasant to behold. The soft light reflected up from puddles on the ground, which confused her; she had never heard of rain, and there was no reason water should be laying on the ground as far as she was concerned. Had someone dumped it out of a window? No, there was too much of it…

Tlech was dragged out of her musing by Bobby’s stuttering questions. She looked up at him, raising an eyebrow; it was certain he had no idea what he had done, and hadn’t summoned her intentionally. How’d ye accidentally summon sommat? she thought, thinking it an exceedingly strange idea. Does it jus happen if’n ye need it if’n ye ‘ave the skill? Setting aside her thoughts she was about to try and answer him again, before being cut off by some shouts from outside the alley and Bobby grabbing her and starting to pull her off. "Okay, okay" she muttered, running along after him, willing to follow him someplace they could hide and she could explain herself. Surely he knew this place better than she did, anyway. As she did she made it a point to look up at the sky, to see it really for the first time.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 54/67, PP = 42, EP = 63/89, Status = Fine, summoned, Fell Might X = 10

Setting off as fast as he could go, Bobby proved to be a fairly swift runner, but Tlech could keep up with him easily enough. The young human led her through a series of damp streets paved in cobblestone, passing buildings made of red, rectangular stones or of a strange substance that seemed to come in dozens of colors. The sky was a dark blue color that turned pink and orange around sun, wisps of some golden substance sitting all but completely still covering patches of it in seemingly random places. Tlech didn't have too much concentration to give to it, however, before she was forced to watch where she was going by the slippery ground.

People occasionally shouted indistinguishable words at the two of them as they ran by, some confused and some alarmed, and Tlech heard her summoner's name more than once. He ignored them, and even seemed to pick up speed whenever he recognized his name. They broke suddenly from the buildings and entered a world that seemed to have been painted in green and brown. Soft green things brushed by her sides and legs as she passed them by, held aloft on narrow sections of a strange, pliable matter. Bobby slowed down, and Tlech realized why when she stepped onto a section of uneven ground created by large sections of the odd brown material coming up from the damp ground.

He led her through the woods, the going hard compared to the run through the streets and also much slower. They had lost whoever was pursuing them it seemed, as Bobby slowed to a walk, allowing Tlech to catch her breath. The boy was agitated and distressed, that much was obvious by the manner in which he flailed at the plants that got in his way, but he didn't say anything. Not at the moment, at least. Instead, he seemed intent on getting somewhere in the woods. Tlech noted that it was growing darker by the moment, the light fading as the sky changed shades of blue.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Bobby was pretty fast for a tall lanky kid, something Tlech soon discovered as he began to drag her away from the alley. She still didn’t have much trouble keeping up with him, despite her much shorter, stubby legs. The paved streets they raced through were all damp with water in the same confusing way that the alley had been. All around them were strange and wondrous things that the goblin barely had any time to take in, something she regretted. The buildings they passed by were mostly made of red stone, but there was also something strange in a lot of them, a kind of substance that she had never seen before, that came in all sorts of colors, both bright and dull. More impressive was the sky. It was a nice, solid dark blue, tinged with oranges and pinks around the sun. It was so new and beautiful to Tlech’s eyes, and she let out a slight gasp as she took it in. The ground was too slippery, though, and she had to watch where she stepped, lest she fall flat on her face.

Summoner and “warrior” were not alone, of course. There were people on and alongside the damp streets, and many of them shouted at the two of them. Tlech couldn’t understand most of what was said in the rush, some of the voices clearly showing confusion, others simply alarm, probably at the sight of an armored goblin in their town. Every so often she would hear the name of the boy who had summoned her, which seemed to spur him on to run even faster. Which was becoming a problem. Even if Tlech was reasonably fast, she was certainly no endurance runner. May’aps I’ll get in shape if’n I keep getting summoned she grumbled inwardly, cursing her lack of conditioning. Still, it wasn’t too awful long before they got out of the edge of town, and what the goblin saw nearly took her breath away. Or at least, what was left of her breath by this point.

The scene laid out in front of Tlech seemed almost like a scene painted onto a canvas, though it was unlike any painting she had ever seen. The mistress had a number of paintings to adorn her fortress’ inner walls, though most of them were old and faded. They were dreary things, scenes from elsewhere in Hell, painted at least partially in blood on a canvas made of skin. This, by contrast, was in beautiful, almost pastel colors, with soft greens rolling over slightly hilly ground up to… she knew not what. It was a forest, though she had no way of knowing that, as there wasn’t anything remotely analogous in Hell. As they ran towards it she felt the alien feeling of the soft green things brushing up against her bare legs, tickling her skin pleasantly. They were slowing down now, thankfully, giving the goblin a chance to catch her breath and take in all these sights more easily. Of course, she soon found out why Bobby had slowed his pace, as her shoes sank slightly into a brown patch on the ground and nearly made her slip and fall. Such patches were all over the place, and she had to choose her steps carefully to avoid getting into any more of them.

