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Delete my account.

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Re: Delete my account.

Re: Delete my account.

Re: Delete my account.

I'm requesting a deletion of my account. It's been fun guys, but I got to go and WOOT I got a job. Plus, I need to stop with the porn. Something I've known, but never been able to admit till now. But again, thanks for all the fun and good times!

Sponge, logging out for the last time!

(Seriously I looked everywhere and I can't find a place where I can just delete my account. The search menu brought up this thread, so figured, why not?)
Re: Delete my account.

Sorry to see you go Sponge, and congrats on the job.

But, why worry about deleting your account? Wouldn't it be just as effective to simply not log in anymore? Maybe make an announcement to that effect so that people know not to send PMs your way. Or if you're worried about someone guessing your password and pretending to be you, change the password to a random string.

Not trying to stop you from having your account deleted, it's just something that's mystified me. Sure, inactive accounts may cause file-size bloating for the server, but I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to go through and delete accounts that are inactive for, say, a year or six months or something if that really was getting to be a problem. And if you do change your mind (You never know! Also, not just directed at you Sponge), you wouldn't have to go through the trouble, however small it may be, to make a new account. Also, you'd get to keep your ever-so-valuable reputation.
Re: Delete my account.

Heh, I had you pegged as a poor fit in here from the start. Good to see you go, kiddo~.

If deleting his account would leave holes in the forum where his posts used to be, I'd leave his account as-is.
Re: Delete my account.

Re: Delete my account.

aww, whats wrong
Re: Delete my account.

and after i went through all the effort of validating you
Re: Delete my account.

Can someone please delete my account ?
Re: Delete my account.

This thread is in the archive and yet still displayed in the 'Last Post' column.
And what's with this "You have selected 1 post that is not part of this thread" message?

What is this thread about anyway.
Re: Delete my account.

It seems that it takes ages of someone actually deleting my account. I am not using this thread anymore, and i dont want to let my account just lay unused here, so i would really aprecciate if someone took the time and deleted my account. Thank you !
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