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Deceiving Appearances (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Re: Deceiving Appearances (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

"Hitomi..." repeated the youth to himself aloud after Ren gave him the alias. He took a second to match the name to her face, burning it into his memory from that moment on, and offered a cheerful grin. "It's good to meet you!" exclaimed Kojiro, his pupils dilating noticeably should the kunoichi care to look. Whether she cared for his attentions or not, it looked as though she was off to a great start with this particular member of the group. But while he seemed all too eager to meet and walk with her, he was quick to wave off her explanations and recommendations regarding the load he was to carry as minor concerns. "Don't worry about it," he assured her. "I can handle them! I'm originally from Udou Town, after all, and we're no pushovers when it comes to hard work. So there's no way I'm going to need help with a little luggage," the ronin went on to boast.

However, his sense of direction, or lack thereof, would make itself quite evident after the fact. "Huh? Oh, uh, yeah. I was just... hahh," he stammered, having to make a bit of a jog in order to catch up with Ren's calm and measured gait. "I do!" Koji then answered to her first assumption, happily taking the bait. "No choice when you're a ronin, really. Gotta constantly be looking for where the good jobs are, or others will get to them first. Like those other two. Actually, we're no famed trio or anything like that, don't get me wrong. I only met Akito a few days ago, and old man Fumio just showed up yesterday. Sooo... couldn't tell you a whole lot about those guys," explained the youth. "As for myself, my last lord was ordered to commit seppuku..." he then trailed off, a little more downbeat in tone upon mentioning the last word of his sentence.

Seppuku, ritual suicide, was part of the code of honor that lords were obligated to follow. If they had disgraced their superiors through their actions, they might be ordered to do so and thus die with honor, being remembered favorably despite their past transgressions. Lord Kuroda was notorious for ordering a great deal of his former vassals to engage in such a custom. For those who did, he would always speak fondly of their willingness to kill themselves for his cause. As for those who didn't, or attempted to run away or start a rebellion... their names were essentially erased from any positive light in history, with their families shamed to no small extent--sometimes harassed to death, as it were. Either way, the order of seppuku wasn't typically one that was given lightly. One had to commit a grave offense or a massive failure in order to earn it. And even then, going through with the ritual might preserve the honor of one's family name, but it certainly wouldn't help in keeping their life and future productivity.

So it was of little surprise that Kojiro's enthusiasm faded a bit when addressing such a heavy topic. "It's a long story, but he decided to keep his honor in the end, and that left me and a few others without a lord to serve. My old brothers in arms decided to become rebels or bandits, but... I couldn't do it. I knew it just wasn't the right thing to do, you know? I only want to face worthy adversaries!" he exclaimed proudly.

"As for you being a delicate flower, nothing's wrong with that! Being a warrior definitely isn't for everyone, especially not for women. So long as you have a gardener to protect you, I think you fit the role quite well! I would gladly be your gardener," he declared, looking at her expectantly after the fact as if awaiting her flattered expression.

It was almost enough to make him forget that there was still work to do. The trunk came first, which was located in the castle. Of course, there were the guards at the main gate that they had to deal with...

"Who's this?" asked the first sentry, raising a brow at the one next to Ren.

The young ronin cleared his throat, saying, "I'm Umeda Kojiro, formerly of Udou Town and once a proud vassal to the late--"

"Hmph. We can't have you inside the castle. Just wait here," interrupted the second, before nodding to his cohort and eyeing Ren for a moment. "We'll deliver your luggage," he announced, before heading into the castle proper for a brief moment. Out came the guard along with a pair of servants who had Ren's goods in tow. They gently set the koto and trunk on the ground in front of the pair, and Kojiro wasted no time trying to heave the latter up by himself.

"Oh, pfft... that's not so bad! Hrrnnng..."

He did succeed, but not without a degree of visible strain. The koto and dress still needed to be carried, and the youth seemed intent on stacking them on top of his already shaky load. Ren could either leave him to his own devices, or attempt to help...
Re: Deceiving Appearances (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

“I'm sorry I asked...”
The words wern't spoken aloud, as such a quick apology would have showed a kind of ungraceful impulsiveness that did not befit an oiran... but Ren's mood did drop a little at the mention of seppuku, enough that it might have noticeable on her face if one were looking hard enough.
“I wonder if he... watched.”
The subject was a touchy one for the kunoichi. Her own mother had chosen the path in the end... a decision that was wholly selfish and pointless in her mind. Still, she understood why the practice existed. In her own mind, there were few situations in which it was justified, unless someone was slated for execution anyway, but she had always kept such thoughts to herself. After all, she was no warrior, nor did she have blood-family who's honor would ever be at stake due to her own mistakes... she was completely unqualified to have an opinion on the matter. In fact, if the day ever came where she were put in the situation, she wasn't sure if she could go through with it... perhaps she knew too much about how people worked, how easy it was to erase past identities and create new ones... whatever the reason, she had had a hard time imagining any kind of dishonor that would hurt enough to make death the preferred alternative. Now was not the time to be pondering such things though.

“Such charming words!” the kunoichi instead found herself responding, almost by instinct while her mind was elsewhere, in response to to the flattering words that followed... even if they dripped of the vexing over-enthusiasm that wore on her nerves.
“I'm afraid my role in life isn't one that lends itself well to permanent companionship, but as for protecting me... I'll allow it for the next few days. After hearing what happened to your companions, it's comforting to know I have the protection of someone so virtuous.”
The comment was more training and reflex than anything else, but it wasn't completely false-flattery either. If nothing else, Ren's digging had revealed she could probably trust the annoying ronin. It was a bit disappointing that she hadn't gotten much information about the other two.... but it also wasn't any kind of huge setback. Researching the ronin wasn't her assignment, nor did she seriously expect it to be very likely that anything she found out about them would give her cause to worry... but at the same time when potentially having to trust her life to them, it wasn't a wasted effort to see what she could find out either. Not that any of it would really matter once this little trip was over...

“Don't mind the sentries, they're like that to everyone. It's a bothersome place even for me to visit sometimes.”
Ren would answer as she and the ronin reached the castle to retrieve her things, pleased to see a moment that it had all arrived on time. The pile did look a little bigger than she had imagined though, and already her companion was making a fool of himself trying to carry it all by himself. Letting him do it alone was a stupid choice that would probably result in something getting broken, but going back to the troupe for help or requesting it from the castle servants would have been an insult. With a sigh she piled the rest of her stuff on the trunk the ronin was carrying, but then grabbed a handle in the front herself. While she wasn't holding a great share of the weight, it was still enough to make the load substantially easier to handle... and it gave her a way to stabilize it if it felt like it was about to topple.

“The koto was a gift, I'm not going to risk letting anything happen to it.” she explained, her voice subtly more forceful than before. This was not a negotiation.
Re: Deceiving Appearances (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

The red-haired youth didn't even notice the somewhat sympathetic look that Ren exhibited in response to his tale, as his own gaze was averted elsewhere when he mentioned his late lord. However, a more cheerful expression would return to his features when he saw Ren's feigned expression of flattery. "But I'm not just trying to butter you up," he would then interrupt. "Every word I said about that was true! I naturally feel more comfortable when I have someone to protect. I don't intend on losing anyone like that again," declared Kojiro with likely enough firmness to convince the both of them, if one was to base truth on tone of voice alone. Ren knew, however, that it wasn't so simple. Only actions, not words, would tell whether his conviction held true.

Then came a hint as to Ren's supposed profession, or at least the cover that she would use during this mission and one that she was rather accustomed to at this point. Even the naive Kojiro had gathered the implications of the kunoichi's words, as shown by the quickly growing blush upon his face. He would steal a few more glances at her afterwards, whether she was returning his gaze or not, and then turn his eyes forward for a moment while his mind seemed to race. It shouldn't have been a surprise--there were many other oiran waiting to be transported to Murakumo within the troupe itself, and she was dressed just as finely as many of them. Perhaps he was running himself through such a process...

The awkward moment would soon subside, however, when she reminded him that she would be relying on his strength, and such a mention would cause the youth to nod several times reflexively as he broke out of his stupor. "O-Oh, yeah. Of course!"