Bobby led his summoned warrior deeper into the woods now, having something of a tough time getting around. There was no sound behind them, and it seemed that they weren’t being followed, or at least Tlech couldn’t see or hear any pursuers. He seemed quite agitated, distressed at the events of the last few minutes, as he struck out at all the green things that got in his way. He didn’t say anything though, and that was probably for the best. The goblin could tell it was getting darker, which confused her a little bit, but there would be time for that. She quickly dismissed the spirit spell she had invoked to make herself stronger, thinking it would be unnecessary now, and it always left her feeling drained after a while keeping it going. Then she began to speak, after having been cut off several times. "Tlech’s me name" she started, watching Bobby carefully, "an I’m a goblin, what makes me a demon. A lesser demon, an not one ye’d prob’ly think ‘bout, but a demon jus’ the same. Ye summoned me, I s’pose to ‘elp ye fight off them kids." He had seemed to be confused about what had gone on earlier, so she was trying to explain things a little more to him. "Ye takin me somewheres? May’aps if’n we ‘ad some time we could explain some things to each other."
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 54/67, PP = 42, EP = 63/89, Status = Fine, summoned

"Tlech? That's a weird name..." Bobby said quietly as he paused to glance at her. His gaze traveled over her form and paused for a long while on her breasts, but then he blushed and looked away. "I guess you really are a demon then.... But you're so nice! No one's ever stood up for me before... How can you be an evil demon?" He started walking again, moving somewhat more slowly than he had before, allowing her to keep up despite the strangeness of the green terrain around them. "I'm taking you someplace where you can be safe, I don't think Sister Valdimir would let me keep you around after what you did! Even though you only did it to protect me from him... He saw me using my gift again, to light a fire in the kitchens to cook supper!

"Anyway, you'll be safe here. Only I know about it! Well, me and the lady in the water, but she' nice. I'm sure that she'll like you!" he said as he started to speed up again. Thankfully, they didn't have very far to go apparently before Bobby sighed happily and they broke into a small glade in which the strange greenery that seemed to pervade the mortal world was solely left to hug the ground, and with a crystal clear pool of water sitting in the center. A small boulder sat beside the pool, appearing as if it had been carved by nature for sitting on, which Bobby did immediately and without hesitation. Turning towards Tlech, she noted that he blushed slightly as his eyes naturally dropped onto her large breasts as they strained against her clothes and armor.

He beckoned for her to sit next to him on the rock. "You said that we needed to explain things to each other, and you look so lost... You really are from another world aren't you?" he said, his voice filled with wonder. "That's amazing! I don't know where to begin if you want me to tell you about our world... My world I guess."
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

"No weirder’n Bobby!" Tlech retorted, the human name sounding quite strange to her indeed, and even more so coming from her mouth. He stood in place for a while, looking her over, his young eyes stopping to stare at her breasts for a good long while before he blushed and turned away. The goblin grinned with some amount of pride at his lingering eyes; of all the things that being a bit pudgy brought her, she most enjoyed having such a large, full bosom, and he seemed to like it as well. Maybe she would use them to extract her payment from him later… she scoffed a little as he called her “nice” for having “stood up for him,” quickly returning with "Ye summoned me fer ta do it. Ye can’t go round bein’ mean ta the ones what summon ye, else ye’ll ne’er get summoned again. Leastways I s’pose ‘at’s ‘ow it works." She actually wasn’t quite sure how it worked, but she was sure there was some sort of cosmic blacklist for summons who abused their summoners and didn’t do what they were obliged to do by their job. Something like what kept a weakling who couldn’t take care of themselves from being summoned.

The tall, lanky boy started moving again soon after Tlech had spoken, a little bit slower than he had been. She was able to keep up with him rather easily then despite the slick and strange greenery all over the ground, walking just a bit behind him, having caught her breath nicely during the brief break. His next sentence made her think a little bit. Gift? I s’pose ‘e means the same sorta ting I can do. The sorts a skills what let ye summon goblins she thought as she carefully watched the ground beneath her. She would have to explain a few things about his gift to him when she got the chance, because he still didn’t seem to grasp the concept that he had summoned her; the boy could get into quite a lot of trouble if he kept accidentally summoning things willy-nilly. There were plenty of demons that wouldn’t let him off with something so simple as sucking his cock, after all. When he mentioned the “lady in the water” the goblin’s pointed ears perked up. For some reason she didn’t like the sound of that, though she couldn’t put her finger on why.

