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Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Much like before, Iliana took to enjoying herself again, this time a bit more audible as she is subjected to oral pleasures. "That's... not what I had... in mind... but I'm alright with this..." the mistress gasped as Nina worked her best between those long, tanned legs. The rapid moistening was a sure sign that the maid-knight was doing things correctly, and soon she had the mistress moaning along her lickings.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

"Mrmmph?" Nina raised her head a little so that her eyes could peer over the patch of crimson hairs and beyond, looking her mistress in the eye with a quizzical expression. Her tongue tentatively retreated back into her mouth. Had she misunderstood? "I'm sorry mistress, please tell me what you had in mind?"

As the maid spoke, she moved her fingers to where her mouth had been and slipped them between Iliana's pink labia, spreading the folds apart with her ring and pointer fingers, and then rubbing along the mistress' pink bud with her middle digit.

"It had been so long a journey, and so full of tension, I had thought you would want me to service you in the way you used to have me do," she explained.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

"No, it's nothing... That travelling time was tense... So I don't mind... This is just fine..." Iliana pushed aside the concerns that Nina had, letting her focus more fully on the task at hand. With the freedom to move more presented itself, the mistress scooped the maid-knight closer again, so they could kiss again while all the rubbing went on. There was a steady increase of gushing fluids at the Lady's nether areas as the minutes went by in bliss. But all too soon, she was climaxing hard. "Looks like... I really needed that... Since it was that fast..." Iliana pondered aloud afterwards.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Nina enjoyed her time pleasing Iliana in the steady, measured way that she had done before their trip to Lord Rao's lands, before even the trouble with Patch and the angry spirit that had separated Nina and Iliana and Iris from one another for two whole months. Back when the mistress had enjoyed spending a lot of time opening Nina's eyes to new experiences. Nina had fallen so hard for Iliana back then. These days, the stress of all that was going on had begun to weigh heavy on Nina, who had been the estate's perpetual optimist. But things had happened at the mountain temple, and later when she had plunged her blade into the enigmatic, immortal doll-lady's neck. Even the chirpy Nina had some stains on her soul now.

She needed moments like this, cradled in Iliana's strong, smooth arms, to remind her of what she loved most and what was worth fighting for. When the mistress reached her climax, Nina shed tears of joy, and hugged the tanned lady tightly against her own creamy white skin.

"Oh mistress! I'm sorry, I don't mean to be this emotional. I just... I've missed being this close to you. I'm so glad you're happy - that I could make you feel good, I mean..."

The green haired girl trailed off as she pushed herself up to her knees on the bed, letting long locks of her hair trail downwards, brushing along the lady's sweat-soaked chest and stomach. She traced along Iliana's ribs with her slick fingers, smiling idly as she kept her worries at bay by thinking on just the physical nature of her relationship with the noble beauty. Perhaps it was just a procrastination against the stark realities hounding them both, but it was a pleasant daliance.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

"Silly girl, it's quite understandable if you get emotional. I know full well there has been distance between us. But we can catch up in the coming days, since there should be some time for us to relax and gather ourselves after that trip." the mistress told Nina as the maid-knight expressed her feelings about their relationship status. "Maybe we could start this with a meal. I did ask them to make one, after all."

But before there could be further action, a harsh bang on the window alarmed both of the ladies to a possible intrusion. And as Nina had possibly guessed, it was indeed Ethelinda behind the window, sporting her earlier slightly amused expression. And once again, it appeared she was not going to attack them, with no visible weaponry on the yard where she stood.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Nina's eyes were soft and brimming with wetness, so joyful and in the moment with her beloved mistress. The suggestion of a nice meal where they could sit down and relax earned a nod from the maid knight and encouraged her to get up into a sitting position, intent on helping her mistress off the bed and into some dinner clothes. Then the loud bang clattered against the window of the bedroom, and the two women both looked out to see their most recent nemesis, the crazed Ethelinda standing out in the yard.

