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Deralia, Outer Rim Planet

Re: Deralia, Outer Rim Planet

GTS, being rather confined in Adaavi's grip, waits for her to either let go or take it somewhere. Hopefully the recharge station - the placement of which causes the droid to reprocess its opinion of the two Mandalorians; anyone placing an area frequented by droids next to an area for conversation is either severely lacking in space, or doesn't mind droids with personality.
Re: Deralia, Outer Rim Planet

Adaavi sets the droid on the recharge station, and moves to take a seat, her face pensive. She speaks up after a moment. "So, how long have you been following us? I assume it was you Ethan spotted in the bar, yes?"
Re: Deralia, Outer Rim Planet

The droid sort of mulls around and doesn't seem like it understands how to answer the first question. The second, however, is replied to with a ding! that makes you think of the sound of getting a question right on a quiz show.

(It doesn't think they're likely to understand binary, but if it doesn't think of any other way to answer (and it won't, because I can't come up with anything), it'll try anyway.)
Re: Deralia, Outer Rim Planet

((And ya know, I almost took Binary, but decided I didn't have a good enough reason XD ))

Adaavi nodded, havin confirmed her suspicions. "And why were you following us, might I ask?" She asked calmly, in a neutral tone.
Re: Deralia, Outer Rim Planet

(How's what I'm doing for binary? Acceptable? I've gone with all lowercase, focusing on facts by cutting down on words like 'so' and 'and' and instead using new lines - as well as using them for commas. Double new lines for fullstops, and breaks from the font for paragraphs, though I dowbt it will get to that. GTS generally prefers to communicate via charades... it's got a thing about emulating biologicals.)

After a period of shuffling, the droid used its speakers to try and emulate a person going huhhh?, then again to try and emulate the sound of a sigh. It's not too bad at it, either. The next part is merely unintelligble beeps and flashes of light... for anyone who doesn't know how to interpret 'spoken' binary.

i no longer have a master
i no longer had any access to a recharge station
my battery was getting low

i need a new master
i like you
Re: Deralia, Outer Rim Planet

(That works.)

Ethan leaned back, but still spoke up after GTS finished. "If I caught the meaning correctly, the droid has been looking for a new master."
Re: Deralia, Outer Rim Planet

"If I caught the meaning correctly, the droid has been looking for a new master."

Re: Deralia, Outer Rim Planet

Addavi looked surprised by the droid's response. "Ah, well, I guess I don't see why not..." She said slowly.
Re: Deralia, Outer Rim Planet

Upon hearing the news, the droid expresses its joy as best its soundcard can manage. It had queries, but most were for Adaavi alone and too complex for it to convey with beeps, and so would have to be put aside. There was one pressing one, though…

i have stored data
i am approaching capacity
i require somewhere to leave data
Re: Deralia, Outer Rim Planet

Ethan leaned back, thinking. "That could be a slight problem...I'm still not sure if all of Mushroom's 'upgrades' to my ship have been found yet, so it may not be safe for you to access the ship's computer yet, but there may be an empty data module or two we could set something up with."
Re: Deralia, Outer Rim Planet

The droid replies with a beep that could be anything from 'Ok' to 'damn'. Probably both, actually.
Re: Deralia, Outer Rim Planet

Adaavi looked between the two, picking up the just of the conversation from Ethan's reply. "I have my shuttle as well, would there be anything there that would help?"