The young ronin's overall stature and air of confidence grew far more meek in the face of the intimidating sentries' authority, but Ren's reassuring words would bring him a slight degree of ease as his tensed shoulders slumped back down after the fact. He soon employed such muscles towards lifting the girl's cargo... but not without the help of the owner herself. Kojiro opened his mouth as if to give one of his usual proud quips, but after seeing the unexpected seriousness in Ren's eyes, he simply pursed his lips in his polite smile and allowed her to take the other end for a much easier time carrying the goods.

On the return trip, he was somewhat more quiet than before, but eventually the questions gradually accumulating in his head couldn't help but leak out in one form or another. "So, um, if you don't mind me asking... exactly why are you headed to Murakumo, anyway? You seem to be carrying a lot of fancy stuff," said the swordsman, turning his head to point a look towards the koto and dress.

Regardless of how she chose to answer, if at all, they would soon return to the troupe area, where Akito welcomed them back with an impressed look. "That was quick," observed the older ronin aloud. "And hey, looks like nothing was damaged, though I have a feeling it must be due to our lady's wise choice of not letting you bite off more than you can chew..."

"Psh, as if!" exclaimed Kojiro, raising a hand to shake a fist at his cohort. His gesture was strong enough to nearly topple the other goods atop the chest, but Akito hurried to catch the items before they could fall.

"Let's get these inside one of the carts before anything bad happens to them," suggested the dark-haired one, hoisting the koto into the last wagon followed by the chest and any other items Ren wanted inside. Kojiro did his best to help, but he seemed somewhat more thoughtful than usual, as if searching for a way to phrase other things he might ask of Ren.

Unfortunately for the younger of the two, he wouldn't actually manage to be out with his internal thoughts, not before the third ronin, whom Kojiro referred to as 'Fumio', returned to the group with his breath smelling of alcohol. He only gave Ren a momentary glance before turning his attention to the others. "Hohoh... looks like you two found yourselves a little diversion," commented the oldest of the trio. "Don't get yourselves too distracted, though. It's damn unprofessional," he would then add, before raising his hand to stifle a hiccup.

"Yeah..." was all that Akito could say in response.

"Just helping out with a little work!" responded Kojiro after a brief pause.

"Hah, well, just remember that you're not getting paid to do cargo." The old man produced a pipe from within his coat and began to dig within a different pocket for something to fill it with.

Before too long, it would be time to depart. Kozakura stood atop the platform of one of the wagons, waving a hand to get the attention of all involved. He would need to, as he wasn't a particularly tall individual, but his voice could apparently travel well when he thought to raise it.

"Alright! This is Kozakura," he announced. "We're taking off very soon, so I hope you didn't forget anything. Women can stay in the wagons--men, you're out here with the rest of us. You know the deal. Any other questions before we take off?"

Counting Kozakura himself along with his helpers, there were six common men to act as guides for the oxen and perhaps makeshift security for the trip. The trio of ronin would naturally serve as more dedicated escorts, as only they were armed with proper weapons. Either way, it certainly wasn't an unfavorable arrangement for Ren, who could enjoy a ride in relative luxury while the men sweated it out on foot. There were three wagons total, and by the positions that the men seemed to take, each would have two peasant attendees with one ronin. If the kunoichi had any final requests or questions, she would have to raise her voice sooner rather than later.
Re: Deceiving Appearances (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

“It is as I told our troupe leader...” Ren answered the ronin, unalarmed by his interest. “I am traveling to experience some of the festivals in the area. Being cultured is how I improve myself, as a warrior might do through practicing with a sword or a bow. However, unless I actually go out and experience culture, I can no more claim to be cultured than a writer who's never written a book can claim to be an author, or a martial artist who's never been in a fight can claim to be a master...
As for my belongings, I'm unsure how long my visit will take so I had to be prepared. I may only stay a few days, or I may stay a few weeks. I'll only know when the time has come. Either way, I needed enough to take care of myself, and possibly work my profession if necessary. Nothing is free, and unfortunately no amount of culture will elevate me to the ranks of a land-owning noble or one of those foreign travelers from across the sea.”

The lie came easily and convincingly, although this was no surprise. The kunoichi already knew the cues to look for when someone was caught off guard or trying to hide something... cues that amateurs would show far too often and get caught for... hiding such cues was an unnatural skill that didn't come easily to many people. Part of it could be taught, but part of which also took a certain degree of inborn aptitude to truly master. Luckily the kunoichi had both... it didn't make her lies foolproof, but it was enough that she could keep calm and casual while delivering them, without the fear of getting caught. The risk was still there of course, but those who let it get to them were the ones who tripped up first. Calm was most important here, and calm was the mood Ren would keep for the walk back.

“H-h-hey! Careful!”
Though Ren had been able to keep calm through lies on the way back, her nerve was not without flaws and weak points... her partner almost toppling over the stack her koto rested on was one of these. Her grip had started to loosen as it wobbled towards toppling, her instinct to drop everything else and save just that. She could have done it too, moved quickly enough, and caught it in such a way as to have control and guide it's descent... but luckily the other ronin present would catch it before she had to resort that.
“Reckless, Ren, reckless. Moving like that would have been more fitting of a martial artist than an oiran. It would have been easy enough to explain away as pure instinct... but no object is worth risking the mission for...
Why did I even...?
Tch... I wish Kiyomi hadn't given me one so valuable and full of sentiment...”

The kunoichi's mood fluttered between annoyances, a little at herself, a little at Kiyomi, though she quickly took it back because she knew her mentor didn't really know the full seriousness of the things she did for Kuroda, and a lot towards her partner.
“I think my heart almost stopped just now... thanks for the quick catch.” she answered towards the one named Akito, specifically withholding her attention from Kojiro and giving it to his companion out of annoyance. Ren wasn't the type to hold grudges though, and this little jab would be enough to soothe her nerves. She knew it reckless to go any farther than that with creating hostilities... no, just a light enough touch that it wouldn't appear purposely malicious and all could be mended later, assuming it didn't just fade away on it's own. It was hard to stay too mad at the youth anyway, when a moment later the final ronin of the trio came back smelling of smoke and alcohol.
“Yes, perfectly “professional”. If you were a sentry at the castle you'd be lucky to keep the post for a week.”

After the loading was done, Ren would take her place in one of the carriages, preferably one away from the other oiran, whom she had no interest in interacting with. As an outsider to their group, she knew she'd be more likely to be met with backhanded comments meant to be disguised as compliments and make her lose face in front of the troupe than she was to be greeted with any kind of warm welcome. No, better to be aloof and above things like that. Amongst the rest of the troupe, there was nobody else she showed interest in either, and passed up the chance to ask any further questions. Nobody else in the troupe was really important to her overall mission, save the ronin if things went badly, and she had already formed impressions of them. She could learn enough about everyone else just by watching.
“Sitting around isn't exactly what I wanted to do with my day so soon after waking up... but I suppose it can't be helped. At least the view should be nice, and it's not as if walking a short distance when I get cramped would really be enough to stir up any unusual suspicions... such a bother though, would have been easier to just take a horse myself. It would almost be worth the risks of traveling alone or having to explain to the city guard why there's nothing strange about that at all... almost...”
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Re: Deceiving Appearances (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

When Ren explained her purpose in Murakumo once more, this time for Kojiro's sake, he gave her a look. His face, previously blank with confusion, would exhibit growing hints of understanding as she made use of an analogy that dipped into a realm more familiar to him in the martial way. "Oh, r-right! Makes sense, heh. You seem pretty cultured to me already, but about that whole getting better thing, I know what you mean. I even got this scar here from, uhh, practice," he explained, motioning to the mark across the bridge of his nose. "We used to go pretty rough sometimes."

Ren's swift motion to catch the falling goods was out-of-place, indeed, and it was difficult for the kunoichi in her panic to notice whether any of the three ronin had found her reaction peculiar. However, even if they did, none of them said anything about it nor exhibited a change of demeanor about her rather remarkable reflexes, and so she appeared to be off the hook for the time being. It was just as well that preparations for departure were going underway, and the general bustle and chatter of the caravan members picked up, distracting even the ronin from pondering too hard on Ren and her origins.

