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Death's advocate.

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
It was the middle of the night, and Luna was standing in front of an old warehouse, where she heard women would disappear suddenly should they ever enter the area.

She believed someone wicked was behind this, as she set out to eliminate whoever was behind these disappearances.

Luna is standing by the dock, in front of the suspected warehouse. There is a chain and lock on the front door, and the only thing that graced her ears was the quiet, eerie howl of the wind.

*Luna has a short sword, and a 9mm handgun.*
Re: Death's advocate.


"And so it begins... another night of the sanctification of the wicked..."

Putting her handgun on the lock, she fired a single bullet to grant her entry to the warehouse.

(Action: Shoot lock.)
Re: Death's advocate.

(Luna attacks)

Luna fires at the door lock, and it breaks off.

Luna opens the large warehouse door, and is greeted by a very strange sight.

Pregnant looking women were randomly scattered about the floor of the empty warehouse, all appearing to be unconscious.
Re: Death's advocate.


"How... distasteful. The aftermath of carvorting by sinners...

Looking down on the women in a condescending manner, Luna proceeded to walk into the warehouse, blade already drawn. She would cleanse the ones responsible for this from the world first, the ones who were weak enough to submit would receive their punishment later on.

(Action: Advance into warehouse, alert.)
Re: Death's advocate.

(Perception check)

Luna only barely noticed something behind her, as she turned around, there was a woman in a bright white dress, staring at Luna with a grin.

The woman spoke in an intrigued voice,


"What, by chance, would your purpose be here? Little girls should know not to wander too far from home..." she said, giggling a little.
Re: Death's advocate.


"Are you the one responsible for this... carnal gathering?

Luna spoke in a rather monotone voice, devoid of any true emotion except for maybe a tinge of disgust. Her weapon was still ready as she spoke however, she did not trust the woman in the slightest.
Re: Death's advocate.

The woman said, still maintaining a eerie grin,


"This, and many things to come, will all be the punishment for humankind's sins. Our god will be born again soon, and he will show us the way, to eternal paradise."

Her finger slowly raises to point at Luna, "You, sinful, will suffer for your crimes against life."
Re: Death's advocate.


"Crimes? God? Sins against life?...Haha...Hahahahahahaha!"

The girl could not resist breaking out in laughter as she digested what had just been said by the eerie woman.

"My dear, I have seen the truth of the world with my very eyes, and I am the one who has been enlightened of the path to salvation. The only way this world can be saved..."

Raising the hand holding her pistol, Luna let off a shot towards the white haired woman, uncaring of whether or not she hit.

"..is to bathe it with the blood of sinners. Namely you."

(Action: Single non-aimed shot at the white-haired woman.)
Re: Death's advocate.

Grin unwavering, the bullet flies past her cheek, cutting it slightly as blood trickles down her face.

Licking some of the blood with her tongue, her grin turned into an insane smile, "Blinded by lies, comforted by your own illusions of what you claim to be salvation, I'll show you just how ignorant you are, sinful."

Her eyes began to glow brightly, her teeth bared at Luna, "Let he who is without sin emerge victorious!" she shouted, pointing a crooked finger at her, "Come! Show me what you call salvation! And I shall teach you the true meaning of it!"
Re: Death's advocate.


Let us dance then heretic! Tonight is a glorious night for cleansing!"

Returning the maniacal smile, Luna lunged towards her adversary and opening fire with her pistol as she twirled her blade into position for a quick slash soon afterwards.

(Action: Move in close to the white haired woman, and fire twice.)

((OCC: And just my luck, first fight of the game and it's with one of the god-like white haired freaks. Joy.)
Re: Death's advocate.

(Luna moves in closer while firing her gun, penalized shot)

As Luna fires twice at the woman, one shot missed, the other bounced off of some kind of invisible shield...

(Woman attacks)

One of her arms goes through some kind of freakish transformation into a long, red tentacle, and in the blink of an eye, wraps around Luna's middle, lifting her into the air as the woman swung her around once, then slammed her hard into the ground. Luna felt like she had nearly broken a bone.

(Luna's stamina status: Orange)

The woman laughed mockingly at Luna,


"You claim to bring salvation, and this is all you have to offer? You only use salvation as an excuse for your gluttony, and are far from holy."
Re: Death's advocate.

There was a sickening crack as Luna landed onto the ground, pain surging through her body.


"So this is the power of a devil?... Seems like bullets won't be enough to wound her. Still... what pitiful power a devil has to manifest itself as something out of a cheap film..."

Pain surging through her body as she struggled to rise to her feet, the insane smile still on her face as she began to shake uncontrollably.

"Holy? I am the shadow that devours the wicked while others bask in the light. I have no need to be holy..."

Pointing her gun once more at the white-haired woman, she continued her ramblings.

"...especially when a demon claiming to be a saint is before my eyes!"

She fired three of the bullets in her clip towards the supernatural being, smiling throughout as she secretly kept a count of how many she had left. She had encountered a fight that she could not win, one that her body was screaming for her to escape from, however she refused. Her life's purpose was to be fulfilled at all costs, and she refused to escape until she had at least drawn blood a second time from her adversary. And if she failed to do so...she would end her life on her own terms.