Bobby started to speed up again then, straining Tlech just a bit in her quest to keep up, but soon enough the boy let out a happy sigh, and they came out into a clearing of sorts, where the greenery was only on the ground and there were none of the big tall brown things. In the middle of the clearing was a pool of water, so clear that she would doubtlessly be able to see clear to the bottom. It was quite beautiful, really, and the goblin stood in awe of it for a few moments before she noticed that her summoner had sat down on a smoothed rock that seemed as if it had been carved out. He was signaling that she should sit next to him, though his eyes were clearly on her breasts again. She grinned at him more than a little lewdly, walking over to sit beside him, her full hips pressed up against his as she looked up at him.

"Yea, I’m from Hell" Tlech replied quietly, confirming his belief that she was from another world. "First, what’s this green stuff?" she asked, leaning down to gently rub what she was talking about with her hands. "An’ the tall tings we were runnin’ through" she continued, pointing at the tall brown things that seemed to stretch up to the sky, "an’ why is the ground all covered in water?" She had so many questions, she would surely be unable to ask all of them. Even if she could, she probably wouldn’t be able to absorb it all. The goblin sat back and sighed, looking up at Bobby as she waited for him to answer the first set of questions she had asked. In the meantime… he had said this place was safe, and he couldn’t seem to take his eyes off Tlech’s chest. She began to slowly take off her leather armor, undoing the buckles and sliding it off. Her breasts, which had been constrained a bit by her armor, pressed a little tighter against her sackcloth dress, giving her summoner a little bit better of a view. If asked she would explain that it was uncomfortable, though it really wasn’t.

Once he had answered her questions, Tlech would ask him "What’d ye mean by yer “gift,” an’ why’s it a bad ting?" She wanted to know just how much he knew about his spirit powers before trying to add her limited knowledge to his own.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 54/67, PP = 42, EP = 63/89, Status = Fine, summoned

"Summoned? What does that mean? How... How did I summon you? I didn't think about summoning a demon to help me..." Bobby replied in regards to what she had said about him summoning her. He had let the matter of his name slide without comment, and instead went on until they reached the glade. He didn't seem to realize the intentions behind her lewd grin, as he smiled sheepishly back at Tlech as she moved to sit down, seating herself perhaps somewhat closer than he might have thought she would. At her indication of the nearby greenery, "Green stuff?" Bobby replied as if confused, but then followed what she was pointing to and said; "Oh, you mean plants? And those are trees," he explained when she gestured towards the large brown things that they had weaved between to reach this place.

When she asked why the ground was wet, he immediately replied; "It rained this morning." At the inevitable question about what rain was, he explained further; "Rain is... It's when water falls from the sky, from the black clouds. You know? Sometimes there's thunder and lightning too..." He blushed brightly as Tlech started taking off her armor, his eyes where they had remained for most of their conversation when she wasn't pointing things out, on her large breasts. He let out a low whimper when they came spilling out of her confining armor, and she caught sight of something stirring within his trousers.

Her question regarding his "gift" finally gave him the willpower to allow him to turn his gaze away from her, however, and he sighed before responding; "My gift.... It's... Sometimes, strange things happen around me. Like... A fire will start around me, but I'll only be a little singed while everything else seems to be destroyed. Or... I'll zap people, by accident if I'm really angry or upset. And sometimes... I just feel really strong, like for a little while, but after I get really tired and everything aches. I can't explain any of it, and its got so bad recently that... That Mother Valdimir threatened to send for an Inquisitor to look at me."
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

"Ye dunno what summonin is…?" Tlech asked, somewhat dumbfounded. This kid was in a world of trouble, and didn’t even know it. He was lucky he had summoned her, and not one of her more lively brethren who would have killed the other boys and probably would have done something much more unseemly to him than she was about to. She would have to teach him a little bit. She owed it to him, as his summon, or at least she thought so; he had summoned her to protect him, so she would protect him from himself. When they finally sat down together she rather liked his smile; it was sheepish and innocent, and very cute. When Bobby quickly explained that the green things were “plants,” and the tall brown things “trees,” she was still in awe, but disappointed. That only answered a very slim portion of her question. The goblin wanted to know so much more than just the names of these things; what the fuck really were “plants” and “trees?” How did they come to be? How did they work? She let out a little sigh; he was just a kid, there was no way he would be able to explain this to her.

