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Deja Vu?... (Ashley)


Nov 9, 2008
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Sneaking into the college, planting the panties and condoms in the office...memories of this event began flooding back to her as she began to awaken. It had been a prank, an act to "punish" a particularly snobby professor. A prank that had succeeded... or had it?

Such a question would run through the girl's mind as she found herself awakening in an office very similar to the one of "Dr.Burke", completely naked and without a thing in the world to her name. The panties and condoms she had strewn about exactly where she had left them. This time however it appeared someone was seated behind the desk within in the office...
Re: Deja Vu?... (Ashley)

Ashley shifted in her sleep, her bed feeling a little uncomfortable all of a sudden. Shifting didn't seem to help. Coarse fibers rubbed across her skin, and she felt a little cold. She shifted again, then felt something rubbery press against her leg. With a groan she slowly opened her eyes, wondering just what had happened in her room to ruin her sleep.

She took in the bookcases lining the wall, the plaques, the lamp, the desk, the panties and condoms covering them all. 'Wait, this isn't my room' she thought. Opening her eyes, she gasped as she realized she had been sleeping in the chair in front of Dr. Burke's desk. And she was naked! Her arms quickly flew to cover her body, as her legs came together.

Moving her leg she realized that the rubbery feeling she had felt was one of the condoms she had helped place in her prank a few weeks ago. It wasn't used of course, Ashley and her friend had simply taken condoms and panties out of boxes and placed them around. Still, she drew a hand away from her body long enough to flick the condom away from her. It was then that she noticed the person sitting at the desk across from her. She stared for a second, then curled her body up a bit to attempt to cover herself up a bit more, and asked, "So... Do you normally bring sleeping girls back to your office, or am I a special case?"
Re: Deja Vu?... (Ashley)

The person sitting at the desk did not respond in anyway whatsoever to Ashley's question, neither with a verbal response nor a gesture with his body. One might say that the figure before her was almost unnaturally still, if not impossibly for a human being. Upon a closer look however, she would find that the person before her was dressed in a most... "odd manner", wearing a standard lab coat, but with an out of place black hood sewn into it, as if to purposely hide the face...
Re: Deja Vu?... (Ashley)

Ashley stared at the unresponsive, unmoving figure for a minute, then drew in a deep breath and said, "Right... well... I think I should get going." With that she stood, her arms still covering her body, shivering a bit. Still looking at the figure, she noticed a pair of panties hanging off the front of the corner of the desk closest to her. Leaning forward a bit, she stretched a hand towards them and said, "If you don't mind, I could use these. Mine seem to be missing at the moment." She gave a nervous laugh, then moved to awkwardly put on the pair of panties with one hand, while the other desperately tried to keep her body covered.
Re: Deja Vu?... (Ashley)

Whether it had been Ashley accidentally bumping the desk while reaching for the pair of panties caught on the corner of the desk, or some mysterious force's intervention, the figure before her seemed to sway for a moment...teetering back and forth. That is...before its head rolled off onto the table, revealing the figure's true nature, that of a charred skeleton whose flesh had been completely burned off of it. Strangely enough however, despite the means of death having been by fire, an envelope was held between the skull's teeth, completely undamaged. On its front, were the following words in an elegant blue script: "To Ashley"
Re: Deja Vu?... (Ashley)

The panties fell to the floor as Ashley jumped in surprise at the sudden decapitation of the hooded figure. She stared at the skull, unsure what to do, before finally reaching out to gingerly grab the envelope, her nakedness temporarily forgotten as she holds it with both hands in front of her. Finally, she gives the skull and the figure one last glance before opening the envelope to examine the contents.
Re: Deja Vu?... (Ashley)

Within the envelope was a exquisitely decorated letter, gold symbols lining the border of it. The actual contents of the letter however, read the following:

"To return to one's past, to return to the scene of a crime, such a lovely experience is it not? Of pranks, of fantasies, of revenge and justice... A most lovely setting for one to begin playing. May you enjoy this enchanting game to its fullest..."

The Lady and master of this World...​

P.S: Did you enjoy my little gift to you? A snobbish man certainly looks better when his face is indistinguishable no?
Re: Deja Vu?... (Ashley)

Ashley read the letter, then reread it twice again. "Okay," she said calmly, slipping the letter back into the envelope and putting it back on the desk, though away from the skull. "A game, huh?" she thought aloud. Ash was always up for games, but if what that letter said was true, and the skull on the table really was Dr. Burke... Shivering, Ashley looked down at her still naked form, then reached down to grab the pair of panties she had dropped, quickly slipping them on before glancing around the room.