(Action: Fire three bullets at the white-haired woman.)

((OOC: How many bullets/clips do I have left anyway?))
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Re: Death's advocate.

(Luna attacks, three shots)

With each shot, the bullets just bounced off of the protective shield...

The woman laughed at Luna,


"Humankind's biased interpretations of good and evil is a two-way mirror, sinful. Claim knowledge, while you bask in ignorance, that is the way of the sinful. My sisters and I will purge this wretched world of your kind, making it a paradise, free of sin."

(The woman attacks)

Four tentacles suddenly shoot from the woman's back, as they wrap around Luna's arms, and her legs, spreading them wide as she was taken closer to the woman.

Her arms grab Luna by the chin as she puts her mouth next to her ear, whispering, "Rejoice, your miserable existence will no longer be used to make this world suffer. Your soul will become apart of my own, no longer a wretched sinful, but a tool used for the construction of paradise."
Re: Death's advocate.


"Is that so demon?... "

Keeping the same arrogant smile as she struggled against her bonds, she continued to taunt her adversary.

"Be careful of what you swallow devil, even if you devour me and drag me to the pits of hell I'll return to tear that lying tongue of yours out."

(Action: Escape)
Re: Death's advocate.

(Luna attempts to escape)

The tentacles squeezed so hard, it hurt, escape seemed impossible.

(The woman attacks)

The woman raised one of her hands, and snapped her fingers. Luna's clothes suddenly ripped into microscopic pieces, The woman's hands began to grope Luna's breasts.

As she ran her tongue up Luna's neck, she said in a pleased tone, "You taste of death... Delicious..." She placed her mouth on Luna's neck, as if kissing her, and Luna began to feel like some kind of mysterious force was leaving her, like she had something inside her, and it was being taken away...

(Luna's mental status: Yellow)
Re: Death's advocate.


"And...what of it?..."

Luna let out a gasp at the... peculiar feeling of having something sucked out of her. She had been through many fights on her crusades, but had never encountered a sensation such as this. Struggling against her bonds still, she continued to attempt escape.

(Action: Attempt Escape.)
Re: Death's advocate.

(Luna attempts to escape)

Her struggles are in vain, as Luna realizes there will be no overpowering these strange tentacles.

The woman pulled her lips away for a second, letting out a chuckle,


"Your taste is so unique, albeit weak. I think I'll enjoy you..." she stopped as another tentacle slid out from her pussy and under her dress, and pushed against Luna's sex, "-More thoroughly." she finished, as the fat tentacle forcefully shoved it's way inside Luna's tight folds, a little bit of blood trickling out as the draining sensation returned.

While squeezing and groping Luna's breasts, the tentacle violently shoved it's way quickly in and out of Luna's pussy, she couldn't help but cry out as all of the incredible sensations stacked on top of each other was too much to bear.

(Luna's orgasm status: Orange)

(Luna's mental status: Orange)
Re: Death's advocate.


Crying out from the sensations, Luna remained adamant in her resolve to defy her captor to the end.

"We...will play...again... another time...mark my words..."

That being said, even she knew when to give up her physical strugglings, instead leaning as far as she could to the white-haired woman's face for a taste of the blood that trickled from the cut.

(Action: Attempt to lick a tiny bit of the blood from the white-haired woman's cheek.)

(OCC:This is more for storyline effect. Luna wants the "taste of her opponent's blood" for "imprinting" so she doesn't forget the humiliation she is currently suffering, and the hatred she is feeling. Could I get this passed without a roll if possible?)
Re: Death's advocate.

(Sure, the woman in white knows she's in control anyway.)

Luna leaned back to lick the woman's blood, and her blood, compared to most blood, actually tasted good, as Luna drank the blood she licked from the woman's cheek.

Luna began to feel her consciousness slip away, as the feeling of being drained began to tax her, make her feel empty. The both painful and pleasurable feeling inside her pussy somehow being a distant thought, as if it was happening to someone else.

Luna knew she was about to cum, and right when she was about to give in, right when she could fight it no longer, the woman let out a curse, and Luna was suddenly let go, as she collapsed to the ground, both love juices and blood leaking from her pussy.

Several strange noises took place afterwords, thunder, gunshots, and words she could not hear occurred, but she didn't have the strength to turn her head to look.

After it all stopped, something touched her shoulder, as someone laid her on her back.

It was a small blond woman with a unique pistol in her hand. She placed two fingers on Luna's eyelids, examining her.

"Not quite gone, are you? Can you stand? If you cannot, then I'm afraid I'm the last thing you'll see before you leave this world."

The woman placed her hand on Luna's chest, and she suddenly felt what was taken from her by the woman in white, return to her.

Luna felt able to talk, but she felt like she couldn't walk without support. The rape had made her legs wobbly.
Re: Death's advocate.

The girl had expected to die from her encounter, she had submitted herself to death, or whatever fate she would have subjected to. However...


"I'm...alive?... How?..."

Blinking her eyes as she felt a strange energy that had been taken from earlier return, Luna shifted her eyes to her apparent savior.

"...You are?"