Bobby did sort of explain why the ground was wet, though, after some prodding of "rain? Huh?" The answer made Tlech raise an eyebrow. "Ye mean ta say water jus’ falls from the sky? Jus’ falls?" she asked, incredulous. "Crazy. An’ thunder an’ lightnin’? The fuck are those?" she asked, still quite confused and disbelieving, though this world seemed just insane and magical enough to her for that to be true. Giant brown things did just sit in the ground naturally here, after all, and reached to the sky. If that was possible, what other madness was? After her summoner had explained to the best of his ability she slipped off her armor, watching his reaction. It was everything the goblin had hoped for and more; the boy let out a little whimper, his eyes practically glued to her huge bust, and a brief glance told her that he was rather liking what he saw, enough to start to tent his pants.

Of course, the necessary question drew his attention away from Tlech’s chest, unfortunately. She nodded all through Bobby’s explanation; he was describing things that she could do as well, for the most part, and things that she recognized as demonic spirit magic. When he was done speaking she stayed silent for a moment, mulling over how to explain, before she finally began to try. "Bobby… Mosta what ye’re describin’ is tings I can do meself. Ye’ve been born wit talent in what ye may call demon magic. Now… ye say ye start fires not meanin’ ta? I want ye ta try, may’aps in yon water where ye cain’t do no damage. Ye can feel it, buildin’ up inside ye. The power ta do it, an’ the will. It’s damn important ta control. Ye’re lucky ye summoned me, elsewise ye may’ve summoned a more powerful demon, what would’ve killed those boys an’ may’aps ye as well. They’re right ta be scared a ye." The goblin wished she had her books back in the mansion, so she could show him first hand. Still, she would try to walk him through the process of performing a very small Hellfire Blast, hoping that would get him to understand.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 54/67, PP = 42, EP = 63/89, Status = Fine, summoned

"Nope!" Bobby replied brightly when she asked him to clarify that he didn't know what summoning was. "Yup! It happens all the time around here!" he said when she asked him about rain, "And sometimes it snows or even hails when it gets cold!" He frowned slightly at the question of thunder and lightning, but then explained; "Thunder is when a loud boom comes from the sky, and it usually comes right after lightning, which is... Uhm... A really bright flash, and sometimes it hits the ground and destroys things!"

Bobby turned back to Tlech when she started explaining to him about summoning and his powers, this time managing to keep his eyes off of her chest and instead focusing on her face. He paled and gasped when she told him that what he'd been doing was demonic magic, but when she suggested that he try to make fire and shoot it into the pond he look aghast. "I can't do that!" he whined, interrupting her, "That would make the lady in the pond really angry! I couldn't do that, I like her! She's really nice to me!"

Her words regarding control, if she chose to continue after his interruption either before or after issuing her response to his statement about the lady in the pond, were met with a frown. "I guess you're right... But couldn't we do something else? Like... That old dead tree!" he said, pointing toward one of the brown things that had taken on a grayish tint and lacked the green things that seemed to cover the rest of the nearby "trees." Frowning for a second, Bobby glared at the tree and stretched out his hand toward it, concentrating for a moment before sending a bolt of black flame out from his hand, striking the tree and burning away a small section of it. The blast hadn't honestly been particularly impressive, not to one who had lived in Hell and could have destroyed the entire tree in a single burst without much effort like Tlech, but it was a good start. At least, Bobby seemed to think so, as he leaped off of the rock and shouted exuberantly; "I did it! I did it!" He turned around and smiled at her hopefully, clearly seeking her approval.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech scratched her head as Bobby explained that water fell from the sky all the time in the mortal world, in fact. There was even something called snow, and hail, but what that was he didn’t explain. She was starting to regret asking, even, as this was all too much too fast, and she was starting to get confused. His explanation of thunder and lightning seemed insane as well, but she let it slide. The goblin would probably just have to experience all of these wondrous things in order to understand them. Or maybe just learn them one at a time. She certainly didn’t have any desire to do that, it would take entirely too long, and she was already going to have to try her hand at teaching this kid how his own powers worked. Which was definitely bad, because she was certainly no teacher in temperament or skill.

When Tlech began to explain the nature of Bobby’s powers to him he began to look quite a bit more pale than he had before, gasping a little when he heard that it was demon magic. His eyes were firmly planted on her face, which sort of annoyed her, but this was a necessary evil. He looked especially terrified when she suggested that he shoot a blast of fire into the pond, interrupting her and objecting that it would make the lady in the pond he had mentioned earlier angry, and that he liked her too much. The goblin shrugged, saying "Awright, suit yerself" before continuing her argument on control.