Kozakura and his assistants manned the front wagon, while the other oiran took the second. Ren would have to settle for the very last one of the group, with her only company being a small gathering of assorted goods, along with her very own possessions--quiet traveling companions in vast contrast to the redheaded assistant who had helped her with the luggage earlier. Fumio, the oldest of the three sentries, walked alongside the first vehicle. Kojiro was assigned to the middle, where the other girls would be sure to provide him with plenty of eye candy through the windows, and Akito kept watch over the third.

The dark-haired man was noticeably more aloof than the more upbeat Koji, and though he would occasionally exchange glances with Ren from outside the window, the first half an hour of the trip consisted of relative silence. Kojiro could be heard trying to start up conversations with the other girls, who were apparently tolerant enough of the youth to humor him with sweet responses of their own, though the sincerity behind their words was always in question, as Ren knew all too well.

Such was the job of an oiran, after all--to receive compliments and flattery as gracefully as possible, and of course, to return them only during the most appropriate of moments. Not only were they companions in the physical sense, but also in the emotional one as well. Essentially, fantasies were what they sold: a partner in conversation, in daily life, and even in bed. Small samples of the former were generally given out for free to those who sought them, provided they were made in good taste. Refinement, elegance and attractiveness. This was the air that oiran had built up to establish--so potent and magnetic that they needn't seek a man. Instead, men sought them, as they would any other coveted prize.

After seeing Kojiro's relative success on that end, even Akito wasn't to go the entire trip without looking to strike up at least a tidbit of chatter on his own. He had spent much of the initial journey with a more vigilant eye, but his focus slackened just a notch after the pace grew a bit more monotonous.

"So how are the crates and barrels treating you? Better than the other girls would, I imagine. They say that the world of an oiran is even more treacherous than that of a shinobi at times. I must say I'm fortunate to be a part of neither of those worlds--no offense." said the ronin, keeping his gaze locked forward, presumably ahead where Koji continued to chat and flirt with the other girls.

A creaking noise could be heard towards the front of the pack, followed by a louder crashing sound. Confused yells and assorted curses came soon afterwards, and Akito raised a brow as his attention snapped back towards the head of the caravan.
Re: Deceiving Appearances (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

“Hmm... it appears I wrong with my guesses earlier. If the kid's scar isn't even from a real fight, then it's likely he might be little more than a commoner with a weapon. Practice counts for something... but it never counts as much as real experience... and never completely ensures that panic won't take over. It shouldn't matter much on this trip, but it's still vexing how an unproven warrior can still claim the title of one...”
Ren's mental tone was one of annoyance as she instinctively re-assed and re-organized her assumptions based on the new information available. Still her annoyance wasn't typical of ordinary re-assessment work, as such was a constant an ongoing process on any assignment.
“It also seems I may have been wrong about choosing aloofness as my demeanor. Some people won't climb a tree for the good fruit, they'll just go for the low-hanging stuff... too preoccupied to know that it's rotten.” her thoughts continued on with a glance at the cart ahead of her. For whatever reason, the whole thing annoyed her, even though she knew the other oiran had done nothing to earn her spite... yet.
Her thoughts wouldn't last long though, before she was distracted by another of the ronin addressing her. Or maybe it HAD been a long time, travel always seemed to change the feel of time, and the kunoichi's body was already growing slightly uncomfortable in the back of her own cart.

“Ah, your concern is flattering, but I'm fine. I'll admit, this kind of travel isn't the most proper, but sometimes a little hardship helps make flowers more beautiful... If you ever look at a garden after a morning's rain, it's not the ones who have closed up and hidden themselves just because of a small drizzle that will catch your eye. I'm more than willing to put up with the hardship... if I have any right to claim having my own cart and dedicated security as a hardship. I've travelled worse in the past, but those are unflattering stories for another time.”
It was true, the kunoichi had travelled worse in the past. Sharp, detailed memories still existed in her mind of when she was first captured by Kuroda's soldiers so many years ago as a bargaining chip... the soldiers, an undisciplined lot of recruits who had not yet learned to properly follow their orders, saw her as nothing more than some bratty child to drag back... and acted accordingly. What followed was a forced march back to their camp, tied behind a horse by a wrist-leash of rope. Admittedly, it wasn't a far distance for an adult, but for a child, especially one in a state of shock, it was a grueling experience that ended with bloody feet and collapse from exhaustion, both physical and emotional.
“At least they were disciplined and taught proper respect for orders afterwards... how to act like actual soldiers instead of slavers... unsettling, but an early lesson on how quickly some people can turn to animals without the right guidance.”
The other part of the kunoichi's statement was also true though, it was not a topic she wanted to talk about right now, and so she changed the subject instead.

“You do surprise me, you know. You're not wrong about the others... but so few men seem to know much about how the world of women works, either out of ignorance or disinterest. If I had to take a guess, I'd ask if your siblings included some siste- ...hm?”
The conversation would be cut short by sounds at the front of the caravan, causing Ren to stir and finally step out, a bit of a forward action for her particular role.

“It seems we've had some misfortune visited upon us. Although I don't spite the chance to stretch for a moment, so I'd like to go see what happened.”
With that bit of explanation to explain her actions, she headed off towards the front, not waiting for any kind of answer or approval. Even if there was trouble, she hardly looked the part of any kind of serious threat right now, and was probably safer with information than hiding in ignorance.
“Maybe I'll grab an instrument or something to play when we get going again, to make the time go faster.” she continued on, in a cheerful voice meant to sound completely naïve and disguise her true intentions or any concern over the potential seriousness of this stop.
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Re: Deceiving Appearances (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

A look out the window to Ren's left revealed a nearly countless expanse of trees, where a vast forest stretched out. The group was only traveling along the edge of the wood, however, as to the right of the dirt road was a large lake. Still, it made for rather fair scenery and a comfortable atmosphere by which to talk.

Even the relatively stoic Akito couldn't help but exhibit a slightly surprised look at Ren's response. His eyebrows raised just slightly as he gave her a look. It was a minute change, but the kunoichi still noticed, even if he wasn't quite as readily decipherable as Kojiro. "That's a rather... different view of things, for an oiran. I thought the quote went something along the lines of "women are flowers, blossoming best with the high amounts of care and attention, while men are swords, made sturdy through the rigors of forging and repeated folding". But when you put it that way, I suppose it's more accurate... in a way. Too much care makes a plant wither, and a sword too hard is easily shattered."

He couldn't help but chuckle at her comments about the world of women. "So you're admitting to it, then? I was merely--"

Their conversation was interrupted by the disturbances ahead, and the swordsman was quick to turn his attention to the matter at hand. Ren's notification earned her a raised brow from Akito, who moved on ahead with strides that easily overtook those of the girl's own--unless she cared to pick up her own speed so as to race him.

However, he would only stop at the middle cart after catching an eyeful of the cause of the commotion: a broken wheel, which had rendered the first wagon immobile. It was a rather large one, and the spokes were numerous, making it difficult to believe that such an impressive structure could break so easily. But apparently it had, triggering an exchange of words that took place between Kozakura and one of the other travelers in the caravan, a fellow merchant or tradesman from the looks of it. Something about deadlines, the lack of knowledgeable repairmen, and the like...

"Are you saying that you own these carts and don't even have the slightest clue of how to repair them?!"

"Listen, if you were as busy as me, you wouldn't have the time to stress over such rare possibilities! I've been tending to people and their requests all week!"

"I suppose it wasn't so rare of an occurrence after all, was it?!"

"To be fair, it's never happened before, certainly not to wagons of such high quality..."

"Hmph! I think the quality speaks for itself! I can't allow myself to be delayed by such things!"