"She's just so mean! Bothering us in the privacy of our home! We must do something about her, Iliana!" Nina said, her hands clenched into fists by her side. Even naked as she was, the maid had to fight the urge to rush out and confront the stalker right away. She eventually huffed and hastily got redressed in her underwear, but left the maid uniform on the floor.

"I'd better go get my fighting kit on... with her around, I can't risk being unprepared. Let's get you to the others, my lady."
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

"So that's her... I'm not sure if I should be scared but I'll believe you about the danger part of her. Let's go." the mistress told Nina as she eyed the suspicious girl while getting into her bathrobe. As the two of them left the room, Nina could see the sandman Gobu rising up from the ground behind the stalker. Maybe he would give Ethelinda enough reason to flee. He had shown enough bad attitude towards the maid-knight previously, and was no doubt quite willing to enjoy himself in some way.

The other people were scattered around the place somewhat, but the pair could find Iris and Valkenhayn within short notice. "An intruder, you say? Should we get her out from this place?" the butler spoke up, not apparently too overjoyed about this intrusion to the peace of the estate.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

"She's dangerous Valkenhayn," Nina warned the old warrior and butler. "She won't hesitate to kill if the mood strikes her, and we don't yet know what exactly it is she wants. More than that, we suspect she's immortal. Maybe we should talk with Isane about this, see if she can shed light on the situation we might be facing. At the very least, when we confront her, I'd like to do so with everyone together."

Nina looked at Iliana suddenly and with a slight reservation in her voice, uttered out a hasty "At least, that is what I would advise my Lady." She bowed slightly, and allowed Iliana to do the commanding, as was her right as Lady of the Estate.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

"Hmm, so you say. I think I'll see if she actually can be a harm to this household. Go get the others, you three. I'll see this stalker and look if she can't be dealt with." Valkenhayn told Nina after a brief consideration on the issue, not wasting any time and starting to make his way for Iliana's room, the place where they had last seen Ethelinda. It was up to the three remaining ladies what they would do from there.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

"Be careful!" Nina said, worried for the brave man. She knew he was skilled and could handle himself well. But Ethelinda was an unknown quantity, capable of telekinesis and who knew what other powers - and she was a sociopath. If she ever got the upper hand, she wouldn't hesitate to kill a man like Valkenhayn.

"My lady, let's go get the others! Numbers will be our strength!"
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

With Valkenhayn gone, the trio took off into finding the remaining people to join them against this possible invasion of hearth and home. It was not a hard deal at all, since most of them were still getting their things back after their respective journeys. The other maid Lily was left out, as she had no ability in combat and seemed a bit too unnerved by the whole idea of an intruder coming after them. Thus, she remained in the kitchen, not wandering out and instead focusing on getting food done. It might not be the best time for such activity, but she appeared to be dedicated regardless. Getting Anotsu from the gate was also bit of a stretch, so they had to make do without him too.

But with all the gathering they did, it appeared that there was little actual reason for it. With the entire group there, they were only greeted by the sight of Ethelinda and Valkenhayn calmly standing there, facing each other but not really doing anything. Once he did notice the group, the butler moved off to the side a bit to let them in too. "Looks like there has been a misunderstanding here. While I'm surely not one to appriciate this kind of approach towards the Lady, it does appear that Miss Ethelinda is only here to speak with us." he told them, and the slightly creepy doll girl seemed to agree as she nodded in confirmation, now back in that previous courtly style of behaviour as she appeared quite calm and collected. It would be difficult to connect the behaviours that Nina had seen with this girl, but she had indeed seen some nasty things.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Nina scowled and didn't lessen her guard. She said nothing however. It wasn't her place to address Ethelinda with Iliana standing right there. She was an unwelcome guest and a psychopath as far as Nina was concerned and it she could be a danger to everyone here. Her hand gripped the hilt of her sword, ready to pull the blade free and fight at the first sign of trouble.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Doing what she was used to, Iliana was the one to adress their sudden visitor. There was little hostility to be detected in her voice, though the mistress seemed to be a bit on the edge as well, not quite sure what to make of this Ethelinda person just yet. The two of them exchanged the usual greetings and introductions, though there was no handshakes or such, and Valkenhayn remained between the two of them. Still, he was not intruding upon the visual contact and remained a bit to the side so he would be able to intervene if something was about to happen. Still, it was not a certainty how much he would be able to do, as Nina had not seen the butler in any sort of combat situation. He was still a buddy of a known hero, and probably did have some sort of training in combat.