Bobby agreed with Tlech, but still balked at the prospect of throwing the fire into the pond. He looked around for a bit, trying to find a more acceptable target, before finally settling on a dead tree. That was interesting. These “tree” things could die. What’s more, they didn’t look much different from the living ones at all. It was just a little bit gray, and had none of the green stuff at the top of it. "Might work, but be mindful ye don’t start nothin’ bigger ‘n ye want" the goblin replied, not wanting the fire to spread to the other trees if they were indeed flammable. She watched intently as the boy frowned, concentrating hard as he glared at the dead tree as if he were angry at it. After a short time a small bolt of black flames shot out of his hand and hit the tree, burning off just a tiny portion of it. It was kind of pathetic, especially to Tlech; she was self-taught and not that strong, and she could have easily blown the tree apart without blinking. Still, it was progress. And he seemed to think so as well, as he leaped up from his seat and yelled happily, smiling. She didn’t smile back, but she did say "good, good. If’n ye can control all yer spells like ‘at, ye’ll ‘ave no problem. Jus’ try ta remember the feelins ye get afore ye do ‘em, an’ ye’ll be able ta avoid doin’ ‘em at bad times, an’ be able to do ‘em on command. Jus’ don’t summon anyting again if’n ye can ‘elp it. Ye pulled me right outa Hell, an’ ye can do the same with far more powerful an’ evil tings."

Trusting that this was enough, and that she was now absolved of her duty to teach her summoner by way of having done the best she could with the limited time available, Tlech got up from the rock slowly, clutching her hands behind her back and then stretching in such a way as to puff out her chest as much as she could. "Tink ye understand?" she asked, and if he responded with something approaching “yes” she would ask "anyting else ye need from me? If’n no, ye can pay me fer me service, an’ I’ll be on me way," a little coy with the last part, her chest still presented for his viewing, straining against her simple dress.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 54/67, PP = 42, EP = 63/89, Status = Fine, summoned

The wet wood didn't catch fire, thankfully, and Bobby turned around to frown slightly at Tlech's explanation, obviously disappointed at the lack of praise in her tone. "Right. I'll try my best!" Bobby replied energetically, clearly meaning every word with all of his heart. When she got up, however, his eyes wandered back down to her ample chest, and his blush returned as he got an eyeful of her breasts as they strained against the fabric of her dress.

"P... Pay you?" he asked in nervous confusion, "But... You didn't say that I had to pay you! I don't have any money..... Would I always have to pay you if I... Summoned you again?"
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech sighed a little at Bobby’s obvious disappointment and his enthusiastic tone. It seemed he was one of those; the kind that needed praise and validation for what he was doing. Those types didn’t last all that long in Hell, at least not in goblin form, because there were all too few demons who gave a shit. "See what ye do, an’ ye’ll grow inta a fine young man" the goblin replied, trying her hand at being praising, though she wasn’t sure how well she did on that count. She did know that the lanky boy was back to gawking at her chest, which was a good thing considering what she had planned for him.

When she mentioned payment he got nervous, asserting that she hadn’t told him he needed to pay, and that he had no money. "Relax, yer money ain’ta no use ta me noways. Ye’d ‘ave ta pay me if’n ye summoned me each time, yea. But judgin’ from the way ye’ve been starin’ at me tits all day, I tink ye’ll enjoy payin’" she said, grinning coyly. "Jus’ take out yer dick an’ lay down, an’ I’ll give ye a fun time wit’ ‘em. Bein’ a demon an’ all, I charge a loada cum in me mouth fer the trouble of bein’ summoned." As she said it, the goblin grabbed the bottom of her sackcloth dress and slipped it over her head quickly, freeing her large green breasts with something of a bounce, showing the young boy her pudgy nude body as she stared at him somewhat hungrily. If he knew anything at all about women, he would probably be able to tell that she was already quite looking forward to tasting his cock…
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 54/67, PP = 42, EP = 63/89, Status = Fine, summoned

Bobby seemed happy at her attempt at praise at least, offering her a nervous smile, but when she told him that she knew where his eyes had lingered he blushed and forced himself to look up. "I... I'm sorry..." he said quietly, shame evident in his voice. "Take out my... My... What? Load of... What are you..." he said incredulously, a blush forming on his face indicating that he at least had a vague idea of what she was talking about. He took a step back, but then the young human's jaw dropped and her froze in place when Tlech pulled the front of her dress up and over her head, a tent forming visibly in his pants when he beheld her huge (for her size) breasts and pink folds for the first time.