From where she stood, Ren noticed a rustling in the nearby bush to the left of the caravan. No one else seemed to notice it, or pay it any mind, and even she couldn't pin down whether it was a wild animal or some kind of troublemaker...
Re: Deceiving Appearances (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

“Care and attention are nice, but those are things that should be earned. Oiran who don't understand that are no better than clingy peasant girls expecting to be treated like princesses.” Ren answered in response to Akito's comparison.
"A bit of mystery and intrigue goes a long way... a man of true character will enjoy trying to coax out your secrets with that care and attention. However it helps to actually have something to coax out. Someone who never goes out an experiences the world is a boring person... why waste your efforts on someone boring? Admittedly, I might be going farther with it than necessary, but it's not as if I regret it.”
The kunoichi paused for a second, considering how much of what she had said was lie and how much was actually her own real feelings. It was true, she hated the idea of “boring”... a bleak depressing dead end of shuffling through life the same way every day. If that was the kind of life she had wanted, she could have stayed a servant in Kuroda's castle for the rest of her life, or even one of the regulars at the Blossom... but here she was doing something far more dangerous instead... Dangerous, but not boring at least.. and with the potential for a much better life later on.
“It's not that I'm a thrill seeker or crave danger... but...”
It didn't matter how much of what she was saying was a truth or lie... it was serving a purpose, and there was no reason to stop. In a way it almost felt good, if only to talk herself up in comparison to the other oiran in the group.
“It's a shame so many other oiran think it's just about the princess part; but never let them hear you say that. They're jealous of those of us that put in the work in make it harder for them... and while it's not proper for us women to fight it out like warriors; we're plenty capable of coming up with other ways of getting back at each other, however petty the tactics of some can be.”
As engaging as the conversation was, Ren wouldn't have much to continue before the ruckus at the front of the group brought an end to it.


“Only a broken wheel? How bothersome... it really WOULD have almost been worth the hassle of traveling alone to not have to deal with this kind of thing. Oh well, it can't be helped and I'm not about to just steal a horse and go ahead on my own. You'd think a bunch of merchants would have a spare or something... or at least know how to fix a thing like this. We'll probably be stuck here for the day if someone has to go back to town for help. I can't say it's something I'd be looking forward t--?”
It was only for a moment, but Ren caught a movement off to the side of the wagon in the bushes. Perhaps things wern't as simple as they appeared. Though it might seem unlikely, the possibility of sabotage was one that now existed. Maybe it was nothing, or a mere animal... but as she continued looking in that direction, she saw nothing.
“Stupid mistake... the best way to make someone hide from you is to look like you're trying find them.”
With that she gave a shrug and walked, as if dismissing what she may or may not have seen as a figment of her imagination. However, the entire time she kept the area in her peripheral vision as she pondered her next move.
“If something is there, moving in to see what it is myself is dangerous and out of my “character”. Asking someone else to look is a possibility, as no one will find it weird for an oiran to have been spooked by something on the road... but if there is something watching us, that gives it plenty of time to hide... No, I need to make it known before it has a chance to act...”
The kunoichi quickly formed a plan as she made her way over to a nearby log to sit. At first she let her hand wander to the ground to idly pluck at a few strands of grass, like a bored child trying to kill a few moments of time. However, her peripheral vision stayed focused on the area around where the rustling had first come from... and her hand moved to stealthily pick up a rock now. If the rustling were to happen again, she would catch it, and that rock would be thrown dead-center at the source. If there was something there, she'd hit it and cause it a good deal of pain... if not, she would simply appear to have tossed the rock out of boredom, like someone skipping a rock across a pond just because it was there. That was, of course, assuming nobody was paying attention the speed and power with she'd put behind her throw. No, everyone was too preoccupied with the wagon wheel right now, and the kunoichi usually had a good sense for when familiar eyes were watching her...
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Re: Deceiving Appearances (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Akito responded to Ren's short rants with mild amusement, but he was all business when the disturbance occurred. After seeing the argument unfold between the caravan leader and the bickering merchant, he simply shook his head and moved back to the rear of the group--the area he was assigned to watch.

Meanwhile, Kojiro hovered around the broken wheel as if he had some sort of knowledge on how to fix it, while the old man Fumio chose to focus his attention on the lake to their right in order to alleviate his apparent boredom. It was a beautiful sight, indeed, though likely not a direction from which any marauding bandits would emerge--unless there was a group of competent shinobi like Ren in the waiting.

But the potential threats in this case weren't quite so skilled at hiding, at least not as far as the lone kunoichi in the group was concerned. Instead of a lake, the rogue, child, wild animal--whatever it was--chose a nearby bush. It was almost a surprise that no one else in the caravan had taken notice of the faint rustling, but Ren knew all too well how distractions like the argument that was currently taking place could draw attention away from the important things. The details were at times the things that mattered most. Ren had been taught as much, and so she moved to where no one else looked. No one would reject to her doing so, as they were either too busy staring at the confrontation or whispering amongst themselves.

As she took a seat onto her makeshift bench, closer to the bush, she could hear several very light steps moving back and away from her. She couldn't quite get the specific details of the figure in question, but the way it responded to her seemingly innocent actions seemed less animal and more human as the seconds ticked away. If she actually bothered to focus and look directly at the mysterious form, she'd find that it was about as large as a man, save that it was hunched over.

A quick look back revealed that nobody was paying any serious attention to her in particular. Kozakura was busy arguing, Akito was taking watch over the rear, Kojiro was looking to help with the wheel and Fumio didn't seem to care in the slightest. If there was any time to clear any doubts regarding the identity of this potential troublemaker, it would be then, and so Ren acted on it with a rock, skipped casually in the direction of the shadow.

A dull whap signaled that her projectile had struck its mark, and the grunt that followed all but confirmed the form's identity as human.


Suddenly, the stranger stood a bit more upright to show the height of a woman or a shorter man, and bolted back into the woods. He (or she) somehow did so with enough stealth that the others behind Ren wouldn't notice--of course, unless she cared to inform them.
Re: Deceiving Appearances (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

"-got it!"
Ren's hit on her target caused a rush of mixed of emotions. On one hand, there was a feeling of satisfaction that came with accomplishing the feat and having proven she was right... but on the other hand, finding out her target was human had immediately caused her to tense up; a human opened up worse possibilities than an animal, especially now that she had attacked it. Whoever it was though seemed to have no intention of repaying that aggression in kind, and instead chose to retreat without attack for now, moving so quickly and quietly that kunoichi could only track it for a few seconds before it disappeared into the foliage.
"Tch... it's quiet too, doesn't look like anyone else heard it..." the kunoichi thought with some minor frustration.
"I know something was there now, but that does no good for me personally. Regardless of whether I know or not, there's no guarantee that anyone else would believe me. At best, I'm asking them to look for something that isn't there anymore and they simply think I got spooked; at worst they don't believe me and then spite me for distracting them from the pressing issue of the wagon wheel. But still, if something WAS there, the chances of us having been sabotaged now go up considerably... enough that it would be foolish to ignore."

The kunoichi's thoughts now took a different turn, and her eyes scanned the surrounding foliage for signs of any others as she gauged the risk of her new plan. She hadn't seen anyone else retreat when the one she had hit did... but she also wasn't looking specifically for such a thing either. Regardless of the myths and stereotypes regarding ninja and kunoichi and their powers of perception, they were still humans who couldn't focus on everything at once... there were no secret powers at play here.
"If there's proof someone was there, I can make my claim without any backlash. It's nearly impossible to move through brush like that without leaving a trace... if there's something obvious there, I'm set. Knowing that would mean taking a look though..."
It was a good plan... except the "taking a look" part. There was risk in straying from the group. It would be easy enough to play off as having gotten bored and going for a short walk, but if she got attacked she'd be all alone, reliant on being able to get a scream out to even have a chance at summoning help... and that's assuming anyone from the troupe could find her before she was silenced or taken away.
"Far greater risks if I were actually an ordinary oiran. Even if that stalker wasn't alone, one doesn't use a harpoon to catch a goldfish... It's unlikely I'll face any kind of lethal attack, and I know how to fight against grabs and the like. Even if things prove more dangerous than I'm predicting... I'm not completely unarmed myself."
The kunoichi's had not forgotten her poisoned hair ornament, and her hands disappeared into the folds of her furisode as her fingers slipped through her kakute rings. Neither item was as good as a real weapon like a sword, but the element of surprise could make them just as effective with the right opening. There was risk, of course, but in this job that was something that could never be completely avoided. Ren knew this fact, and in knowing it and accepting it, was resolved to go check the area where she had seen the figure that was stalking the troupe earlier.
Re: Deceiving Appearances (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Out of the left corner of her peripheral vision, Ren might have noticed a bit of movement in the foliage as well... but whatever it was, it was gone now, or had stopped moving completely. It was further down, and luckily there was enough growth between her and the source of the second sound that she would know if that someone--or something--was attempting to flank her. If she bothered to change direction then, it would no doubt have been very difficult to track the second figure.

