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Re: Demon Girl Doujin

I have no idea who Phil Fish is, and Demon Girl Doujin Forever is too much of a mouthful.
Re: Demon Girl Doujin

Seeing new posts in this topic got my hopes throbbing

And then dashed my expectations immediately after

I'm off to the sulking corner now
Re: Demon Girl Doujin

Well, there is no point in getting your hopes up. The doujin, as obvious as it is, isn't being worked on now or ever again.
Re: Demon Girl Doujin

Proving once more that Oni is a complete bastard.
Re: Demon Girl Doujin

You know who also declared the Demon Girl Doujin a dead project?


Congrats on being worse than Hitler, Oni. I hope you're proud of yourself.

Actually though, all links to the pages and the RAR file are down. Any chance of a reup of this unfinished classic that's on par with Gogol's Dead Souls?
Re: Demon Girl Doujin

Well, if I'm worse than Hitler I can finally die knowing I've accomplished my only goal in life. So yes, I am proud of myself. And I didn't even have to get my hands bloody in the process. Which I guess is kind of a shame really.

And maybe, one day. When I'm not busy working on some other project that'll inevitably never get finished. Also, if I can find them on one of my externals.
Re: Demon Girl Doujin

You can't rush art. So please kindly shut the fuck up and drink some mint tea.
Re: Demon Girl Doujin

My hopes weren't raised. I know personally that Oni is a lazy brit.
Re: Demon Girl Doujin

You can't rush art. So please kindly shut the fuck up and drink some mint tea.

The doujin wasn't art, it was barely more than badly drawn porn. And there's no rushing anything anyway, like I said, I'm no longer and will never work on this again. Also, mint tea is for faggots.
Re: Demon Girl Doujin

So... Google Fu tells me that a few (but not all) of the pics are on Aeris Dies... for anyone brave enough to venture into that wretched hive of scum and villainy.
Re: Demon Girl Doujin

Hey, Aeris Dies is a pretty good website. Well, I haven't been on it in about nine years, but last time I was I think I recall it being pretty decent.
Re: Demon Girl Doujin

Haha, I don't think I've been there in just as long. I was pretty sure it broke my hard drive at one point... but I guess it could have been all those other weird websites I used to go to. :p

I guess I'm just spoiled by places like here and hentai foundry these days.
Re: Demon Girl Doujin

The only sites I really use these days for doujins at least is e-hentai, exhentai, and torrenting. Same for CG sets, though I normally originally find them through other sites that need a premium account to download at any decent speed and just google the name of the set and hope for a e-hentai link.