He couldn't take his eyes off of her, but it was fairly obvious that he had no experience with women whatsoever, at least not in this context. "What are you...." he murmured, his voice heavy with arousal as his wide eyes roamed all over her body, his desire to touch her so obvious that he might as well have not bothered to hide it. He backed away from her slowly, until the back of his legs hit the stone and he stumbled backwards onto it, ending up seated and unable to back away from her any farther. "....Doing?"
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech waved dismissively when Bobby apologized, interjecting "nuttin’ ta be sorry fer, I like the attention" before continuing on and explaining to him the cost of his summoning her. He didn’t seem to know entirely what she was talking about, though his blush told her that he at least had a good clue. When she stripped off her dress she saw his jaw drop, and she grinned widely at him, her eyes darting to the tent he was pitching in his pants. The boy definitely couldn’t take his eyes off her now, and somehow she could tell that this was his first being in this sort of situation. He stumbled backwards as he asked her what she was doing, and she matched him step for step, moving forward while swaying her wide hips side to side, her arms clasping her elbows, pushing her big tits up and making them even more prominent. She had been prepared to just suck him off nice and quick, to get her payment and leave, but she could see that he really wanted to touch her, and that he was really enjoying the sight of her plump body… the goblin didn’t get much of that back home, and she was enjoying it more than she had been expecting to.

Tlech pursued her summoner until he hit the stone they had been sitting on and fell backwards, sitting heavily on the stone again. She paused then, just a few steps away from him, and asked "ye ain’t done nuttin’ like ‘is ‘afore, ‘ave ye?" She took another step, awaiting his answer, and when he had given it she took another, the toes of her simple shoes brushing up against his. "Ye wanna touch ‘em, don’t ye?" she asked coyly, reaching out slowly and fluidly, taking his wrists gently in hand. "Come on, give ‘em a nice squeeze" the goblin continued, moving his hands until they came to rest on her breasts. The boy’s cock could wait for a little while, if he was willing to pay her more than just a simple load of cum. "If’n ye make me feel good ‘afore ye pay me, I’ll make sure ye feel real good, boy."
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 54/67, PP = 42, EP = 63/89, Status = Fine, summoned

"N...No...." Bobby admitted freely, his gaze never even approaching Tlech's face. When she asked if he wanted touch them, he froze and hesitated for a moment, long enough for her to take his wrists and guide his hands onto her breasts. "Yes..." he said belatedly as his hands began to squeeze her soft chest reflexively. He was hardly an adept lover, his hand motions awkward and hesitant, but he was at least both earnest and energetic as he rubbed at her bosom. The tent in his pants had only grown as his hands closed over her mounds, and she could feel him literally shaking with arousal as he began to let out little wordless whimpers exemplifying his blatant desire.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Bobby’s eyes never left Tlech’s naked chest as he admitted that he had never been in a sexual situation like this before, which was probably a good thing for her. She probably wouldn’t have to work too hard to take her payment, and he certainly wouldn’t be able to complain, since he wouldn’t have had better. The boy was accommodating too, pausing long enough in shock to let her grab his hands and place them on her breasts, and started to squeeze them somewhat tentatively, hesitantly. He had clearly never handled a woman before, and didn’t quite know how, so his motions were awkward, and he seemed concerned with not hurting his partner, which was sort of cute. The goblin didn’t usually get such consideration.

"Mmm Bobby, ye don’t ‘ave ta be scared of ‘em. Squeeze a li’l ‘arder, it won’t ‘urt me none" Tlech whispered, reaching down to carefully unbutton his pants, freeing his very erect cock for him. He was shaking and whimpering with arousal as he fondled her, a little bit more firmly once she spurred him on. "Yea, jus’ like ‘at, boy" she encouraged, letting out a soft moan as she closed her eyes for a moment. He was far from skilled, but his enthusiasm for her body was nice and refreshing, and his groping was making her feel reasonably good, and after a little while he would feel her nipples stiffen against the palms of his hands. When she opened her eyes again she began to lightly tug on his pants, urging him to shift up so that she could pull the clothing down around his ankles, so that it wouldn’t be in the way.

When she succeeded, Tlech got her first good look at a human’s cock. It was a little smaller than she had expected. This wasn’t to say that it was small; it was probably a little bit longer than what the cook back home was packing, and about as thick. It was just that she had expected humans, being much taller than goblins, to have proportionally larger members. Still, she wasn’t exactly disappointed by it, and the comparative paleness of his package was sort of cute to her. She reached down to stroke its underside slowly, gently, grinning up at him. She kinda liked this kid. "Ye ‘bout ready?" she asked, grinning up at him as she reached up with her free hand to take his chin in hand and tilt it down towards her. The goblin then leaned up and forward to press her lips awkwardly against his. As experienced as she was, she didn’t get much cause to kiss anyone; she wasn’t allowed to kiss the mistress, and the vast majority of the rest of the servants were happy to have her lips on them, but were only really interested in having them somewhere significantly lower than their own. She wasn’t even totally sure why she did it in this case, it was just something she felt in the moment.