Furthermore, her path to follow the first stranger was far more clear and tracable, as made evident by the trail of footsteps hurriedly made through the dried leaves. Whoever she was following knew how to move relatively quietly, but wasn't so careful as to mask any traces, especially when making such haste. Moving about in rather dry undergrowth wasn't something Ren's trainers ever recommended. If the stranger had the same profession as she did, then they weren't nearly as good at it. Though... perhaps they didn't need to be?

With her less obvious weapons at the ready yet hidden from view, Ren bravely moved forward into the wood. Still, her decision to venture forward hadn't drawn any questions from those in the caravan; perhaps they thought her to be relieving herself, or they simply hadn't noticed yet. This part of the wood was a darker one, though numerous shafts of sunlight still pierced through the upper canopy. The density grew worse as she moved on, but the path left by the unnamed spy was still easily tracable... up to a point. Yet Ren hadn't lost her prey. If anything, she had found them, along with the reason they even bothered to look in the first place.

A collective tromp through the fallen leaves could be heard approaching from directly in front of Ren, and she managed to find cover behind a large, moss-covered tree. From the sounds alone, she could guess that roughly six or seven men were plodding along at a steady rate, along with the faint clinking noise produced by sheathed (and somewhat badly kept) swords. Most likely, they were bandits, and the one watching was merely there to scout the level of security that Ren's caravan kept.

A few others, three on each side, could also be heard walking through the brush, though not headed specifically towards her. Given the rate at which they were traveling and the general bearing, she could deduce that they were bound for the caravan--though Ren herself could be discovered quickly enough if she wasn't careful. She could always attempt to hide and allow them to pass. Alternatively, she could run back and warn the ronin there, or meet the incoming group of men with an excuse.
Re: Deceiving Appearances (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Ren's pulse quickened as she hid behind her cover and allowed the group to pass. While the kunoichi was used to the idea of danger, having it this near and this much worse than she expected was enough to get under skin and stir up the beginnings of a contained panic. The girl knew how to fight, but outnumbered this badly, she knew she wouldn't win if she engaged. Even if the bandits didn't try to kill her, there would only be so many times she'd be able to slip out of grabs before they caught on and did something she couldn't slip out of... or worse hit her hard enough to put an end to any attempts. Part of her wanted to just stay hidden until everything had passed.
“It would be inconceivably foolish to fail my assignment because of a diversion like this. I have no real investment in the rest of the troupe... nor is it my job to protect them. This is what we've got three ronin as security for. I should just stay hidden and watch, if they can't even handle a few bandits, then they don't deserve the job.”
It was erroneous thinking though, and the kunoichi knew it.
“Traveling alone is still too dangerous to risk... and the bandits wouldn't be attacking if they didn't think they could win. Having scouted us already, they know what kind of security they have. If I don't do something to even the odds, there's a chance that things could go poorly... then I'd be stranded out here. I'm behind the group now, I've got the element of surprise... but that will only take me so far.”
Now was the time for weighing options, although every second counted and the stress was an unwelcome distraction, despite the kunoichi's usual calm and focus.

“I could scream and still probably be heard by the troupe... but that might just cause the bandits to rush anyway and not changes the odds that much... even worse, it might make cause the bandits to hold back and the troupe to walk right into an ambush when they come looking for me.
No... the best course of action here is to disrupt their organization somehow. Big groups are easy to route when they have no organization. How though? I could try to make them chase me, but if I can't get away then I'm back to having to call for help and thats a weak backup plan... especially if they re-organize quickly. I need to break their structure somehow, not just distract them... but I'm armed with so little and outnumbered so badly... I have to make it count.”

For the moment, it seemed like a problem with no easy answer... maybe no answer at all... but Ren knew where to start at least, hoping something more substantial would solidify along the way. Stepping out from her hiding spot, she followed behind the group, staying out of sight and just observing for the moment... observing meant information, information meant more possible solutions.
“Ok... show me who's in charge here...”
Ren's hand reached up towards her poisoned hairpin, though she loathed the idea of having to use it and being left on her own for however long it took help to arrive, this was the only plan that she had at the moment.
“A group this big has got to have a leader... if I can hit him, maybe the others will be lost in the confusion. Now lets see who's walking around with the most authority. A group like this has got to have one leader... maybe several... or a mini hierarchy- ...thats it!”
The girl's hand dropped from her hairpin, a new idea was forming on the fringes of her mind... but still, enacting it would take some rough idea of her enemy's organizational structure. As they moved forward, hushed orders would need to be given before the final attack... and the kunoichi would be watching every moment of it, trying to determine who fit where. It was a plan that was crazy and risky to the extreme... but better than anything else she had come up with so far. She just needed a bit more information and a few moments to double-check and fully form the idea before it would solidify as her best option.

“Even if things go badly... I'll still have the element of surprise for a short while... enough to call for help... and hopefully escape and try to run. Even if they're all bigger and move overpowering than me, none of them will actually be expecting an oiran to have the kind of claws I have if they make a move to grab me. Their intention probably won't be to kill me right away... probably...”
Re: Deceiving Appearances (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

As the approaching throng of rogues drew ever closer, Ren could feel the coarse plodding echoing from both sides. There were about a dozen by her estimations, though it wouldn't be exact without a full headcount which would be difficult unless she were to get them to organize somehow--a difficult challenge, given that a group of three seemed to be headed towards the caravan's rear end, where Akito waited, and yet another went towards the very front, as if to block the road ahead. The main force of six men, those closest to the kunoichi's immediate vicinity, were bound for the main body of the unsuspecting convoy. It was them that she could get the closest look at as they passed by.

The cluster of men was headed not by one man, but by two. Unlike some of the poorer ruffians, this duo was particularly well-equipped; one carried a bisento, a massive glaive-like polearm, over his shoulder, while the other carried two swords, both full-sized... an unusual setting. Both men wore full sets of armor sans helmets, while the others had to make do with somewhat mismatched yet functional pieces here and there, perhaps looted from battlefields or previous successful raids. Being able to wear such protection was another advantage in being an ambusher, since the thieves wouldn't have to travel too far to get to their target. Even samurai or ronin wouldn't wear such gear while on a long trip, unless they were guarding a particularly important official, such as Lord Kuroda himself. But this was no grand envoy... it was a mere merchant troupe, the value of their possessions perhaps far from the grandest haul one could steal in all of Honrai.

Apparently that mattered little to this group of bandits, as they trudged forward with little attempt to hide, lead by the two in the front. Outside of their unique choice of weapons, however, the men looked remarkably similar, both with squarish jaws and thick eyebrows. Brothers, perhaps? As they passed right by her, Ren only managed a glimpse at their facial features; one bore a scar over the edge of his lip. It was hard to tell if the other had the same feature. Still, if they weren't twins, then the family resemblance was certainly strong between the two heads of the raiding party. With groups of three to the left and to the right, however, Ren might deduce that each of those had their own subleaders as well.

However, she had little time to ponder. One of the smaller men in the group, the very last in the formation, took a good look over his shoulder, as if to make sure they weren't being followed. In the process, his eyes met those of Ren's. He paused, but hesitated to say anything just yet.
Re: Deceiving Appearances (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Ren's nails dug into the tree she was hiding behind, her grip tightening with frustration at the realization that this group had two leaders... and that the leaders were brothers. The plan that had been forming at the edges of the kunoichi's mind now seemed a lot less likely to work. Had there been been one leader, it was the girl's plan to approach whoever the second-in-command was and “mistake” them for the leader. She had been counting on the men to be stupid, violent, and ambitious, with her attentions being the ego boost that could start some kind of strife among the group's heirarchy... strife she could encourage until it opened up opportunity for her.
“Are brothers going to betray eachother that easily though? Blood is thick... and with them two of them I'm not even sure if anyone else in the group could be persuaded to openly disagree with them. Furthermore, if I have to kill the leader now... I've got two of them to deal with. Bad, ver ba-”
In that moment of pondering, things went from bad to even worse, as the kunoichi realized she had been spotted.

