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Deja Vu (Asmodean)


Former Moderator
Nov 24, 2009
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Everything was dead quiet as Ruby walked out of the shack she was currently staying in as she laid low, something had the church stirred up and that made things risky for her. Just as she was about to head back in out of the cold the snapping of twigs caught her attention. In the bushes out of the darkness a man of the cloth stumbled out and grabbed Ruby by the collar. "He's coming.......he's....coming..." The priest's eyes roll back and he collapses on the ground revealing a massive wound on the back of his neck.

Ruby HP:80 MP:3 STR:90 INT:30
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Re: Deja Vu (Asmodean)

Ruby tried to catch the priest but was not as fast as needed. She quick drops to a knee looking the man over after seeing the wound. On instinct she checked of a plush but but found none. Lily only shakes her head and roll the priest over and and close his eyes.

"Father, Who art in heaven, take petty on this humble man who was killed. I know not what did this but if it should be your will... I will act as your blade to banish this evil." She said as a simple pray. Ruby then stands and look of the blood trail. It would lead her to whatever did this. If not maybe at least to some clue to who the priest was talking about.
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Re: Deja Vu (Asmodean)

Ruby doesn't even have to step off the porch as a woman with glowing red eyes steps out of where the priest came from. "Aw I was hoping the old codger had more fight in him..." She slowly licks a set of fangs, blood around her mouth. "Maybe you'll be more fun."
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Re: Deja Vu (Asmodean)

"A vampire... So your the evil that killed the priest." Ruby said. She reached for the whip on her waist. She loosen it from it's tight coil with a mighty snap.

"I may not be a Belmont but I should be more then what's needed to end you." She replies to the vampire's last comment and lashes the whip at her.
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Re: Deja Vu (Asmodean)


"If not a Belmont...then.....DIE!" The vampire leaps at Ruby but not fast enough to keep from having a large gash whipped across it's chest screaming in agony.
Re: Deja Vu (Asmodean)

Ruby side step the vampire as jumped at her. With her in close now Ruby drops the whip and pulls her short sword from it sheath and tries to aim for the vampire chest again trying to make a cross shaped wound as an insult to the monster.
Re: Deja Vu (Asmodean)

(2, ow)

Ruby's swing misses as the vampire hops back before answering with a quick slash with her claws into Ruby's shoulder. "Die murderer die!" She hisses mad with bloodlust.

Ruby takes 5 damage.

HP:75 MP:3
Re: Deja Vu (Asmodean)

Ruby jumps back and feel her shoulder with her free hand. Removing her hand she saw it covered in blood.

That's what I get for trying to be cute... She thinks to herself as she gets ready to take another swing how just trying to him the vampire and with any luck avoid any more swipes of her claws at the same time.
Re: Deja Vu (Asmodean)


As the vampire lunges again Ruby slashes it's chest open driving it back. "Damn....Damn you!" The creature hisses baring her fangs angrily.
Re: Deja Vu (Asmodean)

"Is that....fear I hear in your voice?" Ruby asks trying to anger the monster even more. Those who fought with anger wore far more likely to make mistakes. Mistakes that could very will lead to one's down fall. She reaches for one of the small bottles of holy water she would have normal carried on her person but found nothing.

Damn... how could I forget I hadn't come out here for a fight. She questions herself as she readies to strike the again once she got any closer.
Re: Deja Vu (Asmodean)

(3, pain cometh)

While she's distracted trying to grab holy water the vampire strikes giving Ruby 4 gashes down her left arm laughing at the hunter's agony.

Ruby takes 7 damage.

HP:68 MP:3
Re: Deja Vu (Asmodean)

(The die really like being hit and get hit back with me don't they?)

Ruby winched in pain as her arm was cut open and left bleeding. She jumps back only to the wall of her shack. She see the door still open slightly but she didn't dare turn her back to the vampire. Ruby jumps forward trying to slash at the monster hoping to make it back off at least wound it to the point that would wouldn't be able to follow her in to the house as she grabbed the tools of her trade. Ruby always did doubt the legend of the an uninvited vampire could not enter a home.
Re: Deja Vu (Asmodean)

(Tis the way of the dice my friend, they care for no one)

Ruby's last strike sliced through the vampire's throat leaving her gasping and choking, blood flooding out until finally collapsing on the ground and turning into dust floating away into the wind.
Re: Deja Vu (Asmodean)

(I like them that way. Makes me feel much better when things die due to true chance. Just seem Lady Luck doesn't grant me much luck when it comes to RPs)

Ruby watched as the vampire drops to the ground and melts in to ash. The light wind carried ashes away from the porch leaving just her and the priest's body.

"A vampire.... Far easier then all the stories seemed to state... unless she was turned not long ago." She says aloud to herself. She walls in to her home and get a bed sheet to cover the dead man. Then his dieing word echoed in the back of her head. The terror in his voice could only mean one thing.

Dracula... She thinks to herself. She look out in the tree line about her simple shack. While siting in the shack she cover her wounds with some simple bandages. Once finished she started to think what she should do.

"If I come out of hiding now... I may only find my death at the hands of bounty hunter. But if he is really back... I can not sit by and let the world face his wrath. The Belmonts may be gone... but we are still here." After ending her little monologue she starts to place on the simple leather armor pieces she wore for countless hunts before. Now she was entering a hunt she very well become what she hunted. It scared her but fear would not hold.

She took hold of the knifes, axes, holy water and cross she owned ready to enter one last hunt. The only thing she questioned as she left her home was if she would every be back. With all the weapons now hidden on her person she walked in to the forest heading for a near by town. With any luck she would be able to get more info there.
Re: Deja Vu (Asmodean)

(Yeah Lady Luck didn't help you with the roll I just made.)

Before she reached the woods Ruby heard a snarl behind her and turned to see the priest standing again his eyes red and face pale. "I mussst....FEED!" He hisses and charges haphazardly at Ruby.

(Never leave a dead body alone if they died by vampire/zombie Rule #1 of any good horror movie)
Re: Deja Vu (Asmodean)

Without even turning Ruby knew what it was. It saddened her greatly that should would once more have harm a priest. She turned with her hand going to the cross she wore on a sliver chain about her neck. She pulled the cross free and readied to toss the holy object at the once holy man.

"May his Grace allow you back in to his loving arms." She with a hint of sadness as the cross grew in a size and became covered in a soft blue light. Once at full size she tosses it at the vampire.

( When your hiding after killing a priest the last thing you would want to do is defile a body of a priest. )
Re: Deja Vu (Asmodean)

(Well good news and bad news...)

Ruby's throw goes wide and before it can come back the priest is on her, litterally, knocking her to the ground and and biting into her neck.

Ruby takes 9 damage, but saved on the anti-curse roll.

HP:59 MP:2
Re: Deja Vu (Asmodean)

Ruby feels the vampire teeth dig in to her neck and screamed out in pain. The cross fly back in to her sight and planted itself into a tree after missing it's target entirely. She tries to push the vampire off of her but didn't have the strength.

Ruby pulls free her sword and tried to stab into the vampire trying to doing anything to get it off of her.
Re: Deja Vu (Asmodean)


Ruby frees her sword and rams it into the vampire's side making him scream in agony and allowing Ruby to throw him off. "I'm....still.......hungryyyyy...."
Re: Deja Vu (Asmodean)

Ruby crawls away from vampire while feeling her neck. She felt the two fine holes with his fangs dug in and felt blood still leaking. She uses her hand not holding the her sword to try to keep from bleeding out. As the former priest said he was still hunger.

"Too bloody bad... I'm not take out!" She yelled as she slashes out at the vampire.