"While I have been coming after you people in order to kill a certain one from your group..." the stalker girl began her talk, the remark clearly aimed at Iliana. "...that is not the case anymore. My now former employers didn't have the patience and allow me to play with you as I wanted, so they pulled out from the contract we had. Now that I've been denied my fun and reward, I thought it might be a thing to poke back at them with what information I could glean from their agents. Those poor saps..." she carried on, a brief look of pondering coming over her. From her words, it was most likely not a good thing to the mentioned agents. "But yes. What they said was that the renegade elements in the desert kingdom's leaders have taken control of the country and the army over there, and overthrown the rightful lord. Since I was not fast enough for them in my assassination, they have decided to rouse the army and are most likely already marching towards this town at full force. If I were you people, there should be action towards a defense effort, because war will be knocking at your doors soon. It might only be a matter of a few days if they push the troops."

This revelation seemed to be a shock to all the people familiar with the town, especially the Lady herself. Isane was not as affected, since she was not intimately familiar with the place, but still showed concern quite visibly. She too had most likely experienced war on some scale in the past.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

"Renegades? How could this have happened?" Nina whispered under her breath, but she then narrowed her eyes again. What reason did they have to trust Ethelinda? She was a self-confessed assassin, a murderer, and this could all still be a ruse to get to her real objective. There were so many questions that Nina wanted to ask, but she had to stop herself. It wouldn't do to interrupt Iliana, who was the rightful speaker for the household.

Still, Nina was worried about the implications if Ethelinda was telling the truth. An army coming here? How would the town be able to defend itself? The militia wasn't enough to turn away a whole army was it? Who were these renegade generals and how dare they do such a thing?
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

With Nina's adamant silence still holding up, Iliana and Ethelinda carried on, the mistress apparently having some of the same thoughts as her maidservant as they questioned the intruder's trustworthiness. But it appeared that the would-be assassin didn't really appear to care about that, turning her back to the Lady. "You don't have to believe me, it is entirely your own decision. But... I've said what I thought was enough to mess with the employers that failed to deliver. Unless someone else hires me to get you or you do it yourself, this is the last time we meet." were the murderous doll girl's final words before she exited the room via the yard door. Eventually, she would be gone.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

"Hmph. Good riddance," Nina said once Ethelinda was out of sight. She didn't like just letting the woman go, considering that she was an assassin for hire and Iliana was the representative of law and order around here, but a moment's consideration brought Nina some clarity. They couldn't afford to be weakened if anything that Ethelinda said was true. If she was lying then this ruse would be an effort in distracting them with preparations for a battle, but they could do their own reconnaissance to confirm if an army was headed her way, and if anything, they would be on their guard more.

"Do you think there's any truth to what she said? Who are these lords that would rebel so openly?" Nina asked.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

"Somehow, I think she was not lying about that. The desert folks were always pretty warlike in the past, and it was only barely reduced by their current rightful king. But it appears that the military leaders do not agree, and have overthrown him somehow. There was less hassle when my father still looked after the kingdom, since he was a man. The desert folks live by old religious standards, and have little regard towards us women. It's still apparently a thing that upsets the generals that a woman like me is one to hold the gate to their kingdom. The new king was doing his best to get some more understanding into the people, but it appears he was not being good for the military." Iliana replied as they saw Ethelinda clamber over the estate wall with the help of a rope and grappling hook that were there. The assassin soon vanished, and that was most likely the last they would see of her in a while, if at all. "I'll have to send scouts further into the desert and see what's going on. If we play our cards right, we might be able to delay them. And there are the tyrants as well. We need reports from those things too. I do have troops and generals in other cities, but it will take them time to get here."