For a moment, time froze. Ren's pondering came to a complete stop, as her mind descended into a complete muddle of silent panic... she wasn't even sure why. In the grand scheme of things, she was going to reveal herself anyway, and she still doubted that she would be met with anything immediately aggressive when she did... but in the surprise of locking eyes with a member of the bandit group, her mind was completely thrown off and a sickening dread took hold instead. Granted, it only lasted a few seconds, but even as her mind started to pick back up the pieces, her first reaction was to bolt back behind the tree, like a child hiding from some imaginary monster.
“Calm... calm down... panic makes things worse. Panic is always a mistake.”
The kunoichi would realize her mistake only another second or two later and come out from her spot, knowing she had already been spotted. The only thing to do now was stick to what she knew and try to improvise the rest... but her moment of panic had hit something deep, made a small crack for doubt to take root. Even as she prepared to address the bandits in a hushed voice with a fake tone of calm, her heart was still racing, her mind distracted by the genuine effort it took to not think about how badly things could end for her if this went bad. It was a feeling the kunoichi wasn't used to feeling... but then again, despite knowing it was always a possibility, even a likelihood as time went on, this was still the first time she had faced such danger.

“I'm from the group I think you're about to attack.” the kunoichi's voice was quiet, as if taking consideration for the element of surprise the bandits still had and trying to ruin it. It was a move she hoped would keep their guards lowered and keep them from seeing her as a threat. To further emphasize the point, her tone also carried a twinge of timidness, fearfulness... anything that would prevent her from being attack right away and having to try to make an ill-fated escape.
"I saw one of you earlier with only suspicions at what it could mean. I followed him back because... if the thing that I think is about to happen IS going to happen... then I'd rather give myself up now than risk accidentally getting cut down in the chaos of a fight.
Maybe you're not taking prisoners, but I can assure you I'd be worth something. Even if you don't want me, you could ransom me after the attack. I don't want to die in a fight that has nothing to do with me that I have no chance of winning, so I was hoping to speak with your leader before that happened...”

The kunoichi kept watch at the brothers, to see which one would step forward as a leader, and how the other would react. Maybe her plan was still salvageable... but counting on such a fact as her only option was foolish too. As she contemplated backup plans, her eyes were also scanning the weapons of the brothers and those around them. Her cover as an oiran was no good if she was dead, and if any of the bandits had something like a dagger that she could snatch, she might just be able to use her own element of surprise and make a window for herself if things started to take a turn for the worst. She also still had her poisoned pin, although that would only be good for a single strike, which might not be enough depending on how many men she might have to deal with...
Re: Deceiving Appearances (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Both the tree and the bandits failed to echo the girl's apparent frustration. Fate could have been much kinder today, as far as her initial plan was concerned. Twins in such a trade were at the very least uncommon, and to have them share a leadership position of sorts was even more rare... but here they were, their approach steady and arrival seemingly inevitable. She knew the capabilities of their armaments; these weren't some cheap improvised farming tools wielded by angry peasants. They were weapons of war. And while Kuroda's own soldiers were considered to be among the best in the land, these rogues--or at least their leaders--had an intimidating factor all their own. The pair no doubt possessed real skills borne of experience, if not of training. And too often, the former was far more valuable than the latter, or so it was said even by Lord Kuroda himself.

Despite Ren's moment of panic, she would find the relatively diminutive man at the back of the group to have mirrored her reaction. It was far too difficult to say exactly how long they held a gaze at one another, but it likely felt longer than it really was. His group had traveled half a dozen paces ahead of him by the time he actually managed to break out of the stupor. He opened his mouth to say something, but the girl had beaten him to the first word spoken. Even her rather quiet voice did enough to get the others to turn, however, and several more pairs of eyes set themselves upon Ren with the faces they belonged to sporting a various array of reactions. After all, her opening sentence was accurate enough... and the words that followed hinted that she certainly wasn't the most dense of oiran.

One of the brothers was the first to reply. He spoke in a normal, conversational tone, as if completely unconcerned for matters of stealth. Perhaps he was aware that Kozakura was in no position to notice, or he was simply careless. Either way, his words brimmed with confidence. He rested a hand over one of the two swords sheathed at his sides, and a better look at his face would show Ren that he didn't bear the same scar that his halberd-wielding sibling did. In addition, they weren't -quite- identical, though from a distance they could have fooled just about anyone into thinking that they were.

"Not too often we get girls of our raid targets just flat out offering themselves to us... but I have no problem with that. Don't worry, heh, we'll treat you right. So, which of us caught your eye, huh? Was it me? I'm sure it was me."

His scar-faced brother rolled his eyes. "We didn't come here for a single girl, though. No time for this--someone take care of her. Shige should be enough," he said in a strict voice, tossing his chin up at the smallest member who had first noticed her. "The rest of us need to move. Our company is waiting."

"Tch... lucky you," remarked the first man to have spoken, turning his attention to the last one in the group. "Just tie her up to a tree or something, make sure she can't get away, so you can help us with any runners. I get first dibs on her though. She'll be my woman, if she wants." He then grinned at Ren. "Works out for both of us that way, doesn't it, Miss... ?"

The more serious of the two leaders wouldn't wait for Ren to give her name, however, and with a wave of his arm motioned towards the caravan. After all, she was just an oiran, and there were no doubt many more waiting in one of the wagons, along with other goods to steal.

Ren had one last glance at their armaments. The two brothers carried only their signature armaments, while most of their underlings carried either a worn daito, a full sized sword, or a tanto, a dagger--the latter of which Ren preferred in training. 'Shige', or the smallest man at the formation's rear end closest to the girl, happened to have one tucked in his belt, though it was not yet drawn.

He wasn't entirely dissimilar to a rat in appearance, with a long nose and small, beady eyes. This Shige must have been the scout that the group employed, as Ren could figure him to be quite nimble by the way he moved. He was no ninja, but certainly enough of a scout for this ragtag group. The squat man produced a length of rope that was looped around his left shoulder.

The others would soon turn and leave Ren alone with this one, apparently tasked with the duty of restraining her. After all, as she was, there was little chance of a threat, and she would be foolish to fight back with the man's comrades still in sprinting range... or so one might think. Shige slowly approached her with a growing smirk. "Don't worry, this isn't going to hurt at all. I'm just going to make sure you aren't trying to run off anywhere. Minoru would hate to see you go so soon," he explained. "Maybe I can have a chance too? We won't cut you down. The women are the best part of a finished raid!" His voice was shrill, grating even, on Ren's ears.

If she could manage to stall him for long enough somehow, Ren could perhaps allow the distance between them and the continuing band to widen far enough to give her a chance at something.
Re: Deceiving Appearances (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Things had worked out well so far, or at least “well” in the sense that the kunoichi hadn't found herself getting attacked right away. Still, Ren knew all that could change in a moment, and keeping calm in this sort of situation was an effort. It's not as if she didn't have practice when she was younger, needing to stay collected to get out of the trouble she made for herself... but rarely were the stakes of that mischief so high as to make her feel like a rabbit surrounded by wolves. Part of her still wanted to just turn an run, even with no further plan of what to do beyond that.
“Don't get distracted... quick thinking is what I need, not panic and impulse. Now isn't the time to throw away potential opportunity.”
Even knowing what had to happen though didn't keep her hands from clenching up into tense fists though.
“No... it's fine. Channel it constructively. To appear TOO calm would be a mistake, make it look too much like I'm up to something.”
With some effort, Ren managed to suppress any of her instincts to run as the group of bandits discussed how to handle her.... although a mix of trying to think and appear appropriately timid and intimidated (the latter of which didn't take much effort) kept her quiet during the discussion. Any input she gave herself would have to be handled... carefully, in a way to keep her from appearing as a threat or provoking hostility towards herself for now she would wait and see what happened.

When everything was said and done, things hadn't ended too badly. If Ren chose to say nothing, she knew she would be left with only a single man, one she could probably win a fight with and get a weapon from if she could avoid getting tied to the tree like like they had been discussing. Even if that happened, if the bandits did a poor job, it would be easy enough to escape from, and odds were probably in her favor that they wouldn't put a lot of time and effort into the restraint of a single delicate oiran... but leaving things as they were was still less than ideal.
“Tch one man works better for me... but that still leaves too many attacking the troupe, including both of the leaders... if we're too have any chance at this, I need to take out as many of them as I can. I'm alone out here right now, so it's not like I have to worry about anyone seeing me fight... and I do still have my poison. Each one I can deal with here is one less the troupe has to deal with, and I'll be more effective here... Now how to get it set up?”
The girl wouldn't have much time to think it over, as one of the bandits was already approaching her with rope... but this wasn't too difficult of a problem, and inspiration came easy. Her eyes turned to the one approaching her and her expression changed to something almost resembling a pout, before turning to the brother in the leader pair who had wanted her as “his woman”.