As Tlech pulled back a little, she whispered "ye’ve got me ready. I wanna taste ye so bad…" Even though his foreplay was awkward and unskilled, it was still doing its job, and she loved having attention given to her breasts. She was also very much so anticipating having his cock in her mouth, and she was quite wet already. She slowly leaned in closer, letting herself get ever closer to his erection, before finally putting her hands on either side of her chest. Still, she decided to let him have something of an active role, or at least to assist her, instructing him "now wrap me tits ‘round yer dick, nice ‘n tight." Once he had done this she would squeeze the sides of her breasts together even tighter around his length, her pillowy orbs swallowing up his flesh between them. "’ere we go" she said, grinning as she slowly raised herself up, and then lowering herself just as slowly, stroking his sensitive rod with her chest.

"Feels good, huh?" Tlech asked coyly, with a lewd grin. She could tell that he really liked this sensation, and for some reason that made her happy. She wanted to make his first time special for him, so that he would always remember the summoned goblin who had taken his virginity. She pumped her breasts a second time, and then a third, before she leaned down to press her lips against the head of his cock in a sort of kiss, and then slowly took it into her mouth. Immediately her tongue went to work, skillfully worming over his tip before gently flicking at his urethra, the tip of her tongue playfully lapping at his piss-slit. His taste was different from a goblin’s somehow, which prompted a little trickle of her love juices to start its way down her plump inner thighs; she loved the taste of a nice dick in her mouth more than just about anything in any world, and given the right circumstances she could get off on it without even touching herself, though Bobby probably wouldn’t last long enough for that to happen. She pulled off for a moment to instruct him again though. "Relax an’ enjoy yerself" she said quietly, "but if’n ye please, rub me nipples. Flick ‘em, squeeze ‘em, be firm wit’ ‘em, an’ ye’ll get me off."

After that the goblin started to service Bobby in earnest. She continued to pump his throbbing cock with her huge bosoms slowly, though she gradually sped up her attentions. She also lavished attention on the head of his cock with her tongue, licking at the sensitive flesh with skill and lapping up every drop of his precum hungrily. After a while she would begin to moan around his tip, especially if he followed her instructions and stimulated her nipples as she had asked him too, her pussy juices increasingly running down her legs as she titfucked the boy. She wouldn’t slow up until she drove him to orgasm, though maybe he would seem like he was ready for a second round…
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Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 54/67, PP = 42, EP = 63/89, Status = Fine, summoned

Bobby gulped audibly when Tlech issued her permission to get rougher with her breasts and undid his pants, freeing his trapped member, but despite his readily evident uncertainty began to grope her more energetically, rolling his palms over her nipples while squeezing her soft orbs. He paused and blinked as he felt them stiffen in his hands, eying her for a moment, but then shivered and let out a soft gasp as she touched his cock for the first time. "T...Tlech! You shouldn't... Touch me there..." he whimpered feebly, though he neither resisted her nor stopped rubbing at her soft bosom. When she asked if he was ready, he tilted his head in confusion, "Ready? For... For what?" But then, his eyes widened as she kissed him on the lips, and a moment later he fumbled to respond as she wormed her tongue into his mouth.

"T...Taste me?" he asked, somewhat frightened, but then she lowered herself and wrapped her tits around his stiff rod, and after letting out a soft moan he grabbed her breasts again and wordlessly did as Tlech had instructed, squeezing her soft orbs around his throbbing prick as he bit his lip and thrust his hips forward slightly. He shuddered and moaned when she began to shift up and down, a bead of precum appearing from the tip after only a few strokes, and he nodded exuberantly at Tlech's question. "Yes! So good..... Ahhh!" he moaned as she kissed the tip of his throbbing member, licking up the first droplet of precum only for another to appear immediately, the taste of his cum much sweeter than she was used to compared to the thick, potent goo that most of her kin shot out.

Her request to play with her nipples was accepted without question as he began to squeeze and tug on her sensitive nubs with his fingers, getting rough even before she asked him to do as much. She could already feel him throbbing between her breasts, ready to blow at any moment, but he lasted for surprisingly long as Tlech started her efforts in earnest, as long as the average demon did under her ministrations at least. "T... Tlech!" he cried out suddenly, before his next moan was much higher and his cock gave an almighty throb, before the first rope of Bobby's semen spurted directly into her mouth, launching out from him so hard that it struck the back of her throat. He proved to be quite backed up, as he gave Tlech plenty of her favorite food as shot after shot of his semen came pouring out of his rod and right into her mouth, the taste much better than she was used to getting from the cook.