The room really did look like how she remembered it from that night, so many days ago. Could it be the girl she had pulled that prank with, having some fun with her? Why can't I remember her name? Folding her arms across her still exposed chest, Ashley decided it would be best to get out of this office before someone showed up and she had to explain just what she was doing near naked in a professor's room with a seemingly real skeleton. She stepped purposefully to the door, opened it just a bit and peeked out, not wanting to stumble right into a security guard...
Re: Deja Vu?... (Ashley)

Peeking out into the hallway, Ashley would find that it was strangely empty, especially given that it was daylight... No guards, no students, nothing. The lights were off, and the place with deathly silent...perhaps a bit too silent...
Re: Deja Vu?... (Ashley)

'Guess today's a holiday' Ashley thought, with a quick sigh of relief at not having to run across campus naked in front of everyone. Stepping gingerly out of the office, she makes her way down the hallway towards the exit stairs.
Re: Deja Vu?... (Ashley)

The trip down the hallway is uneventful at best, nothing particularly interesting taking place, the eerie silence broken only by the sounds of her own footsteps. This luck would come to an end however, when she arrived at the actual stairs and noticed a rather large doberman resting on them.
Re: Deja Vu?... (Ashley)

"Whoa, big doggy," Ashley says, coming to a halt at the top of the stairs. She considers her choices for a second while she looks at it. It looked like a guard dog, but why would it be out on it's own without a guard? If it was a guard dog, it might try to bite her for being in its territory. It was right in her path, and trying to tiptoe past it might not work. She had to get past it though, the other stair case was all the way on the other side of the building, and she didn't want to walk around naked any longer than she had to.

'Oh what's the worst that could happen? Ashley thinks as she shrugs her shoulders. Throwing caution to the wind, she grabs the rails of the staircase with both hands and vaults over, aiming for a lower spot on the staircase that would give her enough time to recover and start running if the dog got upset. Even if the dog did chase her, she was confident that she could outrun it.
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Re: Deja Vu?... (Ashley)

Ashley just barely manages to make the vault, stumbling a tiny bit as she attempts to regain her footing after a bad landing. Unfortunately for her however... the bad landing also stirred the dog from its nap, causing it to growl and turn towards her...
Re: Deja Vu?... (Ashley)

With a hand on the railing, Ashley steadies herself from the stumble, thankful the dog decided to take the time to growl and look at her instead of immediately jumping at her while she was unprepared. Standing up and putting a hand out towards the dog, she slowly backs down the stairs, calling out, "Nice doggy, go back to sleep," in as comforting of a tone as she could. As she descended the staircase, she began positioning her feet so to give herself the best possible running start she could hope for should the dog get angry.
Re: Deja Vu?... (Ashley)

Ashley's attempt to pacify the dog only made it angrier, causing it to snarl viciously. As if this in itself wasn't bad enough however, she found herself unable to run before the dog leapt over the railing and landed behind her to block her means of retreat. With her escape route blocked off, and the dog readying fo another pounce, things did not look good for Ashley at all...
Re: Deja Vu?... (Ashley)

"Whoa," is all the girl could say as the dog leapt over the railing and down in front of her. As fast as she might be, Ashley didn't think she could outrun the dog up the stairs. Instead she stood her ground, watching the dog carefully. As soon as it pounced, Ashley's only chance was to dodge out of the way and start running, though she wasn't sure how she would do that...
Re: Deja Vu?... (Ashley)

(Ouch, bad luck on the rolls)

Given how narrow the stairway was, and the size of the doberman... Ashley quickly found that dodging the dog was as hard as she thought it would be earlier, a fact that became painfully obvious as the wind was knocked out her when the hound bowled into her and tackled her onto the landing above. As if this alone wasn't bad enough, the animal proceeded to pin the girl's arms to the floor as it snarled at her, saliva dripping onto her bare chest, putrid breath causing her to feel slightly disgusted. Most disturbing of however, was probably the abnormally large erect member dangling between the beast's legs, which had begun to position itself for a rather unthinkable purpose...
Re: Deja Vu?... (Ashley)

With the doberman hitting her square on, Ashley could barely react as she crashed to floor. Her struggle to stand halted by the dog pinning her arms down, she stared up at it's snarling face, gasping for air. The saliva dripping on her chest cause her to turn to look down at her body, and she noticed the member hovering over her. She gave a quick laugh. 'Dogs don't really do that, do they? Ashley thought, a quick wave of excitement passing through her. The dog's reeking breath brought her back to reality as she moved her face away and began struggling to remove the beast from atop her, rocking back and forth and straining to free her arms.
Re: Deja Vu?... (Ashley)

The struggling to free her arms only served to tick the beast off even more, as it then decided to demonstrate what the girl's fate would be if she continued struggling. Lunging forward suddenly, the doberman wrapped its mouth around the woman's neck, sharp teeth nicking the delicate skin slightly. And if things were not bad enough with just this, it appeared that the animal had finished aligning its reproductive organ, and would penetrate Ashley soon...
Re: Deja Vu?... (Ashley)

As soon as the dog's teeth clamped around her neck, Ashley's body tensed and she laid stock still. She breathed in shallowly, not wanting to agitate the animal any further. 'Right, it's just holding me here until a guard comes, that's all' she thought, her body starting to shake a little as she felt the beast's warm member begin to poke between her legs. The sensation caused alternative (and slightly exciting) ideas to run through her mind, making her blush in embarrassment. "If someone's there, I need help," she called softly, still trying not to upset the dog. The panties she had slipped on would stop it from doing what it seemed like it might be doing, but nothing would stop the teeth from biting into her. Ashley looked around as much as she could for anything she could use to help her escape: a rock, a stick, anything.