“I came here of my own choice, do you really think I'm going to run away? Forests like these are filled with wolves and spirits and who knows what else?” she lied effortlessly, though she didn't believe in the superstitions she was mentioning “I don't want to be tied to a tree here with just one man for protection! That's assuming he doesn't run off with me as soon as you're gone and get us both killed!”
Her tone had taken one of a child arguing with an elder who's ideas made no sense. It was aggressively risky, but she had hoped instead for it to have the opposite effect and make her look “cute”, in a sense, as if seeing things her way would win her affections and adoration without needing to force it.
“The caravan only has 3 guards, it's hardly gonna be a fight anyway.” she continued on, hoping she was wrong about the latter part of that “Why don't you spare another of your men, it'll make me feel safer than just the rat here.”
Yes, this would work, if she could get them to spare an extra man to watch her, that would be two she could deal with after the others had left. It wasn't much, but every bit helped. Just then she had an even better idea though, and decided to try pressing her luck one farther.
“...or how about YOU stay here with me? A man like you looks more than capable of defending me from anything that could possibly be in this forest. You said I could be yours if I wanted to be, right? If I'm gonna be yours, you wouldn't leave me here all alone tied to a tree, right?” at this she gave a smile, to add to her flattery, before continuing to drive her persuasion all the way home.
“I may be an oiran, but I don't like to share. If I'm going to be yours, I don't like the idea of being tied up around a bunch of men of questionable virtue and loyalty. Who knows what they'll try to get away with when you're not looking. Stay here with me instead, it's not as if there aren't other women they can share when your raid is done.”
Yes, this would be even better, perhaps even the best she could possibly do in this situation. If she could get one of the leaders alone with her and “deal with” him, that would probably count for more than any two of the other bandits. Actually “dealing with” him would be another matter entirely... but one thing at a time.
Re: Deceiving Appearances (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Ren chose to aim her comments at the one member of the band who had already shown himself most receptive to her, and so it wasn't difficult for her to make a listener out of him, even if her sentences were laced with lies. "Heh, hey, you never know! Guess it all depends on whether you find us scarier than... wolves and spirits, and all that." He raised a brow at the idea of 'protection'; after all, men like them were all too often the ones that women were running away from, not looking towards for guidance. But it certainly wasn't an unwanted change, and his following expression told the kunoichi as much.

Then came an accusation, one that was somewhat indirect yet loud nonetheless, in its own way--that the rat-faced scout of the group, referred to as 'Shige', might make off with this particular spoil. It was completely unfounded. How dare she undermine the brotherhood and loyalty of these bandits, who have no doubt fought and bled with each other? Would this scrawny underling defy his master, an obviously more formidable warrior, so easily?

Yet, for as bold as the assumption was, it was apparently enough to sow the seeds of doubt in the dual sword-wielding thug's mind. After all, it was impossible for some oiran to know of the nature of their relationship as brothers in arms... a relationship that Minoru himself hadn't given much thought about, up until now. Perhaps if the raid went successfully, then everything would proceed smoothly, with him returning to claim his properly bound prize. But if things went sour, what then? The scout wasn't known for bravery in combat. Him simply cutting his losses and running off with the available spoils was always an option...

He gave a glance to Shige, whose attention was in turn fixed on Ren. The smallest member of the gang's beady eyes were lustfully fixated on the girl and her assets, as if trying to pierce through her garments with his gaze alone. Perhaps she had a point.

"Hrm. You, mine? Heh... I can't say I've ever met an oiran so direct about these things. Guess you already know your caravan is screwed, huh? Or maybe you saw the others. It's almost as if you want me alone with you," remarked the first one of the two head ruffians, raising a hand to stroke his squarish jaw.

"D-Don't listen to her," Shige blurted out. "It must be some trickery," added the rat, his lips curling into a frown. "Right, Kotaru?" He turned his head towards the other brother, the one with the massive halberd. Kotaru made no immediate reply.

It was sound advice, and yet Minoru, who had read the remark as indicative of the scout's desire to have Ren for himself, didn't take it. "Mmm... no. You don't call the shots here, Kotaru and I do. Why don't you go on ahead with the others then, Shige? Help with the fleeing ones, to make sure no women get away." he suggested rather forcefully, the larger man's voice dripping with suspicion.

"Besides, there's nothing she can do that I can't handle. And even if there was, you wouldn't be able to take it in the first place. If the lady wants me to stay and play, then I can do just that," he insisted.

The other brother paused, and creased his brow at the decision. What had this woman seen in his brother that she had not seen in him? They were practically identical, physically. On the other hand, this 'Kotaru' was apparently one of few words, whereas Minoru was far more talkative and direct about his preferences.

Ultimately, the polearm user nodded and continued on. "Hmpf... fine, do what you want, if she's such a big deal to you. But when we're done, I'm getting first pick of any of the other women. And second pick."

"Fair, fair!" remarked Minoru.

With that, the others, including Kotaru and Shige, went on ahead, the latter looking rather grumpy about the decision made. The man who was to stay with Ren, on the other hand, looked quite eager to see what all the talk was about.

Unfortunately, he didn't wait to put himself upon her. Shooting a palm forward to rest against the tree trunk next to her, the impact of his hand against the bark caused the timber to shudder, at least where it was closest to Ren. He definitely had the advantage in size and especially strength.

His other hand came to rest on her collar, tugging it down so he might get a better view of the skin underneath. Any more and her modest assets might very well pop out of her kimono, but then again, it was no secret that this particular thug was in something of a rush.

"So, what's this about you being mine? I think I'd like to claim you right here. It's been so long, you know... I've thirsted for the touch of a woman like you for a good while now. I've never met one so bold. Normally they whimper and plead, or try to kill themselves, before learning just how 'nice' we can be. But you, you're different. I'll admit, it has me intrigued." He brought his face in close to hers, taking in her scent like a predator might do to its prey. If she made any sudden movements, it was likely that he could grab her fairly quickly.

"Now which do you fear more--spirits or wolves? I'd say I am a wolf among sheep, myself... and they say spirits don't bother those with a companion at their side."

But for all the small talk, he certainly hadn't forgotten about the action. It wasn't long before his hands wandered further, with one sliding down her now bared shoulder to her upper arm, causing the silken material to fall far enough to expose one of her breasts to him--which he wasted no time getting a feel upon.

Ren had encountered some less than sophisticated men during her time in the White Blossom, rare as they were, but none were ever so impatient and perhaps savage as the one who was looking to get something from her now. While she ideally might have preferred some space, some time by which she could use her weapons or distract him with some well-chosen words, he had closed the distance fairly quickly.
Re: Deceiving Appearances (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Finally some good luck. Despite having no real leverage and no reason to make anyone in the bandit group trust her, Ren's lies too hold none the less. Doubt was a hard feeling to ignore and an easy one to believe in, especially when the cost of remedying that doubt appeared so low at a first glance. Better safe than sorry, right? Even if this was playing right into what little of a hand the kunoichi had...

There was almost a giddy excitement for Ren in watching the arguments play out after had spoken... or there would have been had the stakes not been so high. Instead she had to fight against her nerves to keep her expression in line with her act, neutral and unsure-looking, as if she were a child watching adults argue. To have shown any signs of having a plan, or to have antagonized the situation any more might carry the risk of making her look like a deliberate schemer instead of someone who scared and helpless.
“Let them come to the answer themselves... the most reliable doubt has to happen naturally... as if it were their idea.”
It was a strategy that would pay off, much to the chagrin of others in the group. The two brothers held all the power here, and her act had convinced them at least, soon leaving her alone with one of them.