Left twitching on the rock after she had milked out all of his semen, Bobby collapsed and let out a series of groans, his body shaking slightly. At that point, Tlech was free to return to Hell, but Bobby's still half erect member might be coaxed back to life if she enacted proper stimuli. Before she could make her choice, however, there was a soft, feminine giggle from the pool of water, and lying on the surface of the water as if it were solid ground was a woman with deep blue skin. She was smiling pleasantly and lying on her belly, completely naked save for a pair of silky white panties and a stringy bra made of the same material. Her breasts weren't quite as large as Tlech's, but they were close and the way that she sat with her hands supporting her chin displayed plenty of cleavage. Tilting her head as she gazed at Tlech and Bobby, her knees bent and her bottom raised slightly up to emphasize her assets in an alluring manner that may have been lost on the goblin, she said in a soft musical voice; "Awww, I wanted to be his first~"

The woman, unmistakably a member of the fey, giggled softly and made no threatening movies towards Tlech despite any racial animosity that the goblin might feel towards her. "Was he as backed up as I thought he'd be? And are you finished with him~?" she asked softly, eying his rod while Bobby seemed completely oblivious of her presence, as his eyes were closed and he was still groaning softly from time to time.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

As Tlech continued to titfuck Bobby, she finally placed what was different about his taste. His precum tasted a lot sweeter than the goblins she had blown in the past, and seemed perhaps a bit less thick. It was nice in a way, though she liked goblin cum quite a bit. Blowing a human was almost like dessert, really. The boy listened to her request quite well, too, and as she continued to pump her breasts up and down along his length he squeezed her stiff nipples hard, pulling on them roughly. He was by no means skilled, but the stimulation of her sensitive nubs was effective all the same, especially combined with her love of these sorts of things. She could already feel him throbbing between her bosoms, and she made lewd slurping noises as she lapped up his precum, expecting him to blow his load at any moment.

Bobby lasted a surprising amount of time, though, which was a pleasant surprise for Tlech. She squeezed her breasts as tightly as she could around his cock, stroking up and down fast and hard as she sucked on his tip, and soon enough she was moaning lewdly, a little bit exaggeratedly. Still, she was really enjoying herself, and as he tweaked her nipples a tiny little puddle began to form at her feet… The young boy lasted about as long as the average demon did before crying out her name, and with a powerful throb he began to spurt that sweet cum into her mouth. He seemed really pent up, because the first shot hit the back of her throat with quite a bit of force. The goblin’s eyes went half-lidded, and she let out a long, lewd moan as she tasted his offering; it was so much better than when she drank down her fellow goblins’ spunk, and she wagered to guess that if he had shot it off on her face it would have smelled much nicer, less pungent. Spurt after spurt hit her throat and tongue, and she swallowed happily to make room for more, still pumping with her breasts. After a while he finally began to run dry, and she squeezed even harder, her tongue teasing his urethra to coax out every drop of cum.

Bobby collapsed back on the rock as Tlech finished with him, groaning and shaking in his afterglow as she leaned back and let the last of his cum sit in her mouth, her now-free hand reaching down to lightly stroke her clit as she stared at his member. It had gone down, but not fully, and she knew from experience that she could get him ready to go again pretty easily, if humans were anything like goblins. Of course, he had already paid her for her services, so maybe she shouldn’t… before she could make any decision she heard a quiet, feminine giggle, and she turned around to face the source. It was probably the lady in the pond, a woman with beautiful blue skin laying on the surface of the water as if it were ground. She was smiling cutely, laying on her stomach in such a way as to show off quite a bit of cleavage on her fairly large chest, and though she wasn’t quite naked she might as well have been. As she teased that she wanted to be the boy’s first Tlech looked her over, liking what she saw, and recognizing her as one of the fae her mistress and other demons sometimes raved against.

Of course, Tlech had no such hatred towards the fae. They had a reputation of being quite good in bed, and very rarely drank of a person’s soul in return. And after all, if the mistress hated them maybe they weren’t that bad. When the woman asked her if he was “backed up,” and if she was finished with him, she opened her mouth to reveal her mouthful of salty-sweet spunk, and then swallowed it lewdly, grinning at her. "Backed up? More’n anyone I’ve ever ‘ad" she replied, reaching out to gently take hold of the base of his cock and stroke it slightly. "Why d’ye ask? Ye wanna ‘elp me show ‘im a good time? Or may’aps ye’d like some ‘tention fer yerself? I ‘ave ways, ye know." The goblin licked her lips, rubbing Bobby’s member back to life as she offered to either blow him with the lady in the pond, or to grant her a demonic penis of her own that the goblin would happily suck while the fae attended to the human boy.