“Has whimpering and pleading ever worked for them?” Ren answered back quickly in an argumentative voice after being backed against the tree, her expression having slipped for just a moment to show a brief flash of fear in her eyes before she recovered.
“If you're a wolf, then I'd rather be a wolf queen than be dead or a groveling slave.”
It wasn't the subdued manner of a regular oiran to argue back like this, but so far the act had been working for her. The man before her seemed intrigued, and that was good. It was entirely possible in the long run that he might bore of her attitude and demand complete subservience... but that “long term” was never going to happen if she could do anything about it. For now the bandit seemed to be enjoying the “fight”... although it was a fine line to walk. Showing too much fear might make him think she wasn't too different after all, but getting too confrontation might encourage some sort of... “corrective action”. What was already a tight rope would become a razor's edge as she felt his hands wandered lower. It seemed he was completely serious about “claiming her” right here and now.

It wasn't that Ren was afraid of a man's touch... or even the idea of sex. She had already experienced both. With the bandit in question now, it wasn't an enjoyable prospect to be sure, but it was more the idea of it becoming a permanent arrangement that bothered her. The bandit had also mentioned others before... none of which the kunoichi had saw with their band earlier... an unsettling and hard-to-ignore feeling as she remained pined against a tree by someone so much bigger than her with a hand groping at her chest.
“No... there's no reason to panic. This is exactly what I wanted to happen. This is how Aya brags about accomplishing all her missions. It's when men are most vulnerable... and it's true for both secrets and more deadly things.”
At that moment, Ren realized she was going to have to kill this man. It had always been the plan, of course, if that was the most efficient course of action... but somehow the depth of that hadn't sunken in until now... not until she had been comparing herself to Aya, another kunoichi in Kuroda's service, one who had quite a successful assassination count due to her methods of charm and the ease at which she could seemingly mentally prepare herself for it. While Ren wasn't exactly innocent herself, none of Kuroda's agents really were, her own kills so far had consisted of serving guests poison and other such “passive” methods. Never before had she had to kill someone this close and personal. The idea made her dizzy for reasons she couldn't understand... and didn't have time to think about right now.

“-Don't... don't slip into worrying about it. Just do it. Any more panic and I'll be eaten alive. Need to take control of the situation and make things go my way.”
At this, the kunoichi's hands came to rest on the one grabbing at her chest, her grip wasn't particularly tight, nor did she shove the grab away... but merely held on hard enough to give the bandit pause.
“If there's anything I've learned as an oiran, it's that it's that I don't much care for other oiran, and I don't care to be like them. They're boring at best and annoying at worst...”
Somehow this part came surprisingly easy, even without thinking about her competition back at the caravan.
“...still I haven't forgotten everything. I still know how to entertain. Why don't you give me a little room and let me handle this for you. I can make a show out of it. Your brother will surely be jealous when his share of the raid spends all their time crying and fighting and don't come close to living up to what I can do.”
At this she forced a sly smile and her grip moved to nudge the bandit away from her chest.
“The only weapon I've got is my hairpin... but if this works, it won't look suspicious when I grab for it. I was hoping to avoid using it... but a last resort is useless if I'm dead or worse...”
Re: Deceiving Appearances (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

"Hahaha... well, 'course not. I'll tell ya what--we didn't get where we are by whimpering and pleading to that lowlife Kuroda to give us money and pleasure. Every single coin we've earned, every drop of sake we've swallowed, that was earned with our own two hands! Well, and swords," proclaimed the bandit proudly with a wide, almost predatory grin. It wasn't a difficult story to believe. Many of the traveling caravans were less well-guarded than Kozakura's, and it would be a very simple matter for a group of at least a dozen bandits to overwhelm and rob them. The man's weathered features and large frame certainly didn't hurt in bolstering the intimidation factor. So this was what dozens of hapless merchants had to stare upon. If most of them were Kozakura's size, it was no wonder.

He eyed Ren with an intense look, and if the kunoichi was keen to paranoia for even a moment, she might swear that he was searching for her fear... perhaps by scent, given how close he was to her. A wolf indeed. And she had just hinted her desire for his companionship. It was a lie, but one that apparently had the target fairly convinced.

"A wolf queen, huh... that's my kind of woman. I knew you were going to be different from all the rest," said Minoru. The potentially frightening question of the fates of 'the rest' lingered as he made his move, a rather graceless one showing off animal desires rather than romantic ones. Of course, Ren's own approach was far from typical for an oiran, showing a certain aggressiveness that some samurai lords might find distasteful, but perhaps the ruffian had his fill of 'typical' women. Either way, it was working.

"Oh, don't play well with the others do you? It's fine... you'll be my woman and mine alone. I just want a little taste to make sure you're not all talk." Though Ren's touch was gentle, somewhat persuasive even, she would find the man's grip like stone, near immovable. He was just a man, she knew, and thus had many softer, weaker points--but his arms proved relatively lacking in the softness department.

"A show? Like what?" he asked, his voice dripping with impatience. "I'd say we're getting there already." It looked as though this one was keen to being the aggressor in his sexual encounters... which really should have been far from a surprise, given the information that Ren already had about him. Her finesse seemed to have been wasted on him, as the words of temptation didn't keep the man from fondling her bosom, almost as if to provide additional distraction for the kunoichi. His free hand slipped down to the slit in the lower half of her kimono and then slid back up along her inner thigh, where he found her crotch and began to rub at it eagerly, as if his clumsy motions would cause her to trickle in an instant. Of course, she was not a simple man, like he was--though he appeared pleased to discover as much.

"Mm, good... you ARE a woman, indeed," said the bandit, continuing to stroke at her proof of such as a tent began to form at his own crotch. "You'd be surprised at how many boys could pass for women these days."

Unfortunately for Ren, her attempt to persuade him in laying off, even for just a moment, was ignored in favor of additional molestations from the hulking swordsman. She would have to try something different soon, or wait for later opportunities to dispatch of him...
Re: Deceiving Appearances (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

“-Ha -ahh?!”
Though Ren had enough composure not to collapse into a helpless slave to sensation at the bandit leader's touches moving lower, it was still enough to coax smaller involuntary reactions from the kunoichi's usually thorough self-control. Now was not the time to worry about making this a contest though, now was the time to worry about what to do now that the last approach had failed.

“Tch... if slow and refined won't work, lets go fast and blunt...”
Still in the bandit's embrace, Ren raised one of her knees, slowly, toward the bandit's crotch. It wasn't an attack, not yet anyway, but more a scouting to feel around for armor and see if she had an angle around around it. For all intents and purposes, for the moment it would appear as if she were just trying to 'sample the goods” so to speak... but she knew it would be a good place to strike, she had learned this much in her hand-to-hand combat training. It was hardly something any honorable martial artist would actually do, but results were what mattered here, not honor.
“It's still a bad idea to strike this close while he's holding me... but as long as I keep my arms above him, I can reach for my hairpin and follow up with a strike in one fluid motion. Aim high... hit around the neck or an unarmored part of the upper body.. the spasms will reach his lungs in seconds and down him, probably kill him within minutes...”
It was a risky plan, not because the kunoichi wasn't sure she could pull it off, but because it had a window she control control.
“Those few seconds before the spasms hit... he's still got a hold on me and I'm not in a good position to fight back. There's nothing I can do about that though... In better circumstances, I could afford to go on with this foreplay or even progress it into sex to give myself a better window... but every second I waste here is a second I lose to catch up with the rest of the group. Both brothers need to die if I want to break the group's unity without relying a miracle from our caravan's protectors...”
It was hard to focus, either from adrenaline or the arousal she was trying to ignore, but her mind was still able to run a crash-course in weighing the potential consequences.
“This close in, he'll have seconds to hit me back or throw me after I strike, and I'll have a hard time slipping away... but it's just a few seconds. As long as I keep my eyes on his weapons and keep him from drawing one on me... I can take a hit. I know how to take the impact, and killing someone with just your bare hands is a lot harder than most people imagine if they haven't been specifically taught how to do it. It's a risk I'll have to take...”
There was nothing more to think about, the time to strike was now.

Pulling in closer, Ren lowered her leg again for the upcoming strike, made sure her arms were resting higher up than her target's so she'd have a good range of motion for her follow up strike without having to weave around a set of arms blocking her path, then tensed up and let her knee fly with as much force as she could muster without throwing off her own balance.